ONLY WOMAN ELECTED Grace Macinnla NDP candi dala in Vancouver Kingsway was the only woman elected Merchandisers Know First What Clothes Worn en Want TORONTO CF What women want before they know that they want it thats fash ion said fashion merchan dialog consultan Estelle Hamburger of New York She was addressing store retailers and salesmen at the fashion breakfast clinic in downtown hotel that opened the recent semisandal Gar ment salesmen Ontario Mar ket What do women want for fall that they dont know they want in dresses the small top shaping close to the My to national ofilca yesterday iulstory kin hom national leader Douglas at NDP dates she received congra Headquarters CP Wirepholo There were no women candi wili move out Into flares or pleats The seasons signature is the belt reported Miss llam burgcr its worn at or above the natural waistline The twopart dress will at important long uvenbloose or tunic over pleated skirt There will be more coatdrcss es and more shirtdresses Miss Hamburger has now phrase for ensembles She calls them Composed Clothes Newest la the suitcostume of short jacket with soft shirts sleev eissa vestjacket or Versatile IceCreainlsBasis OfDelicioua Dessert Treats By Mrs Coral Henderson Home Economist N11th Simwe County flhcre are downs of things to dowithloeueamaodallina matter of minutes too Instant Emails are made just by yerng fresh fniit and ice Trearo Colorful snowballs 31de by rolling of ice cream in chopped nuts coconut or crushed cereals Set out the makings sauces cher ries toppings and several dif ferent kinda of ice cream for make your own sundaes There are three Cs of storage which apply to all dairy moot clean cool covered ice cream this means storing in the original contain er in the freezer or freezing compartment of the refrigerate 1M tor at degrees or colder if you cover the cut end of the ice cream surface alter the car ton has been partially used this avoids crystallization To freeze ice cream desserts that are garnished allow them to freeze completely then wrap in heavy duty foil and hold in freezer This way the decora tions Will not be disturbed Some recipes call for ice cream to be softened The best method to use is to work the hard ice cream with spoon or mixer until the right consistency is reachal Dont allow the ice cream to melt if it has to be unfrozen For an attractive cool des cert when you have little more prepamï¬on time jelly roll Chains and loops such as those designed by pNapler will lie bilin lesbian tblayear with an ice cream titling is an excellent idea for slumncr It can be made ahead and kept frozen until needed Vary the tylpa of cake and icecream to tyour own taster Follow ing is areclpe using chocolate roll and limeice cream other flavors sud as strawberry or butlcrmteh are equally doli scroop dole CbocolaIeJJrne Roll Jelly Roll Vt cup fine granulated sugar egg Whites sliLfly beaten 853 yolk vanilla cake flora ï¬ll Vi of ng pow er it of salt pint lime ice cream Beat egg whites until still not dry gradually beat in sugar Beat egg yolks until thick and fold into egg whites add vanilla flavouring Mix flour cocoa baking powder and salt and silt onto egg mix tureffold in lurn onto gross ed and lined pan to and bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes Sprinkle granulated sugar on clean damp tea towel and turnnake out onto the towel flrlm otf crisp edges While stall warm roll the cake in tea towel into roll rolling the towel with the cake When cool unroll carefully and spread with ice cream which has been slightly softened Roll up again and return to frmer Remove from freezer 10 minutes before slicing They will appear in the form of chain belts earrings necib glacea and bracelets rants belted jacketu alwayswith lively moving skirt KNITE TO THE FORE Then there is the Jacket anddross at which Min Harnlt burger says Canada is ex tromer odch Nor is the dress with coat or cape over looked Her suggestion for the newest look is to compose coat with matched belted skirt and knitted turtleneck Knits grow more important every year Call them knitted Miss Hamburger urges rathertbao knitwear For now they are completely in fashion mainstream They are widely represented for example in dressihouses not merely in knitwear fhma This fall the news is that many knits will be outlined in leathers Leather now is being used practically as afabric Fur is not just an added trim the fashion consultant insists For true fashion fur must be part of the design as wrap coat framed in fox an overcoat with rnink revere or furlined keepwarm coat word that Miss Ham burger would throw out of fashion vocabulary is sport swear She says todays con temporary casual clothing is worn by women at least one third of the time So it isnt sportswear PANTS POPULAR The fashion expert says to days women want to choose and assemble these casual clothes themselves good way to begin is with shirt and in the style to comple ment your costume as the pointcoil shbt for the cardigan jacket the body shape for pants the band vneok for the Nehru jacket And whenit isnt shirt she says its turtle To the shirt you add skirt dlrndi culotte styla or gored preferably inibig plaids or checks and in every fabric Or instead you could add Jumper or pants This fall Miss Hamburgera prediction is that werafacing the great est year for pants fashions ever Heres your choice wrde swing legs sang to knees and slightly flared straight with deepcuffs high rlse or the mfdlength South Americangaucho pants if Balta belong This could be the biggest year in the history of belts the fashion consult ant says its everything from medalliondangilng chain belts to big buckled leather belts Youll drip with metal chains inpewter and copper as well as gold and silver Its the fall for massive gold lewelry thickened bracelets huge rings ToFeniininity NEW vonx Ar roe counterrevolution in to bi that began when frothsod femi ninity crept back to clothes this spring has picked up steam in the fall styles being shown here Hits weekrfheyare soft and chap lgprettylï¬nd plllaha eieve making at as that make women look pretty said Eloise Curtis Thursday as she presented the collection she designed for David Styna to about 200 fashion reporters Designing for the fashion conscioua woman on budget stynari clothes average from $70 to plSOerss hatie offered costumes she called Romantic Juliet black velvet and or gaudy Rich Peasantwith pulled in Bavarian bodlcax and liurklah Officergleaming with Jewels andgold rna movnio sari Styne said the collection was designed for the moving set tba wife of tha duclor the law yer the country club set tabie was cake the top tier being the top layer of the cake at the orginal wedding reception WED Af IEFROY turned up at quarters of both Progressive Comervatlves on Dunlap St during the heat of the Election count last night nral Cohen MlssJleien Spaols and Mrs lan Fosterkoakvllle and wife of nephew of hell stayed won Mr Bell conceded Ea election early in the ewe gave so freely of their for morning campaign coffee parties and afternoon teas lo the last few weeks preceding the election cannot be over looked for their part Imam Mos Error DALE COuple Observe Golden Wedding the former Zella Evelyn field mom of 50 years ago Frank Dale native of oer England celebrated their gold en wedding Innivcrlary at their lodge Ossossaoe Beach on Georgian Bay dinner party at the Country lilil Midlandhoaied by the couples son in law and daughter Mr and Mn brute Tucker was followed by an open house on Sunday afternoon and evening at Birchdala Lodge Among the more than so din ner guests was Mrs Thomas Kissock of Barrie the former Eva when bridesmaid at the wedding of 50 years ago Her bcrt Dale now of British Col umbia wu the groomxman The focal point of the dinner tiered wedding The celebranta were married in the Methodist Church at Del roy June 25 1918 They moved ELECTION NIGHT 3qu our Only handfulaoi supporters lgn bead rala and The rainy night separated staundi supporters from the dabkblers as the hard core wor era in minty formed the majorityoi active support politics PCworkers Mrs Barbara Wheeler and Mrs Clifford Good bead were in committeerooms until Dr Rynarda late ar val in Barrie while at Lib headquarters Mrs Stan However Barrie women who time By midnight Dunlap St saw even the sparse gatherings round to two partys headquar ters disappear to leave it do serted except for the police eon sbablo waiidng his boat lust auolherralny night DINING our NIGHS AT of Churchill Ont and her bride hr summer residence inlrebdale enjoyedmeetlng friends at the strawberryaupper to Kitchener to 1m when the idegroom operated mens furnishings business Prior to their return to Slmcee County Mr Dale was in the acoustics business wan mm before the wedding and for in months afterwards Mr Dale Served hr the Canadian Armed Forces for four years He loin ed the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery in 1915 and left for oversaas in December of that year tie returned to Canada in m7 and was discharged from the arm in August of leis after alto the rank oi sergeant two year residence in Orfllia where their daughter Gwendolyn now Mrs itrcker was born preceded their taking residence in western Datar Both Mr and Mrs Dale marked their 75th birthdays in May They are still actlva in the tourist and summer guest home business at Ossosaaua Beach where their daughter and her husband and grandson Philip iucker reside One other grandchild Miss Dale Louisa Tucker now living at Waterloo announced her engagement io Edwin Frank Pawlitu of Bar rie on the day of her grand parents golden wedding anni vcmry DUT0FTOWN GUESTS Guests attended the celebra tion from Victoria Sanaachton and AbboLiford British Colum bia Rochester New York Chicago ill no is Montreal Quebecnnd from Toronto Rio chener Preston Gait Santa and Barrie Ontario UTOPIA swimsuitsmun The congregation of at Goon gaa Anglican Church held moccasin atrawberry and sal ad plate supper June 19 where well over 400 enjoyed the sump tuous meal fbe munity is extended to Mrs Horold Bill in her bereavement by the death of her brother Bert Mitchell of Alllaton in his 90th year He was in good health until two weeks before his death Mrs Bells sister Nollie Mrs James Morgan in her 96th year motored from lively Ont with her daughter and husband to stay overnight with Mrs Bell and attend the funeral llir and Mrs Roy Llater were home from Sudbury to visit the Win McCanns and lakeview 7RESTAURANT aar MONDAYITO rHuaspAY rcaaaacs nous or BREADED VEAL CUTLETS sins3 Includes soup or Juice bot ralls choice of potatoes vegetables dessert and beverage mu ounyoou my nurser oaarubmo PRiME atoner Deanna on TURKEY wrrnau ran mooninsz spacial coolers MENU For children under 12 only naiuaunoan snauca rains aEVERAGE AVAILABLE AFTEB sxoo EMA new one ranucn salsa ravenous 59cf orsrAUaANr thrown Dial noslsi sympathy of the Coinc of his mica ltlll schoolsaiety liable Bolton of the Ontario Provincial Police made the use notation during the graduation curious of the school lion day night Gordon will enroll at Entriew Secondary school Harris in the fall annoumn rare Counting calories andweilht lots will help member of the Silhouette mrs Club aiBare Borden in playing new game arranged for entertainment at the July It barbecue The bulk hours was disemsed at the in Miss Lyn Gibbs was declar ed Queen of the Week Previous weeks queen was Carol More den Newmemhcrrarc invited to join the club which meets each Tuesday evening at eight oclock In Frederick Campbell school Bun borden REEIMED Mrs Smith of orlllla was rs elected Presldeotoi the Ontario Womens Christian Temperance Union Junszll DANCE BARBECUE barbecue wiu follow the square dance party planned for WOIkaHCiId Prettiest Girlngold nonzero nosam fhc prettieatggtrl in the grad listing class inSmallto ESL his already asked at seasonal question How great are todays opportunlilea to sue reed in the modeling fieldi For the lootanavier to this interviewed Willowohm the cell ebratedinteroational model who has been on the cover of more than 255 major mansion in the past six years Now with this background behind hon she heads her own modeling agency on Madison Avenue in New York began my working life as parttime sales girl in five aodtencent store to help pay for my course in modeling school the glamorous Wilhel lmloa said when asked her for rimdown on her career as nln model fben while supplementing her modeling tncorna by work ing in WED AT ST ANDREWS Mr andMrs Hugh George Snoddon sign the register fol lowing their woddlng in St rewa Pr sbyterian Church Barrie Rev Heron officiated at the double ring alteran ceremony The bride is the former Anita Louise Campbell daughter of Mr and Mrs HughCampbell of Barrieihe bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs Franklin Snoddon oi lornr ville OnLThe couple will re side in Saint John New linin BRANDED approx 90155 BABY BEEF rnours 493 as secretary and partiime delt signer Wilhelmina won con teat nodeapoeio the aticoiioIi of Utiflftfxlunt who helped her become the Number One model in matter ofmontba Later sheworked in Paris and New York load jotherfaabion camsrsandfame and fortune followed wonxan naan fl wla netér afraid otfwork ion hard she said and this need to work hdrdunbclleva bly hardLia the fkstrpoiot would make to girls who are looking for goodopportunltlas to succeed in the modeling field You hate tohovo continuoui drive and wan to modelrvery much You airspeed to look for be ginning oooorluolue and begin globs before you arrive in New York To come to Manhat tan with no money and no ex perience is my definition o6 pure disaster Tell all young hopeful models Wilhelmina advised me that be fore they succeed as profession al models they have to take many intermediary slept Three important ones are Go to goodmodelin school and then build up your experience Durlnguthls pcriod be prepared to beat the pave rneuu see potential employers learn your 0pr and compete with the everrpresent girl who wants the some lab you want Learn towork with creativ photographeraIIThla is the point at which you begin to develop and polishyour individuallw The professional photograth lsyour professor At this point too start VIIIthis portfolio of your plcturerand credits togeth er Once these steps are behind you consider icomlngto New York But when you nrriva in the big town he prepared to start building all over again as you sea ntbr aphotographerap ii agency ave on person in duality and 13 emombcr ih you must alsowatch your diet look your be wand maintain antastlc wardrobe and colifure Nb girl ice at model girl is qualified for modelingrand wants it badly enoughbeing success ful model noduworking all even the world canibe the nicest job in the world Sweet Pickle some pics Ideal for the Btrbecue IncludesRlb Chuck Blade St it the Pan Lucas in WIENERS Lb Box sliced Wiener Rolls Pkg or 49c $279 no Seaiourselect bï¬sliccd cold mehtsond freshly made cola slow and points salad White or Bran oz Loaf llum norm 42Mepie Ave THE Home or auaurr ME