Barrie Examiner, 17 Jul 1968, p. 4

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on tarot Gilt Mammals Managing Editor om mu tr nu rnon 0n violin mnemon are rain to like it or not thzy haunt Aboard firm at the isderai govsrnmeotl determination to have urhui and wombn re xlonai planninz acro 0nd Elmira Mutation in Mild DidWI will wntrlbile not only now am but odvieé thera is no suggestion in cur rent Ottawa drinking at Irwin logthe munile rmndrihy lor tirispilnoloz in tact some otlawa planet are not ready to in along with the emphasis betas Placed by Ontario the ac knwiadgadleader In urban ie yelopmeot on planting boards They sra ahid these may land to lessen full mporwihflily that must rn with municipal coun cils it development is to be modnuous process better and more pleasant lul ing for all Canadians is an in tegmt and important part oi htr huduttsmlila sociein andieg or paying half the cost in lilal planning aimed at new hiih standard oimmmunity do joint in suburban development it may also provide tor making loans of up to 90 per cent or land acquisition loans which in my broad tenns the pro posed tedemt program was it lined last December rather It has mud or land men riiionll sues will urban populations by that without good plant araanim be Wadi FDPULATION DENSITY All this insaim studies oi pop tdauon both as to detsityund in duration For central down town districts this density may be as much as 250 taJNper COM per actethr an area of stools dwolflncsvh may nothsmorothanZSpcrsoper acre strdebed in 40 personal we tor high rise spartrnent Hm It raises the question at who thenCanadisna physically can at lord the single family deladted derlloI but alsorarries the warning that the high rise apart melt is not notable for young families rtrnent oi WWIIi is oddition 015000 year may or mayM bavo special nondepartmental assignrrienta is ppid bait asrrardr us mini tar vlith dopament lie also trecoivas the tax free car Iiiow Inc $2000 Y9 Canadian multimillion ottrn whisper with some luv about conng lo the US required by mutille regular on rheurban or suburband veiopmcnt may soon be shim Private developers are sssrnfial to new communities but derel opmentsrnua condorm to th overall planning gt Improvement oi cnvironman in planning can be almost as portant as provision of essen Vlll ewhrrldlattd incidentally biliboank are prohibited within quarter of mile of highway boredand impatient groupntrwmuh mm mm mm provincial ministers in Ottawa ln the hope at getting more ted eral annoy or their immediate homing needs They showed little it any interest and the meting folded llde Mule But apparently some seeds tell there are no billboards In this space we have touched only one ortvm povhlems facing the urban and suburban planner it may be suttielent to show that uhjeqtivesol federal provincial or municipal governments are not going to be acoonmlished utio in addition to theirpay as senptora or As members oi the horns oi Representatives sin thn Trudeau was mirdster justice bsemplsyad one man nexecuti assistant receive an allowance toenablex them to hire personal stiff wellltnnwn American gravy bowljhns beznihc octastonal and scandalous rumor Con gressman in putting wile ora son orotiter napoflc tavonrito on tho payroii as his lary liilleknnwn lad isrtllal Ctr nadian oabinatJnlnistcrs have As similar slush iund to enable them to hire personal ptafi over and above their depart ME mentalstait of civil servants This personal staff alien in cindes party worker immthc ministers owncoostituency It always includes both men and women relaxed tor their pre sumedastutenasr and loyalin the minister it seldom includes member of the regular dvli Indovs heipitll aha obs mo all an rial Inert the addition oi temaierma update private secretary be as near nonnai as one ownvrteoog rapper and that is about as tar as 870000 would drum weather is gonna IKairlist uminlstcr means meme any asistadta salary or PM the whole nai BU oi additional aides out oi is rock This is some BARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE oniertile ground in the minisovernight But witirout coordin services But persons Moohava ieml At subsequent ation ot planning effort they will wortrod on ministeraiptivaia meeting or community planning not bercaiized at an statitor number oi years are ctiiciols on the provincial and entitledb be tranaiarredtn obs tcdefii Was Ottawa learned at comparable scales inltbe that new interest had been stir civil rvice 1111s ves them Nd that provincial premiers buroatllratie llietiingeI mirin were asiung their otticisis tor as well as civil service pensioo more iniormation second Iny man amour you seem wights meeting oi otiicials being to herellstous and mull not planned tor the near iuture pron ht tnnsue but deceiveut hi gt 3th to be inllowed eventually by own he SPOR ts no CABINET Motor League Opposes To snow srnns or oil Thest time made valiabie toeach minister is determined this mans reusion by the cabinet irom time to Boost In Licence Fees The motorist is getting rough deal from theOntario government This in efiectis thnaconclusion oi the Ontario Motor League in study of taxation im posed on cars in the form of gasoline 1m posts and licence fees The leagues arguments aremcst convincing The league is concernedchiefly with the rise in motor vehicle fees Sixcylin der cars which were rated at $20 in 1964 will cost $2750 in 1969 As for Eightcyl inder cars they were rated as $10 in 1955 $25 in 1964 and will cost $35 next year These latest increases combined with higher gasoline and dielsel fuel taxes imposed recently by the govern ment are unjustified the0ML contends Four years ago the league told the government that the motorist is become urg resentful that there seems to be continuing effort to classify him as dual taxpayeron the one hand as motorist and on the other as general taxpayer Although this may have been valid lm ression at one time when the motor ye icle was considered luxury the importance of the motor vehicle would now contradict this philosophy This was recognized the OML contends when the letters government removed taxcs on motor vehicles It was predicat ed on the fact that the motor car is not luxury but necessity of modern so ciety It could be argued by the VgovérnJ meni privately perhaps that the cigaret smoker and the motorist are easy targets and that they are vulnerable when in creasedctaxes are desired It could be DOWN vvair DAYS YEARSAGOI Barrie Examiner July 17 1943 George Johnston Mineslng basket manufacturer unanimous choice Simcoe Centre Conservaiives to contest grayin cial election George Drew niario pleader was main speaker at convention in IOOF TempleBarric Flt Sgt VJa Hepfleston arrived saiely overseas AC ichaelJames MurphyRCAF wireless operatorreportedservin in North Afnca Capt Marion oss iornterlyof Barrie first woman com missioned Mediterranean theatreof war as bac teriologistxandspecialist in tropical dis xeases ifihornton reported missing after heavy 3er operations overseas An air gunner he am ed overseas November 1942 arvcst leave granted to some rarmer members of army Also re ported to be 58 ving dlterranearl 7area are nurarn sisters Marjorie Black of Strand and elen MCcucl1 Barrie Percy VCrawford Midland carpen ter formerly of 0rdchosen torepresent Simcoe East Ciin Ontario election Sgt GerardD McDougalLrBarrle RC Pilotptficor Chuck licDonnl be operated servrceatation llandalenow Lancas bomber rseas trait unique distinct CAFmanoi th excise MEMORY LANE Duncan McArthur Canadian Army now in Flt Sgt Alberi Edward Kelly from hay and Lake Simcoe Army Service Corps topped all it is in giafte air pBliilanSl himsel portunity May they never meetif argued that the government needs more many andthat it is entitled to its share of soaring wages andprotits But this does not bolster the argu ment for higher licence fees when money from this source is or was to he used largely for administrative purposes and not as an additional source of tax rev enue The OML also stresses gasoline taxes It points out that0ntario motorists are paying more than they shouldfor con struction and maintenance of highways and streets The Ontario tax is one of the highest in Canada and the US 18 cents gallon compared to mean aver age of seven cents in the US As final oinis toils arguments the OML states at the department of high ways budget includes multimlllion subsidy to the GO rail systemthus inflatingihe cost of construction and maintenance of highways it also con tendsthat gasoline tax increases are mak ing home delivery of essential foods and services more costly and home delivery of some products bread for example is becoming extinct The government of course may say that it requires so much revenue to er ate provrnciai services Therels llttle argument to this contention aslong as the servicesare essential and erated economically But there can be wrdetdii ferences as to how this revenue is raised Taxation should be equitable and there is aveysuspicion that the government has traded the motorist because he is asily taxable ster oi Educa tion unanimous choice of Liberals iri Simcoe Centre Riding will also have CCF candidate names mentionedheing Mayor ClairGendron Penetanguish ene and Miss Elsie ha Kiwanis Kainival was successfuloutdoor event at post office square threenighls Simcoe Foresters reserve battali 1e for tworweeks training atliiaga LtColN McDonald MM ED was in comljnand with Major DonaldF Mac Laren Barrie Gap yer Markdale is adjutant Capt Michael WLChepesuik Barrio quartermaster Ca Lewr Bigelow Barrie of icer LtCol Ben chaplain pt Middlebro Owerl Soundhtr MissAMaybeth Sianden Barn missionary wrote home about dlre faminecondilions in Chi Local tishermenreport fl Al9 pointsrsccred at Camp Borden field meet Berlineni regrophs Toastbya morallst be ten sure ofv Heres to temptation and op Do you want toget ridof yourrcd nosel Catchline of ad No thanks We ears hold our another federal provinc ferencs oiappropriate Meanwhile respo tor the National Housing cthasr gameagmii Very often what wesaycirn cast great doubtonwbal we claim Let your speech be 11 becrl urned ovtr to theMinrster Way With gram of Transport the Hon Paul Hellyer an indication in itsell at the broader role that on oral government wants to pill Transportation is an integral and rmponant part at suburban com munity planning There mug be room and acquired land tor ade quate traffic corridors and this the federal goycrnment appears ready to contribute In study at the prob ts of urbanization included in its Russia Iaces Caviar Shortage iroscow tamRussia lacing caviargap due to shortage of sturgeon which produce the black or red eggx so prized by gourmets Oocethis list as new ingly endless resource here coursing the broad Volga vRiver to spawn upstream then return ing to the Caspian Sea But men built power darna across the Volga and other stu goonfilled rivers cutting off up stream spawning areas To make rnatiersworse tac tories began dumping wastes intothe rivers And fishermen caught too many young sturt goon depleting stocks 1he result sharp drop in sturgeon which means caviar may disappear from many din ner mbles valuable export trade threatened too An attempt to replenishstur goon stocks through hatcherias tslagging hehiraineaia Uhriliarrir Examiner 15 vBayiield Street barrio Ontario Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Der rtrnent Ottawa and tor yment otiposlagejn cash Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Stamtoryvtioiidays cxceptedn Subscription rates daily by earri 50c weekly $2600 yearl ngle copies lite By mall Barrie moo yearly Ontario $12110 year motor throw oil 315 year Out de Ontario 114 year Out side Canada British posses sions $15yes 7USA nd foreign $32 National Advertising Oil 425 University Avenue Tor to 640 Catheart SL Mo real Member oi the Carla Pressond Audit Bureau oi Circulationsx ha Canadian Press to ex clusively entitled to thejuse tor feauhliioaiigrl hi all necvés spa es spapercr riled to it or ihe dissociated Pressing andvaiso the local news published merain AROUND Torillwolrrnivf Ecckéléller Ha Plan To Win Cu Second0r Thirdeallot NEW YORK my man wagingfiouglruplilll illht Governor Nelson Rocketcl gt of New York takes runnyobit mistic View of his drances of winning the Republicanhpresi dentlal nominationeven to the point of Hiking privately about torglng Rocktell uqun tick BL scores as dailies iti today speculating on thepossibl that Richard Nixon his claret rival tor the riomirittion might or 3up instead as hisrurrnng plate in one wcheonversation the governorsaid lot income think RockefellerNixon pair Would make the strongest cketnrldihzrtvthey thinkit will him out that way in the on hon The governor points out dur ing such discussions that there is rather ambiguous provision in the lle constitution otlem ing lobar selection at am dent and vicapresident from the sameslate roe sniuliirh tag gusts that altherheor lylxon would have to move on olerovaork staleand first lilrton be the logical gusto move Rockefdler opt any prospect that he would Privateiy run for vicepreside he says he could not ayseq orid fiddle Nixonroranyons however tlt willing to settle torrsccoml place Rockefeller il dorm Warm mammal Mills it ill Billlili till lith ll Al lillllilill DRIVEIN THEATRE airdsm MMMWMIIII mull attitude be ring quest toi dreprrsrdeney that he is the best the Repub lican paty has to otter and that itiust hasrro recognize this In the nearly ii weeks since ntered the competition against Niran Rockeieiier has travelled more man Shooitde to csrrybis messageiintodipi ng into tndiana to bagjn Va midwest tour hens nioynd large partly eaati betaruse oi good pla his cmert advanco men and audienecsvgener allyhave responded well to his busdlng campaign style Titregovemorand his strate giatssay they are pleased With theeway that phase of the cam paignla goingthe object bring to arouse populor support that will berefleetod in public opin ian polisvand influence conveu lion delegatu or the party lead erawlro control them other more critical part of his strategy Rockefeller has talked person with the date gates in near all at the states elis them in these closedd sessions dist hes nnhorsn win big in tuber and maystate and candidates to victory with rnmNlnon to nbcaereuaasresultor tactic but Eodreioller saysbo never asks lmrri ta tlihere hove cenno moarun RalSE Incorrect lower resolves tvoltttstttsol monitor mslliJUUELINEPEARGEBERNMDCRIBBINS 31EttltltiinM Do Yourself iavour and us You will laugh an the way horn tr Conditioned Far Your Comic VSHOWIN and lO saturday Matinee ll AUDREY HEPBlJFiN cALAN AFiKiN RiCHAFlD CRENNA vwnlruriru Joann ImEFFiEMZIMBA Ft Thexbattle of their lldrert to rescue their mother fromZher litalidn love affair ill lli TECHNICOLORFANA ttlnantorgtlThe Battlers Fl Mirth one momwaaurn mos THEATRE DAY flli Milli

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