Barrie Examiner, 15 Jun 1968, p. 3

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REV MeCAlFREY director of the martyrs Shrine fidland William Davis 0n tario Minister of Education and Very ltev lilac Dougnll provincial oi the Jes uit Fathers Upper Canada Province left to right ex amine documents presented to Sainte hiaric amongtheHur has by the Society ofJesus in ceremonies last night to mark the 318th anniversary of the burning of the mission Mr Davis unvefled plaque to honor Dr Wilfrid Jury who directed the reconstruction at the sitetExaniincr Photat Noted curator Honored At Midland Ceremonies Dr Wilfrid Jury who was orcd last night in ltiidlaod it his reconstruction of Salute liiaric amongthcHurons referr cd to plaque unveiled in his name as his epitaph Not every mnn as the chancatn see his tombstone Dr Jury said Dr Jury curator of the Uni vevsity of Western Ontarios illu scum cf Archeology and Pion eer Lilo started excavation at the Sainte Marie site 25 years ago Reconstruction of the site is new nearing completion The professor is 77 years hut he has not retired lie is in charge of the reconstruction and restoration or the Pcnetangui shone naval and military estao lishment which the British start ed building in m4 to guard the north and the west Other projects oi archeologi cal research hehns conducted include searches for the graves of the indion leader Tecumseh at Moraviantown and the French explorer Champlain in Quebec raising of the warship Tecumseh at Penetanguishenc construction of the liuron Viit age in Midland and Fanshawe Pionaar Village in London Dr Jury is an example of man who is dead but wont lie ev McCatircy director oitheiiiariyrs5hrino said in tribute to the archeolog ist At an age when most men would he content to sit around and collect old age pension he is still working Dr Jury susnined serious in juries during World War when the ammunition ship Mont WITH HIS FAMILY Leaves Barrie Business To Take Up At 51 Joe Owen had apmr itable business he had run for he 13 years This week he sold that business and he will leave to day with his wife and family for England the country he was born in but left when he wis child lm still young man Mr Owen said in air interview yes terday At this age you can feel trapped and in rut want to move before get tied down OWNED SIGN SHOP Tilr Owen operated Joe0wen Sign Shop on Ellen St com mercial advertising company siccializing in truck lettering gold leaf graphic and silk screen work The business was closed clown early this week andthe building has been rented to bfltery service company There are three children in the Owen tamiiy one daughter Ela len g1 two sons Joe in and Gary 15 AlLthree will move with their parents Ellen has left her job at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Com mrce in Toronto Joe has inst comvlctcd Grade 13 at Barrie North Collegiate He hopes to enter an art school in England Gary also Barrie North stu dent has finished Grade will he big ehang tor SPEEDY ano life In or Gary Mr Owen said But we pe can readjust Mr Owen describes his wife Ethel as not the adventure some type but he said The move is very real to her and lllrnow she is very excited about Mrs Owen was born in Kings vilie The first time she saw England wasin 1566 when the family spent short vacation there That was when they got the idea for the move The Owens have relatives in Birkenhead neardniverpooii We will visit the relatives and some of my air force bud dies from the war and then Ill lookrtor work Mr Owen said going on speculation and well just hope for the best We written some letters but have nothing definite in terms of eru ployment yet Mr Owen was president of the Toastmaster Club of Barrie for the past year and member oi the local Rotary Cluh He was winnaster lorfive years at Trinity Anglican Church and member of the choir there lin not discontented with Barrie he said Im very ap preciative of the friendshim and the patronage ive had here la would operate Safety Edisol Barrie man who has had his To boat on Kempenlell Ray as saiety patrol for four years said today that the recent drown ing oil Centennial Park has prov ed that he should be recogniled as an officer ot the Simcoe Coast Guard Rescue Squadron and giv en pin and authority to go with 10 Valter Speedy Reid has boat outfitted with lights irens diving gear portable resuscita tor and other lifesaving equip ment He says he has operated the boat in his spare time since boy drowned in the hay in tuna He has saved liveslound undies underwater after othera failed and has been treated with abuse by members of local boat ing clubs he added He claims that the present warning signs oft Centennial Park which were in place when tenyearoid Michael Van Ryn drowned last Sunday are inad equate and that installing ect line telephone from the to thopo ee would be as useless Whats heededf he says is iiieguard on duty at the beach in walkie talioieaommunica tion with rescue craft in the water He says he is ready willing and able to supply such service if the city will pay him and give him authority to make arrests where necessary fl should be able to order any boat on the bay to heave to he said so that can go board and inspect it for safety equipment also want the au thority to arrest anyone who breaks any law the water or in the dock area The pa apartment has launch on the boy but Mr Reid claims it is illfitted It has no lilesaviog gear nor lights board he said Mr Reid says he hasan ap polntment with the mayor Mon day afternoon and that he hopes loconvinea him of the median coast guard service on the bay fuel Mr Bentley il symm pathetic he says Blane exploded in Halifax Har bor in 1917 As young man he suffered from tuberculosis lie overcame these handi caps to lead his archeological career Education Minister William Davis who unveiled the plaque to honor Dr Jury and spoke to the 300 people who gathered for the ceremonies to commem crate the 315th anniversary of the burning of the site said the education system and the students of Ontario were the true beneficiaries of the re construction WHOLE COUNTRY This is the sort oi project imeant when said last week that students should use the whole country as classroom he said iluroaia is an excellent source of direct involvement for the student Mr Davis said How rcireshing to study in lab which is out of doors Mr Davis praised Dr Jury for involving students in the re search and study of the site This is perhaps the greatest contribution you have made he said We must all recognize the need to relate study to the events of society book which was once in the library of Sainte Marie lead plate from the graveoi the mar tyred Jesuit Jean de Brebcuf and papal ball of 1644 grant ing plenary indulgence to pil grims visiting Sainte Marie mongtheHurons to re among gifts presented by the Society of Jesus to the museum duridg the twilight ceremonies Former Barrie resident Rev Howard Green and his wile Jean will be honored at reception at Trinity Farish Hall following the Sunday mor ning service Tire Greens rel turned to Canada after nine years of missionary work in Japa mamunmmu41 MTUIDAY JUNE ll III the Injured In Accidents Nu three accidenta in Barrie last nigh resulted in inl nor ialuries to two women and totroaring of 31550 The first accident occurred at 851 pm at the intersection of Anne arai Tillin Streets car operated by Jessie ls nor 45 of Burton Ave was westbound on 11an St and was hm about through the interseo than when it was hit by car driven by idendolyn Perry of RR Barrie whovwas southbound oagAane St third auto driver by Ray mondvlt Floren so at Burton live was involved in amlnor way roceivrng 50 damage coast Jim Ens investigated Jessie lsoor sustained bruised left hip and thigh little more than an hour lat er Barbara Tilhoy 18of Cod rington St sustained sore ribs arm and hip and cuts to her forehead following an accident at the intersection of Grove and St Vincent Streets Her car had been northbou on St Vincent St car operated by lire ll Wie land 30 of Arlington Tens was fadng west on Grove St and oar driven by Wuilam Bnmhiidc 44 of St Vincent St was southbound on SL Vincent when the accident happened Constuliemnrd Hunt investi Eflted at 10115 Auxiliary Police TOBe Sworn in Judge Clare senior judge of Simcoe County will ntficiate at swearingain ccrernony and presentation oi awards for aux iliary police recruits on Monday commencing at 330 pm Cerificates and Awardswni all so be issued to senior auxiliar ies who have partaken of Ad vanced Training during the year MAYORS lDEli Would UseC To Help Buy Parkland Mayor Bentley announc ed today that it the Barrie Oitia rens SavannaParkland rais ing campaign is successful it would justify use of city iunds ltgnpaiay the halance owing on the The fund vraising committee is flying to collect 395000 in do nations from people who want to establish the Barrie Country Gluh property on Sunnidale Rd as an area oi parkland it is understood this amount is about onethird of the porch ase price of the Eliacre site To BANK Donations to the campaign can be sent to any chartered bank in Barrie They should he made out to Barrie Citizens Save thePark Campaign The mayor said the realities of the citys financial podtion dont allow all the men ities we desire Howevar when the dreamranti the facts can be combined presentable position then you have accomplished something he said Mayor Bentley will meet Wed nesday morning with Ken nedy chairman of the Ontario Municipal Board He is planning to present Mr Kennedy with feasibility study on the park with the suggestion thatsome lots around the per imeter could be sold to recoup some of the purchase price PROMISE other action the mayor has nursed is iconwc AND MKDEW WROTECFTGN Low LOW REGULAR our CLEANING ratcss Pi in Dresses Skirts Plain Pants Ladies Slacks Mens Suits FurtServlce rm retina as native HURONIA CLEANERS DRlVliIN Locum lilayorlrowns Onliietro Idea For Barrie Bentley does not want to let Toronto planners have their Wayland plan role tor Earrieaubservient toltietro He wants city to stand on its own The mayor expressed concern in the wake of the Metropolitan Toronto and region transporta tion study released Friday that ii the Toronto planners were given their way Barrie would lose control of its own develop ment He expressed annoyance at the increased use of the term satellite city According to his definition it means subserv ient to and dependent on and the mayor does not envision Barrie in that role Mayor Bentley said Barrie had area must creatively dic tate its own role in the expan sion envisioned by the year 2000 if we dont make decisions for ourselves the mayor warned through citizen action to create taken is the promise that rep we will become partof the Metro sprawl resentatives of the Ontario Hausa ing Corporation will ha in Bar rfe at the beginningmi non week OHC is getting into the land business he said they are not just Interested in lowrenal arrangement might be made tlt OHC that the corporation bankf some at the gall course and for the rays tenure use Strictly local action on the property will be in the form of meeting between councils gen eral government committee the chairmen of the other council committees and the mayor and the citizens comm ea These are thepo ve steps this office can take the mayor said He said herwas pleased and enthusiastic that many cit SKETCH OF NEW BARRIE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Work starlet thisweck on $600300 Roman Catholic mm at the corner of Amelia and Dundonald Streets Hill Merrick chairman of the building committee said the pos sibiiltyoi enlargim St Marys ohurdr on Muloaster St had been looked into but was not room more Tire tive acre propcrtyoi the new ohumh was formerly known as the Monastery of the Most Holy Redeemer It is anticipated that consiiuc tion will take eight months ltir Merrick said Dies In early today when hlscarlapL Toronto man was killed parently went out of control and ityFunds tens have shown an interest in saving the property for use as wrkirllseommondahle that Aid Dorian Parker has taken this on hesaid As mayor however its rm portant that consider all the people in Barri he said amsure here are some who is idea and have to them as well as those in favor He said ilthe citizens chm mittee comes up with the money he use of city fturds would then be in respect to the taxpayers dollar very wise investment Besides Aid Parker otherson the savethepark committee are Dr Ted Benton Dr Harold Smith Ross Stephens Norman Syn imilarris Harvie John stone At Froom Bob Beznant and Wes Bishop dDiNlNGtOUT NIGHTS rlukerriew RESTAURANT ARE MONDAY TO THURSDAY ROAST TURKEY whom the trimmings 01 PORK CHOPS with mushroom sauce $165 Includes soup orjuice hot rolls choice of potatoes vegetables dessert and beverage unit one noon my nurrncmrunmo PRIME ROAST 0F BEEF OR TURKEY wrru nu terminations SPECIAL traitors MENU For children under 12 only announcer rnanca FRIES aavnnnca 690 Arron 105 Dunlap AVAILABLE 00P RESTAURAN The contract for the church offices and redory and diumh hall was won by Emery Ens ginceriag and iomractlng 00 it was for hut over $500000 rur nisoing will raise the cost to Seating capacity oi the church ltseit will be 350 more titan twice that of the present church The hall will be able to hold 350 people The dunch is of contemporary design with shriek exterior lt is shaped in with seating for 45 in each wing of the facing the altar at right angles Toronto yMdn Crush smashed into the frontend of another car on countyrnad ro twoandahalf miles south of Sunnidaia Corners Dead at the scene was neth William Craig 22 ononge SL Willowdale The occupants at the other car Donald Trueman 12 and Joana Evans 19 both of Base Bcrden sustained facial injuries They were listed in satiiae tory condian at Coliingwood General and Marine Hospitalat noon Craig was alone in his car Provincial police at Stayner said it appeared that the Craig auto went out oi control and was sliding sideways nnthe paved road when it struck the rout of the Trueman car Craig was alone in his car Cpl Pretty oi Stayner de tachmeat investigated at 130 salinel zoyz Stan ffwork on $600000 Romyan Catholic Church Nediitt and Davies oi Barrie are the dillacts Mr Merrick said on was to bring the congregation closer to the altar The hall in into the opening of flieV and the rec tory and ottioes are at the point Paved offstreet parking will make traffic flow past the church easier There ha been no decision yet onthe disposal of the present church or church property on Muilaster St Mr Merrick said Othermhairmen who work on the main building connnittce are Hany Kelley finance Joe Who lan furnishings Mark Beaudoln publicity Secretary is hirs BN1 el Clifton Msgr James Clare poster of St Marys plays an active role on are committee There were four bids for the contract sunviv or HAZARDS regular part of insurance programming He sure you get the ad vantages ol modeminsur ance technology Call the trained people at SARJEANT sum sapwo naus 21 Collier Sf Harrie lanai line sloped puailaaM in retina AnpsaupaM rlotnM pnatsauroH ltsuaruanajf Inflow in edge uaplog log moruymoq ul aidolunq 9p PM

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