limit of 77 at Regina generally éoalertémneratures Newloundland are forecast tops the cross country heat today as all areas experience Showers parts at Alberta Saskatcheivao Manitoba and da Windsor landed Hamilton fair weather will remalaover Ontario throughout madly al umna to warmer math Toronto Lake StCIalr Lake Erie La Luke dtari CE Wilepholot 500AddieisMenDie In Tarontc By1970q TORONTO CF Toronto psychologist said Sunday that 500 addicts oi the drugmothr amphetn ne hydrochloride could die in the City within two years unless they give up the wt am Clement oi the Ontar Io iiospllaiysuld deaths among addicts using speed are ex pected to increase sharply start ing this fall Speed is Lhe slang term for the drug an antidepressant with side effects of uremia pneumonia malnutrition and cardiovascular and cerehrovas oua TEEN aFiacTs Anyone becoming addicted to meth hhs between six months and two years to liven most said Dr Clement If the meth lmaks dont stop using it they areunt going to last out the winte Dr Clement was commenting on survey showing moth ad dicts in Toronto have increased tentold tosflo from 50 less than year ngv Dr Clemenisaid the slatisu cally significant upsurge in youthful deaths imposaflaie fosléep to the time but in its harmful side effects Southern Georgian Bay Sunny with some aiternoon cloudiness and cool today Tuesday mostly runnynund little warmer Winds light tonight amt Tune day Niirth Bay Sudhuryh Northern He said two addicLs have died in Torunlo qua Although the deaths are not directlyattrlbulahle la the drug when person has been using moth for year and dies from this year from ure urernla its not hard to know what caused it he said He said addicts always pearvwlde awake and full of energy while curbing the appe te and making it etically you have mild he Real or ends and arch aed you to ergyrlhe dnlginduceflleeliog of wellbeing and creates false weuLwonrns sun awmnmh Tuesday Ottawa Peteflmrouah Kingston Owen Sella until lm lug um Tuesday mainlyvsunny Cool Winds light Cool lint generally 70 75 7o 1D 79 sublet to rant hoards oith by MCAsharehol favorable US tax tailing Besides movies and TV lhe ampules and well as IWMNQSS MP 1h flu Illllil Sunday nodded In Ihuhtrthrntum ohm sin Went also operates Lutwln televisiooflatloris change of one share of MCA mmmon for 67 ofva ble velarem 33 hmulathe dividend stock oeiwenrns sueer rue uuuruslts woptnoiirui eunorriis MQNTII SALE unotwnltru sue onus MONTH ML iniepmpml calls for the ox gt shard of Westlnghoise coriverll mu binnu rekaaed ï¬biiih trend in 136 catholic ntrol mg or difference semen aadlaw hiriluate lion gurgio oiicnalions Is it may amount whnrnm PHONE name