Min MD His Mortar Prime Minister girudoau Humor Pavilion at llontreala ta stands belora mural made in his honor by Nation at 0t tawa and which hangs in the SM Plantagenet OTTAWA t0 ihe New lerenee Saturday Mr Douglas Allah litakeney nemocraiic Party will select new national leader in the all of 1969 at convention likely in be held in the civic centre here Earliamentliry leader David Lewis 59 announcedthe plan lor contested Kleadership eon vention alter the partysnation executive ended twoday nvmeeting at party headquarters here Saturday The convention will be in late October or early November 1959 Mn Lewis who exeiuded bim seli lrom contention mentioned list of posihle contenders Douglas 63 the present national leaderhas said he will not be candidate Mr Douglas won his partys nominatioanun day for tncfortbcoming byeIeei ition in the British Columbia rid ing of NauailiowichanThe fliiancls =no ELECIIONDATEhET Thehyeleciion is netessitaled by theiuiy 28 death of Colin Cameron who held onto the seat for the NDP in the June is general election Mr Douglas deieatcd by Liberal in gt13 rnahyénymnur Nodate has been set tor the byeteetion ND oiiicers tolda uewscoa alongs Nigeria MairesShowOi Ghodwrii Jinn and iiis Vorid exhibi tion The prime minister view edthe image at hlmsoitn will remain leader until themes convention and he could he candidate theneven tho he has vetted theidea Mr Lewissnidithese men have been mentioned as possi ble candidates iorfth leader ship Mayor Allan 45 ill hi it ax former broadcaster Lsurier Lapierre it Prof Charles Taylor 36 Montreal University Quebec NDP LeaderRobert Cliche 47 John Harney 31 party secretary in Ontari Saskatnhewan MLA Salazar Recovers lilterLOpera ion LISBON AP mater An tonio Salazar ol Portugal spent quiet restful night with some lever that disappeared today gt hospital spo sman sa blood ot removed trim his br it Saturday Portugals 79year¢old tulur was reported recuperating satin at thevRedCrdss Hus pita medical bulletinSunday nigh said saiazarwas ablelto eat sit an armchair and take ihengerian army in anieiiort to show ttisnot intent on wiping out therehellious the tribe roundedop 300 pe Hoopital said Sunday saysius Boats Pan Talks sohsjn is nearby deserted nityuand jBamar Pleased WithProgress meevmwntaei Jotchristian ihan satisfied with the progress oi his third heart patient Pieter Johannes Smith anapla buileti from Saint Schitur Fla tAP Two itinited Staim newnpaper arenas today US negotiatorshave blocked progress at the Paris pea talks by dangerous and possibly total trimming of tbeunder sowxdin by which the cgnférenee was arranged was loundaiquarter alter that and the on axSistine Ch pei painting byehiichaeiangelo while touring the exhibition Saturday night epbotol 42 Ed Scbreyor 32vhiPior the Maui toha riding at Selkirk Max Saltsmnn 47 MP for Waterloo riding in Ontario and British Columbia Mint Tonnage ML Ileth added that he migbt nominite Mrhhenwieir Ontario MLA VHEBES ONE Hyde Were you luckyat the races yeï¬erdayz Wyde should just think the last race so didntbave to walk home night to This il slipknot hand over your ahsat Switzerland no Thadiank of International tlementsï¬ announced ï¬nds new 32000900900 cred stertheliritish pound will runfor 10 years with hr year gra period aft Japan Holland ltlzsriand ottmar Loominger line about 700 days of he MayJune crisis je MONTREAL or Gaetan Paris 49 an second seamen Que or as lire lrom both RCMP and que bee provincial detaebmeutr were toieoutinue ale chin today tor the bodies six per sons who died with three others in the crash Friday at an Oil alreralt our the QuebecLain dor border Police said three bodies among Ah sevenpassengers and two crew members had been found during the weekend along the beaches along the northSt Lawrence Gull shore northeast of Quebec City gt They were identiï¬ed as itayi mond Thomas of LAnseauA ClairI Nlld Mrs Erie Thomas of St Pauls RlVer Que and Mrs Dan Eurseyoi St Angus tine ilovisvio Crush French Violence must me lresideni dg Gauile recalling the turbulent dived today togibreel or re resurgent thrais of The state cannot tolerate any other authority them its ownf he deciated at nEiysee Fatacanens confer nee nt groupsuw governmentsponsored re tform MIME the countryis universiti nd to any iabor groups mightvconsider re tin the massive strike movements at last spring Studentsrioted thenjan bout 9000000 workers may on strike bringinngrance brink of aha Gaéian IParis in Auto Crash heart transplant patient was re leased date Sunday ti wherothe underwent one traillc accident the previous taken immediately great Heartylustiiute received hisnew heartlJu remain the am hospi Theviiumphrey appeared to on paign strategy iiov 15 holdings it the hritish and the central banko hope tbatthe granting also assur ers ofrpoundschieily the credit will engender so conlidenoe in thenound that much ottm credit not have cii urgen totth battle hata reported to My ranged gall lro enorthlo Into Union Snokéoman liieartened By Return leilediaiion OllAWA Both tinion and company representative in the Mayaid grain bandiers strike at the Lekehend have agreed to do aillol their talking around the bargaining table Each side held to on pack Sunday alter about to hours of discussions The talksresumed here at the invitationoi Labor MinisterMacirnsey after earlier mediation attempts hrohedown last Thursday Oneunion spokesman said he wasiappyns canbe under uah one tawa Saturday Mr Mic ener saalso tookpart iuahooting ndootshottwolot exercises bn personal staff and to guard iï¬cers livtrepboto the circumstances with the TODAY AnnlfhndenO cny New221 leaned10 rr comics11 Deaths10A District6 LONDON 6P Swarning that the servatrve party should practise vs tit ng strongerthan pataeaka poll Simon that an ngn ng returned to South Vietnams Iflr Vietnamese American forces said th till 82 Vietcongin ot grain throu lieved dutie ih talks resumed today at innmElYi The strike by 1300 grainhan dlers at Port Arthur and Fort William his step shipments the Great Lakes With the end Vol the ship ping season approaching and the 1963 are about ready to be harvested needto end tha dispute becomes grantee Mr Markuseyiaid new conlerennaibat both siderreal in this and he was heartened by the spirit or coop lound on both Sid The menmembers ol he Brotherhood mum line and Steamship Cierha Freight Handlers Express and Stilton Employeesare an kin fllnsanvbour increase over The to companies Ila rain elevate Lakehea have otlered oven moonlit contr Mr Madanfseidib would not sit in on the would son to the manolï¬nlaiiydesit hated ldsmaintormenwr 03 position Leader Edward The warning matron ward duCann replaoed by Heathlast year nsConse alive sue ch in not rCanservetiVevlate by Hes two bottles south and nominate