What Are You summer MICHAEL DUFFY 10 Feel St Thk summer Ill be de liverlog the Barrie Examiner as usual but later my family and Ierc going to the Lake of the Woods during July Ive been delivering papers for five or six months and it usually takes me about one and half hours to make my rounds you pavmsoN it Sprlng home Dr just finished Gr at CcntmlTJollcgliite and plan to attendancno Univer sity and take bachelor of arts and science before going into medicine This sumer Ive got job surveying and supervisiog with the city en gineering department plan to spend few weekends in Montreal MURRAY 245 Edgehitl Dr have job working at spaciouy shop In Banla this lng things Iika noting up wood and manufaaur in custom products for local industries Im going into Erode next year and am student at Can tral Collegiate num FEERJS Barrie have lust Wlemd my grade 13 at Central Collegiate and plan to attend the University of Western Ontario next year This summer Ill be working etthc Brcolrdale Park Inn on the switchboard booking cli ents washing dishes and pre paring food Later Ill be work ing in the dining room when it opens Law Ann oooocnncrs Ought To Be Worried gt About Violence Today by sqr noun nERnY Barrie Felice Deth Since the assasinations oi Mar tin Luther King and Senator Robert Kennedy great deal has been said concerning the vi olence of our times Theorists have provided variety of opin ions ns to the causes of certain types of violence and all these because of genuine concern about our western world democ racy believe we ought to be wor ried and we ought to get our heads out of the clouds or the sand rbeiule more horrible things befall us SICKNESS Too many people of our gen eration give the appearance of being almost bereft of conscience Petty and grand thefu embezzlemenis assaults ofall kinds wild and wanton recklessness with automobiles motorcycles beats and aircraft carelessness with Fire and with firearms these and many other things which seem in some circles to he so acceptable sug gest that we are suffering SICklIESS of epidemic propor tions Our society has provided such climateof personal and col lective freedom that people with out conscimmecan flourish We ought to take another look at system that makes it dangerous for even doctor to treat dn injured person in an emergency because he could not first obtain his permission boy was once able to climb the odd tree cannot permit this on my map crty for fear of iojtiry and law suits Indeed it may not be safe to permit others toeutermy car my home or my property People are for saying There ought to be law about that There probably is low either criminal or civil FOR PROTECTION sometimes wish there was law to protect the unsuspect iogvcbild whose life is in con stant danger because unthinking drivers rip and tear along resi dential streets like the four young fellows in their highpow ered cars who last week wreck their vehicles during road races mean restraining law of some sort that would prevent assaults you are certain wtll occur or law to tem porarily make it impossible for person to do harm to himself or some other person because of irresponsibility Oh know what some are saying Give him that much dlscre nary power and hed be restraining everyone and there couple of kooks like him around and we might all as well flee to Russia for safety litany of us are concerned bout the violence of our times not only about assassinations take out call 72mm for Bradford st nmuncr llt be do would be no more freedom JOANNE monomer har rie Ill spend July at the cat tage bu my family and are fining to Vabmuver in August We plan to ski and climb mountains too Im grade to student at Central District Cob legiate and dont plan to start working unfit next summer BOBBIE CEANFIELD RN from Lakeshore Teachers Col loge few weeks ago Ive been working at the Liberal headquartrs on Dunlap Street Im member of the Young Liberal Association plan to Township and to drive voters to the polls on election day Im being married Aug 17 and will be teacher next year at King Edward Public School but about the violent attacks of unscrupulous businessmen politicians upon people who can not dfeend themselves of the violence of rotten parents who are in no way capable of lov ing or providing for their chil dren and who like angry giants terrorize their offspring of tbe violence of money grabbing movie makers and paperback publishers who plague us with their filth and so influence the lives pf our young people Many of us are concerned about so ciety that is afraid of the ward lcensorshipfl btcause of their own appetites or the slick argu ments of those who write the stuifand their equally slick loop bole lawyers And whatabout the cost of drugs to those who need them most and can afford themrleastl Oh ya there are many kinds of violence and all of them are most damaging to the health and welfare of our nation There ought to be law you say there is law very simple morallaw The trouble is that whatever our political affiliation or persuasion we are becoming too liberal for our own good What thing to snytendays Barrie islnce Lsgraduatcdw before an election EDIE ANNE MISENER liston Later this summer Im going to spend month pick ing tobaccofStndents can mnko $16 day ncrking for 26 days in the tobacco indus try dont know if Ill be able to stick it out but lm going to give it try DAVE REYNOLDS 255 Dull lopSt rJlte already had lob working on construction but now We left that to work on the election at Liberal head quarters In the ext few week Ill be canvassing votes from door to door in Vosprn Tor hip Later In the sum mer ill be attending lifan and His World in Montreal for several days plan to teach Latin and guidance at Oak Ridge High School in London next year BarrieiYDay Camp In July First session of the Barrie day camp at Snow Valley will run from July to July 12 offering full program daily Campers will be able to catch buses to Snow Valley from John son St School at nm Cod rington St School at 915 and the YMYWCA building Grove St at 920 Campers will be returned to their school areas at the cadet the day except on swimming days when theyll be returned to the Children will participate in an outdoor setting learning camp craft fire building and nature study Children are required to bring their own lunches and milk will be supplied Registration forms are available at the main desk at the The second sessionwiil run from July 15 to July 26 Station Concerts Planned By MUMEL LEZPEB The Hush Festhol at Strat ford has never attained the azal ure of the Drama Yet ranch thougbuod some excellent dir ection has gone Into the planning of concerts This year musically Stratlord may become more Importantf Slammer dlFestival use split pro gram schululed Weekend concerts at the F29 tival Ihcairc under the direc tion of Victor dl Bella will bead line artists that will undoubted ly draw large audiences Duke Ellington and bin orcbstro op ens the Sunday uric July with concert of sacred rnusla July It brings sensationalch list Jacqueline du Pre who will be soloist with the English cham ber orchestra conducted by her husband Daniel Barcnboim Vi olinist Dnvld Nadlen plays VL valdls The Four Seasom with the Straiford Festival orchestra conducted by Lawrence Smith on July 21 Iilr Nadlen in con ccrimostcr of the New York Philharmonic Thesucceedjng Sunday con certs Include pianist John 0g don Metropolitan Opera soprano Judith Ruskin Ruggiero Riccl Ravi Shankar and the New York Pro lilusica These last two concerts sched uied Aug It and 25 should be particularly interesting Ravi Shankar the Indian sitarlst and composer is personality known to all young people as well to serious musicians The tra mendous revival of the sitar ls due solely to him and his as sociatlon with The Beatles On the Saturday Aug 17 Shankar will lecture on Indian music and follow this with recital the fol lowing day The New York Pro Illusion will feature special program of Spanish theatre and court music of the Golden Age The Pro Mu slca has wide and varied rep crtoire of medieval renaissance and baroque music and is in constant demand at music festi vals urroughout the world The Avon Theatre opens July with Itosslnis opera La Cen erenfola tCinderella Patricia Kerri leading mezzo soprano of the Sadlcrs Wells Opera Com pany will be featured in the title role This opera contains sumo of be most difficult vocal mus ic and should be must on the agenda of any young singers ser iously interested In their studies For the budding pianists In town specialrecltnl by Van Cliburn is scheduledior Friday July 26 at pm at the Fes tlval Theatre Teachéis support HallDennis Report With Reservations TORONTO CPI Top ofï¬ cials of the o6000membe Ontario Tcnchers Federation Friday generally endorsed the HallDennis report on education but expressed some reserve tlons More than too federation offl cials are attending threeday conference called to discuss the report released Wednesday McDonald federation executive officer said that to raise our hopes for change too high would he disservice to this report James hlcNahb of Peter borough viceoresldent said the report urged teachers be given ncwequipment such as overhead projectors but no where does this report spell out howtbe dollars are to be provid ed for dzis hardware GEORGIAN BAY CARPET SERVICE PHONE mam STAYNER SHOP AT HOME SERVICE ONLY Featuring full range of carpet Trilan Acryian Outdoor Indoor CARPET Installed for only Do itr yourself 5650 $550 Fortrel Propylon underpadding including Nylon loost woolz il Yd Beautiful Nylon Carpet installed With Shop at Home Service Our representative viillcall at your home and show taste routoun you full range of samples to suit your new For All at World iHeor MessagesVYou Will provenancerid tooTommi AND sonnet morn on0vs PARK cuuncu Grove COOK srs eon INFORMATIO County To Discuss promo report on phase of the provincial government of all con involved in admin titration oi Justice is expected to be made to Sirocco council at its meeting In barrio next Tuesday The property committee head ed by Nottawaaaga Deputy Reeve Edgar Girrla has been getting appraisal figures on the value of properties Involved and these were said to be consider ably higher than the first offer from govenuneot chicilia The latter was said to be based on the rate of no per square foot withtpaymcnta spread over 40 year without Interest POWERS REDUCED Since the move meant coun ty council was losing motor part of ilatowert members have argued nta falrapprais at price should be paid The move gave the provincial gov eroment full jurisdiction over courts jail registry ofï¬ce and transferred more thanlo form or county employees to provin sbeba shrine Club of Shncoc County ls sponsoring for the first time the annual Eastern Canada convention of Shrinera It will he held in Barrie next Saturday June 22 Ceremonial work of Rameses Temple Tor onto will be carriedout ill Cen trol Collegiate auditorium re stricted to Shriners and the gen eral headquarters and entertain ment takes place in next door Barrie Arena huge street parade taking more than two hours to pass the reviewing stand will be held early in the afternoon It will feature the colorful marching Shrinero drill teams all itlnds of bands and steam colllope One oftho main features of the Shrine branch ofMoson ry Is the operation of hospitals for treatment of crippled chl dren There are two in Canada at Winnipeg and Montreal Bruce Reynolds of Barrie ac companied members of the Montreal last weckend mem ber of Sheba Shrine Club whose president this yearis Terry liar pluu toreum Simcoe Cotme tial Ramests Divan and Band to eta payrolls Pay inseam were leocral and some were urbane In gouty circles the limo of the registry office violdt yielded net ch year was ng member undcr tbs drmnstanc cs do not feel they should give up the building relatively new at nominal price even though It could be arguedthe payments would be made by taxpayers money in any event SOME PAY MORE The new assistance was help in preventing county to rate increase for this year although some munldpalitics were levied for more money due to higher easement Most notable was the town of Orllilla which hail Its levy raised from MMDM for county purposes lost year to SHGMBJI The town of Allistoo also was asked for more motor in omparisan to Orillias $050822 increase The 1968 county low on Alliston included $132729 for roads up from 82292157 oven TWO HOIIIIS Huge Street Parade Arranged BY Shriners the appolntd outer Guard of tho Divan of Ramses and also member of the Ill team The Toronto group atten ed ceremon Ial at lifontreala Kamnk Tem ple on Saturday thenwent to the Montreal Orthopedic Hospit al to cotcrtaln the so patients on Sunday In charge was Alhol Layton famed Toronto pro wrestler and TV commentator who is the cur rent Potentate of Ramesea Tem ple Ile will lead the parade in Barrie Among the entertain ment for the 60 crippled chil dren who were wheeled to the auditorium and outdoors by 205 Bobby SEAMLESS vWAXLESS DURABLE TORGINOL rLoonINo 51 rls olbarria Mr Reynolds is nun Your Progressi jotthe Building Problems shamans general down boot 5600 On township was asked fpr 5sz more then test year The levies on Vittoria Home Totteoham Cookstown Qee gt more Stoyncr Hos Touorontio and Peoctaog were about the come iAnother progress report Ir ex pected on reassessment under which Zlmvaie Totteobum and other places are being reussss ed at 100 per rent property val uation in accordance with new provincial manual campaign to hrfcrrn ratepayers generally that Increase In assessment does not necessarily mean for In creases has been carried on In the Interest of good public re lotions Construction is dueto startat once on the new ltohed home for the aged at Collingwood and an uptodate report on financ ing and costs is expected to be given council Warden Alcx hchuleyr pic nlc will be held at Oro memorial Park next Wednesday June 19 Shriuers from Toronto and Mon trcal was the Montreal Orien tal Band professional magician ocrobais etc Montreal Orthopedic Hospital was built and opened in ms with extension and moderniza tlon In 1962 It has an extremely attractive site situated atop hit Royal flanked on three sides by the park and overlooking the city and thread expanse of the St LowrcncaRlVEt Territory served extends from Canadian Marltimes to head of the Great Lakes and Includes northern parts of Vermont and New York State 7286331 rm DIES ELI EBB Llimo Member of Parliament Great Canadian Statesman PB Ryrd ve ConserVofive Candidate Barrieilorth Collegiate Auditorium ruestay Juno lathatom oudmission chargeswim welcome This advertisement is sponsorcdby the Simcoe North Progressive