Barrie Examiner, 15 Jun 1968, p. 13

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1nlaltng For noltarr ll iiourdoannian Nothing nancol SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS GUTHRIE By HRS CAMEO Congratulations go to Mrs Juneau member at Royal Victoria Hospital graduat in class ol 1968 Mr and Mrs Robert Campbell were guests when the graduating class enter tained their parents at dinner at the Bayshorc Mr and hire Cowbell Sandra Gary Wayne and ltlra Newton Hesse attenti ed the graduation at Central Col legiate and were also guests at the reception that tollowed at North Collegiate TELEVISION ills Muriel McAflhtlr oi Ed monton spent the weekend with the Catwalk en route to 0t tawa Gary Campbell has receired word he has lucunttilly com pleted his lint year at Maths ter Uhiveraity Hamilton Min Phyllis finer Juae bride elect was nest of honor at miseeltaneoua shooter tron her trleods at the home at San dn Campbell hlr and him Charles Sander son have pretty weu completed the garage and workshop and are getting started on their hour on the property on the 3rd line PROGRAMS BUFFALO BARRIE BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO ll HAMILTON SATURDAY JUNE l5 EVENING Hamil 1Us oaen omu rour llDtnnb Tha tlrnare ma zTIIA lOimai Pinto oNoa Sport ilsmer crta onon not 251an mo zNn Aetloa IMohv Dick iItowllnl llVovlll 51 Helehrltv Billord aur aunnv 7w spent IM tPiuoner moo IMovia unteri mo llovie Linimom The vm 54ml in Sun INewst llea saarta oPoltticat Talk ilLittirst itoho mo menu Jeanne eNowa Vt 7tinvio tSIbolcurl 1Lawrerire liroliitoai Mo lMovl llurdori mo gt lRerald Twin llto France mo 1chriataahrr moi lLoak Ua llziio mo Llurlcultura SA cliovie iatast om 7Bibio Answer iiuvinir Ward Io Hie Garoo 1On The Job oCatnedral at ornamw llElhla starter mo lFaner Caper 7Jllfll UMIIIU ilClthedral Chime ltinrem onalian Ifletr Go 12 7Rockelshlh PAM llltallan ionml iozoo zThu Answer elvmd vi Lita lotto Linolth oCirnera vnutlwtaki ollata lino llSoccer lento LNows 7hlovir Teletirwh Sneclrilm Unit iteo mu SUNDAY JUNE ¢oo mo 2Checlrmato open tinooln Hood mo 50 Satfl oLnsslo iiTilty Talent Tlmo ozoo 2War This chk JEut at Rome oTennrssu nixedo 7Newlvwnd Game 9ltovie ian sonrlet llGentla Ben ézlo zot Land an seas lGentle Ell Homily Allele llDanlel aoona mo 3Walt Disney izm century 1anvle iihen There Wort Tluecl 9roilurni lzoo zrliaaer tThn Grou cLassle 1Vovue ItMonkles Tito twut Dis Sinax liMovle The Last we we szoo znooanza MONDAY JUNE 17 IIIDR lotto 1Corlcenlr iFriendiv oBgveriv mo zwindow On The id or Hunter Semester into ztaday aNews llNeitl no 7Roclretshlo mo 4Cantaln Kxnghrno illSchhiuel House ilion oMr lino powers or the Hm an 24cm nno Allen icaniaut mm Heopnrdy onoinner Room sNews nBd Alien ouo 2Dohle Grit1i Sports 3421 It 4Strlkes Sui Misses scmoon llHawkeve lnioo zSnao yuv iOn sata oMr and llMovte Made in into ZMllre no l4Search LJVLliI zntntches times 34130 classics 4Seth Storm Hernia Probe ltPhoto Finish 11 zllavcl Jhllstu it no Tlttrrv Grittin sorinzu outth cTruth or consequence 7Fltntstones 91 Love Lucv liattttzuii island 50 Wit Master dMln Lava Lucy oIttovia News lithiret mo TMoniteer lllnva on mo tsho or tliuan ixoin Uncle lLanle mo 7hlovlo tM at Kind too tNrwr Weather soon ltPirrra arrion hloonl mo zMavia iTiarn Ta Ht nonuer FRIENDCAN YOU GEl HIM oruntstonn 34mm Vallev nay lsinarlonr Jubilee Acliiernle sllim Chanoarrat itmrintian ltdhmborvo 2Get Smart elly Three Saris tmucrtotion tllottan ttvraei SUNDAY JUNE 15 MORNING AND sltvmn hook DThundcrhlxdl zrattn For Today LChuren Service FR llcontinontat lliniatum zGosaél llour 4srnail Warm 7Dlrcovary 56 zThis ii Lite ssmad lleori tThe Texas riiouse 0n 4Fieo The Nation ilOtitdoars ZAnlrrihl Kimooni om Snort ilwait minty JGreen Acres Lthtlo Ben ME 424 suliivan 7mr zlloiherlnLaw oi Dream or Julio 7Dlek cavatt oisio Spender ZFerwraalitv nressuo ade Grlmn Horonto Todlv ZrIlollvwood Snuares intclr Van kaa BeUnele Hobby liLittte People eNews Weather lien 1Eewttched llSiinshlnc school Tomorrow lOlitragenus oplntoa sFintstooei ilaurr Bunny MONDAY JUNE 17 EVENING sNawa Weather Sports 11th Patrol iilonrymoooerr 3hia Baron 4Guimnoka Graham 51mm hall mimion oarwtched irlrrt Men ln The 3tlevcrlv Hilthiulea 4Lucllle aali 7ilat Patrol finality Altair IJo 6Peltlonlt Junction 1tiotlynoro Pater llMm Grtmn limo Ix op rruonr Gorillu iouo Evin Person 1llovie tlllo Care at My Little Girtt tiMovle uohn Plul room 00 4791lNewl Weather Sport nrai iluo 35tevl Alien Show lMovle Good Day For It llanllnll Jllavtl iTnu Junior eiiovla Doctors Bloodl coriini AFTERNOON haggalo naund oSorctruna ltFather Meehlh loo With Talk and Live tCxoiintrv Calendar Threl Roch Around The Clock proll ical Talk ginan Space Age otnanrrl ol Tomorrow nationic Iiovtr iriv Teenare Douohteri liSnoctruni 21 zliteci The Pres 40mm itinli 7lssuu and Answers Illaohm on Canada it IUobeit lhlovlt HIV BIDDER Keeperi fiwcfiio It on ovorun llLtttle Yeovle 3110 7U NIW HEW llllv Favorite hri llllll tlloraio or Truth Maiti 15 EVENING aIlortuin iSomtnerr aminera 7lovlo tTItn Adomus Adventures oi atoll Flanders omctiun oa Tam lion znira Chanparnll slVav It is ililLotan imponiola Hhamotons rtev llPcvton Plac limo 234s9gtllN£ws venther snort tit SMovlo Mulder will Dill dllltlvle Slrtlnr Prom 7llhvtc tClflllltltl tlllorlan Day NING AND AFTERNOON itoo tttiovie trimlet cntzi cMeut the Milieu vrarrect Match otiavie iTtle Rlllhz tloont ltMtlra Douglas no 4ATs Tile tvortd urns 7Weddlnit Party ztoo Hurrah ailon Giant Hlllhllllel TLova Is litany Splendor Thinit 7Nawlvwed Gama zuo the week FPNDIE Ill CD llDEftndell 30 Anolhll VOIIH time to Truth to 7Gencrril Hmottol 9MIElillIte Cflufl Kill 1Yon Dont JMG 0f Nlllll 7CDIIIEHHIIDY Tam 9ltr Yfllll MOVE llMarria Conrtdenlai ualza tai lGood Company 4nniiv critiltn 7Felonv sound no Halct Burnett iArnericn 7Fol1hn Place ohrits SPattv Duke iomo lCalol Burnett Ihlllg VallLv llitierv Grlfltn 1010 JPratlle oPolltical mitt limo Molten The Weak Weather Sport zNewa lllel Berton 1110 tgonlghtt rag Hoey Mellon lMovle Salomon ro littli llVim HES TERPIFIC LOOKINGJTALL BLONDNO KIDDING 1Day or Our Lives iCfluhtry Hush till ll Nuna CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER North dealer Both side when noon ur 0x652 out masc anon either $8515 AKQM 0A0 Tbahiddlng North But 14 Dan Pan nrr Put Pass 14 Pua ea opening loadthree nt hearts Dummy play generally iot lows logical pmcess by which declarer can nearly always had the best mothod at play Hera is an example ol good South Well technique In dummy play West leads heart lvon tn dummy with the toe and South draws two rounds at trumps discov ering that East has trump trick condng At this point It is clear that Ihe contract can not he made un loss West has the king of clubs Deetarer consequently ussumes the club these will succeed whenever it is attempted or to assume otherwise would be ac knowledging dcieht Deciarcr mustalsa consider the diamond stiuution He sees that the slum is made tithe dia monds are divided 32 rind he therelaie directs his thoughts to protecting against it possible 41 division little reflection should can vinre him that it Is possible to overcome division on either side To start with he loads diamond to the king and diamond back As it happens East hits no more diamonds and discards it heart tit East mils and diet monds South has an easy tlrna making the rest of the tricks llad East had the tour dio moods South would cash the A0 and roll diamond in dum my in So doclaler WEE With the queenot diamonds tinesses the DAILY CROSSWORD humans Partoth flower Thin cookie 1LGoddess olpeaoe 12 Worship 13 Excavation 15 Odd Scot 1mm 180ldwelght rorwooi loAntiiropoid 22Gasironome 213owiitor wnanlng zo lndoilnite ortiote 21Reap 28Chassla ulJitrected manners 32 Seesaw 23 Cold 35nnilerna 36 Through heron tolneite 42Expunged admin 48Ablm 49Melodtrs holurldieal DOWN Abyss For Auaplclotu Mistake to anglirh author l4 Haunches 11 Japanese mile it seemed 2i Vcdic dialect 21 Lnurel or holly 23 Content 25 Comlnrt 25 Part of FCC menauro teats Queen of clubs and leads her other diamond Allin Eta dis cards since it would not help him to Hill 50th wins with this are and mile diamond in dummy it does not matter whether East overnitlo or not He can win trump trick how or later but either way South makes six shades Note that dedarer cannot make the slam II he does pant play the diamonds in precisely thle lashloli He must cash the king first and lead diamonds twice from dummy toward his AIQ To use any other method would be taial IVY By MRS ILMER WILSON Mr and Mrs lred Batchelder accompanied Franck Batchelder liom Devon England to USA this week Mr and Mrs lViitt Dunn Rus sell Mun are visiting Mr and Mrs Bert Méleuri Rev Robertson attended Sy nod In Toronto last week Arnold Bunting conducted the three services in this parish June as Rev and Mrs llotr ertson remained in Toronto at ter their daughters wedding on June Mr and Mrs Arnold Banting also attended the wed ding Prior Richard Price Rev Robertson and the Church Boys League attended the CBL con eliire In Aurora and carried oit several prizes Fred Botchelder has been ape pointed caretaker oi Ivy centen niiti pnrlr Lott Truax occupied the pulpit In Christ Church June and gave report at Synod which he had attended in Toronto Congralulhilons to Mr and Mrs Tyson Scaliy on the birth at another son Mr and Mrs Ken Sutherland ttlrs Emily Wilson Mrs Edna little and Terry Toronto spent the weekend at Mrs hiziude Wil sons residence nnd visited her in Barrie hospital Several item here attended the music lcstival in ThorntonIvy Junior square dancers received much applause DONALD DUCK SECRET AGENT XS 29 Ehly crew 30 Bitter votch 32 Current 34 Behold am Hot Colitis 31 River to Motiit 39 secure Chil dmnl grime Ht Prescrip tlon tenn ubhl Epoch 451ttnrylande neighbor noon 41 Manuscript GRAN DMA Bfito Mimi euthta Gail mound Cape and Arbor Anibo Burmese aimle ctrvnrv 200 to 800 nun SPECIAL interview olllcv lliimharrl by Mitt Conwtlg list to 500 om this Sunday OHVOU oom BELIEVE MESYOU WANlMY DATE OilOKAY or wince WORKED Iiniflmag Fm JULIET JONES WHATS pianists GIRL THINK sites DOIN Murm mitt susmra GIKBS we ALAIOSl iiio CDZRWANTILLDEBEIE srAtzrro YEUJN WHO KNONS WRAT EETS INID WOAMNS MEAD BUT ISURE new star term THAT MOSQUITO NEITING OUGHTA KEEPTHE BUGS OFF LITTLE LEROY anNDlE ROSES ARE RED VIOLETS ARE BLUE Tut HAVE ALL coon Momma THIS MAIL Pea You MREUM$IEAD $ALE SAVE ON THE CAR SAVE ON THE OPTIONS hi PONTIAC BUICK LTD Dial 7264885 TODAYS GOODWILL USED CAR isoi Cllevrolzt impala door anroton Vii automatic war steering brakes and rad no ism Finished tn Belize with Gold nanolstarv and limll lntco vltlyl roof ni75¢ BUZZ SAWYER OKAY SANYER YOU DIVERS BLACKEN YOUR FACES THE SHRIMP 50AT5 READY YOU AND BEN HAVE WE FINGER ANU YOU KNOW WHERE TO DROP OFF YOULL 5E PICKED iP AGAIN IN 20 MINUYES EIRST Kill 51DE5 NTDTHF WATERJIIEII IIIFDTIIER NAW DIVER MUGGS AND SKEETER mm MILE mrme autumn Foorfwisa WPEozooKJisA SERIES or sucrtoii PADS AttoA PEMENSILE THUMB work WANDALL DEGREES0F iriIIII WW

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