Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1968, p. 18

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rotor BORDEN COLLEGIATE By KILBY leNGflAltl This column is the first of series at retreshing newsy stimulating up to the min ute reports trorn the hallowed halls of Base Borden Collegiate Institute litany at you in the sprawling metropolis of Barrie have not heard ol us others may recall that last year on several occasions we walloped all competition in football and basketball and we cleaned up In cheerleading awards Our academic standard has always been good last year the hon or roll overllowed This year we of £501 hope to show you that though we are small tozo students we can give you some very still competition in all fields When students flooded back to Borden High on September they were aware or several new sunvm HIGH developments in the school Now look on the lockers lor tu stance Our principal Mr Toi chard becime ill during the summer and unfortunately will not be back in his nlllce tor an undetermined length at time Our vice principal Mr Arthur has tekeh over the du ties at principal or the time being number at new teach crs are bravely lacing year at BBCi We welcome Miss Black hita Grelghlr Graves and Mr Clark to our stall Also we bid long time no ace to Mr Nattel and Mr Racine who havent taught here lortwo years Mr Naltei and Mr Racine who havent taught hcrc lortwo years ltlr Naltcl was in Baden Baden Germany and Mr Racine was teaching at the University at Tunis To the dozens ol Grade Niners who have Joined our Assembly Mvctrks Return ToSChooI By DAVID AMHER The doors ol Eimvale District highschnol opened once more at 930 am Sept to welcome back its community at schol ars It total of am students as rambled in the auditorium tor convocation exercises Rev Douglas Miller of SL4 Johns United Church Elmvale gave the scripture reading and led the assembly in the Lords Prayer Our principal Mr Edgar Hay Ellis in his opening ad dress welcomed the new teach ers the new students and us the old regulars to EDHS and expressed the hope that thosewho were among us for the tirsttirne would grow to like Eimvale high school The stage party consisted of our regular stall and live new additions Miss Eleanor Boyd theme economics Donald DAoust French Harold MacDonald commercial of Margaret McConnell commer cial Miss Diane Smith lgirls physical education Lynn Wile items was introduced to us as assistantprincipal The Elm vale district high school board was represented by angh Ritchie chairman who took the opportunity ol welcoming the students at EDIls to an other year of top no ch teach ing and administration Elm vale in spite ol its size auks among the better schoos in Ontario and Mr Hay Elliset tributes this to the work done by the Elmvale district high school board in the past and at thepresent PluNClPALs MESSAGE in the principals message found in the students handbook Mrllay Eliis also states To the chairman members and sec retary ol the present board we owe personal debt lor here group at men who while being very careful of the taxpayers dollars tried to do theirutrnost to improve the standard at education in this area The Warden el simeoe County AlaxMeAuley brought greet ingsrirom the county and in his capacity as reeveol Elmvale expressed his delight in seeing we are so many come back to continue their education In brlct speech Reeve lite Auley outlined the new ward system under which thecouuty board of education will operate aaoi January 1969 The town ships el Fios and Tay and the three villagesot Victorin Har boar Port McNicolland Elno vale will have one representa tive on the Board The we sent local school board will thus cease to exist under this plan Frank Coughliu reeve of Flos told us how prett we allioolr ed and in an dress spiced with humor cited the fact that we owe so much to our parents or the good and bonntilul things whave received in lite Spring representative at the Township ol Flos ou the school board and Mr Campbell secretary treasurer of the board also brought mes sages of welcome to the stall and students oi EDHS At the close at the program the stage party retired mm the auditorium and ltlr Hay Ellis proceeded to send olt his stnx dentsto their respective clas ses lor the new year Backiu our classrooms we were assigned lockers issued withth students handbook and assignment book At 1130 am we were dismissed and were given until pm when the basses were leaving tobny note hooks and school supplies tor Day on Wednesday The next day we elected class representatives lor the new Students Counciland were given the inevitable terms to fill out and simuTextbooirs were issued to all grades except XIII who were tobuy their books either new or second hand helore lessons started Therrernainder ol the week was spent inadjnsting ouesell to the rigors at school work that somehow we must have lor gotten during the summer We hope by this time next week settling down to work hard The summer vaca tion could start on June it 1969 tor those students who earn re commendations By the way our new pianist is Fairlie llititchie KIA Good luck Fair Continue Efforts mnouro or Breeding streams nsedybyJampreyiu the Parry Sound lorest district are being treated with chemicals this year the department of lands and forests saidflh 95 Fisheries Commission ill treat Still Naiscoo liarrisvand Boyne rivers in torts to cnutrol llampreyl Georgia Lake Huron Thedamprey aprimiliva sea lish Iwhlch entercdjthe Great Lakeav witlteonstrnctlon clthe Wellhndt Ca trntt have be inhalrefiuoerlor Km Lamp nidns tries were mined and some small villages around the lakes became ghosttown Researchers discovered that lamprey spend about lonr years lter they are hatched in select breeding atreams and that they are susceptible to chemi cal compound which is rela tiver harmless to game fish It and no oxic to War blooded animals Siuce tlielchernlcal borne into use breeding streamalnre reestablished tumour cancer but low havacntdohrn thenmt new that as reeot at roan urnpied believed unsung hermm whitein 1967 may f1lleer cant tubesm Bairie Is rripmiséafl Stiff Competition happy lamilyl canonly say dont worry abontinltitation it rioesnt hurt for long Within ext law weeks the students will be electinga representative council and head boy and girlhl hope to be able to give you an account of these activitiesnnd news of our lirst school dance as soon as possiblc it has been rumored that BBCI may soon be atlicd BEA Could this be true close this woek twoworos tnot Work ha Borden Well show you Barrie an article by Dr Phillips of Matt in the cumuvlasno ol the Canadian medical Asso LONDON OP The Soviet Union with more powerlul war heads has virtually caught up with thaUnitedStates in the nnrnberol landbased intercon tinentalnriclesrtrnlssiles the In stitute tor Strategic Studies says in its annualanalysis ol the Eaisestmliitary balanre But the United States still out paces the Soviet Union in the number of seegoing Polaris type misiies andls still ahead intotal missiles usiugvsolid luel considered more reliable aud taster thanvllqnld luel the lastl tute adds in its report piiblished Thursdn in its analysis of military manpower the instilules repoit says Gourde has smaller pet ceutage of men of military age in the armed lorces than most other Westcrr countries HoOve College level features in Barrie Accountinl Land 11 l3ueioeugttkmrnuaicstlon guinea Law an been 01min Economics introduction to lel Proccwnl Marietta Mathematics Personnel SupchIaion Storthand College PreparilofyldmracsioBarrir ColiclclrepEnglish 2001M Preo Mathematics Courscs willbe ottered thegevenlngsiaittionstaturday mornings attributed it to deesnr antl nionlrehiui beliets tun toano my assumed wtnrsos Bullion wide tenor mam rye vet eon lit Penetsugu Emh Mental Health assemblies Ntrrsing lntmtourse in Oriilia can ifldlntridTManager CourseiYeara Additional courses in science technology business sppliedarts sndgenerjal interest areas are being plannedvlorvlanuary 1969i variousiocationsihthe GeorgisnBayreglon FlFor information about dates re lOWS how help gal save Available at leading department appliance and hardware stores tees and locationsgplease contact The Cohtlnnlng Education Divisionp Georgian College 165 Wellington shown Berrie0uterlo

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