ontgr inancial 553 EEEE E3 Says EnglishQuehecers Should Speak French Fer Diploma QUEBEC cm English speaking Quehewu should not English be granted high schooldlplo Without first passing an oral examination on their know of Bench the Quebec Am Coma said Monday Inereponsuhnnfledmlhe Quebec antimal magm dmry may atlalrl in molten concern lng arts and leflem adds that it Is fllogmlthat the language of the Monty should not be The reportme that he peeking my in rlgflwbeedi coted lnvs own language but edge adds that It must be encouragal to participate lo the vulture artistl lilo of Quebee The wunell adds that such Ex pflmaly WEE Imilingmiism and compulsory lamage he banned lo the civil service and replaced by ï¬rst worldng language as these ex pression lead in neediess divl sions and could be MWN I3 lawn amaze lghe working language in the pmmge Wdllace By maxim mines Governor Ronald Reagan of Calilornla says hisewlng ihrough the South beginning this week will be aimed against what some Republicans con sider growing lhrwt mm for Alahema governor George flags third party mesi lei ion pollsiaud gen said Me on him Reagan leaves lihursday jot fundraising ieppearances lu axes Arka 115 Virginia and Alabama vmawem GROWS me rrls survey released Monday showed Wallace fa vored by 15 per cent of the vot ers and ialdngtwlce as many votes lrpm Republican candi dnles as Iron Dis Pollsterlnuis Harris saidlna copyright Washington Post swry hall Wallaces ï¬rengfli he lo on South lihmGallup poll reporged Sun dayvlhetlmllnce shows 10 per lucnl voter support Valid sald mmmemnom Australian state goyemmenu made $3500000 from lotteries an1067 Threat menus nee1y twice die strenglh he Showed in AprlL New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller announced Repuh can eoMendersald meanw his natlnnwlde poll on indicate whelher he orRichard lhL Nixon would be the strongestlkepuhll Ike negoï¬eï¬oize 1zoovpmdueilon wonkegs local147de Ameijim and 350 tradesrhen members of heel lnternahhmal Amaw lion Machinisle and Aem space Workers fills unions jolnt twoyear genteel with thezoompany ex lm May Negotiations seek in new bacteria to rgcume at 3130an ermon with humiliation other Delano or union demands company oflers or present wage sales were not mleasedi State Secretary Dean RIEk lald he thinks lsolailonlsm vhas been growing in the United State and also in Western Europe Rusk somapmssed himsell lore Houseoi Representativee myhcommittee my 22 Wllell hold him polls in um districts mood echoing xup port lor foreign old Scri warmade public Satur