Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1968, p. 6

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Twensontbn agoi llorlsaod Home Loves new But shocked BY NOS Anilth Stanford tie is now far the CIlilurnlI and mi nation Sid decided let married in January We have met his peo pie and they are Ixtremely tine Darin was walking on air and everything seemed perfeeL uo night Sid calledrny husband and asked if they couldbave lunch today The flrst thing Sid said to my husband was How no 1N onayanrv zptopic pliers in they are tnand outer often four time day Sometimes dont even know anyone lb in the house until runlnto one at lnl in the bathroom9r the kitchen we iiighleniog Hr Ind Mil Wilfred Wardle of Cumberland St entertained at party Sept to welcome home their daughter Lois and husband rot tLJ Elaschuk andsblldren Kris Ithy and Mash from Germany The iam liy have byenstallonad at BI den Baden sin January of net They willheln Barrie for several days before leaving on DIVidillnnuel Mr and Mrs Lipton Goodchild and Terry HImilton The evening concluded with buffet luncheon vrsrr PENETANG Mr and Mrs lrank Chancel cf East SL accompanied by the lnttars sisters Mrs Chop pet and Mrs William Rufielt of bad was lt My hum DWMIMV hm hell Ewan spent Sunday at MR AND MRS GEORGE it moms exchanged wedd ing vows inFirIt Christian Reformed Church Harris at an evening ceremony conduc ted by Rev Van Dyit on Sept The bride is the form er Wilhelmina Noordcgraai daughter of Mr and Mr Noordcgraai of RR Mines log The bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs Russel Harris of lift Barile The couple will make their new home on Sunnldaic ltd Ves pra Township anoto by Les Cowpch mnlsnn nuts rcrcn JOHNSTON are shown at the reception in the church hall which followed their marriage tn Dalston United Church Sept with Rev Haynes officiating The bride is the former Eleanor Grace Camac daughtcr of Mr and Mr Gor STATUS OF WOMEN Lacklustre Hearings Fail To Hold womens Interest Canadian Press staff wrlilr who hll covered all logs of the royal commis sion on the status of women since lbey started in April writes here In overall view of lbtl Justtcmpleled hear ings in the Atlantic prov inces By ROSEMARY SPEIRS TORONTO tCPl Have women lost interest in their own royal commission At lacklustre bearings ln the Maritimcs last week it certainly appeared that way gt Together the four Atlantic provinces manaucd to mustcrZt briefs on womens problems Prince Edward Island hitting the bottom two were 106 eseiltations from Saskatchewan and total of tea from Manitoba Ontario and Quebec But worse was the often dull and repetitive tone of the bear ings There was little of the ex citement and sheer emotion that animated the springtime west ern tuur as rwesiern women poured out their souls about prostitution abortion poverty and the crying needs of lndlan and Eskimo women in Fredericttin Halifax aad Charlottetown seemed to centre around legal reforms and get ting improved home economics and family living courses into the schools WHEREJS FAULT it left observers wondering whether the fault lieswiththe Kingsbridge Vows Of Local Interest liliss Mary Ellen Wilsnn he came the bride of Vilfred Bill Ernest Brian Flanagan in St Josephs Catholic Church Kingshridge The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Dclbcrl Wilson of RRl Ripley Mr and Mrs Ernest Flanagan of Maple Avenue in Barrie arc the parents of the bride groom ltev Albert Zammit officiatJ ed at the ceremony assisted by REV John Hill of Bethel and Pine River United Churches The bride wasgiven in rnar riage by her father Her lnggown was of peaude sure The empire waist was accent ed with band of Chantilly lace lace bordered cape formed the sleeves The cathed ral length train was caught at the waistline with two bows and was edged with medallions and Chantilly lace The bride carried bouquetnf Orange De light roses with white carna tions and stephanolis ATTENDANTS The matron oi honor was Mrs Marilyn Drape sister at the bridegroom The brides maids were Misses Debbie and Maithel Lee Wilson sisters oi the bride an ss Marsha Dewar the brides cousin Flanagan Pat length ja of Guelph teaches at Guelph University The attendants gowns were of coral chiffon over crepe in an line design The dresses iea tured flowered chiffon trains Their headdresses were of matching color and fabric and they carried bouquets of white and yellow gladioli The best man was Dave Mc Aleer andlhe ushers were John Goodwin and Ken Dewar RECEITION At reception following the ceremony the mother of the bride received wearing an egg shell white silk crepe dress with athree quarter length cracbeted lace jacketp matching accessories and green hat The bridegrooms motherwas attired in blue sparkle crepe dress with lace coat andwhite accessories For travelling the bride Sel ected yellow suit with an line skirt and three quarter She wore matching box hat and olf ompletlng her rds her illl Sc degree at the University The lbridegroom Thc newlyweds will reside at so Preston Street at Guelph athearlngshave updated their does not satisfy ssan explana Instead thelnterest of women Ontario and Quebec often provid our on sraP nd Ottawa beginning Sept 30 of women itseil or with Cato adas women At press conference in St Johns Nfld twa days ago commission bairm an Anne Francis 59 explained the drop in temperature by suggesting Maritime women were more conservative homebodies But dividing Canadian women in emancipated westerners and homebndy easterners lust Lion for why the tempo of the bearings acorns to have died For in St Johnsas east as Canadian city cangelthe com mission sparlred to life once again and the woman who did it was hardly asking for sweep lng change in the status oi women Ella Manuel freelance broadcaster from Woodylolnti Nfld travelled 400 miles to ask for training in modern house keeping and consumer buying for tishermens wives isolated in the bleak outports oi the island province REAL PROBLEMS Her quietspoken request was hardly eartbshaking but what she did was bring sense that the commission was once more facing real and desperate prob lems and not diddling with mincr changes for complacent section of the population Perhaps it is unfair to draw too sharp contrasl between the springtime wcstern hearings and the loday tour oi Nova Sco tia Prince Edward Island New Brunswick and Newfoundland June hearings in Manitoba ed the sense that little more was beingheard thana com plaint about boredom from com fortablyvoit suburban Wont without enough to occupy their minds Around about peg dis advantaged Canad womcn stopped bringing th misery poverty and birthcontroiprob lems and dumping them in the laps of the five women and two men commissioners in Halifax Cariie Bes yearold Negro New Glasgow blame might rest missionltseli wonccaocs Shesaid she was shocked to find that none oi the citys 23 con Negroes were among the mlddleclass audience and asked whether the commission had made anyspecial effort to reach Maritime lndiaps and Negroes Told that stall researcher had gone to talk to Negro lead ers Mrs Best replin that the commission itself should he get ting down to the grassroots level Ii youre scared to so on an lndian reservation or among the cockroaches of substandard horn dien youre wasting your tim she said She had point But perhaps she was asking muchof commission operating on budg et tightened by the gayern ments economydrive and res tricted by time flying visits to each city thought the lib the com More pertinent may bethe suggestion of one commissioner that womens organizationsthe main source of briefsprcsented organization and concerns in the West butin the East are mov ing out of step with the times or it may simply be that mail women from the central stern provinces have ssvedtheir big gunsfm the na tional hearings tozbehcld ln Mrs John Stevenson Parliamenlt weeks don Jory of Dalston The bridegroom Is the Inn of Mr and Mrs Walton Johnston of an Shanty Bay The new lyweds will make their hymn It RR Barrie Photo by Les Cowper Toaslmistress Club Breakfast Meeting The First Toastmlstress Club of Barrie opened the seasons agenda with breakfast meet ing Wednesday in the Sky Room Lakevicw Restaurant with 13 members present Table Topics conducted by Mrs Stewart dealt with sit uhtions that arise and how to dealwith them Education conducted by Mrs Ernest lrvine was on the topic of evaluation and construc tive criticism Timer for the session Mrs whom Kinzie The executive for the 196m seasonis as follows President Mrs Ron Mofiatt FirstVice President Mrs Ernest lr vine Second Vice President Mrs LeonGarrlck Secretary Mrs Murdock TleaSlllEl was tartan Mrs Jones Anyone interested in becom ing more self confident pole ed and able to expressthem selvesria urged to join the rim Toastmistress Club the club that helps you to help yourseti Furtherinformation can be ob cameddrom anymemher cube EXEEIIIIVE The next meeting will be he in the Sky Room on Sept 25 at Holiday convene From By ELEANOR ROSS souvenir of every vacation and long weekend is stack of dirty clothes Your first impulse is to toss everything that comes out of the suitcase into the washing machine But thats an urge that should be promptly stifled instead pile everything into the hamper and delay Operation Laundry llilfll youre back inthe old routine The job then can be UTHE STARS SAYV By ESTRELLITA FOE TOMORROW Generous planetary influences should make saturday an éxceo tlonally happy period Espe ests and romance cultural suits travel and outdoor aetivi lies it tomorrow isyour birthday you should find the coming year marked by fine opportunities to get ahead both businesswise and in personallway Domake the most of good influe which wiigovern all Virgoans tor the next 12 months and lock for good breaks along job lines throughout the year but espe cially between now and Novem ber 1st in January March June and July Most propitious periods for fiscal interests The last three months of this year and the three months beginning with May lsl of next Also longrange business to la in midvDecember could prove most profitable by late March You should have chances to travel with the next month in and trips taken durlhg any one of these periods should prove highly stimulating The some months will be unusually enliv éning from acacia standpoint All Virgoans should have an ex ceptionain happy year roman tically speaking wlth special emphasis on lhe coming two May and June Dont take the romances of next August too seriously however Creative workers aredue an exceptionally good yea wit inspiration at high pea nd resultant recognitionindicated between now and Octobarjith in January February andvdun child born on this day will be highly trustworthyand dis creet would make an excellent ecretaryor mam tip corps tubful wot sm sadvised Remember less than your usual amount of December Febnlary asked How had was whati Sid replied Doria nose before she had it done My husband was floored He answered Well thought her once was all right the way it was in fact it was 1th her mothers Sid gasped lhata what Lwal afraid oi Do you have pictures of Doris beforef Sid then told my claim be bad to consider their unborn children and allowedaaibow Doris shoudbave told him she had had her uosa remodeled be fore they became engaged He considers ber silencevvery dis honest Bytbis time myhus band was pretty mad and told him off Doris isupsllirs cont Her father begging berlo break oiithe engagement Sid how says he is sorry he brought it up andwlnta to marryDorle no matter what her nose looked like before And am writing to hominid Named PreéidentQigLegiort Auxiliaries elccted presiden Canadian Legion womens auxil fade in comic mcctln of rich Wednesday About 1309 tario women ux iltI ry branches elected slate of provincial officers Ioa twoyear lermal their hard biennial con vention The threeday conten ence is the largest ever held by the organisation Mrs Manning ane ceeds Jessie Tompkins ol Erockvilie as president IOurroairbwlect tumm yidehursarles for the youth of MrauMInnlng said in an nterview The bursariesare aw rded to war veterins chil Suitcase approached leisurely and proper ly instead of in baruimscarum haste Begin byjchecklng for stains on stains memento of every countryside stay are among the meanest Runnersup are grease stains on wash and wears Both need human treatment One of the most ef fective weve found is dampen ing the stained are scrubbing briskly with brush that has been nibbed over cake of yel low soapand sprinkled with dry washing soda White Tshirts sockssara anothcr challenge forv perspira tion seems tosealin the dirt Here your best bet is the soak spiked WltlL six tablespoons ofiwashlng and will loosen grime so that it res ponds promptly to the launder lngvprocess SMELL OF MEDEW Another problem youre an to face when clothes dampened hy perspiration have been locked up in the suitcase in the bot trunk an ear lthe smell of dew Here again soda hayeve to always limit the du ration oi the soakrto l5 or so minutes no more Aa water cools off fabric fir berstlgbten up and recapture much of what theyyoreleased When you get down to these tual laundryyoull find dding some washing soda eeto four tableapoonsiul along with detergent is rent pickmeup for all your summer dirty elothesTheylt look feel and smiles if thpy had been run dri anrr AND Inovn su rues Ls aeteetfu rbaott our point wa castle wonr nsneetfea No Dbilntol 113an coac arousal var cationicum welfareof allveterans widows oi waysand means to get to Thejmeeting was tldjourned regularly Recently mgutedthat they should knock pr use the bell was clobhereo unmercll by my hulbnnd Herhiforme me that his parents are not guests and that had insultedthem Am among if not what is the solutionfNo PRIVACY Dear NI Anyone who leaves doors open these dayI is lucky if he letsnothing worse than unwelcome lnlaws Even Imall townera whohoasted not many years ago Nobody aver locks their doors here have begun to use keys and safety chains So lock up Woman Tell your husband times have changed confidential to noon or Shouldnt if You abouldnt Telling everything one knows is not sign of honesty it is sign of stupidity You do not owe the gentlemen the informa tion he has been trying to whee die out of you If you are wise youll tell him to stop pumping dren who need financial help to further their education we raised$lm000 in 1367 and 1960lhe money is spent on bursaries improving the rep pectiva branches and for the of veterans and children MrsManninghas served in yearswith theRoyal Canadian Legion womens auxiliary in her home town where she we hardware and furniture She has held number of of fices within the local and prov tncfal womens auxiliary organi sations including three terms 3a provincial that viewers ent lainswickWi Hold Meeting The September meeting of the Painswick Womens institute was held in Palnswick Eublic School The theme of theevbrk ing was international with in members in attcndance Mrs Warnica read paper on life in various coun rles which included informa tion on the presentrdtuatinn ln Bialra There was discussion know moreabout other count rles and peoples Several mem bers mentioned that theyeor respond with friends in other land Mrs Smith gave nrepcrt on the executive meeting Mrs CBoyd and Mrs Van Lange are convening arrangements for wedding reception on Sept 21 Cookies and squares were promised along with help on the catering President Mrs Au Carlson asked members to leave hand work for the Barrie Exhibition at the home of tors li Peteh and followed by luncheon serv ed by members of the commits tee mmnacv pron More than so per cent of Ethiopians are illiterate our important as comedian Reopens aksapr GS Registrations now open for preschool educational program Well equipped school in delightful sur roundhtgrMomlng or ni ternooa classesvior child no years mpetent staff includes lie Nurse new posting to CalgaryAl herta The welcome home party at tended by so guests was also birthday celebration for Mrst Wardles father Daniel Luck of Ddenvale marking his soul birthdayihe celebrant is the proud grandfather of 25 granl children and 97 great grand children the youngest at these being Randy Scott Party guests included Mr and Mrs Bill Manuel and iam Mr and Mrs Don Wardlc daughters Mr and Mrs Ed Worsdcll and son Mr and Mrs Wallace Luck Mr and Penetangtlhr foursome visited cousin Mrs Rose Hardy resident oi Georgian Manor in Penetang BEAUX BELLES Mr and Mrs Fred Itdanu of Wild Echo Lodge Sparrow Lake were among the guests welcom ed in the Beans Belles reg uiar Thursday square dance at that Haylott last evening WEEKEND GUEST Mlss Doreen Crulson of Tor onto is the weekend guest of her parents Mr and Mrs Fred Cools sonof Rose St will wed Ivaanuist at cere mony to take place in St Johns United Church Allis ton on0c 19 Plans for the forthcoming marriagehave leptobyI Les powpcri TO EXCHANGE VOWS Miss Kathryn Ann Robblns been announced by the bride clects parents Mr and Mrs William Robbins of Allis ton The bridegroom to be is the son of Mr and Mrs Elver Quist oi Cookslown Nowl 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