Asks Beach Pro rosom top posits MacDonald leader of the Ontsr io New omorgtir Phagyi Thursday urged pm government to seek an adjourn merit of trespassing charges iatdby owners of Lake Erie he propertiu which are afï¬liated to come before the courts Aug air MacDonald iournment should be sought to permit the government to clar ify public policy on future use of the beaches which now were largely held by Americans The first in series of demon strations against exclusion of the public from the Lake Ene wateriront is scheduled for pm EDT Sunday July 28 at Wildwood ach fn Humber stone Township Mr MacDonald said the pn vate owners most of whom are Americans forbidden by law Irom acquiring such bench property on their ownside oI Lake Erie are pressing the trespassing cb arg es against local residents who have chal lenged their rights to exclusive use of the waterfront Largest Cargo SAULT STE MARIE Mich tcPi The largest iron ore cargo ever to pass through the Sault Ste Marie lock system en tcred the MacArthur back in the liiichignnSault Locks Thurs da spokesman for the US Army cnginecr corps said the freighter Edmund Fitzgerald Was carrying 30260 tons rec ord cargo Northland Transit TORONTO tCP The chair man and two commissioners of the Ontario northlnnd transpor tation commission have been reappointed to twoyear terms by the provincial cabinet Cabinet orders Thursday ap proved the new terms for Chair man Aiiisï¬fdohusion of South River Conservative litllI for Parry Sound and Commission ers Roy Thompson of Swastika and Johnmlgenneidy of North Bat Deties Court ARNPRIOR Ont CF 50yearold man vowed Thurs day to continue his oneman blockade of liquor store drive way in defiance of court order Dennis Carl Stencell has been lying on sun cot near the back door of the store since Tuesday night claiming he owns the land that providcsiacccss to the retail liquor outlet on Madawas ka Street in this town 40 miles west of Ottawa The Supreme Court of Ontario Issued an injunction Thursday ordering ML Stencell to stop his blockade which has prevented the delivery at $5000ti worth of liquor to the store GM Sales Up NEW YORK AP General Momrs reported Thursday that net income for the iirst six months of the year totalled $960000000 ed with 591211003th in the same period year ago Sales were srt7oooooooo I2perceut increase over those of $104000000t1u in the yearagn jperiod interest Bates OTTAWA CF Shortterm interest rates as represented by Tederal government treasury board yields dropped by more than an eighth of percentage point this week The decline appeared to sig nal reduction in the Bank of Canadas bank rate which may announcedthis weekend longterm rates also declined The Bank of Canadas average 111 yields on seven longterm government bonds at market prices dropped this week to 554 per cent from the figure which prevailed for thcylast two weeks The bank ratethe rate the central bank uses for rarely drawn advances to the char tercd banksreached high point of 7V per canton March 15 and was reduced July to seven per cent Two days later the treasury bill yield dropped to per cent StowaWay Sails HAMILTON tCl Stevie Wallace liyeanold Glasgow stownway will sail homerather than tly Stevie on tha freighter Torr Head forseven days and arrived in Montreal July The nterventionsnd cheque thook joi Hamilton businessman Lanny Wilson allowed him stay in Canada for visit witha former churn Gordon Ma Phersoii of Burlingto Now he says he ill sail for ngland cotirtesy ML Wll son on the Empreï¬of England will leavastontreal Aug The flight he was to Toronto July hearing Aug mansla GERIMRD SCHROEDER Canada NATO OiTAWA up Defence Minister Gerhard Schroeder of West Germany said Thursday he hopes Canada will continue to station military force in his country under the North Atlnn tic Treaty Organization He told news conference that he has no wish to lpterlcre in the Canadian governments current foreign policy review but he hopes thnt the result will be in favor oi keeping npbysi cal presence in Germany He deemcd this vital to the vitality and efï¬ciency of the lat iiancc Mr Schroeder returned to Ot tnwa late Thursday for news conference after visiting Man and His World Montreals perr manent summer exposition on the site of Expo 67 Treatment Proper TORONTO CF coro ners Jury ruled Thursday that Carol Ann Waterman received treatment of the hlghcstcali bre at Toronto Western Hospi tal but found there was some laxity about her death Jan 23 Mrs Waterman 22 of Toron tovdied oi unknownicausesai hours after being admitted to the hospital complaining of blurred vision dizziness and headache Dpctors attending her diag os suhnrnchnold hemop rbage in the brain but an autop sy performed by junior intern failed to find cause of death Farm Marketing TORONTO CPI pro posed farm marketing board for potatoes in Ontariomlght re quire power to impose acreage arid quantity control and sur plusdisposal program says report preparedior an official government publication Lazlo Bodnar an economist to the treasury department says Ontarios 1400 potato growers are adverselyaffected by market dominated by few chainstore corporations and by limited number of large growz erpackers who sell exclusively to chain stores Close Shipyard MONTREAL CP Marcel Pepin president of the Confed eration of National Trade Unions Thursday called for meeingof union company and federal and provincial govern ment officials to seek solution to the closure oi the George Davie shipyard in Lauzon near Quebec City The CNTU represents the we persons putout of work when the yard closed in June The yard was termed uneco nomic after it was purdiased byi Davie Shipbuilding Ltd also of Lauzon from Canadian Vickers II it Woman MONTREAL CF Woman Swedish film seized by police last week at two city theatres opened Thursday to more than 8000 persons at theatre in suburban Pointe Claire The movie was shown in its original version with English subtitles The tom had previously run for 22 weeks in Montreal Police seized the film the night show ing with French vsubtitlcs opened gt iiwo theatre managers James Delounis and Marcel Bertrand were arrested and charged with staging an indecent show They will go to preliminary liquor Strike Durham top on monthlong liquor strike has sprung leaks through some provincial distfliéï¬cs although IQfluyebecllrtquor Board outlets re reporter Thursday that some distillcries are lining ordersvfortcustomars fwhyshould we keep losing sormu evcnuet MrLavcrr uniLs dispute loh pettyiglPolic Milk Auction summon On in Iï¬lk sales to cheese factories Mldbuhandledthrvughauo Rossttcr of Soho der Ltd in Kitchener told oommitteemeetlng the auction system would make it easier for factories to control the volume of milk needed for cheese pro duction Canada Tungsten TORONTO iCPt Canada Tungsten Mining Corp Produc er of 15 per cent of the noncom munist worlds tungsten concen trates Thursday was given per mission to omit sales or gross operating revenues from its pro it and loss and interim financial statements Mr Justice Wi Henderson made the ruling utter Falconer counsel asked for exemption from provi slpns of the Corporation Act for five years Only one years ex cmptton was granted effective to Aug in tats which will apply to the 1963 fiscal year and the June to and Dec 31 finan cial statements New York Bomb NEW YORK AP pow erful hand grenade exploded today in the ofï¬ces of the Evcrv green Review in Greenwich Vll lage shattering three windows but causing no injuries it was Lthztb bombing incident inrtbe New Yorl metropolitan area since April 22 Moments later mrin who said he was speaking for new ly form antiCastro exlic group telephoned The Assn elated Press and claimed credit for the attack as well as for two earlier bombs which did not ex Diode he Bank Credit ltTORONTOCPI Recently announccd bank credit card syn terns may not disclose correct interest rates to the users Can adas sale finance companies charged Thursday in brief to the Ontario government The Federated Council of Sales Finance Companies re presenting at Canadian firrns said in submission to the do partmcnt of financial and com merclaï¬ affairs Some of these plans tend to circumvent cen tral principle of consumer pro tection acts namely the degree of disclosure nnd thus compara bility of credit costs Housmg Goal OTTAWA CF The hous ing goal most mentioned by fed eral authorities for wadabout 175000 unitsstill looks like good bet as builders head into the second half of the year Oificlal estimates published Thursday place housing starts for the first six monthsat 83672 seasonal adjustment of the figures calculated by Central Mortgage and Housing Corp sets the socailed annual rate of startsat 204000 units in the first quarter and 19l200 units in the second quarter Aldermens Pay TORONTO OP The Star says Toronto alderman are pre paring to vote themselves pay increase of up to $6000 year $1000 lhe1a aldermen now receive abaslcannual salary of $4000 but legislation passed in the leg islature this year allows munici pal councils to establish wage scales for their own members The Star says city council poll it conducted Wednesday ni ht revealed nearunanimous support for big wage increase Only Mayor William Dennis who is paid $5000 year op posed the idea the newspaper says Appointment rononro CF The pron incial cabinet has approved the appointment of Fraser Dougall president oiiradio station CICPR Port Arthur to the board of governors of Lakehcad University The appointment approved in cabinet orderThursday is for two car term ending July W1 HEARING POSIPONED MONTREAL CP full slate of casesmursday in Que bec Superior Court prevented the smeduled hearingoi an in iunctioil petition involving the suburban St leopard school spa member iiveman StLeonard ch of Commission said Thursda nightehhathcar ing of the iniunetlon petition whichls anatt pt to prevent Frencironly ins ioh inltha Ideal weekend ruth er is forecast forth notchesn Georgian VBIy region Saturday with sunny skin tutu around It Winds will be light law to night 55 high forecast for1b marrow is so 7v Bylopell Pleasantasitnny weathtr will dominate most oi Ontario again today Showers andtbundersbwers will spread across Northern Ontario and perhaps parts of southern Ontar to Saturday Windsor inodon Hamilton Toronto Luke SL Clair Latte Erie Lake Huro Niagara Blocked Indians Dislilre Publicity llIACGREGOR Men OP Yes iownspeoplesay it is true they and their elected leaders blocked the sale of two houses because reliefroll indlan fami lies would have been the new occupants And yes they leaned on the owners with the con siderable pressuro of small town public opinion But they are upset by the glare of national publicity that has fallen on the rural municiv pallly of North Norfolk and its towns of MacGrcgor Austin and Sidney and they are steadfast in denying that antiindtan bias inspired their actions Their case is that while they have no objections to the princl ple of lndions movingintn white communitiesa migration which has the endorsement of the Manitoba governmenttho provincial welfare department was planning tuiolst on them members oi clan of shtftless houseaivrccking troublemakers mason CF barefoot mun naked from the waist wasfound nniledflhrougbtha palms of his hands to wooden cross in northwest Londons Humpstend Heath Thursday po lice said The mansriect wrapped in towel were supported on short wooden baom The victim identified as Io sephde Haviland about so tip pearcd to be in atrancc said ambulance drivers who re moved him from the cross The drivers quoted him as sayinghc felt no pain He was taken to hospital where spokesman said he was receiving treatment but was not on the critical list Inscription On End Of Niagara HAMILTON CF Niels Thomson the 19yearold Mexi can who claims be sworn across the Niagara River below the falls Wednesday says be proud 1y scrawled Cnisc el Rio on rock at the Canadian side When he landed in jar interview Thursday he said the phrase means crossed the river Underneath be wroteghis name with pen given to him by US immi gration inspector in Miami Fla Niels is in awaiting an im migration innuiry if ordered deported he probably will be flown torMexico said Henry Farron district enforcement su pervisor for immigration Niels says he entered the US the same way last October from Mexico etw een Matamnros and Brownsville Tex crossed over to the United states go unde the ridge and swim aer the rm Mariano TALE know it sounds fantastic said the officer who arremed nunas he was hitchhiking on the Queen Elizabeth Way near Oakville Wednesday night But really think haydtd ll ithe way he says Niels dropped out of school at t7 travelled around Maiden for year then last October swam the RioyGrande River toTexas Ho travelled in theU ro rosin CANADA Lennon tRcIttens and Red Devils Brita crack par aehtite reg ment wi vlsit Can add andthc united States in the fall of 1969 it was announced itluirsd Ky in 20 cities period it visit about duringa 12week TltY iisuus spinners NO WAITING son ulirncur YOU CANWERWITHIEIDE and tempera the Pleasanlf gIsffForecastV anti 0mm Earthen Gentxiln Buy Sony same Thursday Variable cloudineumurday with chance of Isolated thunder Mormons um ScullSte Marie North Bay Sudbury Northern Georgian Bay Algoma White River Cedartie TimagumlgSunny with few cloudy periods Ind isolated thundershmrers today scattered showers llid thunder abowern Not much mange in temperatures Winds light Western James Bay Variable cloudiness withscattercd thun der showers today Tempera day Saturday cloudy with scat Iered showers and cooler Winds southerly is today and northerly Saturday Mo ntreal Ottawa Sunny today Saturday mostly sunny and little warrner Light wine Low tonight high Saturday Windsor o5 SLaThomas London St Catharines Toronto Peterborough Kingston Trenton Killaloe Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Enrlton Sault Ste Marie Kapuskasing White River Moosonee Timmlns cgemsagscssecosswcsss eructiixion4= To Be Trick Police later charged Eric Leach it an interior decorator with unlawfullyipd malicious ly causing grievous bodily harm to de flavlland leach was to appear in court today The victim was wearing trou sers Anlneinch unit through the palm of each hand held him to the scvenfoothlgh cross made from railway ties The cross was leaning against tree neighbor who lives in the same apartment building as he Havilnnd said late Thursday night He toldus about the crucifixlt ion long time before it was supposed to be some kind of conluringtrick no in River Swim immigration ofï¬cials picked him up in Florida last month and told him to leave the coun try by Aug He reached Niagara Falls NY Tuesdayand spent the day studying the river and its currents Late that evening he climbed down the treacherous gorge near die observation tower Leaving shirtron shore he plunged into the river in pair of trousers asports shirt and gym shoes The current was stronger than he expectetl But when he tried to get back to shore he was swepttnto the ten ire of the fastswirling water The river is 1006 feet wide all thatpoint and mutants run up to 18 miles an hour After stiffening butfeting by waves and rocks be dragged Saturdsy mostly cloudy with turcs much the same as Thurs himself up on the Canadian side and took an empty cable car up the bank My arms were shaking and couldnt trembling Nielssai he tried out tlte Mexican Olympiicswimrrnng team in longdistance competi tion and ï¬niiled third CHANGE MACHINERY UNITED NATIONS tAP South Vietnams UN observer said Thursday Communisfs have begun setting up new polit ical machinery including vii lage committees of liberation and Ho Chi Minh party in an Xuyeoprovinc press release from tbcobservers otfice said agencies in An Xuyen Ihone lld DANGEREIEIDfS SHOWERS ARE forecast again for parts of the country today in the Manitoba Saska tchewanAlberta regions but WORLD asters NAME ASSISTANT OTTAWA CPI John Slcvr art former MP from Nova Sootia has been named legisla tive adviser to Donald Mac donaldgovernmcnt House lead er and privy council presidtnt it was announced Thursday Dr Stewart 43 was an unsuccess fuileeral candidate in the now mainly in thelrcentrni regions East coast north of Halifax also will got the wet treatment warm trend should post tem Nova Scotia riding of Soutb western Nova invthe lunn 2Q general election RESCUED FROM SEA MACi0 AP No wounded refugees from Commu nist Cbinawcre rescued Thurs day from the open women this Portugu esc colony on the Chinese cosst it was believed they had been shot by Chlnge authorities trying to prevent writsbit erbeeo TheéreuildsteplLobotls Pilsener nevarwecirs its welcome Ever Its out the happy tasteJha tqste qtgunadas trueblue loger beer ch iswhy the trombiuéf tends ot Rilsanar coll itiBlu Ldbattfs Bluo peraturesiiu Ontario Quebec New Brunsuidr and Nova Scotin areas to so or just be low CP Wircphotot theirescape Under terms oi the 1967 agreement Maeoots supposed to return all ridugeet at Pekings request MOSCOW VISITOR MOSCOW Reuters Wila llarn Knshtan general secretary of tho Canadian Communist party is in Moscow and on Thursday visited the Marx and Engels Museum the Soviet news agency Tass reported