were tc As5 nng9wra rmrvngï¬ 7r Ummrï¬p rr itsAL ssTAr MORTGAGES waiijrade You FréeiBrochure For The Coupon inThis Adi rrcomb BEWORTHUP To smooooo TO your the coupon below men to III ml lend you ran Melitta IIIi describes tbl Avon in alortnde Mn Service Al mutant V01 an in the VIII ll New Tune DI It In Mil emu nut sorrow much no It Ital II Yul to Ml in beta plan or up drum wanna 31 mm rmrm runs on Iroptrdy Annuri Advlul lot int aunt in arm n22 HAN LIX son mar mova payments In band on Inrontrruon rod 15 Serrslriznn mp loan we be It Payment 11m norml trrrl nprtrdIAI Ind Impycctiorl leer will be sedueted mmepmedloihmnl torn rnry he would It my time without notice 59mm iiortllnlchMImnr An seam stxreoet west Pierre rend me your FREE brvcbun on 1nd atorlrrze lm Nuns ores IIIom ism who Immede me tnronnrunn or service on demon Arr9 Avco Delta Realty Ltd INSURANCE MOVINGY Dont iorget to transfer INSURANCE ï¬nd it you need extra covarngo oi any kind son STEVENSONS mépuwwr ST minor RENTALS ACCOMM WANTED lr rooms one bedroom rnrrtrnern gr bedroom home required by our ell couple with no children can Toronto collect twatrm HOU$ES FOR RENT HOUSE FOR Rent Vital on bed room Iivlnlt mhrthlfldicn harl on Illlu NOE morptgnrent Apply BiFrIIer st BEDROOM linuts to rent in Ale lrndrle Avrilbit Aururt l4 Apply only lr lnterrrted in purerInn prerent oecuptrntr redi untol In rtovetelenhohe 7261 HOUSES WANTED FAMILY or three dull to ruin bedroom houre ior tcnul ele phone mom on BEDROOM home mom to rent by teachers or September Ilelereneee Vllllhler Telephone Toronto ramsos colleen OlOUSE OR APARTMENT Hï¬g FOUR noon IDIltmnI or bed room house reouired by October lrt Must be In Barrie writs to Box D11 arms Examiner APARTMENTS TO RENT mm noon rurntslred rrlrnent lorrrflni downtown area or lure 152 unorrnnlop telephone no frurtorlent renal to an more Ivne tibia wig er or In some lairch rrrklor flculilel Tetr nlte 1137568 pithrun own bedroom upmmish ed apertmerrt IVIIIIbI at leNTALS liquANnaodlin amp clue roenorms Lemur mgr up lullI Balm ï¬lttbflrmu Forearr mn ukplm 75 IMIM ML mum Burd milu tor on on um ton mu SUMMER COTGES COTTAGES FOR RENT cmAn im hour It Thunder ElyBuAcu uviuuilt IIOI Snug room rm donrld strepii norm1 == ARTS FOR SALE NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD The house oi tine broadioomf Remnants all sizes and prices DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED BROADIDOM Collier St Phone mull USED TIRES ior American and iorelgoicfart All sizes lots oi large sizes in stock TEE$417 PIONEER Antique Second Hand ESSA RD 7154391 Better chins lamps rockers cabinets Open ThurI Friday to pm Sundny nitcrnoon IVE BUY AND SELL PIANO FOILIIIc in good condi lion Ilvol included Tli use for iorther iniarrn nousmou lurnliure Irtlciu lllm machlnen double hrrneu At the roller rt Ind IVr mus Drum Hirhwry lilorrAT Electric lienu our own Iour tnrrner entl SIM wil Ilhm or nurert otter Tel phone time hï¬ rchg rlAILa urge pile 50 rIilnry tier Ind pieces orbital rIIlwa truck 12 teet loo le ohone tiniest NATION Ella MDIIC condition are Auo hrnde LN rnnwcr titre SophlI Street Aw 13 mama Ant Baitnriu all drew Auto Zenith Dealer Ilruxavr Putnam It Dunlap menu new stalls its toll mlth too mrttresser her ssooo ior moo SulIIII Ind nutter rornllore 13 Dunlop street rooms cAnrp TM IoctEciI lent Also stove lunern eooler not run root duck hori All in good condition Telephone mm UPIHBIIT PIANn ivtllir mo or or er Telephone 7254514 between the hour or Ind our um erer my rope Irrd Ilion belt Rand condition used pm moo Telephone 716le my BABY CARRIAGE Lloyd Deluxe Elby crrrirge tn eellent condition nlvy Ind Telephone 7254352 USED sealer harm Chesterï¬eld ior sale statm Smith Ind riutter it 181 715132 unop street mm Baby Carridd like new Set at Encyclopedia Knowledge Mirror 775 id show iires miles Telephonemodod NEW in cubic root lienmention Efiuflï¬nit 9itpsli ure street Itoms mu slum ior sle Also heater Antique Sta An Trbier and Chdtrs tity ot Lumber Telephone 4stsz between Ind pm anoler ace Iml Ino ehlo lryer you type truer ior Salefcoiiee maker and rerrieerrtor Triple Ely fluid rare Mchcnl sotlids victortr Hrrhour usrm sonczpmr Illnucel ior laid lfl Hod condition For In 31°11 vrrueulan tnievborla 11 ESE AWNING tlflllurm Tim rte earnad KWoImfflism sIGNs rots SALE 10 t3 Hiéurrurunle Inde mom 22 FI CABIN CRUISER BANJD wanted to bury ItIIIll Antique surret with Dead or crippled cattle Ind emulsions up moon so to idioot 1y reoent Ino del oudtoard Ingood condition Boat will bede caged ior and not used educativer by adults Telephuna 11137 il°l li rim Sumo Anon rot agent 71 IE meuafl DFI Ion decide Ai condition rp shunsilt at In use Telephone mod rnor ram it deems inhowsfnihooogwg diitriitoiimm FIN Alhmu Mueller rid Ind up 15 bur lolrneon motor lnr iurther Information Ichabod Mu cm CRAFT label lb MIL DUIIbh malletM bull Chit rerublr top laces erun unlinedUltimo roar capital tor nlnrle ï¬at rell gen is one war er tintiter unorrrrqoo rm BOAT Irllellcr ls with lilo Ill ldbtunn mntul ech icri rteerlns complete with Iddu Inchi Ittd In huh elephone mom Irlrr an HEMLAI Snrltr Idlbolt ior III in exeetln Plldltifldnl burg ree no mm one Ielo yin ior or 99 ll VI held mnm In eAbln din lull Mlny all excelled enudriiich IAMI in And In pluIIn tor rll Priced to rail uuic DOGS PETS rooms trirnnrlnd ddllvcrli 72M IIINIATunE Poodle black in ween old ol roIle dot stud poodle or rule Te rnhone mom Ll clulord Drive orelrIrd Point crime tiltalus Chomlntd point temler Snow nhlle bodiesmllli rhncallll oirrktngs chinr blue eyes Gum Inleed dimorltlnndutny tn ed In Porr t1u and cumin Ihnw lines IieIronIhlv priced with or without Pedigree There whim vidmdteern ma Impu talks of the breed Ante ulilpn Cattery rerixtered am ARTICLES WANTED WANTED Furntture Store ulilhcn Dual An second hand sbo mrrn°nnri iii Cinch Idyl Dolls mom inpnod condition Ind priced ruprsie Telephone hum ulter cum on wanted It lrelrson Motorr Limited 100 nrrdrord Street Telephone mom TRY WANTADS FARMERS MRKT DEAD smca horses Small Animals removed free For fast Iemca PHONE BARRIE 718W coiieetlv or or lot NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH slim No CHARGE Mboursnday Idoyeawcol Rii ioxmeadmomnrio Ray IncIulu neeiient condition TIinu Indr eoodrlion tutn gel mum sotmre link on Irinw tire onItly god art war II tall cum 59°11 cmrlislr unlit mt hrullu Ind runl little msulltt con Wowsmoo best on colt condition 225 an roar rut tie Te Um vouawaom VIII tn ruonlnr org Ind voirrern ear Iner slum ï¬lfltmflllfloRIdlulllllmllh Zillion ProflllInIIII rooming All hmedl Dtcbnulfl dflvcn 310w Andlrtdw tins but nnd condition Seen at down Ivorpt or your rte Voplkswlï¬m nowrn street or Ian linId mo rALcoN struepwInon in body In road eonditlon emin overmuted MW 36 Mary St tf RAMBVLER Volkswagen Bus Camper Slum can into unplug unit but me new MIL required Interntie on Jet one had that ritkh Rlcgtu Green m1 er new nodded tireI Imrt ufllr ported to 13¢ VIALIANl for nkrIn tubal mde Illa or trade on new machn nu rormAc Partrienne hudm nowr br er Phone 7263561 ldrdltlill 1962 Volkswagen Deluxe lied with ï¬lm Chen transpert or your cowrn Iow down uncut rrie vp law1r Em ItIdtt trifle Street 7RD rer Price $76000 VOLKSWAGENS dominoshuns WA on iephone mm complete epbone Wags Auro REPAIRS ansrnn Transmlsstoh Lid Automatic Specialists 1956 on ton truck inr rrle nod malor Ind tires but otter Telephone Tia1m Isk ior Dennia ml INTERNATION Model BC 170 ntw tItll till body IIIO nr mm MOTORCYCLES no suSiNcQE II Ianl dd 57 cruEr PONTIAC PIrIIIIrt I4 ntlnlxflutl but he III milrfi NIPan ru Nun corunr 1500 Demo eed dtse hrrtruhrrdin good it 36d condition 3160000 owner mov mould Ach Itrtlon wnxonln ee enl running eondIUonr need lntutl body Work at will to no mum Telephone ratpun to HELP WANTED it did ior or hide TCIOPItono Iule In Ior duhJr street Amt itoor Dam rteenur low nuerre brieluv owned Snood car Mint braold Mahdi alien klumottl are rumours eylipdirrirnd are thin Bugl withred interior in extra wheels oilu tell my dlo cnrtlidu alien Helm or teltnhonl Ln are Bap FiTTERf Competent man required for Trot241 TRUCKS EORSALE production machinery from otor Itrtre Televhziil M2107 hospital FWEWWW AUCTION sAtES PERSONALS WOMENS COLUMN POM POM HAIR STYLES invites you to enjoy our August Special on Perms2071 oli reg uiIr priceth tree manicure withI Ihampooand aet every MondandIhesda DROP IN TO SEE US 01 CALL 72849811 FOR AN APPOINTMENT LEARN EATRDRESSING Government Chartered School mm ins dtésoï¬itï¬iltyTitliifle 195mm HAIRDRESSINO SCHOOL LOST FOUND nnAss trl brwur me lort tron dry Aliemoon xontielltlnl with rrnolry coloured run Pieuc tele phone Tums rner pin TRADE SCHOOL HIGHLY PAID FUTURE in mi in shaman33 ii chlncd lo ererle romethior beauti lul evnry dry oi our iller Paul reign BeIuly 5dan will trrln on to huntvlnt and your tr ent will be developed under nerso ItIl RuldAnca or our quIi ird tn Itrttclnra mm on WRITE PAUL scour amorvr SCHOOLS mitoulo InuitI rm YDNOE sT LONDON molar 24s oneuu Aye ATTENTION MEN l7 in himvv scurrilous OPERATORS are in demand iorbulldozers scrapers rnoior graders drag iirres healthier and shovelsnli you qualiiyynu will be trained by top Instructors right on the equipment Dont dcldy en quiro now Write giving name address and telephone number NATIONAL SCHOOL OF HEAVY EQUIPMENT ornnATloN sort D12 JarrieExamlner Outoivtown enquiries invited MALE HELP WANTED MACHINIST machine shop Must be able to use all machine shop equip ment and be capable of building dtswlhgs Completion oi up prenticeshipor to years proven experience asset Good wages ind top working conditions uranpenscniderit and sickness insuranceliie insur ance and pension beneï¬ts com rludr TATE 0F FRANCES RllIII required Welding an pull fringe beneiits lieu wANrsnL noun or Walnut to Ioob all round new sum not me rer summonses irilishort mi dmrnd mica meta zinela rm more immdlrlei 533113 Bandit lttr how muted kl 710 rhourufllgbe II III OIX DIN me 173 it ï¬t Lnï¬iii NAMES wlflhdegflllim IL on Ivyrdeni Lion en ti hirer orrdrnr hut rurrnt rleohone axranlniczn ertrerr reoulreo Telephone torTole ror hrrurer tin mlufll Imdmnt to live in tin In home It prank reierenreI 39 hTlingltmwin more $215 one heroin Trlspbann mam RELIABLE WOMAN kwfllnlkï¬ï¬‚t ntirbk Hflfliln to or emnonl itti Emir and Telephone WANtxtr NDWI Teen 21 Math Gnrllmolherb suit It ones eltior till oi Christmas In to Honda iIIIlh relatives Bern urn cub or cnrutonr urn eu1 No experience and Otu seruttmuv rutmated union WIIIII Vfl EM Ilntlnu shown cnnr or you ae mnnv err Writintfldly mi card on Em In Monarch Cltd Curr Dep II Clinton Hamilton INTHEMATrEnortrrrlans BURNARD decepsed gt5 TAKE NUIICE that III pet sons having claims agoinsttbe estateoi the above noted de ceused who died March 24th I968 at the City of Barrie County oi Sirncnc are required no or beiore Septemberflih 1968 to stud detailstn théun dersigncd Solictora ior tlioEx ecutor and alter the last men tioned date the assets oi the estate wlll be distributed having regard only tothe claims of which the Executor shall then havenotice DATED at Barrie Ih i120 day oiMAugust AD 1968 LIVINGSTON MYERS it QOCKEURN Barristers etc lsrcolller Street BARRIE Ontario Solicitors to the Executor will want to ma get resultsi to help you wriioyour classified ros It your next wont Ad Taken will =be happy mascara is tall lamps Propane ll incur Coca Col new hiya quantityvni slaw wue ishu sliverwrre poi new revvan ma yuanswag it rten machine Iood Ind pans etch dining room gt tables and sochIirI =4 serving tabler China minotAnd ride table Antique owlekcr tern stood and side initiate match piece wickerAntiqile chester fluid mummie WEIAdd ride airI Fire place mummpIete Heintzmdn upright pinnn Ind bench in real good condition Large antique chest Antique oval tab living room rugs diiierent largo runners Nurober gut tutare chubI 2piece diesterileld stiller Bookcase table desks And chairs card tablesnlidi iold gchairs Itntiqire iireplnce box Pnirol gel calldle hold Largelquantiiy knick knacks deer head Itoil away beds good As new Ad iique table saide chairs Largo quIntity ni srnalier tables Largo quantity of beautiful dies sm Barge quantity oiwardr robes wooden beds mattres ses and springs complete 30 steel beds 4wlthmatiresses and springs complete in real good condition wallrrlirror couches chesteriields ooo erosional chairs Dining room table and chairsptargo an lique rocking chairs Chrtune kitchen suite table and chairs Ping pong table Shllttieboar game porch swing it real good condition flower boxes with flowers 10 aluminum lawn chairsth lawn chairs barge quantity oi mats ABiroh bark lawn set consisting of set teeniabie and side chairs Antique round poker table stools Large upright Frigid sue complete with motor Washing machine Large quail tity oi drapea and curtains Large meat slicer Pressure system complete Marge 500 lgallon water tank 21 it ex ehsinh ddderir ep ladder Set ofcounier iicles too numerous to list Terms cash No reserve as the Ontario Government has bollï¬iltJlla property ior park land Nothingto be until settledjor Owners management will JERRY COUGIILIN Nitriteel Auctioneersremark Ladies AnerentiemenThis isra lot of good iurniturehud everything la good condition Anyone wanting good articles would be ell advised to mind ssl scales and many Inanyrothei smaller on removed dzahttqueiarm By ANNE ADAMS our QUICK BASIC ior littla girls lsa swing olohg akin mcr you can sew versions Make one now ior backs to school the next with even greater ease ior holidays Printed Potterndis Chil drens Sizes Size takes yda Itsin It conlr sum rum CENTS Sci tricolor inn stamps plense ior each pattern Ontario rest dent add on visa tax Print Plallily SIZE NAME AIL DRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to Anne Adains care or iheBarrie Examiner Pattern Dept 60 Front St Toronto Ontario gt Short on tlmei hlore quiekr cosysew stylesin our now Falh winter fatten Catalog flu tree pattern coupon 50 cents Newi instant sewing books Save hours iltlt iii arn expert we turcs Only $1 reap seen is GRAIN CLEAN WHEAT Ind alt straw or ï¬g In Lb IIdIfl Telephone 80 ACRES Clean lMIeIt strrw err Field me You bales Telephone mom VOLUME Delivery or unit Purine £61 SUZUKI lid to rxoellent cu tron we Telephone mIM 1967 YAMAHA Coinpletely reconditioned Tele Dhnno nil toetween rod pleter paid far by company 7284414 directlido to vGenerous holidays and Vaca the Want Ad Dept tion policy AHfipplications will beheld in conildence SALES HEEFTJ AGENTS Apply in writing to norms BAEEIE EX INEII pk white cardboard Exlm on to lten liens ior sue Avrurol BIrrII Ixrnuou purines om USED BUILDING mItertIl 21 II Ba and III assorted krillbl if Parr is tic SchnnI Allng st Aï¬lfioo er raggeffliiurwowisiied rtoiimroppie THURSDAY fixitusmiiid mi 13 Ellone banding Telzphoneifl FRIDAY iSATURiDAY our m1 noNnA Ma Excellent con dltlon new motor Leon mtlra Arldor ms or cub oifer Telephone moist sitrs pm AvAmAarz Setemhlr On bedroom uniurnsncd rprrtnrent mfrtncntor and mm on bus route $115 monthly Includes but 31 palin ml water Applym at Vincent street Apartment ls nennoosr upstairs Inmment unrumisheo oral hydro rho hot nter supplied Ample metric in Â¥dllte postesslanlllay ba mo izoaryrleld street Iwo nEDiwoii IoIrtnreht Inr rent rtovernd reirirerrtor run plted Also brordloon in living room No ehtldren under ln yerrr aid cicpbontflookrtnwn Assails rmrumsm heIted rpIrtmentr One and bedroom In room lrl hen Ind denim bltb with Ind rchlflrdtor laundry in et tler rad unkind sores Avlil role September 1st Ileld SLVADL or one or 1min TOWNHOUSE SUITES bedroom donole hrtnrapm dtrl MOI VIE Ell l1 Ill turn model In prurreei iorioitiop 335 C0mp7lze£tl withattachznent tnle non no ior iiittlterpnh lieu Iri PLAT ALTO selrner saxophone ured prordrrlonrlly in good slur apart re tor 31MCuh derl ie Phona Mel HOT WATER trnlt electric slot err hot wrter tank sis both In ration Ind In and condition ions or cntt Telephone Hum openerheld with mIlchInx chair good candIIIun Telephonoebdoro lug new or furthIr prrtleu TYPBWRKTER Special renul rules or ltudenta Renul Ip tnr room or inchy nrlvrreuor Ff aniflnu rner It And parkinl ruppued end also mouthiner rrr leue required Central ion on ï¬rmple tmmedlataly telephone Rooms TotET worm norms over soil El ctriel eIted stonez eeKIY unscathm Iy Telephone Avidml Rm orator DEDSITTINB Room likier Itlir nlshed 41le4 orlvrie name Suitabis ALI rut glands mom raonimeiir op tmcnta close to bill line Tele phone msm mnr Selim ir beuevin waits or directions OFFICEiSPACE lsls anuArla rear or rplcd tn reari Ccntrallyloclted hi Ailittonsl surlperr eornrnunlt Call lulurot Lrtlrprr Rut the broker iAllI ton Arum Mlle Want Adeecuor vchepteduntli dryerr bu Iiyd iii mitlhld or him or two GROCERY prono oLosING Cal lat5 In It At llttI DI low can Ftt II No derien pier Fan alIrket1 ivy ARTICLES FOR REN We dnnt have EVERYTHING you ask for Eutibe assured we Will do our 72 05$o iMARTiNM NTAL CENTRE 7Dunlop TENTVAND OADIN killIan tank Ind Dlmvtltl eoui nrhnt Brart Ient and Awning Button CAMPING EQUIPMENT gigax Ina tntzningtfnulpmsï¬ Bllfl In Lig wï¬il an Iron Brin our soul triperr Segment Kprice gnull nulnutisl Aoon Tao POULTRY CHICKS nucns role rrie Moreovey Tele irtered ADDIIWI Itauin old Enrrie hora It chow is now avail lo Irmen intllc Elisla IflL III AIIhnll moist Inu to pm lion ee ie 12th ninn iriirisril Tevleplione slum phone tamm nits 5210 tons WANTED women 40 IN Ind Wll urnted umuvt be from nor breeder NntSPE Treason APPALOOIA PONY skillet II ml one Ilium spotted on sorrel with blanket are simmer Id Em MIA Ind Elli 71 origins Tllwhone Thoma ism ioltzAp ebolee wrrtrm tr ior about too lblt Inflation wileliarsornnvi zs summon wermr ntdrior Ills Telephone 71 After Pm STANDING AT Sm lemons rll BREE le 50 5WD IS DI furious Telnpbun SirWm FARM MACHINERY CueNew Holland David famvn Booth 176 BURTON AVE DAIRY HARM UIPMENI Ddifr Farm Equipment supplied Banlei Holly ll oilu rt excellent or with Telephonen LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Rs WANTED mu rrcx or old errr Innisru 51 ml mrone tlk de in If muons emet or an urto ms in cc noNrtA slip or best lory mimosa Riliirl SIRAWFOR SALE TIAma Vety clern pried Ind Iloolred An MA éc minim condition Telephone or utter pnr loos YAIIAIIA ans cc rabulii mot mues next otter etI TRYEXAMINERWANTADS raoua smell PERSONALS liorre and Buggy Rides THE PONDEROSA It Too Im timemWo vieam utnd In Vulimti Am Trot IICIV dIIVI ELI tiling liar Mum lRIMIIIM ItalAu ior Aqurt tollvl Bu mere notnemnrv Telrplw we rm drlnldrnv trigour and not only ohm on or on Mr rri Rifle Wh rstreIt in East nrd nl ILOCALeMAN REQUIRED heed representative for my firm in this sreaihis opening maybe worthup to$800000 yearly or the right person mill or parrume Age 21 to reload you make short auto trips We hope you will start soon and stay with us long time Write tthEORGE MoCORMACK 60 Napiér SlreQILOOIIIrINGIVOOD Ontario anon comic writer snore RafiIra Am ar dcIrneIttera wanted mldllie rhuy experiences wlia own too Teieooooe 72ml Arm leoiiret wanted noel uttera pnr nruvrtn ror roer deuvrner study lrnployment Telephone m4 tor er inromruogr PHARMACY CLERK Arprortmtely it narrows ltn nAwLEInIr mm on iii spit ï¬nd Trade well ortahllphcd nicelient clva Mcphlnlc requires madlemy An hour weru W1 er Ina working conditio transom ml livenirin Innn34 OLDER RETIRED MAN Puccinis xiorrte on all week Inme ImeIJmnm III dIvI lulr our in pourr us can Fm mllpfllvll odd vbl rnIlnlehIme rte PropertyVMc pity ditty Elli Road Ind Johnson Novunnrr win tutti Telwhrmo rm ll we on mu to giver cerium niran require two additional idles men to round out our sales siali The men We are looking for must be bondabie of good character and interestedth well Above average locome Waoiiera good commi on setup iuli employee Lbeneius demonstrator and once And above all good stock with plenty adverti and excellent floor trniiic Appiyto no HODG Bradtord ATKINSON PontiacB ck Ltd u5may Advertiserairequehltv Askthis hulls best dnyio start your ad and WORK WONDERS thepersnhwe are looking nlearDepArtmen ydu LARGEST REALTOR An unlimited question Fortunately there is nobest day to advertise Each dnymew wants arise ringing lléw readers It old ones satisfy their plants We The mmend that you slsr your adtomurfow an cancel it when you ge Ailer many years of ex perieil with Initiions ot want ads we ow tomorrow is the everyday la the beat daytn Advertise Inilhe Barri Exam er ClnaaliiedSeclioll BARRIE EXAMINER WANTADS tor As member iibewor it future With ecu horde Real Exist nai intervl Knit this trio pawln tlma ior sehouli Choose red white The school clan loves plaid partners Jumper skirt beretare bulck to knit worig one color at time tern1 7180 sizes 441 included FIFTY CENTS coins Intj each pattern nostnmps pleslsttm to Alice Brooks re oi Bai Examine Needlecm Dept to most Toronto Ontari Ontario residenta add ceutal uleit Print pIuInITPATo TEEN NUMBER NAME AD DRESS Needlecrdtt catalog best isshionsl Most paw ea Vt BookNofll 13 complete pd erns Sendnite Book No Museum Quil pnttorns for 12 quilts 60 centers BookNorr5Quiltsli day living New exciting col lli complete patterns3