Barrie Examiner, 22 Jul 1968, p. 6

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as VIUuGlllG in min onion snail at the judgea labia Mayor and Mn RI Bentley ml or the hrili at the lnnlsfil Summer Cam land Alderman Dorian infer ooolertindrolllanga flldlhs curtailzheld in tho val held Satinday ara above they were illqu oractivl almondExam Photo SPEAKING or PEOPLEVAND PLACES HOLMES REUNION The 1966 Holmes family re union held in Angus Commun ity Park was marked with good attendance or the games and contests followed by pic pic saunter Prizes were dislri buted to the eldest man and wo man family travelling the yeatost distanoegond to the youngest baby Ed Selle of Ypsilanti Midli gan was eleclad president rand Mrs Jake Smith of Barrie sec retary to look alter the 1969 reunlon to he held in Angus Park July Special thanks were extended to the commit tee Mr and Mrs Wilfred av idson Mr and Mrs we man and Mr and Mrs Art Holmes for making the geloo gather possible GUESTS Mm Emma Jones of Sophia St Wrrltertained Mr and Mrs Elrick of Ajax and Mrs Kniylt oi Tomato at her home EC TRIP Mrs Stan liken and her two daughters Elaine and Elimbelh have just returned lroma prose Canada Iran trip to Nanaimo BC and Calgary ltley visit Mr and Mrs Arllbee in Nanaimo formerly ol Barrie and brotherinlaw and family tile Aikens in Calgary COLUMBUS VISITORS Mr and Mrs Alan Hooper wim Brian and Douglas all ol Columblrs0hio are the gueota at Mr and Mrs Borysiuk Hayfield St The Hoppers are ell route to Timmins where they will visit with lower Barrie residents Mr and Mrs Dixon MINISTER RE Rev Ernest Long DD ot Toronto elected last week to the central nominee olthe World Council of Glurohes was minister of Collier St United Church in Barrie 191339 Also chosen from Canada to the loo member committee was Rt Rev SReed Anglican Blsh Eg display Pupils op ol Ottawa Dr long now general secretary or the United laurel at Canada SHAW FESHVAL Mr and Mrs Haber Smith and Mr and Mrs Warren Wil gar recently attended the Shaw vFeflival at Niagaraonvthelalre and saw the production of Heartbreak House lha were glass at tho om inn AFTERNOON TEA Mra Arthur McKenzie Mary St entertained at an alumina tea on Saturday in honor of her niece ML Janet McKenzie September hrldeeloct and dallgh ter of Mr and Mrs Kenneth ll McKenzie of thiiflm St Approximately 75 mafia were WHAT THE STARSShy Wew Panama FOR TOMORROW day In whlohto concentrate on longroan or both oc cupational financial better menL Where such matters are concerned stars mentally favor sound investmean and property deals Along personal lines Dont take auddenro malice tno sariimly right now NRTHEBIRTEDAY ll tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indimles that it would he expedient to push ahead with importantplans and pork ployems immediately As of August 15th you will enter fine cycle or advancing along or you could dint gains lllir will he dummonde ber alal thmghont whenyoumybehcedwilbun laualeapenrea mid ary when yolrmayenoountor some annoyanw avails on file 5101th minutier flsrnoothlyod andllapplly Boat pe next April andJune Moat proi itlolra finds in travel and atamrlatg social activities Dunbar mm mu May and June welmnad try the hoaesa and guest of honor Tea honor were pulormed by Mrs Royce We of Barrio aunt ot the brideelect Mm Robert bristle of Utlt New Yorksiaterdflleguenolhon or and her aunts Mina Kathryn alumni of Toronto and Mill Nancy McKan or Barrie re ammo lnduried Miss Cathie Waters and Mira Anne Crook at Toronto ltlrs Kennolh Lamont at Ann Arhotlr Mlohlgan alsta of the brideelm Mrs Karol Ill Parker and Mrs Mciiurdy of BarrieJVMra Walla of an Barrie and her thqu Mm Keith VCarneron ot Etxlhlmlro wet to hasten ashomily invariant October amp tor brlel periods in October and in Win tol romance Octoba Adrlldbnlnrnnthlaflaywlll both occupational and financial lines and the load period will last for all moadrs But though this benelicerlt cycle may seerrr to he short one it can he or enduring worth it you make the most of it and itoan also prove apringhoard to still lather gainsnotably during the first two weeks of January the last two in Fetnuary the latter hall at March late May and the en tire month or June 1969 Do not 45 the leorle ls wont to do ladulge in extravagant whims ln intermittent periods however inhaler My le ma Princesannno our poll When tirerschool mm ends laewlreplmnn openingfight dooo More the eostinguptnmmtl dma was held on timing mount Hahnes fledgling lamnanny nua lng to pullmore can mm mi hawfidowed with high ordain genoe dynamic person ality and the qualities of lead IulieAndrewS Misses OWn Premiere LONDON limiters Julie Andrews nlrlmd the world pre rnlara of her $10000000 picture Start 1hursday um It wra the ma lavish Ibndorr Second World anr with lull Spolresrnen hora said Mia An schedule in illlasers by rm arl is the my 01 Gethude lawrence who rose mm londoaahnn to be star ao lmss and international society rglrreletllveenflre two wot wars it is disarm by Robert Wrsa who alaodilxted Miss An liraws it hit me Sound of Musr flrebailylloo londnn miles gave them Century for movie mixal recqwhon SpalnsDésigrlers Cling To Classics Lonnie span ladys podsatbonk plow but didnt startla in twoday inglhal ended Mutiny Portagaz manhuntheir to Balenolaga clungto hi ohm hailoredllnea with hurdiaes in above and irrathelo thahhee ln morwa the Veteran Mlfl export more than all the rut of the lndmy lumped together Jun ior the youngest Spam do aigner at 23 raised moatoi hla harm in mat of censorship andplayedbolnlywllnmog on You Ella Hemanyer who oontraaledzthe alrnoadidnt makeit hamltne wllh 09g awcépors and draw oonsld bla annotations applause nyaodlarze the Spaniel do signer placed the hairline Cha ncally around the kneecap with an adventure wand again Into maxicounty Suhddlzod by on goutm merit mot of the 11 5pm houses in the rthowlnga din fixed 90 or more treadm Eis 155 3r it as It gr SE sag pa as raa nanommumna MONDAY sf at £5 Is Es rural figs sits Insemination of jPériectéerOCtors Dr smith aaldonlyone state llu sanctioned the He said therein no legislation in Canada which cover human aenxnatlon is oomldtred caserwhere the hurhlnd is ster diam 1891 scrim illness orgenemultetm to an puma Ila addtha Roman Catholic and Anglican clutch have cleaned artificial insemination adtlltuy and lo are flatly iolt Width said lttifloial ln mutton aithougr Molina ly finale la tadloll and ttme analrung run medical The pmcedrna raqlaroa alriflr degree on medical atoll an often must he repeated aavzral times hetero nra Sanmnciaoo gyneoolo gist said that donora commonly rear even with dining oarafuflyonrded consent docu ment by hoththo Midland and wttethatvthey may he laaad tantrum the ra Dfl Dr Smith said donors molly Ide yaauot Hammad dommledlulmdemnria term Donor Whdordrand tonntdrlhcdmudoadyu pmdble tothehudlandlnro Card to BE blood factor and Meal diatom lydntalligew men also as lllairf candidates liiraid Of Women WHOM The only woman among the 63 govern meat slrwoltera tn the Ontario Iedshtura aaid mtlmr that women voters wont vote for women candidates in the elections in dreer nonsense In many rldlngu malarandr dates are in tact more alrald oia woman opponentthan male mndldate lamply because wey believe the women will vote for Irma Ada Prltdlard lCdllamllion Wail laid duh lag the btldgd debate Mm Pridrard all tint Mile parttea soled tow women candl datuonly 16 were nonan in the last provincial election they rely on women workers in the mastitue Elected often trawling day It seems to me thatit wmlen We limit reaaona to Brad that they would also make goodoandldota MN Pxiidhard laid lira too pay to Iget them the Torts nominate woman tn ridings whldr the mylsydllingto write of ua Sheaiaonomplalnedthattoo lowwornenaraappointaltolm portaat hoards aadevinry lIlo onlynth wormn he of the Ontarhhwse is Mar lienlwlck NDPScarbu ctu Cam Birth Contro1gKnow1édge RemovesFalseiaInidnnatibn amrr Ana col Birth ne aald yollng girls control knowlodga wlllnot en courage premarital aexual la tareourse but lt have Mug persolli from the corne quenees ol lalse information Dr Fmd Kinda the population pound of New York said Wednesday Dr Kind told hammer on lamily phoning that Home parta uttlleflnttad am hhaaklnarkdlnfllc tilt leads on the imoranoe oi youh exists in connect wt htrth litrol pills Montreal Doctors de lint Traps Shouldnt Be Used the Ant float and Dr John Mews dlatrldan alaMmureal drens horpltal report in Canadian Modlpalqllolanal since 1950 an average or 18 unless are aold Minor nights data in the belielrthey can avoid pregnancy if jtexuai lnterepursa takes place and millennium method doesnt work Dr Killcl raid Doctors who prescribe onal cpflracaptivesoor than usually advlra them to avoid in patients telcourse or use alternative means at birth control lor al most month alterthe medlea tion har begun pr Kine Bald knowledge or larlh control is not an ilflgalnr Ill promkudly but rather pro tachon againsmho mantra of nennlllsuplopltynam illmanly Mormonalum edge The plaldic herald is an oltladlohrowaboutall ofhirflleoflioi IS methods limérican Tour For Indiafs Indira mom or Mrl in dxm Gandhi well travelled pllimendnlfianof India la in VLdtSmrthAmerieahqutmp mama mm impired Mariannath they succeed Such goal tr aim then re lama type halt the children of the Ulited rarely faces anamergeoty wlth age as is is gee ii Alduerva good word 35 MVE MY aromamam Dear Um lluac you lot and with hum both GivingBrat Aid To Child illlay SayéHis Life For You ByGAIutY MYEMJhD hood Choose the dentist who To admlnlatar Maid rowdy to the master we clally between tha ages one and umaybetoaavethelllent oheh child Slrppodng It will hurt he may not hacooperlative no matter bow odrll Ind 1mm sive you are He might redst so Violently that you would give up However none parents are an fluid as to win mention ol the child at tlrat ald always lrorn thortiltlds earliest years worth striving toward But it you know there will be strong resistance dont try per suasion Apply the lrat aid or medicine as quickly and skill fully Ia poulhle ymrcanl get help on hold on child by tom do an if nuaary About the womthingyoucandolatoha party to an orgy of emotion in ynurseltand the youngster To apply first uld Altarwards may be dlsastroua Every parcrt should carefully observe the nurso and doctor their skill speed and certainty and try to emulate thorn Naturally with the baby you may be only trighlelled when he gets cut burn or lall You may be inclined to grabhim up and betray vwilh OllllliDY£z meats anddvolce your fright Very early the Infant can sense your lear when he may share some offitjand Elma he hurt more than he is Many times when he la bit hurt he may cry very little or not atall It you evince noanxiaty So your hlgggl problem is to man age yourself and try tohe ar calm and objective as if you were nurse or dootnr You need to harden yoursell soar to act reliably when your baby or drlld gets hurt Your infant and dlild will need mains allots He may will oldlivata in this yamsner clone personal friendsal You oantco why some den tlsla dontoare to deal with young children in order to be patient the dentist cant always hurry He may have to spend more time than with an adult Strangely enough some parenla suppose they should have out um wlth youngsters lust as at some restaurants Indeed the wire and aenslbla parent as auras the dentistaho experts him to bill her in accordance with fire time he must spend at winning lha dlilda cooperation Morover the dentist who earns tor the child tor years and years galning his cooperation may be able to will the drild Whemwlthllttlaorna crying ll halseesyou wholly oi prohlun may arlu it your drild needs nnnor nlrgeryor meat dressing at wound following artery Camp AND DENTIST Sonladnldr en nth mar older who have not regularly visited the dead in Mr early years may have terrllylng lean when going to the dentin in an emergency Sonia of these drildran Jot alxh tears heclllrsa at then ov erhaarlnz remarkpaz la old perm allggeatlag re than to avvlait to the dentist has been estimated that mhava nwervldtedarlen flat an stlmate hardto he lleve With increasing wetter filing treede crease Perhaps big problem affilefflmewillheflnedlm tionofparemaldtheroulled middleelaaatnhavethelrdlll dren visit the dental one or meflmregulaflihznmtm yorargstar or WWIde amgrumthodllld toothache or tamed gums Ar rulefrtho domist lr aoakllltul to traalsueh motionan paintolhe youngster Beginning with the int choose if posalblo ta dermis whom he will Vlaitremlariy all lhmuyrhia lalancy and dild Grave Oi ilircefl May Be Unluarked Expedimcy magi yovaofAlloa in Wonderland The pariah momma malntomaoe problem grave is that at Alice udddl who aa ehlkl the whammdofhdmtler she mammalian died slnday at Hollywood Californla Presbyterian Roa vlihl oi heart limo She was regarded as theilounder of mud that la basic to Ameri can modern dandng Sha and harhuabaad Tad Elm open edthelllral DElriasShawn School or Dam to his Angelou in 1915 Mr Wirqlhoio ovanhaama cavalasrusmls Droas your hally in clothing thatls appropriate to the wea lherulhe old rationed notan Mrhllndllng him up at all tlmes la not good becauseoverheat log causes skin rashes To keep him eomtorlable dress him in unslhle clothing This isthe Kills and llLs pamnuwzhmslnglu him proper nourlddngdlet and to avoid excessive sweets Hilailetohelpthadaiidlreep his teeth and gum healthy so as to have all Mr teeth round whonhowlllhavegmwnlp ANSWERING QUESTION QWllat do you think at the parent who whm son or daughter leaves school on adlool day or all eacapade wllh other children man an clxsatorhtm oentdaytorsyhe or aim was sick thinktlley do their dllld no and or harm They may he gating him ready Iofloln tha ranha of Juvenile delinquency Besides they lnlerlcre with do sirable school discipline rotlllllrli Or DANCE him mat Deals as ININ Builnainnd rParsoml5tatlanary Compallllvo Prices Sallrlaclion gusyanlead THE BARRIE

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