ï¬rm AND canm trauma Shinto umuummmmarmmul but ARTS FOR SALE Emmm mm mm nrnn at tidal BOATS AND MOTORS ramras MRKI LIVESTOCK FOR SALE DELANEY soars urn WEEKEND SPECIAL SAVE $300 no Johnson electric aurt complete win battery And controls Regularly priced 31695 SP EC IAL $1395 GREW BOATS ileWln°l3iis ISPRDIGEOK ALUMINUM SAILBOAIS OODMPLETE LINE MARINE AMSSORIES Bayfleld St at Govt Dock OPEN TO 9th DAILY soar to isle la loot armu out have JEN Ear Information vieu teienhm mass ls rm moralo lawma tn boalo Buchanan motor hmlataly equipped Al audition Taichun mlail arm can gt nmoann hi5 Hamlin hrlno new co trots mute an woo rele Dlmlil Sitsen coomoo nan mt aioideo waoos RunI hswi an motor and traurr we and also transl hitch for slimon Teiwhom mania mt mar Number Sannoah it indl mailersw planks melon nib hpvlnnwr new tarmulin ln exA cellrnt condition Firm prise arson Telephone aster moo moi WU ARTICLES FOR RENT AIR COMPRESSORS and tools COMPACTION EQUIPMENT 7280580 MARTI RENTAL CENTRE 43 Durllop Sr Iv ton earn in ulnnlent ls Elli and nwninf s4 Invfleld ARTICLES WANTED WANTED Pinhim sternum nuances Disbel Anti nee Second Hand Shop 10 ANTI ll emcriTISille his aim Clockl ml bolts va FRUITS VEGETABLES STRAWBERRIES Pick your own Opening lbura nay June 21 Beat piclnngJ at week later Thls year picking will be in qt bi cis and sold by weight at 20c lh Bring your own has hats and containers person to take at least one qt basket No diildrell un der 12 Closed Sunday Located 31d place on leit west of on Fair Grounds GOSS BERRY FARM PHONE 4875605 ITEAWBERJ or tile 15 nntl oer nuaxt hor Each your own AVA FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH larm Supplies Sarina Can New Holland David Brown Beattv I75 BURTON AVE 7mm CASETRADE TERMS HANK BROWN Delaval Sales Service DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT Ounplete line of Dairy Purm EoulnmliiiyithSuppliu Bame Ho wy TI mm CAN BULK sink cooler or sale auth for turmer nar soaochloos Milk Parlour Any rea annahle nfler considered Phone mam or rurther particulars MASSEY mums Baler for sale Telephone nil72m cmmmu wish to conth custom combine operator with straw chm on In barley Telephone no NEW autumn Baler Little Giant lLav Elevator new tel Iorlg complete with motor Farm nay Walton All priced to sell noon Miller Tclrphnnl moses mom loader Cara no Crawler o5 yarn bucket In con dlnnn tooo hours 32450 clan nriea Telephone mains MmNAflotlAL aide denvery rails for salt Also slassey Fermson lo och mnow hydraulic plum Telephone assme Coontown mm sooo Diuel farm homo excellent condition and appearn reveal choose from mm lav lnrs over new oricrwlii tranu 3nd mniev Em Palin Fall9 rlalrlmonl conceals PERSONALS If YOU DAV IMnflnl problem and not help when Iuv Lima M75 moms mnmas Do you want your fortune told I7 cardl Telephone mom cor Wintment couver before sin or July will airare dllVlnx time If someone gin to this vlninitv Piease reply 21 Newton street name Ontario WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAmDRESSDlG Government chartered School Thorough training in all bran cbes of beauty culture DERWTN HAIRDRESSlNG SCHOOL 13 WORSIEY Sl gm LOST FOUND INST Rusty 1nd Ora Cat while now Barrie Shopping Plat arcs Call alterclfl nan nilom he mil out of Waverh and more north Harry volnon Telephone sie slos smwnmras Ii ripe Pick your own ll possible nltnlll sol appoint menl or leave your name and phone Art wrim nu Glllnrd Tel 115 ms Lot is Con la West lellllm bury mile west of No Ll nlmway miles norm of Bradtnrd DOGS 8i PETS com Pom or sale Ideal pet or watch dog Telephone ranms murmur run nicely rarities weeks old Also Cuban burro Year old Tel one mlsio for further tnlorml ion rART onlhnsll Poo rol ule Also other cuhvnllvflles dealne or watch does or inner named an ARDEN UPPLIES ANNA LILY BULBS flirted and raid Sor tllhsplant rain to ouantltv Telephone ras 6511 or ltd TRY EXAMINER WANTADS PHONE 77481414 FARMER MRKT om moon Dead or crippled cattle and horses Snail animals removed PRONEEARILIE 128 Called tree For last service or an pr NICKS DEAD STOCK zerirm Ell NO CHARGE Mboursaday 7dsyaawceb RR Nmead Ontario License No 1980 Niel Munroe FEED SEED GRAIN mm or mixed to annulus Meohone layer ammo nay for uni hr totm or molar ruralnut on In realm of mixed has or rain MHJOM Bowman ulna SLrMm Telephone mites jvownne nenvmloz duality Purina snow Ll now arallabe to farmers Cl Al v1 war IWAlBï¬gflrnlnucohdltlonï¬ soon on done in Barrie area with Excew lmn ï¬zgc hlephorio no man an Thrillillicit pins lntb Bantam mTlghblnlofl iii Telexth mam 10 HELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED Full on Mflm Eml ent xeoiiludhv University mile Tllmflllï¬ 774314118 swam requires earns employ ment for slimmer months Phone morsels durum the wrelr only FEMALE HELP WANTED HERElTlS The opportunity youvediecn waiting tor work good earnings as a7 lgpresedtative for AVQN msrlnrlcs Write Mits TONI SMOLUK 170 BOX 485 BARNES Ontario or phone 7253551 ParrTime SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR CLERK TYPIST 1230 am mono am Approximately 16 hours weekly Apply in person in MRS YORKE Royal Victoria Hospital Lamas an hour work ten per month oar essenlIaL Write Rux C18 Barrie Examiner aanms can per hour servicing Ftnier cute tent telephone nciiiri pleasant iliilé leduniigl niin Mail cs his to Box 074 Barrie wilful MAID FOR MOTEL Wolk consists of bed making flean momma amigos Teieoholle mum TEACHERS WANTED MORRISON TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD requires teacher for modern room school other Mpge hencti Apply in writing BRIANI GILL SeeTron RR 1KILWORTRY or telephone obs2m insomniac WANT AUS 73 man our nan In line hearty your SOLDIER rntleinl in Van COMPANION reouireo for elderly Grades and in Dutiu to commence September 11968 salary schedule in effect ac cumulative sick leave plan and AALABLE Midhursi MMEDIAIELY Dunlap Si west Barrie Tiffin St Sherrie If you live In or around the aforementioned areas please illl the application below and return CIRCULATION Name out it to THE BARRIE EXAMINER DEPT 16 HARTREID SR BARRIE or PHONE Age Address Telephone For Safelys Sake Hand This To Your Barrie Examiner CARRIERSALESMAN Hungkmrnh unï¬wélli Slum Esum mullsIM MALE HELP SALES OPPORTUNITY for young man with proveu sales experience must be re sponsible type who feels he would be capable of directing other personnel Applicant ae Iected will be trained and qualified as assistant sales manager in ourssslesaervlce organizationTT Applicants must have good re ferences appearance and have Own ear Salary $100 weekly plus ex cellent bonus plan Full com pany benefits Write BOX BARBIE EXA AMINEE giving Ml resume +r MEN Wm Bod Sell Rawlelght munch Year rnual ate profits writ dll work cod Rnwlrt not FleM tons alien stHemy moment PRINTING PROBLEMS See Mona Hacinnas commercial rrlntlnr division The Barn xx airliner lo Bavueio at most LEGAL NUDICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF CHARLES WILLIAMNASH DECEASED All claims against eeststo of Charles William ash late of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe Iletired Gardener who died on or about theroth day of February 1968 must be filed with the under signed on or before the lrd day of July 1968 after which date the estate will he distrilr uted having regard only to tile claims of which the undersign ed shall then have notice DATED at Barrio Ontario this 10th day of June 1968 hIURIEL NASH GREENE Adminislaatrix with Will Annexcd by her Solicitors MESSRS CONDER SUGG and RIGELOW 23 Owen St Barrie Ontario WANT llDSDOIlT COSTTHEY ply EW ALLISIO ONTARIO TENDERS FOR DEMOLITION OF SCHOOL BUILDING Scaled tenders on stipulated sum basis for the demolition of the original sections of the Ab lisinn Union Public School located onAihelt Street Allis will Original Sections of Alliston Union Public Schoo will he received until 500 prlI EDlST MONDAY JULY 1963 at the oflice of Salter and Alli son Architetï¬s 29 Clapperlnn Street Barrie Ontario Plan and speciï¬cation will be available to contractorson and after Wednesday June 26 1968 at the otljce of the Architects Lowest or any tender not nec essarily accepted NOITAWASAGA TSA Tender for Nottawasaga and Creemore Public School Addi tion and Dnntroon Public School Addition Sealed tehders will he receivali at the officenf the Architect CARSWELL and GRIESBACH 305 Home Street Collingwood Ontario untiltpm TUESDAY 16 JULY 1368 for the construction at room additions to the above noted sandals located in Cljeamore undDuntruon under not utmost or any necessarilyaccepted Plans and Spccificationsars available iattlle nflice til die Aldallcot nl dammit of mm ton Ontario plainly marked Tender for the Demolition oi if YOU Plan Holiday STOP MY PAPER TENDERS TENDERS NRLPAlNTING Sealed tenders Will be received by the undersigned up to and until 51 pm FRIDAY JUNE 1963 for the exterior paint lngM Central United Church gamnio and Ross Streets Barii Tender documan may be air tallied lrorn the Church Office The lowest or any tendcrhot necessarily accepted JOHN FELTlS Chairman Property Committee Central Uniled Church BARRE Ontario 13 AUCTION SALESj AUCTION SALE WAIllEIl SUTTON FARM Mr Torpeyt MONDAY JULY v1 PM Antiques New and Used Furni tuIc New Hand Made inlts also Dishes and Glassware CHARLES THORNTON Auctioneer Added Attraction Home Bake Shop 11 am New to You Sale am Refreshment Booth PATTERNS Cool ParlidreSS hyANNnannliis Sew divided skirt sun dress newest way to be cool move freely in house garden on vacation Plants front and back create flattering tine Printed Patiern495l Half sizes 12 lamina wit 22 227Abi Sizeldb bus so takes 32 yds Ilium SIXTYFIVE CENTS 65 ccntal in coins no stamps plcascl for each pattern Ontario residents add cents sales tax Print plalnIySIZE NAME AD DRESS STYLE NUMBER Send ordEr to ANNE ADAMS careioiv The Barrie Examflar Pattern Dept 50 FIJOIII Street West loronto 10ntarin SPRINGSNEIV LOOK is salt ettycdeminillc Make it yonrlonlrchunse lrom over 100 styles in our new Spring vSuml merrsiiern Catalog Get one pattern freeclip céupon in Cataios Send 50 cents its TheSeason 13ToAdvériise WANTED murmur lieu PAPER¢RQUTES inflected lamented viiillthwlndnlh Midtown the Main Conservatives tion Whither Will Completes Switch TORONTO 0P3 federal Conservative and an Ontario Liberal Tuesday completed virtual switch pf government seats thathegarl whoa both re signed becausertheir western Ontario ridlugs had been split in redistributions Liberal Rnsstlwhicher who won Bruce riding in Inlesdaya irdcial electionouit provincial politics beiorc the 1961 Ontario election because redistribution had split the OntarioHding of the same home between Huron Bruce and GrayBruce Conservative Eric Winkler whose fedeaual riding was Grey hruce had already quit Ottawa tor the same reason lie won Ontarios GraySouth riding for the Conservatives last year Maanoa PCs Beaten OTTAWA CF Ono after another man that Robertsten field lvouliiliavcriit the front benches of Conservative government were turned down by the voters Tuesday Duff Roblin Dalton Camp Marcel Faribault Michael Starr all McCuicIieon Richard bell Earl brownrldgu and other Consorvatlvo promi nents went under Prime Milk istcr lbudenus Liberals built up asolid victory Some had sat in previous Con servative cabinets including Mr Starr Ml McCutcheon and Mr Bell TRY EXAMINER wamans PHONE 7284414 PATTERNS ARyAALICEEROOKS Makea smart easyknit shell of rayonwool or Ely finger ing yam Its easy to knit this glamor ourtop Just two straight piec es Easy to memorize lacy tea that design Patient 312M slzes 3246 included FIFTY CENTS icolnsl for each tto li no stamps please Io Alice Brooks care at The Barrie Examiner Needle crait Dept so Front Street West Toronto Ontario Ont ario residents add cents sales tax Print ipldilll ZPATTERN NUMBER NAME ADDRESS First tillic Jum 01968 Neede craft Catalog luldreda of do signs ireepalterns includes designer sweaters instructions inside Knit crochet embroid er 50 cents Book of 16 slayings pletc patterns ille easy to make 50 cent Bnnk No Mnaeiirrl Quilts coat for an dayruvlng New exciting col IectloIils complete patterns ghullaI oonia NDP showed Alvin Hamilton fomer Conser Summers and Mr lsightori Smith of gifts Ron and his bride lore movies Craighurst Dalston Wi Ontario andarc open to the or nnlm iour mo Us WINNIPEG Llnnnah can didate vJames Richaldson gets big smooch fromclght year old daughter Sara EDMONTON or lInglLibes Douglas felL lliat was dweller ï¬bers were others Tuesday as the West vccrcd from the PNENSTVOCOIISCIVEUVB line it has held so staunchly ill fedch elections over the years lhe stamina Lib PC may 1965 1965 11 15 42 so Totals 45 48 The Liberals struck hard in Manitoba sputtered obit in Saskatchewan picked ilp mi mention again in Alberta illeu stormed into British Columbia Struck down beiore them were former Manitoba premiu lDulf RDblin and Davle FIltnn former Conservative justice minister Ill Saskatchewan where the resurgence after lair the Winnipeg Soth riding irolli Conserva tive Bud Sherman member oithe last Parliameiih It was the first stabjlat politics lor the excaitlve officer Jaliierlllchardson and Sou 111dparent company oi multl rnillinn donar finan cial enolro CF Wirephoto Fulton 3126an rel West apnea vatlie agricuitiircmiilislnr lost to an NDP candida one of six elected in the province lhe Liberalsgeleoied members in Manitoba where in lsosthcy had rieinSas kntchewan ah is they had noun fotlr in Alberta where they had none and 15 in britlsdl Columbia where they had seven Jinn srx no sasx The NDP returned three in Manitoba and eight in 36 but added the six in Saskatchewan for the best showing in that province since the 001 prcd ecessor of the NDP won 10 in 195 National leader Douglas lost close race wittrldberal Ray Perrth in BurnabySey mDIlI It was Mr Douglas who was premier oiSaslruochewan dur ing mudi of the OCFs 10year reign mm 1944 964 when the province had the list social ist government all the continent Liberal candidatesclso niped out the iinly three Social Orchit materialism oi the last Parlia Patterson action nation al Social Credit leader was dc felled thy irihi aLrlartyErillginL in Fraser Valley East Also beaten was lluumrll Johnston in Dkallsganlltootenay and Hoyt wm Prince GeorgePeace ver gt Buttuo iormer Social Credi terswou in Alberta under dis erect bonuses Robert Thompson former lia tioual Social Credt leader won as aConservaiive in Red Deer and Bud Olson won ah Liberal Medicine HBt ROW T0 NSLAUGUT Mr Roblilr bowed belore the ubelial onslaught to longtime trieudE Osler an an or and businessmen Mr Hamilton lost to John Eamon ol the NDP in Regina East and Mr mulch lost to Liberal Len lllareliand in Knrnloopwariboo SIMCQE chowu lull sincere sympathy is extended to Mr and lilrslulohu Swank and family in the death of their sonnudbrother Harry Peter Snaakhaud to Mrs RuyParo ridge in the passing of her sis oar Mrs Herbert Rlx of Stroud Vltirs lra Partridge of Elm vaie visited recently with Mr and Mrs Roy Partridge Congratulations to gthe new ly wedded couples in our midst Mr and Mrs Ronald nd Mrs Mr and Mrs Ronald Som mcrs werellon Iy the community witha miscellan eous showeriat the United Church HallLJuue BEAM few rounds at euchre the couple were addressed by James Part ridge aud presented with shower making their home in Barrie her home alter being patient stilloysl Victoria Hospital BUS TOUR Members of Crown Hill branches and friends boarded bus at am Junelz at Crown Hill United Church for their an nual bus trip The first stop was at the McMichaelConser vation Collection of Art gallery ill the village olchlnburg In one of the most unusual gallery settings an here the group saw dlsp or almost out paintings by Canadiansmust famous landscape artists The gallery constructed from an cienttimbera stands on pro tected park site on the crest oi the Humber River valley Pub lic enjoyment of this collection of art has been made possible through the toreslghtand en thusiasm of Robertlvarld Sigue Mchchael and few lrlgnda who shared their deep love of Canadian Arthhs Galleries are now the prnpcrty oirthe people of public irec ofchurge Wednes day to Sunday inclusiv rid most public Ilolid stopwns the in Trafalgar rclillery ill kvllic nlu the ma garden spccial feature of tharofinery lithe liitehsiva Mrs Reid is confined to 13vale canonigiiaws trolltmellt given to process water before it is returned to lake Ontario The efficiency of thetreatment iaciiitleé ls continuust demonstrated in large aquarium where trout bass and otllel game iisll thrive in treated water from the re tinery The EP Trafalgar re finery is supplied with crude oil iromJVesIeInflanads by the later Pro ial Pipeline via aIcillch spurol the plant Finished products are delivered to the customer by road rail and by thovlrans Northern Pipeline stop for dinner was made at High Park Toronto and then on to the waterfront where the ladies boarded aplcasure beat for Centre Island and Houlans Point Alter supper brea and shopping the return trip was begun genial driver and pleasant weather help ed to contribute toa happy busy day enroll SAWYER Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Harold MlltlheWs who el ebraied their 50th weddiu nlversary June 19 reception Was held in Gllicrd Hall from Aoclodr and in the evening there was euchre party when relatives and intends attended Mr and Mrs Arnold Mere dith and and Mrs Kiclth Meredith oi Barrie motoredtu their family reunion Sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs William Gorhnmand family in the sud den passing other husband on Saturday Evening June 22 Mr York live again DEMONSTRATION The meeting niGiIfortl WJ was held at thevhome of Mrs Griffith Suggested places the W1 could visltweie mus Bell and Mr reports on District annual and Mrslall reviewed the till program on sewing sMrs Guthrie commented on thedrsnsltiou iu edudatlon and the effect ijEleOlXORlC and mechanical changes Local ciil logos are ctiering courses Lou several sublecisu to retrain poop needed in ii pnsllinns Ad battalion on the art at making large paper flowers was giveugbyMrs Barlow Mrsl3 Cammou and Mrs The results were very colurful0ricutal poppies and beaullluiroses and pennies chenille E1 MRS GIFFEN hitand Mrs Maw vis ited lately withtheir son lack and hiswlfe in Guelph Mr and Mrs GraydouGii and family spent Sunday ill Toronto The tornadowhlch sivept through the countryside on June ll blew down two large evergreen trees anda hydro pole lnEdenvalc Mr and Mrs Russell Maw and family Mr and Mrs 133 eph Maw and Mr and Win ston Maw attended the innu ers son Davids wedding in St Davids United Church Toron to June 15 Mr and Mrs lilcNabb Mr and Mrs lllchbh and Mr and Mrs Dougald Moll11b attended the funeral in Coiling wood June 72 oi Dick Irwin husband of Jessie Park the farmers cousin who formerly lived at Edenvale uncrral There was large attendan at Mrs Grants recital htld Saturday evening June 22 in Minesing om in II ll it Hall Those fromtEdeuvuIe who look part were Anne and Connie Giffeil Brenda McNahb Nancy Glilen John James Bill and Cathy McNabb Sandra and Kenneth Glitch All perioer Well and complimean are due to both teacher and pupils Mr and Mrs Gifieu at tended ihcccnlctery service at Relesscy United Church Mono and also visitediltlrs Kenneth Mackenzie oi Allislon on Jlxue 16 Chaplain Dies ill Gilelph GUELPH or Rev loll Him veteran of tile Canadia armys chaplain service in two world wars died here Monday AFather Kim 89 was or daillled to 1315mm AA31 Hazlowsu Cvlese point Vchaplhinilntihe Canadian army he spent two years in France and Belgium Funeral lcljvices wiilbe held bhursdhy