Barrie Examiner, 17 Jul 1968, p. 21

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REAL ESTATE WTOAGES IMMEDIATE It and 2nd ziufidtfl 39 7cm OWAWIITIONS lowunlth wrlghlehlli Tléoosl Mortgage Binding DmpsdlllSeara Igum31P filflnlll mlbgdmoa man no will lenavon mad rm nort moire Harten mar 11 is RENTALS HOUSES roR RENT zenDon noon to rent Allan Ar available immediately inodlhh telephon moon BL 59 iembel room wolinmmlnnea done rlechi but lull rouole SWIM Itll TGIF noonTwine In bed bllhl lmmedlatn nonunion AWIY 195 Centre SIN AnnlL mn detained noun wants In Aihndaivlrvl no om one rliild um ed Aha mom tendonturd hour on location Avrilol Auru non nm all Turnu Ielepnono mm HOUSES WANTED wnrmzn or bedroom home wanted in rent hv remnalhl unity in or non Barrilu Avrilrile run Telephone collect Don Ellis Mom APARTMENTS WANTED ONE MdNULb Illxumlslhgg IR ml figlounlo Elwbolie nlosw ii GARDEN TERRACE Corner Queen and Due on Moder bedroom mats netie large ng room and kitchen with ing area Iull basement oil heat and air conditioning Adults PHONE runNmreo one bedroom apart nun to rant Anniy at so ilary streot nennooii Inlflment 11 Cook street Avaliinin Anna relo uhlme Kid1599 liter on Ilm unsanionm bedrdoni nom llfhlinl tin Elxtuflllgj ItntE 631d lira err or on Inn girlan crimes nouiu only eievholio 718m ONE BEDROOM Ivlllmeni unitih shtd niavl and rolrlgentor time an ru mull ll dill mDn VI edlately Televhnnl 72l 111092113 bedroom he in inr morn dlllinl roam klirnon ytliino paid iinirlliorator siuv hcr dryer included cnudron olcnlno Lure require113m waninan JillDo BEDROOM apnrimeni newly PID elled nonrorimrioiy 1500 leet livln arol siove nun relflzentnr 1er bleltylrlt noon mrklniz area ver centrli Wornlnlr oouoe ro unoa Telephone moose mm IJNFUmSIlflImnnu lietee bedroom rimnmom and kitchen ileum filmiiiléifliitl an flavoan toloyhonl mosw cum bedloomunfumlshed noutmerm now belnx redecorated Available Award Tideohuno can or 72m continent for rent Imtwénfrrhfboiplhi in Idnwntniiln nu coupe Auxurt Telephone new MilFURNISHED APP DIST month 110 Downtown bedSitting man and HWhGDEnQ modern appliances mit one adult lbleolluone an tn 5311 pweekdlyl ROOM AND BOARD ESE ifl Inlanbtoalrd 13313312 lunoneo Iln one room per No ooiocunn to rnirt workermo eoholie moms tomarmnounonlinnlein riv nu home lunclm mom in inundry done Glamorn mime Teleonono ROOMS TO LET Knew rurnlonen room or rent linen nunnlted Telephonl mlm 711mm bedroom private en Lrlricl pulling Includes gentleman in only muncner bucked Telephone liter rim 5mm room in downtown mutton mull Immuennm we in smokenoonl downtown week or monthly 41 Wmlny street teie nnonn Tillms ruminant bedroomnil kildien tor rent reirinrutnruotwe but water supplied newly decorion central location Telephone mm Elma morn Ind klbcllen Nicely mum in modern mute oule Forvone or two Iron ulep norm aitlr 17 all day Saturday VSUMMER COTGES soTTAGEs FOR SE xnmnooni cott Vlllil Euch Illei lootin nbolt with inner and motor clmpei trailer Miti table lumlnum ammo double om mom in nouolo mm con 72mm or melon CpTTAGES To RENT CMTAEE or rent on Lake Simone at mo Ste Ion inside convenienceo nd Inn or boat Avlllnbl now unlll summit 17 IeltvlmneMIHGZ cameo in ient now rhd union in month of Mull lb lion in grinneJaiolu go ke II ifiacent our on in arm VGr ayol NEW liedroom cottmdllllntr villem anon ouoii clear water urnileqtiltflor elhildlilfia unik Hang rnenn is ac 10 mum between ARTSDFOR SALe USED AWNING ELEV 56 It roou urniornio If rentqu me and Awnlnii mom will ins DON Better chinn lamps risen macen All mum or APARTMENTS TO RENT white ombouo parking lvalllh LARTEIDRSAL oAmeonieuj sirARMelisMRKTJamliotm 13173081 AOQUAINTKDMLS limitorcouue lime FRUIT VIGITAILIS 35 Mullenn mm LAUNDRY MATSAND Moron 1m 14 gt Now We VINYL SCATTEB RUG Ru 8L8 Now We WAFER Rex Di Now lilo PLASTIC Rog fie Now We UTILIIYPAIIS PL we on am am on Up to 50 011 Room Lot Wall aper Name gsrandr Cpl PAINT GLASS CENTRE 125 DUNK FREE DELIVERY NORTHWAYRUG co LTD 11 boon or no Moldioorn Ronmm all alter and prim Dome AND mIPORTED BROADIDO 31 Collier St Phone Mllll PIONEER Antique Second Hand EN RD 7184891 rockers cabinets Open Diurn Friday to pm Sunday afternoon WE BUY AND SELL roan house new Mon 11 it lilo nakwtlnished mfflelx Inn old rarnlnnen ildcooanl movlnI Tolenhnnl HINT In mhdiuoix for lllevhouo man omen rurnituru duh Ilbles chain Inen siuo 51 DIIHIOD st Imumm All it ll Allin Zenith IIe Hm imi Heck erannln no Dunlap in me otfxfn build or me ml l1 Emu no moon Allister issoul 11mm Fox BALE 10 14 cumin pt to Rent 1011 im Solo etc Antim lt Harm Damion blian omen Sfvortuflmilfiil not Mr énimoo 0° minim zmzAa Porthie Model VSewlnL lllnhlnannIVMrrulo Rumour no down nnvnzent 7380 monthly sinner or lamIr Danni cm zoo sell in flock Used drums lowest nrleea Redb niireiiue new drunu at 5121 monthly Di rel marinara so ortii oi liloan Tan 9254 wmmwn cornoloie with an onle storm Ind screen size in wide 65 Turn Price $5500 Telephone moons anytime ll wlC STOVEFindlay oiectrio heavy duty 31 inch nur now on on other low as Hallo urnliuie Ind gingham 11 nnyrleid street my Iwurnway with inner Ivrhil lull ins vortlble Ilumlnum hun dry tun 12 pair or as inch coli tinnnui neon pllr gt1 meat or drawer walnut iinisii mm 51111321 cansz nagImufvileqdelin no in oon on onone 725m ELECTRIC STOVE 10 INCH Mac Em ucellen eondiilon no nrfiit offer 77h7fll met pm 15 BICYBLE mill boys lo into when 15 very small bicycle with 10 Inon wheel tricycle medium size Telephone mania rLsIT Ind chin fryer Von One or me come mum and remzentcr Triple Bay rim Port uanoolsoems rmco 1v11 inch with item leu than two yelfl aid $10000 modern day bedtn olivo vinyl yenold Salim Telephone Arimo AUTOMATIC wuher roi uln lplltment sin rumortor winner women iiiinch television need qu room no unonable grertrdusefl mason 154 snrurn NHEUES flmul dizednrifli lpine axe and run up om ammo Autrtnn ll noun to on or alter lo rm mcmic Guitar7 cue hooiter nieli nine in in lsirlnl 3239 716102 noon enamel untu in ver nntnli evxery 5111ng coo roe em nfirlnxmio at Book emu lo amino street Barrio in the honour emu Dom daily iill pm Almonds solid oak dininjxroom suite round tlhie with loom nun no whrn out ellIn inn uni cnLr burnt with mirror Best offer releonon mm or apply in ninDonlo ARTICLES FOR RENT trebl Wordont have EVERYTHING you ask for But be unearned we willdo our em 7280580 ju MARTIN RENTAL CENTRE 137 Dunlap St TENT AND CABIN mum ContI Ind Blrri rent fipflmo $1114 ARTICLESWANTED gt WANTED anl olilmen setand Hand Shoo Arman cinNe elm owollery Elmgilnilfiirmflll lnttnl cllorrurm Dolll fillTM CAMPING EQUIPMENT TENTH and Com In ui mdltL snnclal men or mingle $10 Elmo Street 714 DOGS PETS reunite lrimminl Proiuflorili unomin Ill broom Ik on mumsmom MJNKATUEE Poodle Puwlfll 10 ale min old Halonbio the nick 111 Telephone WM 11 31111qu mm Obvblrd Point onun BOXERIPUIEPIES oTHEYVPAY PORHIE twooll on in male reiephono doom ml 7284391 mlnt comb in illN SMWDNA Aniline mm 104 Collier 4M om some LiD LUXURY BEAUTY STYLE ECONOMY PLEASURE UNMISTAKABLY GREW Mend one the GREW 85 Mo dumb erqu hull with oomplemmung rich blou interim complete with convert gle lop ddo curtains and back In pick to skiing mm fill lo FAIR litAlth VALUE 42712 THIS WEEK ONLY IGREW BOATS OHNSON MOTORS downer itlhhsuuu SAILBOATS UVW70RIALI mhhllfllw Waltl CAR FOR SALE fifl mlyslgtecmllsis WCLB omen42 AUTO PM Transmlssion Lid 32mm Automatic AWE meoNALS un Miller Aflmmfim BEIDBANDGROOH Wadi Watch Clarified Ad or 111mm TRY EXAMINER Rays SIMCOE MMDRS We RAMBLER Im Gain Telephone Tiem OCOliiPLmE LINE MARINE 1mm Bayiield St at Govt Dock OPEN TO DEM DAILY 11 mm mm To In nenruo moon 11 it mon 11 Iono son motor Gltnr tniiir 11 00 lo It Delcnlt no no room loom ls Irwin lawn ml by memo electric moo bo imo no1 11min 51 at Government Dock Barrie IIOOP year old trade or all Minna Bell telephone solm Celtduii Du luLRCURY nap in abut Inniur or nil Ule 69m pleie wlin tank Iiilie In otter Telephone alter mm mm elm Ion foot Sprite limot new enmnieio Ioulpmlnl 3w Point Shirtwi Culture to vim Road NV 12 Poor lllt bottom out with no molar Remnlble Iiwl n1 is rolnlsni irel Cotton hlevlgw Rona llumlnum olhton boat with om velunt vs ibi Nnieo or or I°iou°hlén an can Pbonl Tiemp is room ordai strip boat with rtering wheel and controix in nod condition em or best otter iu alllvrr Telmolll Too131 SJARMERSMRKT DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled eeliloand horses Small animals removed bee For fast service PHONE BARRIE mom Collect or not tor NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 91130 NO MGE hours any divs wee RR Eumead Ontario license No MGM Nick Montague Im FARM MACHINERY HANK BROWN Delaval Sales ce DAIEY FARM EQUIPMENT Complete line or Dairy Farm Eouinment Supplies Barrie Holly Hwy 21 Home CHARLES CHURCH him supplies ll Sexvim Cass New Holland Davin 3m Bonito 176 BURTON AVE 7253378 CASH TRADE TERMS nloN Threshinl Mullins Inl uh to nomolet will Stam Hired der and drive belt ma condition Tolennon leeesse IonN Deere Dorir no emelllnt condition nrloon or clm mo Phone 449 In It or nlr mu FEED SEED GRAIN ammonia buy or nit me lulu Telephone Tansolo lo Acxzsalilifa and room timing hay standing or btv the hole at lnnkflL To Mon WW HAY for sale Altai Infl timothy mnde or bill in mid bone 4534832 1m tor n1 altlit end timothy mixed luludfin in told itn can union nl Venpn In Irinnum tell nnono mnim inter on AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE Vollul 1m noun mu ebout our Nediledlwnrrlnw hIIIIri 17 oowAN PHONE 1266438 nu DOM um ollni le loofl on lent in mm 353313450 diagn elem 1m prurith at no ma Imus mt mi 333 MM ruii Ergo deco Tole whom any me Anliin mo In mo oonoltion nd lmnr f$flrtmynlrlmnl mm or lelornn Mom Mini Minor lulu well to WIN II IFibutoilofloafii nu GinMet 31 All ior rule uunnlr Illiqu in nod nIImInl condition Telnoon me columnmu 1w limo VI EMFuh Wriolo mInPIXII ra otter Ielepbonl 11165 amr nun mu door demon vow All ndlo ulhoflnl In or cl muggy Ion HIM all $1250 Ttlld owls 1562 PONTIAC Ilflllemil IMAM union door min lath too951m Tlonon Jul lewum DEW DIN MI 53 Ifooflmoo eononc Vllhnt Moor bud out vs Hunt weed Nulmnrnt We Cflllr null chm flurwfleflm Mala $6 To Hell atom mm Rambler limit ldoor iinder IIIIOMIIIO custom ndloi IM Mun be Iran to IN milled Min 8700 fit but our 7mm Iindel Eamon in II dim1e or gum lion 0M Mull rm bower mio Wehfiflllnder dinglzngmlruonMdmnleunf roe metallic QXCEIIGHI conditlon 213w rnilu out mun Um CISII Efldl hi 1194058 liter mm CARS WANTED wlu no up old cars lnniiiii Metal and solve Yard mono LIIJUN CAMPERS vw cum with IIIVILIM m1 cuntunlnl No llx loot bunk llu Rubi mgran rimrook below out 11 on oimll 11 car Include toilet comment complete set or extra Includu tool tired and utensil Drive 573 day as well Plem all TELL MORE SELL MORE When you oim your Artlclel For sole no in The ulrrle Er Iminer keep more poidti or mind otnlllo Brand name Condition Specliieadonl anaemia and attachment Provioiin my Prlee Ufiholxtery Age Colot Make it easier tor the mailed to buy Rebellion the Artldea for Solo olalrliication II toil Peonleq Market Fiona loony innumNlioroIIs YouBarrie VOLKSWAGEN will 17GOWAVN WBAW runmi Vlnrnoior Volks we in No man vouu Deidre Lie No mil Volka oustoim Lie No Vounroelmzulio mums Venn Dune Llo Nouns on VDeluxe 1Io INo WWNIIYWANS Your Volkswagen Dedler mdde id pdbltfdledion tile nbwe on on Ammonium soday mp miles Ad tilu mom nu 962 ThaHomo old Dunne Monstr Buying 1A Used Car anan VGaAUTOMOINI lt 1qu um miln1 war sarmoNAu mofilfiw rm mlm MUSIC leTRUCIION tut go557 In Mutation WOMENS COLUMN limerylrltluourueedwmmut thlyouddnot Mvommymmmmmnylfl ourmhuboeninwwumlumedawwflialwm find me availablotor you connotation Open Lotter to Head Car Bliyern on HARDY 170 Bradford Street MOTORS LIMITE Dear Used Car Buyers Here are some ideas on how to take the gamble out of buying tired car First let me la that believe the rlghtPused ear is often better buy than car If you bu twoyenmld car at hr the original selling price end can he SUIIE of the per youJievo lived couple of thousand dollars For example You could own 88 uaed car for $220Qthe same car its original owner paid $4500 to ow Herels how to doll Check the reputation of the ddnlerohi ifi talki ing with other buyers iriendsjrjrevious customers of0rv Her otora Observe the dealershl displn ls there ablg selection of makes and models Ask for the tory the car you select Ask what was done to build the original safety and performance back into the car Finally ask companies KEEP good men We hope youwill come to ORV MOTORS for your next USED CAR and if you dDwe will do everything possible totako the guinble out of your inveetment youroimly olovllAnDY morons LIMITED QUALITYOUR PLEDGE SATISFACTION OUR EUARANTEE PONTIAC GRAND PARISIENINE door hardtop hilly Lion Ill70L 1964 I967 I965 1965 I965 1966 1964 19157 1963 i966 I964 I963 soulAm 700 sumaclrnllo White ion noun non colll METEOR SEDAN automatic white wall tiles bind with red interior Lie ill7N FORD ondmrlsoo dr Iron cyl no power steer poorerbrnkee Lie mod Rome mmsrnNNn dr liiop aoyl out power steer braked mule Lie loom DODGE SEDAN eutllmnlic rtIiIlo white wall tires twotone blue Lie PONTIAC SEDAN oyL nuiouidtic power steering poorer braken radio Lie Ford Gaiexiedoo XL 1dr cyi nut pdwersteerbrakea radio In oangnlm CHEVROLET SEDAN aflmllutlo radio lilienow hiue Lie on DIDSMOBJIE dr htop Iqu nub Meriftegrhlgilith1erbraltee radio Lie FORD DOOR STATION Madame all ruL white wallr white blue Int max MERCURY mommy uni out ironbroken radio Lie lawn 1965 Form noon cyl etandlrdttonémlesi deep tread whiieunutirel no 869295 1966 VOLKSWAGEN 130p serlenrndlo blue like Isle 1966 PDNiunc LAUREerANwnItoa onion automatic radio Liceocom 1966 ponc sumo anionlatte radio Maroon licence millet I965 m9 ClflIlFrl door eutomatlc radio D1119 gem 1965 filbmwiwr I96 I966 $1966 19651 Fame Mummxi mun1min white walls clean Lion only O65 FORD Too dooryllfim automatic radio I963 vmflhfim IVva 5i Mildrd dfdlqYeDovl Llconce 4511m 1965 CHEVBSQAWE doornuimnnth radio Black red interior Wlom I964 dlo Vs éulomatlo Cherry Red cedeetflM 011w ll Noun sscoannrram oonsolo emunun While no man pmuoimi will door Hardtop automatic white wolu While Home no mama RIDEAII doorfiulnmauc willie llcoxloa darn roon LAW Inn white walls rurouolro Iioonce ow mum linguoni amnion Red out 1965 PONTIAC mum door windmniandlrd nirquoise wlulo walls Llo 1966 gt 19 oonvAin MONZA Ivor automatic radio Aqua white 1965 rouulnc Pmsmnoo Licence KIM tometlc racllo Saddle ILLIO MEOR YOU CONVENIENCE WE AVE l76 BRAD 0RD STREET ARRIE July 11 loom Pholle 7ZH272 your salesman how 1ng bring been withtho company becguee good roan alumnae xi CONVERTlane quo equipped buclninin Lie 1964 momma oyl out power steerbrim mo out beats illm 1966 comidoorseylunerfotnnunomentioningermniconoe 1965 PONTIAC millionmu srmoN WAGON marileum radio Lloenoe msox lt limo Kinloo po erlteerlnx akérWliiioLl 5m $375 $1175 $1959 $1595 $1095 $1495 $1150 $lli M425 UNITS OF THE AME HlG QUALITY AND EAIRJPRICE

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