Barrie Examiner, 29 Jul 1968, p. 13

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VfARTS FOR SALE 53 may NI PERSONAL lo HELP WANTED MALI FEMALE an um mm mu run Iiisuit NollCE CRAIGHURST $42 nymnnnnr Im lien undm AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY um um haveng INSTRUCTION visit liar rim Mn Beardsall Domllveinibelreuotnnmdlhlllneuiidedhdoli aflflmflyhcmfihmcwim HOUSES WANTED as mflwuéycggsslltzjnvnmny Smyner ONYARie 3mm mg mmmmm mm TEEDNTARIOHUNICIPAL mmflmhmm Luilfcfimfwfi 335 mafia thamn ggxrsi lama Baum MIL In creates Mu David Climax andson from fiufiuflflfl betm ml 35 mm li qum Til of Alex at Madonhsih out xiv mm Hum FINN IiW CM en we mm any £23MFJm£ib32fiuny mm II Ium $5113340 Hayfield SireeIHOVueery 400 the mmmgmk Null nmmnummumenmm mm nusfihlrunrxgiiml mix Mr and Iirs Broiley oi mi out ml the Imikalhl bdowanrl nunn ll lo mas mums 53 WM PM RENT ICHARLES CHURCH WOMiNs Lu by The Corpora mother and members oi APARTMENTS 10 mm 11 first II WfiONDVEPrnu Mm st annals or myfiammr mm mm Bum 1mm mm mm mm =5 mm Gue Ncw Bollalt mmmmnnmznm 1m lt lo the city GIithurst amended 31 um LW Dmo Blvwn may equipment Charieud School WWIship Madman is patient in Au Auntmm 1° fighggg ggéIfgehimmfiIgwggg in Burton AVE 7mm mmgn mm In 11 In Roiallusion Hospital Barrie WM °° II as um 11 142115 II nannyII TM TERMS din of beauty aniline gt Agé MW 5011 and roll room mm In mi 231 175 15111312 mil nfiai mos mama numnrmmfl memscflmmfinmmo Mrs Marlin is in Sick con un la on Mon and rub 31 it conInlet with 1111 on flown Tomato fiaflawflixfimfi Halfvflclfl mm $11131 floor sandals Ger ma 411w neIIIma motion wow Address 51101 uh TAKE NUllCE lint an ap Mrs Grace Greach and dingh HM giyauzfimmmifimifififihiifi Telephone guanonuhas been lléfldfl by The Itier DohllllI are nloylng hall Wamumn In unnemm an Perma stampsI MAILE HIELPIWANTED msnL unusan run an inln Id Tl re or annexation to the city rs Sm er wishes to thank $15iiiih1tithhm omufififffimfim RM Draw ucxeu olpartol In Township oi v5 fierldonduarthenlcebimiday max room uniwent mu nlfl minimum nu mam utm1eadl dewibed in Scheduin Party on July 19 They will be mu amnes SALADA FOODS LIMITED hereto thcome to visit hu time caravanroo am iifilué£n2izlm xlrin Alla mm chm cm In Business cards II at the Grove Park Church Home located irlepioonz IwIm 5361 5W tweddms mummy In InmeI aflhhlfiffllmoflmfijfifil prince chtsterflrld net nmn Alliston0nlario equu we In an withW iiiefitfiiillfiplifilflyflaiihi SELL FOOD PACKAGNG cLassvmsnans int lunhnns mm um sao is1ltitlsloni mi TRADE or Imumms II MACHINE MECHANIC WILL BRING RESULTS lrll Adults innrlmu lordouhb Inng use mm Phonl ru mum weekly remnant mm EXAMINER mmmnmmmmnm FRUITS VEGETABLES muted Wold utm Wm PW WW In gt ion gaugluglmhblgliur 3m mlqu WI mm am W1 or my commarcal mungi Ami telephone for appointment Mm Extension no hrs liniiunenionlv Televhnnin ourown so mu num mm new mu woollen Io cum umny mm Toronto on Friday the 9th day nut Inn on let puma mm HEL WANTED PUBLIC NOIICE 959 017 Sfifiyfiméiffiihmisreg ml imahvfigfl Immune an AUTOMOTIVE In hour on mulm niche null 191 cgmell Dumont as TV flail tymmiim ncIIIIIu Aflminl 11 Philip Inn ll SWAP ten oclock in the Iarenoon lo ARTICLES son RENT auro REPAIRS jEMAlE HELP WANTED ACCOUNTANT mmswssggfgg Afiflsw figIvetImbgnanfiIIegIa mama mm um Applications for this position Iarll LAND TAXES NImil nmnpamnfim wo dont have EvmillllNG mm now being accepted Applicants To wn on may be Menfiafimd bellman ktenen Ind outme should preinrably have ii in By Virtue at warrant issued DATED at Tormm ind plumpa mm aoréliiet ransmlssmn Few Hours Day III up mica1 enr°i by themeve cube Township ol dayvfirmfl But be assured we Will dLilil Mill in momed IiCmnl lnnislIl under his hand and the Phone 7264511 m2 loom unnunishel slave AUmeBhc Will 11 Pa mg Wu would be MEL II SCUli Secretary finiumrd Wampgg gm ea recently constructed air con infirm 1311 31532 omwo MUNICIPAL DANGERFIELDS oncueiwn ARD 9ia$ élfléiisavzifillzf 7230580 sPeCIBIISTS The AVON WHY WW1 Wilding 10M March 1960 sale or lands in oral employee benefits make VI SCHEDULE Hillard StV Mooan Upper ApmnIuIlnwim MARTIN So Call 01 Write Today working conditions ideal An Elihu1 $155111 blehehgdflw 1an ailmgménlm 1° me mintW3 Iiimom RENTAL CENTRE CARS WANTED men oppome em tor the Community Hall Village 91 Imréfimm tlfatealnL eve him In Milld film ms Tomsnmwx yo no 3mm Nuns man to sIInunImhe Immunema ms WM 330 Jflgpiunn 437 Dunlap St mu MK HI mm advance mom II the and bean in ihe Township or Wm $25 81mm Ontario Applicants are requested to tale uni55563323 Enema lax mm mm lilODmN 4bedroom wlrlmmt and mini IliumIL Barfl ha phone msialwmensian 4111 and coo and being comma or 37 iii Tfimrnrimgi WW TRUCKSFORSALEI mm arrange or pick up oiieiter of ch Is hereby given Eng part ol lots and Conces rniiu ivymgr infirm 111 ARTICLES WANTED application ilpersonal dellviry arms we mm um on the West Side oi Wiléadéiilmi £31331 W723 flflggeimfiihfih2fl no 9055111129 of taxes was published In the Penetanzuisliane Road villi mmflnfirsa miss tirasusuwiu WAITRESSES mm mm °° mm on the co Hughes Road 1965 as iollows napalm Assnnull tori nd Ind Sim Antonina1 Lelian By By an cop PR required arm EMISING that the cenlielme KQIMKfifiEhflgfmflf 1° mans CHINA class Jewtflmi MOTORCYCLES Ste work me said 5t may be had aI olilce If KW EIW umber $93m MW =°° Efivxigflfikfimfi Ififimmm benefitsii emf $392 hamsflscisit not said mi £51515 a5 comm rIII mien nckmn rmdtnnmusflnrnneiour no 19m necessary will train on outrunmm adiuumerl sale will be held on fin mmmk an $49FURNISlIED Mfr IIIannLImIIee loo landlord street Law mile emuem methlnlnlh the job Augm 13 19M nrtll 69 degrees mInutos Whom 15 3mm mm fl3 Mm Apply nfififln cfifiiiit Zrmiuifii DaIed ai the Township ol In 3° 530 East and Mali snxrm llahthlo it now wanted mm Service mun Grand mm 15 d3 rings mm 0M £35303 133 II would in In urea Inner Wayfag RESIMUICIM vlnw roan mun ISGREHY Ems BEGINNING at the Southwest 728uu31m461 running eflmfllers rt113 Jig Townfll oi InismI Eight oi the slim Lot COMMERCA CAMPING EQUIPMENT To ADVERTIS wigs mm Strond0niazlo mIIlIiuCIIEI 53311 $100 353339 Monte abhw WI firm mm along the southerly mm n1 mi in sore nu nrm aervlna Miller munem Hausa mntld Quarllx IloIel nmulora the said Lot 25003 ant to the gazilth or th mom Emil 7255333 com CARS FOR SALE W3 nt palm oi commencement of the umNun imechlmicr wlnled arumoamucln nunu herein described parcel of 1m ManuelI 3055 p575 gt intmm Burnomirn to b33153 Wehfinflsfififwyrififim COST They Pay land DEAD STOCK mm or warehouse or vim Cali loan 5qu or campn benefits Telephone 774 THENcEN de SERVCE 11m fining mfiinlgrélzig ltlALBeollienuminrslle $5 Tele Ra Mm lnlnnvltlr ML We YOU 95 out wwn IV mm 15 mam gulp am or apply Mr Transmission nu es 30 Second Easl 124674 Hun feet loapoiIIi in the SouiiI AccommiWANTED isioitlsasiirrlni IMOFORS annazlurvsmrnssaynni WrIIe Ads on on mmm efly limit of the said Highway 30115135 CA II II III IIIIIIII mm min mm RAMBLER pAnERN5 Number 400 24 Im 353 msansgf fistI mum 43 DRIVE1N Eeshmntn THENCE North 69 degrees 34 anim lolu nr MI lime kitchen III mag3figghorgygw pun$33 giggling on man SI mzaiv ur hostess nun No experl PAUERNS minutes 30 seconds East NICKS DEAD STQCK 7mm em menr7 mu trl ro alon the said uth Ii 5° Vm 72 LilllLAdnnIl1rdlopvow trams Day And evenlgglxslfifll In SERVICE of the Highway 173974 feet Rooms 10 sons AnnMorons fi°iiiennirfliif nuns222organisms to no DELANEynoATs LTD Em °° WW mm em DRY CLEANING donntoIvniveeklv lt minnles so seen rl giggingalym varsiey struntala Gmw Bans fiéfigggfigfiugfifgfiéfl EMPLOYMENT WANTED mm mu his ast on es he imam furnisth mm in modern IJOHNSON MOTORS minmnnmvneasonwz aggmmdnmfifiil rmirmyfl THENCE Wm 59 degrees 34 snnw SERVICE homE rulers or Jamar lac mvmm sons an MI Mum mm in Teilphom swim mum mm 3° minds 335 VSTJMGE flififineimsgiaflfr in osrnltlcaox ALUMINUM run micn Verv ma mo 21W W0 mint mom Pnoorma Telenlion 12mm THENCE SouflI 82 degrees as usolLBoATs WM RANKIN mfiIfimfim 33 gaming OCOMPLETE LINE MARINE gm 251153336 gpdeorI IIIIn mead films $139129 NuSERVICE Emit x33fl$7reieié Am aluminum Wv we MTn $165311 $33533 134333125 THENCE North degrees 30 ml CLEANERS 7mm ln st Vt Dali 31Hm 7m mm te East oaIIII let to 7mm 35er gal mum expansionpmxnmve provide 4110 aeasmnn mom and OPEN To PM DAILY mm hum commissions bonnie daily point In the Northerly lunn of hm lurnlxlllfl camellien gt IMi HUM Im aavurunng and norleIlulian rmd Imam 14 mils ust milltpowersturinllond runnlnr mm ms or me said wt PLUMBING BrmfiiSuIItahilmfiiozro nfluéhfio mm Wham clein amofllflllu Inn motor filmikfcnénio 11 Onlllefilil THENCE South 82 degrees iii HEATIN monvnux L131 an euros euecl mum 15 afisenaa eondi WI mmluhnan snitltrefiirinm Windan xi write to Chlrlu mlnutes 50 seconds East along the saidI Noriherly limit Blker co chmn co Lu ROOM AND BOARD fitlgxflgmgpgyrhgmggnggz ruimimn¥infiun musmh Em Hm soon feet to paint lire no II as In lien TlENOE South degrees so an 53371553 mum hum Tevphxbrngfgw ziiarfifiifitiiéigf Ii MALE FEMALE HE minutIs 20 seconds West GLLENBBAE ram Deicrut cabin mini gt ulifiilgfiee 18 p951 the Plumbing aulflnhnss MI 31 Jami Ilg figgfbiggn maroon sinInns rol nle vu ween sax Lois ARTS FOR SALE be IIIMIIL mm mm mm nsw paint in in xnod gonnluon and 3nd Televhane mum THENCE Nam In as 27 I90 Bayfield 7289228 no mo gree PIONEER mm mm mi PLYMOUTH cylinder sun minutes 50 seconda West and W9 but with interior Only 953 10 Ii Wm Antique $90 figxiiblamlglmxssfy htlélaia innvelrlgggg MINIIm mu gm Wm help required Iior SANDILT GRAVEL ESSA Di 723459 an Inmv um upon but ol feet to point mm china lamps mm film Il¥lalghlc1cngphcaash ler II mam Pla n1 WorkI II FINE 5mm mm 30 cablnets Iassrmncmw Municlnlr nod 111mm 20 Mandi West 15 Poor PLYWOOD In hp nut pnL Welkdnyx Sgnfinfisélleswgny kind piesq tele wlm exam1 No experience mm 7752911 EDThulSiFid lo mnnlnl 0rd mm 1mm Ind on rotating hilt basis Full 133029 feet to point in the Sand Stone All Sites Sunday 3131 3153 WE $liiimi3il°il MMWme WI employee benefits Swiheriy limit owe said CLmIL VARCOE vs automucwwer menu you Wiiiimm illiifflsiiétimntiiisflmfi SALADA FOODS THENCE North Idesrees 59 NORTHWAY RUG filleeasnilajzfiwiegnfi MNW¥10 ELaéABRE ongtha aaldSoutherly limit Hwy 27 718405 cor LTD 72643194 er door nuntonlwwer m7mgm lhe pom Rem SI an fie eI rel mm 7250241 om mom IsIon Domfisncanéslmgoapilfi FARMERS MRKT 31 III CHER WANTED algewsmm 137581 maul 1530191001 DEAD mm nouns power menu EA II Surpriseiiiula air with this 6700111 St Phonemrlsn Dead or crippled cattle nnn Emmi filinmflflflflfuh breflyMMIhflglu witthut FMPMCESwBAEBEWES hummus lawman is win imw gfsnsiimfiosmt serm Am BOARD SHANTY BAY WE lillY AND SELL SggfiAfifimafilm loss cnsv Imam noothIrdiop Please Apply in person In Lot MI hm minutes 20 seconds West LIMITED The house of line hroadloorn brakes no window nu oral1 an mm BROOKS aId parcel contains by STQNEIMASON PATIOS gt SDEWALKS also roam mm Jim Smwwmm removed minimiiii lrhfifffimzwfi verA TOWNSHIP curor to mu requires Collem tern 7191 Transfer printed pa inflame fiaoiaif experienced Wither Grades terrain Sm siz STONE mm m1 ecu and 7Im1ms1 mu SCHOOL lure no mo chrome my ex NICKS DEAD STOCK momcouaAR for September was tennrtoanx Talepbnne 72min In 10 ZENlTH euro mo CHARGE SALARY SCHEDULE eadr pattern no stamps pl aseti ham any gm wen yaflmhfiiflfimfi £511 ma moo Zip iIIio nwm first nungln on Alice Bropla cale of BR Foxmend 01118710 figiufiggflfidfigli GIfight navel $5000 the morning in this zierant IBaIrle ExmuimrNeedleczalt llamas No 293660 autumnc tranmlnloniraoloIonly levels $5400 aldrnmer Ds Manunewm shiningins int meme recomm Annual SELL MORE LIVESTOCK FORSALE illin€iétl€iiiwiilhl k°m$f°°m pp Lg catonaan When You lilac your Article REGISTERED 1m Arahllllsulllon Laid fii£°1°qfm$ last superintendent For Sale on in The Lama Er lifiryunvnld rnIepIInne maler 4151346 bumn mo EARL Lory aminer keep fliesq points in ML $531 fin 17 Owen StraitBarring laminate an mm or sale ma willlnl Catalog arm FICEV trims 151 Most new was rVnVlt oi bin tnblished Io waar the atentees and ital rd ownIs yelpsag What item in xgHNmf Egle° 211 MPS 979359 mchet 58W WMW Iembmid sole manuiaqturars asensetlonaland flmfllillg new type ofIwater Hrand Ch Pat pm CU 33 331W Me Mr cyclegwhich has lound slot of chili ii nrls among the WWII APPALDOBA ram stallion stud denll add cent nice in inside 50 mm Mm adapt 15ch can MI10campingIIIshingI Hm medm wuh II pleasure exercise and hunting Wn flooded Ivth inquiries Speciilcati mam Fe Simm Aecessork and ammmh um fifgmwfifmfgfi immmen and women who want nIiIomIe demonstration and are Prevlonl usage 3k thatgreqlilrel no canvassing no Pilca Ii W1 Baffle Pm 1M 50 mg St DelustQullts WWW an 333 WIuniiom fim Toronto OIita Bl MWW 59 80 mirth wmeasepliorsnpeicruy anglinflmmfiw nae aI 17 WAN mm BARBIE 0M 933 meg month business li you are hard worker mbillous ownlnsa Folpied Viau Moim wintVflPaLem c5513 sfigfim and M19 Im Wm II II heepstterncoupn gt in an ninnliflcatlnnIumgrllIlgIfl on emjenpenwny vBiiokofinlzenlghanaKnit Marketiiac slant who was humanly otizaighana hemp um ihJiuLimx

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