Barrie Examiner, 15 Jul 1968, p. 6

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TOM Rosaiter hangs one ol his drawings lo the Barrie Public Library Saturday mornlt log it is one of his editorial cartoon entitled Levesque He said of this drawing was upset about the situation and it just seemed to turn out like felt it is one of the few was satislicd with right away Rossitcrs drawings will be hanging in the library until the end of July Artist Loves Line And Form Shows Drawings In Barrie By STARR armn gtSean Thomas Joseph Rosslter is an intelledual artist in love with line and form lie lseshowlog some at his black and white drawings now at the Barrie Public Library un til the end of the month Saturday morning he was on hand at the library hanging his work and talking to viewers In the afternoon he went out sket ching the Barrie countryside Rossller has been drawing since childhood and kept it up even as student at University of Western Ontario resident of London Boss iter hasharl hit edilfltiplcar av tooos and sports drawings pub llslred in major magazines and newspapers in Canada and tilts fall will become syndicated week ly at the request of western Ontario paper In fact said liossitur i1 is my commercial drawings that have enabled me to stay at uni versity JOURNALISM STUDENT Presently journalism student llossitcr plans to transler either to politics or law this tall feel the wider the back ground have the better for the advertising field plan to make my career last year one of Rossiters drawings won or him the ot tawa Journal Trophy for Editor ial Cartooning This fall he will exhibit two onenran shows in London one at Talbot College W0 and the other his editorial cartoons oi the last three to four years at The McIntosh Galleryin the city itself In addition to his 0th1 tab ants Mr Rossitcr has filmed two radio and television coma mercials He has also been invited to exhibit in two more sirows in the London area One will be call ed Survey ot London Artists saluting the rising quality of ar tiata in London LINE AND FORM He says of his work Line fascinates me It offers chal lenge to depict with onlyJine live subject matter that in life color and depth depicir Bossiter is anioteiieohral ar dst in that before he begins to draw he makes mental de sign sometimes quite dilfarent from the actual scene that will evoke in the viewer the charm of the actual scene He will reverse the shading leaving treeetrunka white and willie house black because he said they wouldniebeiieve the actuator because the vi ewer wouldnt respond to the drawing that way just draw enough to evoke then stop The problem is know ing when to stop CHARACTER Bossiter said also like things that have character old things quite oiten fall into that character Rossiter enloys drawing old boats and trains His preoccu pation with trains may be seen at the library in one of his drawings on display He said his favorite medium is illustrating do my best work here because it gives me the opportunity to develop prose an art form andbeyond Also illustrating gives me an opportunity to do research For my drawing Saigon did mudn research kept flies to make it realistic and thought for long time before did the actual drawing Mr Rossiter developed new technique of washes for his own purposes NEW TECHNIQUE He said When the lines need ed something in shadingytn com plete them or when found my self crosshatching knew the line form would he lost unless found anotlrer way to add shad ing so developed technique to wash on shading without losin the initial lines Ono drowingon exhibit One Night Heidelburg an illustra tionior poem is done in this technique Regardless of what course he takes this fall at university Mr Boiler said he will be study ing life drawing under noted ar tisl Tony Urquhart Fertiliiy Society Meets To Look For Safer Methods CALGARY CPI The Cana dian Society for ihel Study of Fertility which opened four day meeting here Friday is going to talk about cootracep Lives which otter better safe guards against pregnancy with fewer physical side effects Dr Donald lticEwen oi Cal gary society president said current methods of oral contra ceptionthe must dependable means of preventing birth yet discovereddepend on altera tion of womans hormone bah ancc th thatof state resem bling pregnancy Because the amounts of medi cation involved are small there is cliancelol conception it patient does not take birth con trol pills consistently as presi cribedby doctor Occasionally changes in the bodycaused by oral contracep tives can cause physical dis comlort or illness in certain sensitive patients Dr McEwen said birth con trol drugs are being sought now which will be far more selective in their effects They alfw only one part of the complex mecha nism that leads in conception but allow other bodily functions to continue normally my my recent Martin tropttyahe won Sabinlay night andteaehes school in the high the is greenroy dileKEND Guerra may initiate some amdaaammmnmarmpriuriu PEOPLEnib cmumnmwnumhwqmmnrcw Gum or Mr and Mrs Red Couison Rose Si during the weekend indudcd their Inn and daughtcninlaw Mr noun Don Couson and children Kath ryn Stephen and Brian oi Tur onto bliss Doreen Coulxon ac companlad herrhrotber and iam ily to Toronto onSuaday iota lowing weeks holiday at her parents home VACATION WEST Mrs Oliver Carliemn ot Duckworth St ldt by air tovls it Mr and Mrs Arthur Ellis in Calgary Alberta and Captain and hire Ellis in Vie toria Britiin Columbia RETURNS FROM BERMUDA Fred Wall of lines St return ed to the city at the weekend alter two weeks vacation in Drug Key Issue In Damage Suit NEW YORK AP child who was reported to have sut fered brain damage partially as result of an injection of Demcrol into its mother shanty belore its premature birth has been awarded $500M by Brooklyn jury the verdict was returned against Mount Sinai Hospital Ioliowlng sevenvweek uhL The keylsrue in the case was the use of the drug Dunerol morphine substitute sometimes used or lessen pain during labor and whether it wasaaie to adminifier it in the case of premature birth An allegation of negligence against the obsietrluanlr Jo scph Roviosky was dis missed by the jury eelnthc original complaint charges lndfienlyrelated to the use of Damerol such as improp er aitcrcare oi the infant were mentioned The child who will be seven years old next month is unable to speak and allegedly has the mental capacity of three yearold imrmltles and will otter services Bermuda Mr Wall was the titMr and unlined Perryandotharj relatives at Boatodr mu Puget Bermuda comm oN lawn Mn Wilbtn Woollard and Parents ifshould as Aware Symptoms daughterbauraofllosestleft Barrio yeatedry for three weekr holiday wllhrelatlvu and friends in Burrruda Mrr Voollard war resident of the glands before coming to Cana RECREATION marmrm hire Hazlett of htinetr Point attended the 1960 Regional Institute of the Youth and Bo ereatlon Brandi Ontario De partmeuLof Educauoo held at York University July to Over 250 students from across the province registered for the courses in wide variety of leisure activities and adult ed ucation program instruction ranged mm oil painting to roil linery Last month the new Youth and Reqealion Branch was formed by the amalgamation at the former Community Pro Mm Section and the Youth Branch of the department Ex pansion oi service will pmvlde more ailistance to more com particulnrly for youth not pre vlnuily offered Toronto Woman OCW President W5 GP Mary Bod ell of Toronto was elected presi dent of the Ontario Catholic teamsme oftlcerrJnchrde First vicepreaident Mrs Elling hauaen Owen Soon second vicepresident Robert Doyle anthem third vice president Mildred Ciearey dour Cornwall recording coarsely mew llytonen Sault Ste Marie entrapondlng secretary Mrs Helmlnk Terrace Bay treasurer hire An derson Welllnd arijucrnd Other nights hed retire at 700 pm and sleep until noon the lollowtnl day Had we done one reading on than the libiect we wotrld have user although our boy had been known for well over year We ignored the boys drowrt ness his runny nose his contin ual thirst We didnthotlce his dilated pupils on unoa salt voice and his dont care attitude We attached no slantft canoe to his mange sleeping habits Some nights hed walk around the house till 300 am that our sonl behavior was not normal Please prim this latter Ann It we had seen one like it we could have ob tained some helplor our can be trually tore he wound ll to tumble with the police IA BEAM ACRE Dear EAJ The rymptorna You 1125ch are not always so pronounced in nurttuana Teach ChildTo Eat Vegetables ByRationing Them At Mealtime ay GARRY mans ran Danny was two grandson of mine tie had begun to eat with the tairuly He refuses to eat peas string beans cannu or any other vegetable except mashed or roasted potato lie was at our home for several weeks during the summer with his mother and two other chil dren His mother asked me to leach him to coin gating pgsgsflng beans and carrots accepted the challenge on condition that would have no interfereneaio my procedurb and that all the rest at the family wouldnever say word about his eating rTherdldwell1Htrihetrainlng he took place at the regular family er Before Danny was given any thing else to eat two cooked peas fresh from the garden were placed on his plate before himnothlng else He was not told he had eat them but that To WriieA GOOdCookbook By ROBERTA RDEHCH What advice do you have for my readers who have collected great many recipes and who want to write cookbookl recently asked Betty Wason the prolific author at many guides to good cuisine in the kitchen Betty is certainly adept at turning out books to cook by Every time have met her mkhook hearing her byllne is either in her typewriter or al ready on the market Recently site published her highly authentic The Art at German Cooking And bdare that she wrote snob bestsellers as The Art of Spanish Cookr lug Bride in the Kitchen Dinners That Wait The Act at Vegetarian Cookery and Stations and Gourmets WHAT THE FOR TOMORROW This days stellar influences warn against carelessness in business and financial matters Be particularly careful where details are concerned in the late pnr houra aspects will be more generous wlliespeclally favor social functions and group activities generally FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow in your birthday your horoScope indicates that you have great cause for opti mism nowespecially where personal interestsare con cerned With the exception brief periods during mMarch and Jo when yourselt iction there will be great emphasis on pleas ant family relationships and in eptember laterDecember next April and May sentimental lo tereata should prove unusually interesting If youve yen for travel most propitious periods for taking all during the next 12 months will occur in Saptem her October next February May and June Careerand financial matter will also be generously ln fluencEd during most bf the year ahead and you should be able to make considerable pro grers along both lines Look for excellent cycles from amate rlal standpoint between Decom ber 15th and February int also in ate Apr and the iiElPSlAM néruunuon to We kl By ESTBELLITA tiva during November Those berneirt February March and be extremely realistic intelletv tuallyllnclioed Ind unusually let love have its way annnnwartr cerrmnvrrr arcs The roost important thing thr wouldbe cookbook writers to realize is that cookbook is much more than collection of recipes Batty toldJne 1b come up with book publishtr will want you have to have good editorial idea or angle to hang your recipes on For example you need recipes ihlt specialize in certain area plus wellwritten prose that in troduces and connect your re cipes Often your own experi ences or anecdoterabout the recipes canbe the plosethat holdsyour book together Its first step in writing cookbook Betty emphasizesthe needto research the market study other cookbooks and find out how many are already available on the same aublect You have in mind isms SAY months of May June and July of 1969 It will be important however that you avoid extrav agance and take no chances with assets during the next five months 39 especially conserva engaged in creative enterprises aod many Cancerlans are should tind September Decem June highlyutimulating bath from the standpoint ol inspira tion and recognition child born on our day will proficient in anything he undcr taker Cupid Overules Toronto Police TOBONTO GP Cupid as good shot as my on thalloron to police force is coming up with summer weddln After years of forbl ng in icsmarriages on the force the Mnhvpotttan Toronto Police Cornmlaslon deddedthla year to With this ofllclal blessloghla licewoman Reamer Carlyle and Constable Jim Smith plan to marry next Friday They were the first to apply under tire new rul rav mo PM tempting to THREE QUESTIONS It there are similar books on the market risk yourEdi three things it Is there needlar the book you plan Can you write yours in way that hasnt been donel By writing it in different way can you make it stand out from its counter parts and attractattantioo on is own if your answer to these ques tions isYes and you know your idea in good determine itorlal interest in it by urea tog your recipes and material and putting enough of the book together so an editor can see what you have in mind Two welldone chapters catchy title an outline ofythe bookand punchy letter that arouses in terest ioryour idea may be enough to submit to tirm that publishes cookbooks the youre preparing this presentation make sure that your material is wellorganized neatly typed and written with skill personality sparkle and charm Betty adviser As cookbook onaultanttor publisher Ive seen many wotrldbe cookbook writers ruin their opportunities to get their material read simply because thelrmanuscripts were careless ly typed and diiilcuit to read STRESSEB POINT To make your book readable and your recipes workable every recipe should be tested more than once Its also very good idea to make each recipe something that is distinctlvuiy yours so you dont have to worryabout your originality bo ing questioned Finally Betty advises pros pective cookbook wrhera lit to be careful that no items are left out of recipe to he sure proportions are comet and that abbreviations for them are coo slstentz at to make certain that the ingredients and measure menisllstedvdreck with the preparationmethod to eati rrrate the num of set gs introduced in like the recipe yields Onelast caution Put heaping amounts ot skill and patience nto your venture if you are at produce ruccean ful cookbook hecould haveno other food untrlhe did He had learned in many other situations toremect the little word no said just once The little fdiow dawdled few minutesthendecidcd to eat the two peas lie was given no more of them at that rnTeil tlme After he had eaten those two peas he was given to eat whatever he likai At the neat dlnnertime he was given three peas No peas wereservedat the next dinnertrme But at the third dinnertlrua alter nation with apparent enloymont the five peas on his platenothing elsehe begged to have more replied that was sorry but that could have no more then Next time the family had peas he was allowed rniserly sec and helping but no more At inter dlnnertlme pieces of string beans each about an inch long were put on his plate He halted few mo ments and then atetbem Not many dinnertirnes passed be Good Editbricrlidea Needed fore he was begging for more string beans Later canola were two thin discs of them At the end of three weeks he enjoyed any or all these vegeta bles when they were served The results amazed me and all the rest oi the family There aiter ior the several weeks this lad was eoioying practically every food offered him IF HE REFUSED Suppose he had wholly re fused aoy of these vegetabierf Some ader may ask What wouldyyou have done it he hadtrelused to eat the two peas had planned in that event to olfer him no more food at that mealtime but to remove the peas and let him get down from the table nnd to make sure he could have another foodtill the next regular mesh time except some fruit juice perhaps Suppose he had held out for several more meals and had developed nauseal would have consulted his plwsiclan Most parents trying on adopt this simple procedure easily get dispornaged and give rip it they won as with the peas and he begged tor more they probably would have given him huge teaspoonluleof them and than expected him to eat all ofthem The secret of success is to keep dood from him instead of trying to force any food into himIo get him good and hungry Many other parents feced the problem of reiusal by the child to eatceroaln desira ble foods spoon it into him by force orvkeep telling the young star he must eat it arvawnnmn anemone Would you encourage your boyfmmstolzatfunwrtr other boys in imaginary play at killing other persons AIwouldnotandrtlmuld find an effective way to prevent roach play would as Harri KELINED AT HOMli Stop using perm powdennndoadr ACIYLINI lines plotu In minutes LAST up to SIX MONTHS Ecru we tender puma ACRYLINI la cannon and rartulm hannlrrr to don tum and lrrneeialiy duifmd or ms at harm Make aloe like new ACIVLINI In availability on ond two plot line at your drun in roosters run in 341 ravrreunf 128094 am not our aerwrcr Open may no midnigh hm Indjsniurdly on erjus£ Del Au Lulderl Ill this loiter it is raining hard roe two cardinals redsin blackbkd several arm tlodt feeding win dow lveheanbuieued my lo 150 use the have to me it will rain all day Before Dr observe thunzdoselywlfother Nature has way of warning her hand and tnatlrered frlEndl against impending danger If it in raining and the birds cominue to feed and dont take cover it worth rain will test all day If the birds disappear when the rain begins to fall means tire shower will be brl and the Inn xiii come or soon it never lerpe you will publish my let tor Ann It will help your reach era plan their dayGRAND FORKS NJ Dear Guru The Weather forerunner have Igiven me so many steer am perfectly wilting to place my faith in the binds Therm for writing Confidential to Waiting For ourYoxshSorm Leantrglve mn uabanda secretary should travel under her own name Your Maud ought not try to chisel few bttcirs om the airline by Mn 10 this dreap gimmick This goes tor hotel rooms too in case he has in his sleeve DEAD STOCK SERVICE DEAD on carean aonaes came at noon tron1 nava NICKS DEAD srock scavrce Zenith 91130 DRY CLEANi NG grim aenvrcn aroma morn rnoormo wrn Barium NUSERVICE CLEANERS 79211 FARM EQUIPMENT international SniuServicePartsv ar Mitten Hwy II 7TdJJD PLUMBING HEATING gt almanac Plumbingl chting too aryrrota Home SAND GRAVEL ctrrr VARCOE LIMITED Hwyzr Jartori STONE MASON meanness announcer rmoa smeAura nervewave SHANTY STONE co Hana moody TRAVEL seavrce moron oéacn rmva no MAN ma wontn son or mo JULYdlltrll orient Travers no 71815941

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