Barrie Examiner, 26 Jul 1968, p. 7

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ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL OIICPSCASHIIA WIlalriagesNaadDealh£ laminae words Manama no verse Verne per com lino extra Events DU Readers wishing to reply to Barrie Examiner box numbers may telephone 72824 Giving Their Name AndAddress This intdrmatton will be forwarded bolting by telephone the llarrir examine DURING THE MAILSTRIKE Your Cooperaiion AWouid Be Appreciated to the loan box ancestry roll SALE FRANK NELLES M1L5Iieahorv are my Robhwwmmodmflw no mt to ACRES Highwuy to Barrioi bedroom bungalow wide flowing atreian rims good recreation park or trailer park and wllhzuetor lnaorue Property Cec Mile 1576116 vane stanflammond 1160961 Frank Wainwright ummn new Tomloster rrrokvrieiior new BIDWELL minor $3119 Realtor OOIONIAL STOREY BarrleOouotry Gilli arate full suite dining room bedroom bathsgrundeck beau tifully landscaped grounds For those who appreciate gracious living be sure to see this lovely home mortgage Tam can be arranged Call Wilma Bidweli 7266321 CALIFORNIA STYLE BUNGAIDW lot 21 r134 feet rooms including breakfast room family roommilsluroml fireplaces plus tremendous storage area Double attachedggarege andrwmlrshop East end Terms For furtherinfonnatinn call thma Bidweii W1 REDUCED $0900 full price for this attractive bedmm brick bungalow situated on large country lot featuring family sized living room modern kitchen with divided dining area andattached garage Carries for $100 monthly EXECIHTVE HOME An immaculate storey family home in quiet residential am sinrounded by beautiful shade trees Large living room separate dining room kitchen with breakfast nook and bedrooms on upper level On lower level punched recreation room and4tb bedroom or den plus second washroom All offers considered For finthin information on either of these homes call Mary mm properbMA would make thirds located on beautifully and patio are tastefully located area large living room with fireplace rep ottoman roe on DQS RICHIE are mm tor looiatathiaihnhalneforyou ldeallorvblmbngof Illtypeadil lm ACRES of land met Very reasonable price thiaioftioo for and wooded area further details Inertia Read Don Campbell likedTaylor Paul Penman Smith Campbell 728311 ltugil Plowman Dolll 7284205 Ron Allan Million Marshail= M7389 Richard Diekt Boer mm mam INESON thilSREALfioR otiisraNDlNO QUALllY Prestige area This immaculate borne guehty broedloomed and featum footliving room ilarge drnlpgroom excellent kitchen and breakfast areasl Four larger than average bedrooms panelled farniiy room Attadied double garage litany extras Terms Coll Elaine lneson for appointment MLSiéEALTOR 7284294 Elaine loosen7234294 Caiherine it PRUIOMISREALTOR lSDWENSl iiezijr arenslseis nonwhites martinis VILLAGE OF tilLlsDALE storey modernized brick hurdle shunted on spaciqu lawns with lots of trees and shrubs and about in acres of potential market gardeniand small barn suitable tor ponies is an added advantage CAMPBELL 11 ef ourateif John Cole ls tasteiuily decorated EMORY Mi LLER 72618 rgREAITOR O7 DUNLOPST EDGEHlLL DRIVE bedroom brick ranctr foot incline borne bungalow an and swimming pool The heated garage beneath HUNTING SAMP Mnm 10d acres of choice hunting ground lo aatedin the Parry Sound area Vendor will hold ill mortgage For =turther information telephone John Cole amour moi bedroan lakefrth souls more can any menu Gordon Spencer Robert Flewelling 7185M Kenneth Miller Harvey Weber WtslPeter Manton Percyiiord iremo Les lovegrove Sammy Benbam nearer Emory Stiller HARQLDFORSTER COMPANY Isljayiieid Street PHOTO MLSAIIEALTQII5777EMSI llorigage Ponds Available Free Customer Parking NEAR NORTH COLLEGIATE $5000 Very attractive yellow brick bedroom bungalow Lshaprd living and dining room good size kitchen baths recreation room carport privacy fence many extras in this immaculate home owner transferred NRA tennspCail Cliff Goldhead 7733M OWNERHAS PURCHASED NEW HOME East End locationciose to schools and shopping bedroom storey home large lot paved driveway Full price 314900 with $5000 downtor further intoimationcail Cliff Goodhcad 723499 EVENTNGS CALL molar MlLDRm it uoonn mam mill KLoosTanseaN carrot ileum LOU eononiroNlrr irelane Home GRANT llaeAllTHUl Times iraIlel curt GOODBIAD irelorl mun mo GLORIA KOSSATZ MARGARET Doll oomroir WW UTA sddnnnm 17 Morrison moons If Classified Ad hastintshed in the Paper Awe would appreciate it if you would come settle youryaccountn THANK YO mm 322 not voila rho HORTICULTURAL tilt Tins rim ilhrit 50011er It air TOURS AUGUST to Oshawa to see the litcLAliGIlLAN ESTATE BUS FARE $400 AUGUST 14 to TRIAL GAR DENS in Hamilton CANADLA Niagara Falls MARINE LAND to the office to fives and and Mrs Andy Berriauit Nsnosmams nuwwnrrwoonaair Btu Dunnett or Caroline announce the orig noon of their daughter Denise Forence to air nowur Voodl Ion of air and litrs Howard Women or Vxhrldgm Bus leaves it am take ionic The marriage to to take piece lunch cosr $350 silhmfim 193on AUGUST 23 to one buses booked Children $140 Adults $75 Pay own admission Leave Barrie anl leave CNE 11111 For all details and to reserve rail MISS YAm 7289664 or LLOYD CUNNINGHAM T26 8654 or MRS MCGHIE 7266037 BLIGHTY BINGO Every Saturday at 230pm NEW SOUTHWARD COMMUNITY HALL Gill St sophomore REAL ESTATE Ind iiin to announce the ligament or their daughter aeryi Diane to air Dennta Albert King acre or Mr and an Albert King or rimin any The wedding will mu piano on Saturday urns we ions at are Dela in carrier Street United onumn Wemvsndm and its Earl Richardson of to It gate street Barrie wish to trounce tho comment or their daughter Lire May to Mr Ronald Wu Peever son of Mr liifl Mrs rem Peevar an Barrie 35 mfiorur 35 Tell urday lose oclock In marten Avenue United Chm Barrie DEATHS an siredentym iuiv alth at Bil We in Edmonton Allin Clan fltfi thliun Gill beloved hus band of helm 0mm and near imzTDIBllEAllmuilygml In tie I1 was thematic ro an are arold Murronv0ntarlo George Elms Mm Seller MIN Ont ills lllfll Saunders and Anne Gill Elma He II Pniltcultd CHOLKAN CO LTD him REALTOR 10 Collier St Barrie 7734401 Angus M95681 DOCTORS HOME For thediscriminating person Live graciously in thisbright ievei home bedrooms den and recreation room pleas Iirn to belold This home car riea mm reasonably Close to schools and transportation Come and see it Phone John Baker 7284401 FAMILY ROME Lovely bedroom brick veneer bungalow large recreation room with fireplace attached garage Close to schools and bus route For further particulars call Dolly Mortell mom MODEIIN BEDROOllinug37 low in an exclusive residential area Close to schools shopping plaza and many other attractive features For further details call Joe Dirracclo 7260567 HOSE T0 BOTH PUBLIC ANDIIIGH SCHOOLS bedroom brickbungalow on bus route ideal for the family with school children can Han nah Peniland 72am TIlISIIOME OFFERS you large lot too 210 privacy just miles west of Barrie on Highway to Lets have look at this home and have your opinion For further details call litarg Klein norm MODERN OLDER HOME With one of thelargest living Wasagnieaah 4191540 Shelburno 925m 915 MORNAGE Do you have large family Then this home is last forryou bedrooms living room dining room kitchen and large pan elled family room with fire place lots of trees and large lot Carries for only $153 princilt pal interest and taxes Cali W92 and let me show this to you today litarian Newman SCHEDULED TO BE READY for occupancy the eniLof Augt ust bedrooms attached gar age basement walkout to ground level at the rear With large windows for ariuxurious recreation Toom later All for under $22000 will carry for SW monthly Call Garner m7605 TRY $2500 DOWN Located within half block of school on quiet deadend street Has bedrooms httachadgan age Close tn large community parkVendor will take back one mortgage for balance Low taxes Just 10 minutes from Barrie Chance of lifetime Cali Ed or iMarilyn Jennings rzeoaoo LIVING This tvbedroom homeland it self to luxurious living Ideally situated close to schools chur ehes and shopping To see this logly homecall Lila Hird 424 I9 $10500 New it bedroom electric la DanniI the isle ML and Mn Arthur Gill and two brothers $1950dALLANDALE anal bedroom bungalow syearo on in rtAltr no4 on blackness Ros 7254372511 Dick aoruey Russell Smith Resmm Richard Raycmft ROGERS Photo hit Realtor DUNK EAST AtthrlfivePolnta Phone avenusz CALLi ones panoramas HENRY FRED EeLnTr resml trio KILLARNEY BEAClII $16500 bedrooms sunrooin seawall boathouse garage ar teslan well boat hedges trees Contact TOM AND DOROTHY IIIIWMMNS Illurchlll 436 261 CUITAGE BUSINESS excellent cottages extra lots closetn take 16 access bookings ownerretiring $35 000 Contact TOM AND DORO THY FITEIMMINS Churdiill ISON20 PenileNENr HOMES heat 73 305 Ireed lot half cash We have several suitable for Winterizing from $5900 Con tact TOM AND DOROTHY FITLSIMMINS Churchill ASS 2610 Fl E175 LTD REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Babcock Barrio MSW Colbourne Shoud 4864367 Glfclean Elmvaia mm Macleod Barrie 71874759 Er Snow Stroud 14366116 Wood oro 4572428 SpemEl Thornton 45892 Fttzsimmina Chhlil 4562610 Ed Green Barrie Will Tom Fltlsimmins Real Estate Appraisals comm so Ted Brigneli Paddy Miles TRY allu Mllfli Real Estate Sroaerr 305 BAYFIELI 5T mfllol mslrg SPECIALIZING IN CONNELL WW Eventnge Larry Torrey Bill Rarvn Dick Draper rruvare corn home rooms and pun untulr lnctualnn kitchen mono loo pun on main iioor tallernrni nu are combined utiil room we large ilh moon elawn Gar nun work shop rare Wide dlrtvew bedrooms ronv nonunion Telephone ile LRICK MICHIE Houses warnan NT Harry hticbie Appraiser 7264 HOW Mortgages moonstone partner or children needs bedroom in to rentl or purrtila in gswlllg race ca arre Ann collecLTnluntn Call Us IFingri Airman wm Ans sRAWN Icohhs AND cu OWEN ST 72M MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo lith Realtor COhiliIERCIALPROPEfiW7 feet of prime frontage on the east side of Highway 27 just north oLCundlesRoad with two established entrances Forfur iher particulars call Couttl Iii iNvgsTMENT rmennrv lB dotsiorefrontige main sec tion nfDunlop Street For full particulars call Gordon Sou avarmvos GORDONM COUTIS 7287275 SANDY COIllIS 7234283 WALTER Bi COUTIS noun hw TRY EXAMINER WANT ens room mm We are Skilled in our Serviceand Willgiye you Prompt Attention CLASSIFIED SERVICE REPAIR GUIDE EAVESTROIJGHING TRUCKING htdaitveries Aka clean up Igloo ireneon JANITOR SERVICE LOOKING Ion eioan elaanlnl for llumcl oIIIneI alonr Cleanlill service mom iNSULATlON naowwo limon Insulation rm uleull Guaranteed wort Tatephooosrotr Milk retell NORTHERN EAVESTROUGH SPECIALIZING 1N ONE PIECE EAVESTROUGH 4372121 ROOFING an Types of Roofing ME with small trurJr will do PAiNriNo PAiNTiNG DECORATING INTERIOR EXTERIOR Also sign painting European experts VAN NOORTWYK ul nosa ST imam House Painting inferior and trieran tort Very reasonable tree eatlmat call Eric 771mm Painting Interior and exterior Anywhere within in miles of Barrie gt Call Robert flasher trims my PAVING PROPERTY FOR SALE MLS Realtor GRJESBACH their jowuanranivshzaitnn Grove St bedroom bungalow full basement MIA mort gage tmmaculate condition Immediate possession Please can Laddie Griesbach WEIMNGION SI bedroom brick bungalow mo sq feet completely broadloom ed dimng room and hail Attractive family kitchen twin stainless sinira exhaust fan Finished basement with Mr bedroom and rec roonr com plete with bar Beautifully land scaped lot with plentyoftreed and shrubs Priced for immedi ate sale WORSLEY ST Dizqu storeyolder home Writing distance downtown Good investment property Please caler Belts SMAILFARM Close to Barrie Good buildings and to acresl school and shopping Call Mr Betts James and Fiona Funeral will no cld Sat lulv even from Counci and straining Funeral Home to Alphonsu harsh for re ulna mass at 10 liter talent infinity Crass Cemetery monton an Ind granddaughter of airr lint Ind the late Samuel itiszi itrstmi ile nine re or en Harrie otter pm Thursday for service on Saturday at no human Angus union cemetery INMEMORIAM in iovinr memory or my neu wile nnrrrh and my belovcd children nrhhte Larry and Randy ho plsrgn away July 25 ism hulnnut bring the old days at bEnwn wen iiilopéther tears and loving ill live with us forever Alwaye remembered by Jim is Shane owing irleinu of who pontooqu gone mortar of in livavnn Wilemlaen nnnu and loan in loving memory at dear liner soon reruns no millwa July as tool our years has passed line that loved we called at it was in will tthfiruur heart she liveth atlll Lovtiuly remembered by sister as blothertnlaw irny and Catherine EEIIS Laddla Grieshaeh man for will cell who passed away My nimmemrmbma arid rad aseap husband Frank roll oyixan daIightcrtllaw Helen 1872517 moors rrousa tn Airlu nexl ouy Telephone Island noun home ior me First eondltton Taterhens mom gnaw no it III IIIEIIQH crea rigrmgoom AIs EganPm me oecu In Telephone nooen lnytlmli DH BRICK House in ran an mm filo slit The ainily or the to Aubrey Cannlndrvirh to thank lends and neighbours to 11w an deed of kindness during ur Id bereavement Your than was deeply appreci Wautdd Section out accepted until apm don nix Telephone Ate8504 chaserFarah ens woman wnnianmogunsiinmi rule bedroomrpiit min Immediate mmuionaozu rooms available 24 24 Com pletely broadloomed features fireplace modern kitchen bedrooms attadied garage large treed lot 70 x17o For further details call Vim Higgin sori 7268764 more nHasl maul 72mm Ed Merit nurse 7254683 BUNGALDW IN ANGUS Move to Angus where younow have all conveniences new plaza schools and churches Taioes are lower prices are lower For more information phoneMarg Wakef aid lessees air bdrm owepony Mortelt 7mm noosni 72mm tieam Liema mam MEMBERS BARRIE onenoavmhn TORONTOBOARDS SHELSWELL and WILLSON M15 REAL asrera motivation Bhoxnng Two granny BRICK OLDER normaunron AVESix any sized rooms with largeenclosed back porch Full basement with hot water oilvheat NoamE EXECUTIVE HOME grounds with place dining rpommndern roomon lower level with at rear Thiamine has to be see Moiiiaster homer No we MOVE UP TO BETTER LIVING level in onaof kitehe quick possession liis loss could be Mrs Atkins Convenient to prosperng it your own Situated on on pavedhighway in Terms available Calllsobel Fisher 7282631 located on quiet street onweil landscaped large garden Thishome has living room with lirel four large bédrooms Family fireplace Paved drive garage Sun deck ii to be appreciated Cali Keith N0wio this quality built split Barries nicest areas Owner trausferred ill give your gain Call now tor details garage business you be ud eacre of land and fronting on rapidly expandingviilage only ten minutes from Base Borden Building exceptionally well constructed with large welllighted tworlr Cias license its uniop st and rnorouis nwomv Rams harm Synuott ireisle out Hamilton insole Una Cenge areasvand modern hotvmter heating system and completely equipped to handle any type fol shop work Potential to expand existing business and develop fiwvlines Well suited for partnership operation Priced at $45000 th substantial down payment Call Bill Duff moose No tit9 728714220r726l DrcARSON iraaoren TELEPHONE rooster Bradford St RussCarsan risers Rupert MoGrath Elmvale will HWB ChurchiildsdZom 181 EGLINTON AVE TORONTO 12 PHONE 4873333 coierk We stain Real Estate Broker Pillihriiu rhtru lining and Appraisers and deliver ones 93 Dunlop St WELDING Phone 7732419 labiand Zed mortgages arranged on low month payments We buy your present int and hid mortgages Free Estimate EXPERIENCED ROOFER Machine Robert harbour 5mm gDRivmofscriooi rennin AnsanLt neasor bountiful uoona 72mm snares ziarnnn mam mm is oymmfimflwlouu ocean quasars rill241s troughlnn Gard mar stroll 1415 Realtor gt tarln union Iiit the Modern notathent Phone 72 in SHINGLING BtthGLlNG Hat snoring er 5ii€i£iiltaiitéi 109 Hayfield St 72 1071 are CONSTRUCTION onmovarnvc REMODELING BUILDING Appraisals Listings invited Llnh PETERS QLPLANNING 0N OBUILDINGA Nawjiroilni CdntactvPetqldght BEAVER LUMBER MR5 mm on garage rm and rnar hoole own no For Dirt mlflonpn ileuolw Wesupplyall material if desired if Anywbere 0ntaiio Reasonable tea 728 3572 29a Owen st want all thatget restrict Examiner eov Stolrere will be happy to help you iwdte your gt elassiflecl ade To place BEAUTIFUL lakefront di prone fln Barria Terrace bedroom woman cotialt Llrle down my ASPHALT SHINGLES BY RACHLiN radius ucrzrrcanj ran with Portable Moore Vicionl MODERN Driving Schoo urrn to New Homes or Cottages NTEIIIUR terlo plinth rolling small mornth floor lllnv ett Reasonable nsam AbsLainerl PLASTE RI PAVING AName You Can Tr ilailsylvania PavingExperys 15Years Experience rnyards DrivewaysEtc FDREMENESTIMATORS No charge for consultations sug gest and prices in 80 mile Plaster repairsfancy ceiling mouldings complete recreation rooms kitchens and throoms unite ESTIMATES 17283751 anytime CARPENTRY nu kinda or new andLaiieratlhn 14 1Rtriiilhiiil SMALL ENGINE REPAIR lob normal alumna SMALL ENGINE NillE Authorized dealerInr ardman Davie Toroflraveiy lawn and garden equipment 24 Mireille an REFRIGERATIO WERCIAXL mgr Lettcring ntvservce nan cra loprur expert illm SEPTIC TANKS poppipr Tamars AND PORTABLEOFFICES For tram Daily Weekly litonthiy Fnr construction sporting TION SERVICE events parties etc as orangean Street PHONE racism LANDSCAPING PS Ais septtctanlts pumped Serving Sim eCourity KEN WIN on Co 72607ti2 surname LAancira snavrcn sidewalks and fencing Soddiiigrbushesan trees DECORATIVE Titansanvlca Teleph collect iasms ntmi ante Tank sales as Ila Tanks Ind Weeuei Beds in ed Well oluinr momearls so me and Mallltenanca Hodges and filmfldld lower bed Alert NEWSPAPER recn Mars Eusiness ards Moddingstation Cheques roan ESIiMATES ALLPRINTINGNEEDS EXAMINER ls

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