Barrie Examiner, 22 Jul 1968, p. 4

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on mined by Cnidlan amass3 Persistence fPaYsini For The School Persistence has aid of for the Barrie public school boarld The Ontario Muni cipal Board has iven assurance it will support the ap tment of an architect to prepare lens for theproposed Cun dles School the citycounciiauthorisss part of they architects fees It council complies with the local boards request the school could be built for the opening of the 196910 term The costot construction would have to be ap proved the new county schoolboasd andii authorization were ven the work could begin promptly Bu without plans delay to 1970 would be probable Earlier this year the Barrie board was caught in the ca ital debt squeeze im posed by the On government11 government asked municipalities to cut construction pro sins to the bare mini mum Asaresutotthis leatheOMB forced many towns and ci es including Barrie to reduce capital spending The local council complied anda result the estimate of $450000 for Cundles school was lapped from the list Rather accept this decision isfn DOWNMEMORYLANE 65 YEARS AGO IN SIMCOE COUNTY Barrie Northern Advance July v22 1908 Plenty of fowl on Saturday mar ket This years chickens were 5M0c pairyoung ducks 8090c eggs 15c doz embutter lollc liogs sold at $525 Simmons ea Cor offered straw hats at half price Broadview boys broke cash at St Vincent Park and retdrsia to oronto School board awarded coal contract to Scott Bicycle raceto Shanty Ba and return won by Fred Shaw nderlralner Johnny Dyments skillful eye Brookdale Stable horses winning rfiarly at Highland Park Toronto Plate winner Thessalon is down wl blood poisoning Orilliailaileamiarrleu in field is crosserat loc was referee smote County Old Boys are coming to town Saturdayby special train Grand Opera House is featuring Frank Bemrose Canadas first tenor Donald McGregor great bari tone Fanny Stone young contralto Will White comedian Grant Hammer and Robert Hell have leased largehotel at Big Bay Point for balance of season Somethin must he done to stop fish oacliingfin Lake Simcoe or Barrie tour trade will suffer in federal redis tribution bill Barrie transferred from North to South Simcoe riding Town Council still consider whether to grant concessions to Barrie Carriage Co and Harrie Shoeco steamer Enter prise thoroughly refitted will rejoin mm EDITORS VI BliEAlHéTEST LAw SOBERS BRITAIN New York Times Britsinsbresthteat law has reduced highway deaths and wrought dramatic change in the nations social life Country pubs once the metro for motorists who liked to drive out of town for few pints of beer report bar sales off Some rural publicans say the drop in drivein trade is as high as 80 per cent City bars are less afiected Even the brewers cannot deny that police thazstifi legislation enablin the tocariyout troadslde uaitles The Mi that road deaths were down by or 23 per cent for the three monthsafter the new law came into elect last October TEMPORARY HELP EXPLOITED Gait Evening he orter Many concerns req occasional temporary help Inlcronto many of them secure ditio use them call them slave markets The reason the receive such unflat tering epithet is at for men and wo men who receive $120 to $185 an hour these agencies char much as $195 an hour Thatin our book is acommisslonol er cent ontheemployeea take home 50 Pay In addition most of the agencies have clause lit the contract with these firms that theywill not offentheworkera per manent job forllo days after their to cry employment has expired In other cases where permanent jobe tiered to tempordrycnn ployeespiacementiees amountln to as much as three weeks salary in as weekly rangegare demand This by allfaccepted stand dsis an thewell organised Canada Man underWilbldoow Butteriield lloundrygouting spo reathtests has had telling elect on highway cas nistty of ylransportwre cried nal staft throu the help of agencies Some of the peep who ge the employers as ml the Barrie board pointed out that undies Sebooiwouid be an absolute necessity due to the rapid increase in the school tion it used council to om reconsi er then took ts case to the Mu nicipal Board As result the board ne iented=byconsenting to the apglointnient ot an architect thus assuring speed up otrconstruction once the ca tal esti mite receivesthe county boar sappm va The county board may be faced by many web in owlan may have to defer some splintions in its initial year menuin theinterests oi economy The Board however has made ood case for the Candies school on of need alone Over endlture on capital works is an lm factor in inflation which botht provincial and federal govern metals are fighting Nevertheless certain essentials suohss new schools when need is apparent should not be pigeonholed Schoolsshould always be on the refer red list otherwise the education child reu so im rtant in thisageot automa tion will neglected lake fleet James Vali Sons began anniversary sale Hunter MA wrote article on location of the hunter ous Huron indian village sites in Oro Township Engineer Heman of Al landale nursing badi espralnedankle as result of recent smasth at Hills Wdale hen oined to Ehnvale by spur line for ta out wood Grand ind of Canada Masonic Order elect ed Bro Morgan Barrie to board otGeneisl Purposes Slmcoe County Council met in special aesslonto ass goodroads debentures Barrie annin Limiteds staff excursion to Big Bay Po next Wednesday promisesto be best ever Prizes on display in window otWalter Scotts bookstore Dyment sonsYoinTwss great success Church Cricket Club Toronto came to Barrie and beat local team 7449 Barrie golfers entertained Collin odd and won match by 10 holes itors were entertained by Commander Whlsh at reception and dinner before returning home on late train Mayor Boys presided at Town Councd Discus don on road improvements and paving Argument over work done at municipal stone crusher William Rolling cilifaged to lay cement sidewalk onana and Park Sis adjacent to QueensPark llireerstables at rear oiToronto and Mary Sts destroyed fire owners were Martin Burton Char es Perkins and Bu er Elvs arichehjof industry and commerce may be necessary Some slam in the United States will not tolerate this type ofagency Under existing laws Canadians have no protection againstthis form of exploitation The obvious answer to tlus is to shun all such offers of any agency other than that maintained and anaged by the federal govern men Until such time of ourse that the authorities have the time toget round to protecting thelrfciilzcns WHY NOT INDEED Buffalo Evening News has ital should be warm and friend ce designed with more con sldern Wh tor extinple cant windows extend to floor to affordb view of central garden or terrace Why cant cavernous corridors be brok Eenupwith courtyards or other ta 0r wh cant interior decorators om nupwl some paintsnd design varia ons that littthe splrithwell wh not indeed Why no patienbcentre hes the hospitable vistas and fresh of materials the need notnecessaril cost any more than the ty lcaily inatlE tutionalized fegg irate ctures of the past Dam no souurams jToronto Star For amother with sun above an the baked sidewalk be neatha walk some Torontostreets as desert treks glv her and the children Inltalling asirnp dri kin fountain is not all that ex ensivea ut 1300 each It would moneywell laced for fountains would not only sla the thirst butalongwlth would help lilieve th many of our str Jack Grace on for patients emotional needs uses couple of shagglingyoungsters therhot cueuauo the ssis limos REPORT Trudeau Pidnnifig new as A103 as new is nor the lion MM ian Billoi ngfll Or does Mr Bentley mndder theollilll off mm 39 PM Sincerely Yours Bum llielrose Ave Barrie FIGHTING FOE LAMB Dear Your page of July in issue gave great play to the aims and oblcctlvss at certain employees of liobson Lang leathers ltd Apparently this scicalled Christian Labor Association of Canada is at it again its spokesman in this case would appear to be and Jack Duiker Motor Govt Changes rarercdmcaoison QllAWA Prime hiiniur lrudeeu has fluted his period In office in prudeitiashion mid is Ihe deni xem at Parliament Hill Yet his swlit mm and incisive numerals have caused no little unease in the colnloflable bach roorna of power occupied by the modalins of the harem lie will lolt their easygoing lite and stain than or the poll eyamnnigstaua wbida th have ssnmied horn the politi dam for let there be no rule take about this dining the past ten years no matter whidi po litical pasty was in office ihe mandarin were in power Not for iowh Philippe Pierre ives Eillotte Trudeautn give him his tinewill these be any mer elm glitter of ditty days of decision In foot the new gov ernment is not copying the glut of slogans which itsmedeceesor QUEENS PARK Canadas Prosperity Vital To Ontario By DUN OEEARN mnemo Treasdrer Cherie ddscliaughton in the house recently expressed agree lththe federal govern rments aim to bring more eco nomic equality across Canada At the same time be madere servatlons It still had lobe seen he said just how much the public purse of Ontario meaning your money and minclfcould stand for development of the rest oi the country Actually it can stand pretty well every cent that is wisely invested dollar spent in th develop Winnie bull oi the world of base metal and is asymmetries Barrie Ontario Authorised ss secondclass mail bythe PostOtfice Dc pertinent Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash Return postage guarante Dally undays and Stain ryliolldnye excepted Subscription usually by carrier soc weekly $2600 yearly Single copies 10c By mall Bairie$zooo yearly Ontario $1100 year My thavw off $15 year Out side Ontario on year Outs side Canada sions 515 ye foreign 382 year National Advertising Office 425 Universit nue Torch to 640 Cs on British posses US and oi the Canadian Pressxand Audi ureau oi The Canadian Press clusively entitled to the use helium ewda BM lure outmoded raise the standa sympathy with this bgrnowed rectanddsan ionising visors ivory timeless of Kennedys Washing ton instead be has in worksnan llke fashion launched his new cabinet into threemonlhs study session between the elec lion and the asxembiing olthc new parliament This will give him and his ministers lime in flail out the skeiftgjnsloidopolifii prepare love parliament meets it will also allow his ministers to enjoy dtromthc ey three weeks holiday with pay much needed especially by those who have heenon Can adas political circus trail of one night stands for six months through leadership canmaign followed immediately by the election canmaign lnsdeau has announced programme to rains apartments of povernment it has been report ed incorrectly in some places thatheplanstosaimilve new departments flais is not true it of the country dollar invested inthe pros perity of Ontario Mr MacNaughton left some question as to how well be ap preciates this for at one point he said theheaith of Canada de pended on the health of Ontério To an extent this is true since depressed Ontario would lend to depress the rest ofthe coun liuts reverse proposition is probably even more pertinent lhls is that the economic health at Ontario can dependon the prosperity of the of the lhls is based on the simple proposition thatrtlie biggest cus tomer for our products is the rest of Canada Despite the successful drive to it up our salesiln other parts not all that good market rest at the noun We do great cal of our buyingoukidc Cauad and para ilcularly in the US so that while selfish interest might cause some otus to the spending of our money to develop tile rest ofCanndth ily he very blind seli would res lshness lot the mannlabouti president of the Barrie General Workers whoever they are One must wondernt Just what this outfit is up to Surely it ritninis are to tail place as bargaining agent for working people in an admittedly un ChslsUan society it must have some all ative leader to the was frightening error be cause five new departments would imply perhaps 10000 new bureaucraislwiih payroll of some $60000000 and another 349000 to server rent office supplies travelling telephone pensions and other closeness in fact what Trudeau plans is redistribution of respoiuibiii ties in more realistic mnner between existing department That some of these restructured departments will chahge their name will not imply any in crease in their number Ottawa recalls that twelve years ago there was talk of splitting the mammoth and un wialdy department of transport The intent was to track all the responsibilities for air move meal and communicatsoisthus leaving lranspore Depart mc handling surface movey ment and ancillary objectives such as harbours new depart ment would be an Air Minis 0311 try supervising bodies and pulses moving over our heads St lament gtDiefenbaker and Pearson all heard these recom mendations Trudeau has an proximately acted onthemby wedding oonununicaiions to the post office department One of Pearsons early brain mm was to create sDepart ment of indimtiy Irwas widely questioned why the powerful meatDepartment of Trade and Commerce could not do anything intended for this new monster But nevertheless the costly oration was set up by Pearson it is now being dismantled and merged with trade and com mishap 15 epartment omtry was set up by Diefenbak Pearson renamed it ForeEry and Rural Developme ad ministering the ARDA hire and Runs Development Act iand FRED lfimd for Rural Economic Development pmgrammeslhis will row comedic department responsi bier tor regional developmen while the small taskot forestry will be merged inlotheFisher lee Department ileummar it 111E AREA IF PREHNTDAV Willi DYNAMlTlliG WEIR WAVlll posseWM XuMcoirsoeunmmovmswaascmiucsamm omARlDMIEREPUlZlEDBYfl II is Wmvwmvromiu Christian Labor Association oi Canada seems content to under minethe already established and long tougiit or rights that workers in this countryhave wnn such as the closed shop According to the Examiner re AR Greek Draft IsIi1credib1e PHILIP DEANE Foreign Aliire Analyst The text of the dratt mnstiisr lion produced by iheGreek mil itatyidsotoiors for what the the retina to democrv acy is an incredible document for 20th CenturyEuropc in 593 Erica the power in country is now army the cbndjtuiloh says so The armed forcesl have as their commian miauo internal slon The screed forces are nominal ly run by the government but promotionwhlahmeans eleva tion topositions of conmiand which cosmol the use of the decided by military service councils whose decisions are binding on the defence min in otiier words thearmy do cldeswho runs the army The army as we have seen has the right and dutyto protect the prevailing regime from internal subversion which oould mean open season on the opposition Individual rightmincluding press freedom firefostemlblyv guananiecdybul it is also stipu iated thatanyone my be de prived of such rights to protect the statean abuses of treev dom Such powers belong only to Oomunist parties Wm 0F raciruriacaumorsoiucwul ohmr aokwsulciusmucmuw mu mmeauumoim 1vo EED arlscnn wwwmzrlsmsamw in his stalemEnt hton as probab only protecting lsls suits lpenk Both he and Premier Roberts are well aware at the need tor rds in the rest articularly iii arslin hill of Canada and the Maritimesvan for republication oi all nails xvdlspetches in this rfcred ited to it or newsmath Pro ll Itd5 llffmekMMHWIF nt WM bytheCensd oolonels 11 phrase Jointly he Most workers dirty uan or otherwise would be in to say OK Mr Vande aande you and your live or six followers go in lo the boss and us what you can do by your publicly expressed Christian principles The rest of us will oak at reality at conditions as they are and gain to soil the boss after youye finished play inl your moral rearmaroon gameyou and your followers take what you gebweli take what we get WHAT TO ACCEPT How about that Mr Vande aandei Would your Christian principles allow you to accept 10 or 15 or 50 cents an hour less onwouid the fact Ihat you were not jolndy negotiating al low you to sleep well at nights Nobody including this writer has any objection to people be ing organised into union oi their choice The act that doc tors teachers engineers drug gists dentists and evon bush near men see the advantages of haying their own selfinterest looked after by union or asso ciation or in the case of bush ness men Chamberof Corn mcrce speaks highly oi the Pawss oirgrganisation What many people might ob Ject to as tho spendingoi work ers money in advance the cause of the boss By condemn ing unions as they are they demn workers to more yeari siniggiethey play the bosses game And sadly peo Mr Vandezande and iiir Du er get away with it in the name of religion If either of the abovenould can to get in touch with me id glad to discuss how fel low vmrker got equal average on page of The Barrie Exam inesby winning ms sugges tion award at OGE The um pgrted fact that John diseppean as re in ch their Christian pang ma Yours truly RON BOBBEilE 291 Patterson Rea Barrie OUND THE WORLD Constitution Document oldfashioned Communist re gimes those which have not taken step towards democrati lation The Greek Royal House had tried to establish it had slash rlglflatesn it had ex emised praising pro mics and choosing the corn manders oi the armed forces on ihe basis oi winch genemi mild mogle readily dag hid of palace was bad enoughThin are worse who 15 ms mm Under is theoretically parliaA mentary monamhy which was in fact authorization at least the Greeks knew where they stood it they took pains to know the monssdas views Butnow the Greeks have to nskthem selv Wh army which rims th show71sitiche gener als who were overthrown by the ooloneis now inpowcrt Is it the which has an missed the bést officers from ie 33 OIEV or preparing to overthrow the colo inels just as the coioneis ever threw tliegeneralsi This pno cess in African countries ended win the sergeants overthrowing the lieutenants The Brazilian armybas been tr mingrliself for years to nm civilian affairs it now is in by general admission is making cardinal meg pt it O©AL1E PRIME Minutes 61 sauna ems ills promo 15 Hrcorisnau $02 1H5 CONFEDERATION oFCANADK MMDOMLD meniscus commas nus LONDONM amomy mm rIssrrsmmmm Wm BUILDS MW liE$T5 It

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