Barrie Examiner, 22 Jul 1968, p. 13

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technicians rourottorlvov VSTRETCH YOUR BUDGET PAPE Places AT ROUIES VVAILLABLE iMMEDIAIELY hlyfleld fit one Both OPEN TO all DAILY iIJuh 11 our Egfimdiféonrfimfi mm 19oz rainswe Mega Tn Ivmxdm1wW1uVflnr 1965 thereon MONTCAiNi $1888 autoiruuciuilyipowerod mm radio all luxury appointments tEliiI MI be tondiion I111 on one film FOOT bet Ilia mlur in fifiimh aimed If fix II with decline EARMEKS MRKT 1965 CHEYVSUPER SPORT $1991 VD ofgggwficgm momaufle migmhmmo Iahxlzitmbueket out fldio horses Small mitosis removed hoo for inst servico pnoNE annals 72mm wallow IM NICKS DEAD STOCK mum MIN N0 EARGED yvuholuunooy Engaged Jw oenso No niocst Niek Montague PM FARM MACHINERY HANK BROWN Daiaval Sales Service DAIRYFARM EQUIPMENT Address Telephone EMPLOYMENT WANTED 14 WLIC lion ll hnhy litter or honour WEED Pin clll 607 Gr euhnui II L£GAL NOIICBOFSAIE UNDB Elm Your convention rmmmmfl uwymu Pontiac Block Burk In the WWNSIIPOFINNISHL minty orslmnae has runairl TREASURERS sun on cd unpaid or more than dance from months ior storage anthem To 1965 PLYMOUTH SPORT FURY $2088 vo luimlniic oomole flit bucket nous mile cur rent speaker Finished in black with rich maroon interior Home 96658 1964 RAMBLER CLASSIC $1069 door economical cylinder automatic molt motor that install ed Licence SW The above price this only i964 PLYMOUTH FURY $1499 bovsrtible VI mingle MIA rod mlidnnl interior with the newwhitorvinyl top licence lt 1963 FORD FAIRLANE NOTICE no 111511231 ionsdamlotvillrldfig 3f stroll In what CF rephoto $1292 aNrAnlo Harri RonaAndi hwny vs lgfplhfiflf Telephone raglions nu winrricic up nil cm innlatll Complete line at Dairy Farm Equioment Supplies SHoliyliwy27 on Holland detdiBroo Boatzv 17d BURTDNrAVE coonmane oMlsst on gailyhnne DION Kiln on would nr no can lopnono no ggilllllOPlHZIl Elidwln 113i mbllle mm rim new virus ohE him paint in tiiier ltiii°ntit in we mu 1355 PASTURE FOR RENT ranruns luiihhin to on in so he collie stmn Ind mo on eikr Oodhtawn am can mummim meninn zoos sermons chain Mothind tor oeufliioffiniifi uses ii Anna ificphonl figs PDULTRY CHICKS LEG Rubi or in one our olnu in well 701 area Duly Ray Lfluzhned RR Elma lilpthrlne TIMIOL LIVESTOCK FOR SALE arraaoon row stallion um in leopard would one norrel your inlet oi as Simm Wow sum flmmls zer Apploan Ohio aiiinishr ahoulwmlei ml am no tnnolria at mono remiered As mam evenimts Mue nongrmh Horgordfihexlliceng one phon mood Lagoon hay is din stand in or to lug or shawl thchmren as plural oor porrilmnltlnn Ind gauche1e out11m Aurqmonvs cARs Font ALE Since door hudtnlh DOW min yl Te ephona nt Moor limit mom Hunt men tactory crani nun chmne muse 1mm Aroma nan more Eu lo men to he on nreelaieo mm Hamlin Dart zdoor eyunsu summonmil Iiuor shut in lo Telephone via1m nyzlme on cyllnder 1qu ninetieflooo good condition nohrnt noun roi Iurther ln tornado ieahnno mo tar pin TRucKS FOR SALE be an asset but is not essential iuzfl YOU We Wm i962DODGE STATIONWAGON Va automatic Rellnble or business or pleasure liake In otter 15 YOU ARE LEAVING IOWN LOIVERVPRICED CARl 555E 120 Bradford 51 59 limpet1y than not Dorian nannylint nixgoon condition driven Int t5 option or 196mm Phonl Kid1 AUTO REPAIRS MI Transmission gt Lid Auiomarit iaiisrs lusty miw cans woman Metal and Salvare Yud Phone sisam 195 mean ston dump truck or shin IeitphonerDGm lor runner imnmman MOTORCYCLES was Hanoi electric block mo of but oIIcr movinz musteeii telephonn annals ONE onlyrau finish so swam model In tellert eonnltioo mu msnulek le SI telephone 1251 Kadlku motorcycle or nle ln good condition Telephone itsom IOl luriher lninrmoiinn PellsoNALs by mum name or children riledAyn 105 xaim H5331 coun an area Pleue wfliahox Do some Exmtlner nu ma Jifnln lpw mugmsnmo Music lusrnucrlon NATIONAL consnnvhronv OF MUSIC Teamingprotram tor gt lRUMSt mu qualifwd loom Free aptitude tea MUS lug weddinz receptions our hardtop economici scrum urtomotie airie VOLKSWAGEN rm Llicowm mum nannw rev MALE HELP WANTED July 21 fCLERK industrial Iteiatlons Mananor ASPHALT CLOSER moha WM lud remote IHELPWANTEI black with red OF VAM TO DEAL DOWN US Foil TOP CASH OFFER 7261771 Motofi 7V to JrHEiP WANTED Marketing TRAINEE Recent high school graduate Additional technical school uni varsity background andor some office experience would We invite applications train 196 high school Dadllhteh The duties will involva process ing etc This is an excellent op portunity ior an ambitious per son The working conditions are excellent in modern oifice and factory building Employee ben eiits arevery liberal Ailapplications must be in twin lag and iorwarded to RANKKOVRIG nouns mousmuss 171 256er Road Oriliis NB Pieaaeteiephone 3256181 extension 41 to among lor pick upol yourrletter if it can not be delivered run time rnnwlrlvm iuil Inth on reliable nullMW elf lppunncelnd am noon drile record In pm Deluxe TAlgfiliifcIMGflflnq POPULAR AVéNjeoémiilcé 1060 Buick And pursuant to Section to oi public auction oil lllonda Nib day oi Jul 1950 43m fammdNrEdfismtmBgsl5 one is he gven that the AUCTIONSALE in orders quotations expedit Pick Mister Milly our hedr dermentionod vehicle 1913426 196 plates W089 pedal No more mules plates 717112 the Mechanics Lien Act 1969021 no sale said retold wail be held by AtkinsouPoniiac Buick Ltd many COUGHLIN auctioneer mm at Barrie this and dis EVtm l3 AUCTION SALE nullMY zvnrtmofinlnrz in inane momma Inr Miis worm MACKIE 406 Henry 11 at the year the prope in ld lurnitu electrical app enccs mi Terms unit No reserve JERRY COUGHLIN auctoneery Watch ior lull list Wednesday vacation Complete add contrast out1ip ieo houtev FOR hy wind of rra lmed by the tone oi thaTow hip oi Innisiiiu or his hand and tha loll the uid annotation hearing date the 2ch day or mreh 1968 that of lands in arrears of taxes illtho Town dip olinnisfll ivilllio heidrot the Common mli Village of Siloud at th our of twojociock ingthe lingnoon cnihe Bthiiny ofhugurt 19st hn stheioxes sud coslaare soo or paid No list at lundj for sale for irrcors of large wns published in the Ontario Gazette on the north daysoiriilly 1968 and that coplt hi Piiiiek DIM It the Townshipxnl in nisiii this 6th day of May 1958 anon Treasurer iiownshlpor lnisii SiroudOntar PAT1ERNSI 4920 sizes 316 5THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BEGINNING at the Southwest lilay it pretty in coolly beforeJhc 6th day of August ingot such objections may be Tunan hard degrees 114 THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD in the mailer ol Section ll of Tile Municipal Act also lose 2491 and IN JiIIIJ MATTER OF an application by The Comma tlon oi the City oi Harrie for annexation to the city oi rt of tho thwnshipol Yer in the County Sim5 coo described in Eylaw 53 3x5 or the applicant corpora ton TAKENOTICE that oh ap plication has been made by to Corporation oi tha city of Bar ie for annexationto the city Anyperson or persons deslr trig to object to this application are required to tile their objec dwmmemk therpntnrln Municipal 145 Queen Street West Toronto bypost prepaid on or 1969 gt AND TAKE NOTICE that the said application ered by the Board atits Gram hers 145 Queen Street West Toronto ou Friday the WI day oEAugust lose at the hour oi en oclock in the foreman lo cal time and that ii objections have been filed public hear diréctod hytile Bgard DATED at Toronto this In day or July 1968 SCOll Secretary IDARD SCHEDULE ALL AND SINGULAR that cer ll parcel or tractot land and premises situate ying and being in the low ship 01 Yespra the County of Sim coe and being norlnposed of part of Lots and Conces on onthc West Side the netsnguishene Road more particularly described as follows PREMISING tilaiihe cenweiine oi Kings Highway Number 400 crossing the said Lots has an asironornic bearing of North so degrees rainutes aii bearings rein thereto corner of the said Lot THENCE Southpl degrees 59 mirlutes 20 setdnds East nlongtho SouUiéily limit of the sa 1415903 teeth the point of commencement of the heroin demibed parcei ol land nukes 30 second East i14674 feet to point inthe South only limit oh the said HighvJay umber 400 minutes not along the the widows held bizarrdprcsa The notoboo said 30 seconds East and relating Officials Claim SAIGONMP Tho endows oi six highranking South viola games oigcscrs idlle Juno air l5 was rnislircd wet from hditvptcr said Sundry the United States might hove mur tiered their husbands politi intrusions Wearliig mourning Clothes conference in Buddhist temple and presean to reporters handlmtteii notebook listing the chnrg liley relthodJo make tho s11 gntionsuoraliy in notebook IIurnorsJayi the killing oi our husbands was aimed ht pui Ling out of actioh friends at ViceFlesident Mrs Ky tlie vicepresidents wile attended the press colder em but said risih close iriend oi the so dcadotlii cerso USiIHISSIDn explained that the rocket had beennimcdal Viet Cong iorcc lighting in Giol uburb but had mistler and let Vietnamese command post in the Saigon subufl The South Vietnamese mili tary command oomplctcd on in vostlgaiinn or the idenL sever al weeks ago but not dis closed its findings In notebook the widows 5an Va strongly protest the atti rigor the Re ctifietnam the min ca who pay so little regar or thelives oi Ihepoopie Tile dw glso gavereport ers copies of letters they had wrl to hmhssador Elis lth unirer and South Viet mese President Nguyen Van ihicu Is Nam TORONIO ilCP Carol Ann Robertsonra19yoarold entry from suburban Mimlco was diose Mlsfi Toronto at Satur days Metropolitan Toronto Po lice annual games attheanai than lional xhlbition itnéssos id I3 Ky was At the lime of the accident be corlsld we most of 300 WidowsOiVDead Vietnamese us not Iiha letterto punter did not mention the minor but rotest od rumor that the may accept coalition settlement with the Cnmmlinisls In lileirielta to fililcu the widows urged himto press the Americans to admil what really happelmi in the rocket incident ione Plehiii For com GANDOLm Italy nun pope Bauh pleading gain for an end to tie civil war in Nigeria said tithe Vat lean has hired airplanes tovsend iood andmedicinegoflfiinirnns summer raid vkom Lilnponiiil Isofrecaiied til bciore becoming Pope he ecessio tilhhgood and hardworking peoplemow diurned upbycivil roar dying of hunger without proiouild sor We also Moron our diari lable works aloogmwitliiihoin telnational Red Gossyhré sends ing lood and medielizsi7phavo hired airplanes amt ave sought tuitiowhpt lveco rga difficulties risks an up pensesl gt The RomanCatholic organiza tionCnrltas hos been flying sup piies into the warscarred land from the Portuguese Island of Sao Tome oft tha western Afri can coast Toronto2 terauire No one was injured Poll de vice wasflsimllar to those used in Mother blasts in weeks in the New York are SI PAULGhWINGS LONDON AP St Pauls Cathedral went pop Sunday night with tuanging guitars and the voice of American singer Long John Baldrey echoing thmugh its ancient ga eri was rounding room on people tending shrill ocdodlcntion tothc cause at cloItreedorn sueroaJnoornnr to nigh We camped curved skimmer thamnl light 231223 fiflm an up sunny days and salt nights Looks liken million in crisp ilnen heaven with button trim Printedlfittern 4920 NEW MissesSizes ii iii 14 Site Enthusiw takes yards 39 inch fabric SIXTYsFIVB CENTl cents in coins no stampspleasat for each pattern Ontario unident ails cents sales in Plint $9310 he saidNorther leE NAME AD vee point linens minimums THENCE Send older to arm ADAMS mifluié carei Reasonable ratee 37260818 on nonunion 39o d5npebfl WOMENS COLUMN thiliflkuflh 1mm mt no door noggin prion stoneware yawn ua noyumo usri en ino mm lmeru replica Ind power tilt IxoeiienL hm reilned gain 5515 Quidzy Park squire 111ml or in Vii on 1333 hiiiflint2 Thelnmo nanliner Needle nraitDlEpt Florii Street Ontario Ono Sta es as the temple stands as Roller1 our lggrahtudfle to lho Vme ll poop Vor elr filtration to salvaging the to the hit LEARN HAIEDEFSSING Gayemmcnt Chnltered School Thorough training in lilbillr ehuoi beauty culture DERWIN WWI room excellent condi gt Tflcdncno llkrl gt gt Book No lDeluonuilh lwooden patterns Sond Gilcop Museum Quilts pntterns ioru quilt cents Book and Quilt ior To 1110th New Iooti ight in Benton Harborflpollcc saidxPo ilco who summoned help irom nearby towns brokeup the dis turbances linturcs no 51 liopvrulzltormat Fiverni te to who unit anoint ioexmalnnoaénvmllflr allots vwolcnlo sun on all teloonnnn motor TAXIJM Meteor Aldln NIEK Jit°ila° cl II 15000 rules onqgntor Mm om seiuNGs rim wont is sort pretty irmirllual Makeit WW ii mlififlmw Communist Nations Sunday fgiltflo abandon their call or summit iii tindiscuss efa iibcmlinfi The French minus they hndrnadea proposal which had beenaccepfed by named European parlo lhe originates for mit meotillggiew out oi aeoh mow IN WNWNLtitoutersli De onstrotnrolagniiunlst tilie ietlliid lvar tough Poloe ouisi the Ameri marli oiihe loss Viotnam hr iii nil5 saw niopho mm xiii no in but oiler Vita1o no chat Int Vldlfléflifi our onuonr llama net hialreutn iii oi bra Aldo corion locum innlitst ltddiii piotestero whobr wily loom flmrdlotatommm th adepassed peacefully Bras nor Square umqu Pl gt who pfher dluerlrl our om

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