Donna at painters carpenter whence an other Iorhnaan have been In schools through have been vac lions They havebeenpertoun tag all kinds of maintenance Wk trhi am school an In bercadytoreceivethsrnshot staidents Both the public school sec ondary school boardshavo been doing renovation as lull gen eral maintenance Some ObS lpartially completed last year have been finished and many EARL SHANNON ne lighting inauto body shop at North Collegiate An entira lilTOWilTOirlIGHT wellington Hotel Neil Jackson Queens Hotel Danny and the Gents Rock Buyshore Jerry Mann OrganComedy MOVIES Shanty Bay DriveIn The Jungle Book plELGIHiiLuilflflmh Cougar 1m Speedway imperial The Detective Barrio Huronla DriveIn Guess Whos to Dioilcr plus Good Times SOFTBALL Universal Cooler at Baylield Motors lnt Queens Park pm Yanch heating at Clarkson Hotel lnt Queens Park 930 pm SOCCER Johnson St vs St Monicas Senior bdringlon Field pm St Marys vs Maple Grove Senior Codrington Fiel Hilicrest vs Allandalc cenior Fairgrounds 130 Up Tog80 Entries In Barrie Regatta between 70 and 80 boats will he entered in the Barrie slimmer regattal AVE organizers of theeventprcdi Drivers will come lrom 0n tario Quebec Ohio New York and Michigaii with their high powéred cratt Engine sizes range from in to 125 horsepower The race will be run in two heals at 50 laps each totalling 100 iriiles All hoais will he clas sified by Canadian Boat Feder alio iicials according to en gine size and length and winners in each class will be chosen tram the total field of finishers The entire oval course is vis vible tram St Vincent Park The First heat starts at 130 pm and should last about one hour The second heat is lrom 330 to approximately pm New attraction this year will bcSeaDoo races held on slalom course just oil share from the park Races start at The main races will have lly ing starts Boats will circle the course once behind pace boat belorethc sLarting tlagls given in trootro the park Any boat getting in trouble during the race must return to the pit area at the oil marina where he servicn crews will be waiting The entire race will be patlt rolled bytheiloyal Canadian Mounted co the provincial pollcefland city police launches There will also be regatta patrol TORQNTO OP Wholesale to1retai2 carton= eggs average vtelghted prices quoted by the gipartimant of agriculture as of icon to country stations ilbre cases quot ed by committee of wholesal egg dcaie extra large 4445 mggngmmwmuw rooms 5are being recoui with new limlnfl WI extra shelvu are being added Both North and Central hava had their crew was in the school yes terday painting and repa Examiner Photo Western boats to keep pleasure craft out of the danger area Although admission will be free otiicials say that booster tags will be on sale to help dL tray the cash BROKEN WINDOW Dalton Kirk of Steelstrect returned home after months absence yesterday to find his front window had been broken by an arrow The investigation at present is stymied says Ralph Berry because the police are unable to identitytha tribe REPORT PROWLER Anyone seclngor suspecting prowler around his home at night should not turn no lights or make noise say city police but should get whatever des crlptioa is possibie and call im mediately Residents of Rose Street who saw prowler last night turned on lightsto frighten mo auéayénd Yiattednuniil this rmn ca cc as Sgt Ralph Berry in JUST MADE SANDWICH Three small boys who entered GowaaStreet home yesterday told police that they had made peanut butter sandwich each to eat and then lett Kenneth Worrod resident in the house reported the breakin to police yeaerday atternoon after he re turned home slgnet ring is missing and has not yet been tollnd saypoticc Ai BORDEN The chi General Allard will be vletlng Base Borden Aug 10 to take part in graduation 2er CASE for 120 otlicer cadets The nunister at national defence Hon leoCadleux will be at the base Aug 14 to olficlate at Nla graduation of son air cadats fromva sixweek senior leaders and aircraft trades coursc Nonouon city haszdcclded on the vi tlle The parking lot will bemeonnilately paved before the holidays are over Trees at Steele St School and Johnson Street Schoolhave been ing hand and another portable classroom will be set up at Maple Grove School next month All carpentry and shelving in the public schools will be band led by tha boards own work cows At the newest public school Aflandnlo Heights lance has been constructed between the school and nearby drivein movle All rooting has been complet ed and small strip ol paving is left to he laid at Prince oi Wales adiool Blackout curtains films and slides have been in stalled in all classrooms Only one school in this city is completely air conditioned and that is Eastvlew Ilt North Col legiate however air condition ing is being installed in tho of lice and guidance rooms Former Borden Commander In New Post Brig 2W if Moogk former Commander of Camp Borden has been named Director of Dun durn Castle at Hamilton Brig Moogk mired after long service with the Canadian Army several years and was succeed cd by Colonel Henry Elliot at harden who now commands the Canadian UN contingent in Cyp run Brig and Mrs hloogir located in NiagaraontheLake lie was it located west oi the band shell atlast summers Canadian Na tional Exhibition in Toronto Dundurn Castle located inside Hamilton on the Highway No approach tram the cast was re cently restored and serves as museum for Canadians it is open to the public dai FORECAST ironbnio or Marin at 530 am EDT Lake Superior Winds south westerly 10 to is knots increas ing to is to knots this alter noon and shifting to northwest crly 15 25 knots early Satur day Isolated thundershowers today more frequent showers and thundershowers tonight and early Saturday Winds briefly gusting to over so knots in thun dershowcrs Lake Huron Georgian Bay Winds light and variable becom ing southerly 10 to 15 by this evening Fair today Scattered thundershowars late tonight and early Saturday Laka Erie Winds easterly 10 to 15 knots today tonight and early Saturday Fair to partly cloudy variable becoming southerly 10 knots lain tonight Fair through period LOCAL AND GENERAL works committee not to take any action on letter lromthe Orr tarlo Humane Society Barrie Branch requesting an increase intha capital expenditure on the animal shelter from 035000 to Mono wmran canmvsr Councij has decided to pay onethird ol the debt remaining trotn the i966 Barrie Winter Carr mval if the Chamber of Com mcrcc and the Parks and Rec reatton Commission agree to do the same Each share would be slightly under $500 NU SUGGESTIONS The general government com rrdttec reports no significant suggestions hnva been received regarding improvlements in city servrccs so no award will be made for the month June The suggestion box was set up VPlnk cndatlo supervisorWot the pioneerexhib MthNlli larecasis iorGreat Lakes issued Lake oatrim Winds light and and Larry Shrigley scored one Gcl your patio from any smiling learnn BOOKS BOOKS and mora books John Stewart tore groundt student at North Coilegiala during the schools JIM masons applies an other cost oi paint to new shelves in Hillcrest Public When most of the countrywill be taking tileday oft August ior Civic Holiday the members of the flame Rotary Club will be out in St Vincent Parkconk Oshawa Gaels Beat Warriors For lelOLil Win By THE CANADIAN PRESS sixgoal etiort by Ross Jones led Oshawa Green Gaels to their zlst consecutivevictory Thursday when they defeated long Branch Warriors 3211 in Ontario Lacrosse Association Junior action in other games Huntsville edged Mississauga 1211 and Fe terhorough detected Toronto 13 At Oshawa Don Stinson added four Oshawa goals while Terry RowlandChuck Li Larry Lloyd and Jon Krasnaj scorcdthree each or the winners FredGreenwood Mike Lewis Ch rlla Marlowe and John Creighton all scored twice for the Green Gaels Bill Langley each year and parttime employee ol the Collegiate Board in tile summer gets hclp lrom assis tant foreman Parker Kelcey to School The entire inside of the school hasheen repainted bright green during the ing and serving 1700 chickenIsaid Mr Brent but they Will be contributing to fellowship ng themselves which is the lifeblood of any club The barbecue one of the two dinners no event is the clubs 16th 10 annual chicken barbecue major fundraising projects run by the club each year will be held in theRotary pavilion at SLVinccnt park The other event is lheannual radio auction Money raised is used for com mlinity projects All materials and food for the barbecue were purchased locally by committee headed by Er nest Roman and Rolarians will do all the king serving and about three monthsago No awards have been made Eelsphant rbf Wiilgky flavour ISa gt ginning Dlxllllod maniac Cull nSchVInlsy an sort someol hundrcdeof books whioh must be ready turning scholars in September Examiner Photo tor re summer and the parking lot has been completely repaved Examiner Photo Theyll Serve 1700Chiclltens At AnnualRetdryBarbecue Tickets for the barbecue cost Répdri use Little Affected Mail In far the mall atnh an to in little altos on bride lite ol Barrie Hoot pooch polld maintain they are carrying on as usual $135 at enoe an to an Shier at Canadian Gen eral Electric Co hid said the company was experiencing no great problem at all Wo In getting Ill the impoundthings throufli he aaid PE and other consulates in the city are using an intercom pany mailncrvico troma loca tion in Toronto Some other mania that deal with CGE Ira sending mall to gram Mttealatiurl it as would Bradlord Streotjlnnt Meanwhile Canadian Nations Railway pensioners maxvlï¬ up their cheques at the yard stile near Lakeshore Drive The Canadian National lasti tute for the Blind huboon able to distribute piydicch to can ployeea in the area bu the supply at braille books as no or been cut nitby the mail strike Nornlally two ions ol braille reading material is mailed daily across Canada from the CNlBI national libraiy in Toronto spokesman for the Credit Bureau of Barrie Ltd said his business was not too seriously aftcctad Bureaus in the area have improvised local mafl run at their own on rotation basis Also adropoll and pickup scrvice is maintaincdwlth the bllrcour bigger clients lie said the strike is having Close to 250 children gathered in Queens Park yesterday morn ingllor creative arts day spam sored by lire Parks and RecrcaA tlon Commission Contests were held betweon groups of chil dren trom each of the la swer vlscd playground in thavclty and the youngsters from Queens Park came out on top with total of 28 points Eventsin the contests were trans murals singingpdrama dance puppetry and rhythm band The tirst two were com pulsory and group couldchoosc tour from the last five Second was lilac Morrison with Lipoints and then Oakley Park with 23 Dave Wiley playground coordinator for the city said that he was heartened by the Shell forms Organization For Pi eline TORONTO 10P Tbe proposed pipeline would carry sulphur from southern AL rta to Vancouver the com 250 Youngsters Participate InyCreativellrlseProgram ltmakes yoUrdrihk taste better $175 and may be purchased trom any club member Serving starts at pm and continues until 630pm or until iilcfood runs out HEAD rtunr cann NEW YORK AP pair oi ranking lightweights lorrner titleholder lshmael Lagunav ot Panama and Lloyd Marshall of Newark NJ will head triple iuround card adison quare Garden Au 2t pertinent ing the possibility of shiple solids through no for Fhliolger formerly gineer in Shells pipeline de Strike no appreciatilavcltect on the I6 lectiona themselves CALL lJi Telephone calls and telegrams have increased molly asa dir ect result of the strike ntricisla ot both communicaqu no work reported Byrne operator ol Gray Coactl Lines on Maple Street says parcel express in up about percent The increase in but express it uuaedvhy firms that have to acndmylnria that normally goes throw the malls Paola receiving weltaro cheques train the city should go to city hall to pickrthem up Wei are administrator Steve liln said he would deliver dunner tor thwewbo are bed ridden or tooold to get down town Provincial Government mail in being handled by oomhim ation of Ontario Provincial Pol lea and Departmentol Highways anld Lands and Forests person ne The Canadian Independent Ad lustcrs Conierenca has set new mail clearing houses In Owen Sound londoo Kitchener Belle ville Windsor and Huntsville learn of college students insurance company employees and adJuatara arc dalivering the mall to surrounding areas spokesman tor the Ontario Medical Services insurance Plan It tOhlSlPt said they have had telcphone calls asking what to do about due premiums There will be no penalty if they are not mailed until the end of the strike tho tpokcsman aaid cnarivnWS THE BAIllllE EXAMINER FRIDAY JULY turnout butWouldhave liked to have lean more parents We realise that it was held in the morning when fathers are at work but possibly some more ot the mothers could have been on hand in saidu This was the Iirst time such citywide avent had been held amongst the playgrounds Mr WileyLbiought thaeidea in Barrie from other communities where he has worked with supervised playgrounds Most of tbs credit goes to the teenage leaders at each park said Mr Wiley manyol them who gav up their evenings and used lhc ownhomes to help those on dren preparetor this day lba leaders not only supervise the parkslint engage tbs child ren in activities and must run one special avent at each park ad week suchasa rattle lay nature duke or cookout Thetflflli parade and penny carnival tor the children is planlt tied for the evening of Aug Queens Park Mr Wiley Maybe we see more rar oniaoutlorgttha¢ho raid Guilstreoiilf heater for two Whoiehflbriiilsii Call in today Hanoior jviilcnlzrf TvtliMaiNG HEATING