Barrie Examiner, 17 Aug 1968, p. 10

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annoy AhNbliNceMsNrs NNOUN Eng tit Announcements Inlth of Thanks worth REAL esters ANNouitchENTs gt CEMENIS EPECIAL NOTICE CASH BIA wan Morris and Death avoids leoditiooai words 6c per word In Menuhin the vessel Verso per count line can caning Event BIRTHS NORNN air an allr Carma Norton of Thornton in hlwy to announce the birth of we upm cuntn Noripnion wrap ony mm to ll the slum Ion Mania Ii Howl nuieloo anther for Kelly ENGAGEMENTS nunsr1111 Hem Draper or minnort Innoth the enmemrpi of their denim Jessie Sharon to John Gilbert Hall gt ion or Mr and 1m Inna Ibii of Phaipxlun nie marriaro to like lice satunilv September in ion In st Painear Chunh mobile at non DEATHS Mull Bernard tPrrploeot or arm Ame at in Toronto General Hospital on Thomy An lult in me Bernard Bnflicy oi 111 Mary 51 Barrie in his oath ear beloved husband at MINI mey lather or elm or LaSIur nuanceuni noun or Barrie Also normedho five prinoehiloren amino it in stock runenl name so Woniey at Home alter mas origin slenireisi1in fit91 on an Iy ill lnlonne Barrie Union Cemetery srnmn mi at to Royal Virturil llosp Ial nnrrie on Thun day Afllllfl lfllh 196a Mmuei gt umonion lormeriy or its Anne st beloved wile or Robert Spring Resilnl at the iennell ninerni Home in Eastern sL Barrie or service on Saturday at pm in Irmen st Plula Cemetery innu Ii 3mm nude on rhnrsopy norm is not Vlnnmcn Wilson beloved wire the ill Herbert Benner or Oriiila our mother it uerito Mn Albert nononi oi onifln norm and Anna Mn Anom wnyiei no wn Run Nanllmv lCIIItanert Watrich or ADI 11 Hamilton and Stella tins James Liiucmpi pl Burifnihn Also lurv vim by 11 anomlarep Rental on the Boo tfle Ruler Home West and Coidwlier sureu oriliir ror runrni service on Sllllifll Aug 11 it pan interment st Andrews Illiy01iIIl sowilmv out smnei ruler my Steilliunu Memorial Itas li Allislon on many Apron Is loos srl Sumtel Solomon husband nI Kill lain Drill Illldfll Ind deaiJlther at Joyce Mrs Flnkneyl poll thin anion File noun Indchrnl haul deceased in his nno yen Ruling It the or micro son on my 19th It pin interment Alliton Union Cemetery CARDS OF THANKS nonl Thu nmiiy oi the late iilr nnvlo ilnry wirn to tbpnimhe hamllll run ot the Royal Victoria Hospital especially 1311 Gray Cramno and our and mu nun Ing rim or the intensive care unit also Iii nelrbmnnlntivu and lriends or their lovely liorhi trtnut inan acts of illndnesi lumpy ouid like to thank relatives iriendr or their moi llits nno visits whii In hospital npmlll think 111 Dr Harold Slum Di Grassland laid the min as on rorriui No1 Lorne meson we wish tonnes our sincere thanks lo relatives friends and neighbours for their malty acts or living kindness one or an preasloul or sympathy nno belutl fill floral trihutu received during our norm and berrlvemelit in the loss our daughter ltnrinr Wilson special thanks to doctor and llilSOI It tile Royal Vtctorla nospiui ilev Gordon Weir and in Kirk nno on very er Ifcfent service the Pelhick nip enl Home oir Ind inn Edward Wilaon Ind lmlly AMOS wish to think rel lives lrlends and nelnnbours for their carol shits flowers visits tnaulrirs and acts or kindness while in the Wye Victoria Hospital Specliioilihpnkidtn pr hologram Dr an on Ill nurse on iiirs Ailca Amos COMING EVENTS BARRIE HORTKCULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL FLOWER SHOW Ilrinitylarisll Hail WEDNESDAY AUGUST 21 Doors open 130 pm to pm Admission 25c Entries received to pm Tuesday August on For details call Isaac Carmili rsrrtZHlsagorJeairrGabie 4543 MINDEN FAI August 24 PARADE Lindsay Kinsmen Band STAGESHQW WNTEST AMATEURSH MIDWAY EXHIBITS DISPLAYS Come to the Fair Mrs Lyile Secretary Minden Ont REPRINTS it you would like in ha prints of any news pictures take by our staltphotographers please call at our Businesspfl ice We are sorry wecannot accept phone order CLASSIFIED 111 be ed ay Mn dIy recsins nubllc urnoonon 131 aim in mm men in in by noon wnoi Rosita to 3123111103 Vast down Contact Anne Span LAKE oolicnlcnulo livelihood Gallium lnmt minute PROPERTY FOR SALE ACREAGE NEAR BARBIE 40 acres level miles from Barrie close to highway Isk inl $10000 10 acres building Iota com muting distance to Barrie kntact Anne Spencer Thornton 15mm ALLISION DISTRICT 109 acres on paved road nice creeks close to highway good potato land asking $12 terms Contactiliine Spe Thornton 45392 NEW LISKEARD 100 acres with 50 acres cleared other creek on property asking $5000 Contact Anne Spencer Thornton 4589211 BIG BAY POINT Sbedroom cottage close to lake and right or pay $1500 with oer Thornton 4539211 IEITB LIIJI REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Bnbcock Barrie 7255095 Colbourne Strand 4564381 Manhood Barrie W759 Show Shroud 4363115 WM 0N 4mm Spencer Thomton mil Fitzaimnuns Clihiil 6290 Ed Green Barrie 7mm Tom Fitzsimmlns Churchill tspmo ilil EGLINTON AVE TORONTO 12 PHONE 4873333 Eric Dewsnap 7268365 Harvey Swift 7280755 Eric Dewsnap 7mm ammo house lor role not 1234 IMBS RRJEVIEW fifiSfliNjAN AREA OVERLOOKING BE ANDVKEMPENFELIIBAY BioWE MLSREALTOR1 REAL ESTATE SALI new use were unseen CHI HOME AUTIFUL BARRIE piper from sniioxhnnenondi MODELS BUILT BY MASTER CRAFTSMEN 7DHOMER SPRING VA ISBRANDT QUALITY anion BLENDED WITH ivonhlmnuhncn ALUMINUM ohLL snRVicrs unnananouno VGRAVELLEDJJVRIVEWAX excean RoRrvon RRTES ALL SERVICES csooono gt ALLHOMES oven mo 59 FI FINISHED FLOOR SPACE WITH Apé DliiONAL ROOMS ROUGHED IN ujffj PAID FOR Rffllll 33C0IIielSI 115 no feet Apply to Peru Fisher second house on is to on 10th nonunion of Venn SHELSWELL and WILLSON M15 REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE BROKER BURTON Ava Three beatm two storey home Reasonable gullyn payment tonne mortgage Call Chuck Lambert 7W1 No LAKE SHORE HOME CLOSE TO BARRIE on acres at secluded property Large clapboard bungalow with iieidstone fire place in living room Separate dining room opening to patio over looking the lake Five bedrooms Master Bedroom 21x18 with bath room ensuite two car garage Taxes $451 Electric heat Call Norah Rallies 7261139 M15 1339 THREE ACRES or SCENIC PROPERTY and modern eight room stuccoN two storey homo Good garden Call Everett Loughecd 728 1407 72 iio Duniop St East norm or 72613123 MILLER LOVELYJBEDROOM HOME with nice brlgh kitchen ivi room and piece bath private ell forced airoii heal new pressure waterpunt close to lunitsonpaved road Spencer NOW is THE TIME to invest in that summer cottagelhav bedroom lumishedcotiage on largelot near Bonsecour Bea til ey so call Ken LIIIIEIVIOI appolii gt with lallc roniag will sell or trade on smailhonse Telephone Percy Ford so SCENIC ACRES in the iiiinesing are cottage fronting on two roadsPriced toseil Cali Harvey Web 99 ACRES with corner lot in Essa Sammy Benham JohnLColel Robcri Fieweliing Harvey Weber Percy Ford Sammy Benilain miooo LesLovegrovh MEL Emory Miller MLSREALTOR OWNER rRANerRREn 111 may Delightful storey custom Colonial in Country Club are for the executive with cellent terms Designed allthe amenities for gracious living Eir gt custom sidesplit tor the gro mg ed living room and pg roo IIOIIYWOOdIIIIFhen with big breaklnst areahamily roomniilre place Attached double garag and niany extras Must be see ierms Call Elalne Ineson to appointment meson7254294 noio only to llsh 726443 Paololusts REALTOR 32 HIGH Lisa sq finer on leuvo Anna Fashionable bedroom brickhuugnlow with iamiiy living room shapeddining room largeJnmily kitchen conveniences PRIME FARMOne of Oro Townships best 100 acres with 85 acres excellent innd working Balance bush and pasture Extra good It room house with bathroom and oil fumaceIn beautiful setting surrounded by maple and spruce pine trees Large barn with addition mostly loose housing with water bowls payed yard implementshed Priced right tosell MINI COUNTRY ESTATE With abedrooms roomy kitchen and spaciou bath and all conveniences tull be be seen Charlie Read Don Campbell Fred Taylor mmii livingrooln piece sement nicely landscaped Must 721121117 Hugh Plowman 715W 1284205 72841313 St Barrie soar Shelburne steam Wasaga Beach 4293510 OWNERJWANTED newhomevwifli side plit floor plan is anxious for farm iiy Ths horn attractivl price at $19900 Prompt ac tinn nndyou can even sel ynLIIXNVIlfflIUl cite Ca illarg Klein it takes aint to pleasevynu or TIME omah You nre very particular of the houSerou 1are then comeland inspect this2 thmodeni Ifor further details call glnso mam mlnnivmitrausmnss Located gliwa edgeoi village This is an ex CE good ranchise ceptlonnily ole Call Jnhn Consists Drive Restaurant andVVa with gas pumps Busy and so attached garage piece bath Full basementvwithjniit cooizroom Alt LI formula momma more via who Learnt ta silo per month out it Rnuolilm HARGLD moo more Men Auntie tIFRANK mm EVmINGS CALL ZWStnn Hammond mm Frank Wainwright m67lGTom Foster liiko Magus honeyham annulus Frank Nellea HIS Rea lor as com ST MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABKE Photo MLS flcnitor COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 256 feet at prime frontage on the east side at Highway 21 just north of Candler Road with two established entrances For turthe MlDHURsr tilactive sbedr zstorey brick home locatedon beauL fltul 1recd lot SANDY calms mo WALTER COUiiS mun loo nayueld St Wasloll Apprnlsaia Listings invitod JohnH White imam bl BIDWELE gt BaIIIeS lie easvcare engieverlasiingbeatityvofj Alcan AluminumSiding time out into this year withdrew it is itiiated on moat street no no who filming the Boo Moron imam FORSTER 5COMPANY NILE REALM mus hnwnomariarhiu NELLES colonialismliar motel mini ovallnhle TELEPHONE 72mm PETERS Mortgage iun VWILES in lNOOhiE HOME 514900 uparimcnis neyily dccoraiednew oilziumace Will give you 10 return alter mortgage paymenta and taxes on your p009 down payment OWEN sr memo 0N BUILDINGA NEW HOME Conlnct Peter Light BEAVER LUMBE 129 Bradford St anion aunaahow ilvlnl gluing mm car no nlflIlIly lobed recreatipn room At Queenstreet to hop Telephone mouse to pronoun xnce bnihroom in whenemu oinln oomiivin mom with iiieplue urine aopole rim with Home at on mem won loom ANNOUNCING the open or or nor Ruintrick had survey omen Dunkworth Barrll 728115 TRY animals WANT ADS PHONE mono Fines ill THE Nuwhoun madam 32500 Donn PAW 0a line olderhorriofroom brick on leocedn 119 ll lot milked shruth walrus oil limce centriiimuon on but raga Gm Inhkhgnhfi rare ue prloe Telephone malts LRAWN algal Fmflhroker WGIN Rum rsornnm Evfiliflll Gull Llliy Torpey Bill fllwn Didi Drqu my noun iLJiom Hajin vloTs FOR sai nor too 31900 miles nonh Elf Kflfl Dlt arm unniier II Anna our Blni no rm loLI sitnu any new no vimn ham and no new Rwy 27 Phone mam roronlp Portrait lurk Lillie on Mi tone it enrn wooden billion ntliomrnl noniuil dero rd Nlfll Ii III Help the onln 11111 or call mow Toronto mine 21 aih wu to Virtual sueermt in ii Slnltllidiapg FARMS roll SALE DAIRY Plum or all worklhie level in concrete rooms and hath no hepuar oil emrpm gilllmfi himlmdbcflxdmnni ca van porn in moo hair or loose hly End in oil nova no with Iann wit out that Bernhard Poppeireltrr lpweil M1411 con next olhtlnniuirllona PROPERTY WANTED WANTED oueinr int buv nodlateiy Inhlafii Townphtp Iv pmnnmly 75 me am to schools Telephone mum utter pm n1 nonrn on Central countup ol bedroom house with ill 11 Maximum down Ply merit moo vote to box in Barrio laxmin insuRANce MOVING Dont forget to transfer INSURANCE ii you need extra coverage of any kind see STEVENSONS 11a DUMP Sl petrol ended with Angel Stoneor Brick

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