Baron 51an GEl Blackstone Looking happy after they re ceived their black bandr sig ntfying the start of their last Women Still Pole year as student nurses four Barrie glrk out of die class of 41 posed for picture at the afternoon ceremony Fn day LEFT 10 RleDiane Birnle Mn Betty hlofller Patricia Cox and Marilyn Eig enhuis Prejudice in Quest For Top Positibn By ROBERTA ROESCH Despite the inroads women have made in the working world why do we still face preludicel As any reader of this column knows lm far from ï¬ghting finoi who wants to shove men aside But do think worm should be able to read the top executive echelon in true partnership with men joxen were equipped for the We discussed this situation with males who hire and pro mote so today have ten answers to Why do we still face prejudice when it comes to rcceiving toplobs71 lpubllah them not as my own opinions but as views that have come from executives who have asked for anonymity First many of the men admit that they like to have the top posts in business Not only do they like it they also want to keep ihings that way they think they have that right too Tile fact that few women have come up to top status in busi ness hasnt convinced these men that women rat can or showltdo the same Second several tlrst vicar pruidents reveal that often the booby trap in womens path wee ck of pollen and the ability to sustain unlimited business lnlstrations and demandswith out deciding to chuck the job and an home to the house and family IN PLACE OF LOGIC Third more men thanl want to count declare that too many women are too emotional We think emotionally instead of log ically they say Fourth other executives hold to bhe belief thatwornen get too involved in clutterat thinking ley talk too much about too little and insist upon defending ideas that have no more appeal than an opera singer at teen yboppers hash Filth according to some su pervrsors some women ahow too obviously that they expect pat on the back and an hours worth of praise folcverything they do sixth other supervisors point out that at the same time women ask for equality of them ask for special cnncee slons simply because they are women if they honestly want rue equality andequal pari nership say the man they cant Giiaa church Barrio on leg Roney of ecerelno Th ide is the former Marilyn laugh many lall back on being woman and IIay when their feelings are It Seventh few personnelmen are opposed to women in jobs because thesemen person ally have had bad experiences lvlur women executives Even at atunior level ihemcn insist woolen can become toodee mandlng and throw their weight around too much Etgbtb low employers who consistently promote men over women tell me that many women in business are too ica yune and small in their nk ing lay lack the boldness top ugcutlves need Ninth to balance thla criti cism other elmloyera state that women are too impulsive and too lmpraetlml They need the top logic of man Finally many ekeoutlvee point ola what we have heard so often 77 Lthatii doesnt make some to promoted woman to the best job in the house when the smar test and prettiest girl iiitine ol ficewith her heart set on aca reerrnay have change of heart and retire from business for husband and home and hopes for family in future columnwolnen areadives will get equal time onthirslmlod Anglican Mothers End Conference Iv LONDON lCPi Anglican mothers wound up their world wide conference here today amid growing sense that the church in the modern world may need more broadlybased Womens organization thanthe conservative Mothers Union TheVictorlan principies ot the unions central executivewhich debara divorced mothers from membership and caused split between Canada and the rest of the international association came under close scrutiny at this weeka Closed session de bale in Westminster depita winning the day yby twothirds majority But questioning about the lu turc of the 90yearold society reached further when New Zea land indicated it would follow Canada outof the main body by making its own rules onrdi vorce South Africa wants the whole concept of mothersonly organization replaced by par enu association Dr Cecil Northcoit church correspondent of The Daily Telegraph says pressure is growing the British parishes for churdlwomen fellow ship which would range much wider in its aims than ï¬le from tiers of marriage and children Homes babies and families are not the frontiers of the mod ern womans life writes Dr toha and thelataMr West Hill Northcott gmomiathe aon oilttra yï¬ï¬‚g of WW5 Mani Craig The newlyweds Willmstdeat on photo by 14 morning until midnldlt with ihiahhigh akintlght vnylr or leather stocking boot for mailingtoned shaar stocking flla future is not entirely linked with the divorcedvmnlher question but is concerned with the modern woman And the modern church NM SURPRISE Phyllia Hutdlison of peg Dominion president at the dissident Canadian branch said she was not surprised by the voting result on the question of admitting divorced mother But he been agreeabe aur prisod by the number of anoth era Ive spoken to privately whose views are in line with ours in Canada she said in an interview Last Octobers revision in Canada of the marriage canon in the Anglican Church permit ting cortain divorced persona to remarry in church crystahzed the womens feeling that the rules should be changed Mrs Hutchison said Mrs Hutchison doctors wife did not speak separately on the Canadian question but spoke in support of New Zea lands resolution that the Moth eraa Union in each calm should be independent of the mall council in Britain if it es The olï¬cial line here is Sill that dvorced mothers cannot bear witness to lheeanctily of marriage as elfectivelyvaa women whose marriages have remained unbroken in Canada we feel the wit ness is borne by what mothers are now and the life they are leading not by what happened to them in the past eaid Mn Hutchiao Cardin Reinsiaies The MiniDress rams Reuters Pierre Cardin reinstated the minidresa Friday with accolleulon of 200 creations ranging nyw re from four to eight inches above the knee Car din eventgenie sil houettes are extremely well made and there are enough new ideas and nonsense to please ev eryone His maetcrlultecbnique ap pears to bestndvantage in group of heavy tweed coats and thick bulky wooilena that are treated to aunray or accordion gt pleating Minidressm appea from orn daytime ahd evening Cardin has newlyweds Mr igi hi sic DSTBBIRIEDAY Mrs AiMary Hunter was honored guest at family gain erlng on Saturday held to mark MrL hunters 95th birthday ï¬rty hoatesavwaa the celebranta damter Mn William Gleason of Melrose Ave Among the to family members attending including 11 grandchllz dren and27 neatgrandchildren Mn Norman Method and her sons Williamand Jock MacLeod anlLfaimilchail oLNlagara Eaila Mra Hunters granddaughter Sister Emanuel attended wlfll Sister St Matthew from Mary nrount ColiégeSudbury Grand aona John Gleason of Detroit Midiighn and Robert Brick of Burlington were present with their wives and families Barrie relatives at the party included the celebranta grand daughter Mre HxMaguire her husband and family and Neil Gleason and and children The celebrant received con gratulatorys essages gifts and floral bought to mark this spe cial day dieir wlvea Lanma oar Barrie GolfClub is holding Ladies Day Tuesday July 30 At to an there will be draw to start the day for 13 holes of golf and second draw at 1280 pan for nine holes of golf Golf ing will be followed by social hour and pot luck supper at the Sunnidalc Rd Rubber internla tlon about the day can be ob tained from Barbara Rodgers at 7256MB FORMEle OFIBARRIE Mine Maureen Glasaford of Sault Ste Marie formerly of Barrie is visiting with Miss Judy Buffeykol Edgchili Dr NEWLYWEDS gt Guests at MuskokaSands Ho telGraveuhurat have included and Mrs Charles Pinnegar The bride is the former Ann Kearsey daugh ter of Mrs Kearsey of Barrie and the late Charles Kear sey The bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs Plnnegar of Windsor wll daemon with vinyl throuï¬out the police tion Milledth rnodela the group or mains ated with abbrevi Ind blank or on Hunter was guert rofrhonor at alfamllyparty held to mark her 95th birth day Party hostess was the celebranta daughter Mrs William Gleason of Meltuse Ave witn whom Mrs Hunter residessDespite her rs Mr Hunter onloya daily need pioratlon were Mrs Hunteraidaughter auldl grandsons Manuel Glaaon and home of Mrs Wallwan rtsl continual illness ram fear it will label them as failures in any event fixing the blame serves no useful purpose What In needed ow in professional help Your iwinga from high bar low tohlghlneed ex DOUBLE DEAL Dear Ann Landon We are five teenage girls who are writ ink to Igrvlcemen in Vietnam One girl ti will call brtJlil been getting gift tlom boy she is writing tonot llttla ONeil Ann the last gift III wristwatch that mun have sot him back lot of money Jill practically engaged to ll yearold boy ehe been dating Unslelfish TBoysf Decision Represents Idealistic Teens The nation ammo mownav JULY 29 lost PEOPLE AND PLACES Call Min Starr Smith or Mrs Audrey mm at new lhe couple exchanged vows July at St Andlowa United Oilurdl Toronto with Rev Oussoren officiating Mix Kath erine Coutta ofeBarrleratlended the bride Alicea trip to British Colum bia and California the couple will be residing in El Paso Tex as where the bridegroom will be enrolled for further university es ENGAGEMENTS ibe engagementof Miss Mere llil Ellao Little to Lt Wayne Rowe hes been announced by the bridehlects parents Mr and Mrs William Little of Barrie The bridegroom elect is the sonol Mr andMrs Howard in mm of Fort William 1the mar riage will take place Aug 10 at an evening ceremony in Eur ton Avenue Unltcd Church Mr and Mn JW Hilli Dun nett of Caroline have an nounced the engagement of their daughter Denise Florence to Ed win Woods son of Mr and Mrs HowardWoods of Uribridge St John Vianney Clllnch Barrie will be the setting for the after noon ccralnony Sept Helen Keilels Signature Prized GRAND and its or On June 28 tool 21yearold woman stopped at local inn the Grand Pre House and signed the guest book Helen Keller Cambridge Mass Her companion also signed her name Miss Annie Sulli van The book now is the treasured possession of Mr and Mrs Bruce lrenholm at their Cen turyFarm built in lit57 by Wil lard lrenholnl host of what was then the quiet village inn where the famous blind and deal woman and her teacher stopped Mr lrenhoim believes Miss Keller who died this spring was onher way to Haddock NS and the sunurler home of inventor Alexander Gr ho rn Bell who was involved in speech therapy research keeps up withcurrenttavenls through reading the daily owapaper and teloviainn and an avid tkniiter for the younger family members int eluding 17 great grandchildrc Mralzlunler ttenda St Mary Roman gï¬olic Ohurdu ljy GARRY MYERS FED Recently mother told ma about some unselï¬sh declslana of her grandson 15 who is in boarding school for boys She hadsent him ten dollars as birthday gift He replied that he was using this money toward odlolnrship fund being raised by hls school for some boy in the ghetto He also reported that the slur dent body had earned for thin fund severalhundrrd dollarrby going without dessert and that they had agreed to feet long enough to earn several hundred more dollars The boy had re portedeail this with great pride and satislaction How different from demonstrating for selfish ends or rioting Many private school for fee nagers representsconstderable wealth See what lot of good they might do at contributing toward college scholarships for less privileged youths Think of all the public high school youths wealthy areas of our nation and what they might be able to contribute toward the opportuni tics of poor boys who otherwise EasyWash Mats Are Going Places By ELEANOR ROSS Plastic mats are really going placesbut on tables of course those mats come in such voltl ety and in such handsrne de Sigmund finishes that tncy are no longer just an easyto£wash off substitute for table linen Increasingly such mats are preferred for informal enter taining as well as for family mealsserving the twin pur poses oi providing anappetlL loglooking tablefland Mater wash load The newest iinisha include scratch resistant surfaces BACKLESS NUMBERS Among the current selection are unbacked translucent vinyls whith simulate Tiffany glass with multicolored prisms massed in floral or geometric effects Some are even dome shaped edged with fringe to heighten the resemblance to an oldfashionad gin lamp Less flamboyant are hanslucent auday mats with dmigns that show Wife 0f AgriculhlralMinister Best Suited To HerPosition OTTAWA fCPi As farmers daughter anda ranchers wife nobody could be more interested her but bands lnlportant portfolio than Mrs HA Bud Olson who of the new agriculttue minister LuellleDlsnm 42 la turn quiet woman with light brown hair and pleasantnatlual manner gt You meet real people when you meet people in agricul ture she says Theres nothing super about them lithlok the most interest ing people Ive ever met are old ranchers They have such wonderful thoughts and such candidway of looking at ev erythin Count lifcgroally doeeglve you tovthlnk things out You have time to scathebeauly of floweror ro nannra MEAT MARKET For your home frcewr Rcd or white bluebrand beef hank Side and Hind quartere of beef Park by whole or half Curedl srmked cut and wrapped frozen andde liycred at no extacorn Agenl for Woods Francos GERRYS Maar manner Highway 11 in not could nevarattcnd college But fancy that the good they might do for the worthyyouthe hardly be comparable to the good they do for themselves through their contributionciv lng up something for omen for an ideal After all teenagers are at heart ideallsla when they are prompted with unselfish WW in the period just before next Christmas think of thedliidren in many secondary and elemen tary schools who will have sure to contribute money to buy gtfta for certain persona math for Ieachen Consider how those children whose par ents ihlnl they cant contribuie may feel think how easily some children will suppose they should be favored if they give andpenalized lflhey dont or shouldenloy rewards in propor tion to how mud they give or course if any psson of the sdlool ls toreceive glfta con tributed by the children ateach er may be the moatdeservlng person This problem might be easily removed if the school children or th through from underneath ea do it lectableculglasa patterns In thealnlndanoe of drapes as well he designs too garden luncheon set of mate silhouettes cluster at flowers or single blomorn For the weightsbattllng brigade were are mate printed with the calorie value of the fruits and ve getables lllusv mated Youngsters can be entertained by clock mam with movable handH nice little gift lionl Hunters will anloy mate that de IPagttwlld duckaln natural Ett BASEBALI MOTH For tbelunchtlme little league placemats prhoted with number and alphabet motifs offer instnletlon and entmaln ment onvan easytlwwuh plastic nirfece These come packed in pairs with nontoxic crayons so youngsters can color them be tween courses Colors and mam can be WW OH with newtsh of $011 nan inning Born at bed beer Alta Mrs Olson grew up near Med icine Hat where aha and her husband have lived for nunr bar of years My fatherwas alw ec live in politics Mrefyomn laid Iand you land chum were ways nvo we on up posters and thing tlhereuhwlzt never politis eel me any we didnt attend dont mum her ever finding thorn dull cigarette nc calcarato remote alone of the world llOd how fine it would be WM rs informed be of the mat organisations are Who feeds dim mu hot and melowell answennve overdone Double child who misses many days of school get behind unwinbooklearntngfl LHaalacgetI bdlindlnplay earrung which more moth tint vim annulled to eontrlbute to hlld without warmly ran receiving the edyolardrtpscan ihought for helping perms of being rewarded Ives they were inspired to make contribution for good booha for children in the slum arm of their own city County or for food ind medt mildren in the more II it UNICEF HOPE ChitE or Heller Prolect pe if their Manta of mum help him my and buffering people in dif fcnntpartsottheworld When in the fall community duet dalidrenat ix vieill rnfmm their parentaabotrt die organisations and pereona served by this norm mutt chaining they can participate Just consider the good to ibcirinner selves they mightdo at giving up bit of their Personal luxuries for mat iglgful child deprled of to re the men hematite to keep alive and reasonably well Why ahould we parents and mmdtmoidnmf if nnse fatineaain our children Not what we give but what we easier and more mean glftmitbout giver livuhhnmfwithlllaalrm when has sometimes lathe Billtitlt Kloolsiloor as DONALnsr moldings afo no so years column Minchldel Rea Nltru willow for maturatio ml avoid the vialtlal ThiSiS theohlvKina Size anada mï¬v