Barrie Examiner, 15 Jun 1968, p. 11

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REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE PETERS wuss LTD VLA Brick home oil furnace and bathroom large hitch can dining and living room bedroom large hard 10 acres with spring EA Owen St HENRY ELRICK MICHIE Real Estate Appralsala Mortgages to COLLIER ST masts BEAUTIFUL BRICK BUNGALOW WITH MANY EXTRAS Three bedroom brick home in the well kept residential east end convenient to schools shopping etc Large broad loomcd living room with nat ural brick fireplace custom built kitchen with the cxtas in cluding dishwasher panned recreation room with attractive bar also piece bath and Iourth bedroom in dry base ment Landscaped grounds mum We have apartment houses and other inmme properties available torsound invest merit Building lots in Barrie Angus and the low tax outskirts of Bar rie Harry lilichie Appraiser Tod Brigncii 7268160 Paddy Miles 7285209 PLANNING 0N BUILDING NEW HOME Contact Peter Light BEAVER LUMBER 128 Bradford St 7285541 CORBY 713311 Estate Broker and Appraisers 93 Dunlop St Phone 7282419 lat and mid mortgaged arranged on low monthly payments We buy your present ist and aid mortgages IIAB Mediterranean GRETA ZIETARA mom JANE vdunc mam MUBANS KER All PETER GUBDELSan iii Eric LS Realtor Dewsnap REAL ESTATE GIVE our snrwrcn Titir 72643366 close to bus service and industry guplcx in road repair new rurnnce rinsinc in sissoo monthly Sld moo Telephone mulls pluvitrc slice rcar spilt less than one year ovcrieolrin bay double carare paycd drwwly modern kitchen with breakfast area altamliv room with replace alldlnr atlo doors barwopd noonrs droorrlo iv baths dunes room Cash to per cent mortgage moist pnlvriTz sALn Lam bedroom brick hourlow with kitchen uv inr room and dininc am ham and classedtn run porch iuu basement finished recreation room Good zes ideniiai area occupancy July Telephone yinless aptly nauhnori only type prick ml bungalow lime kitchen 19 out liyirrc room dpicco hath rorced alr hcrnnr Napier strcet silent lull price Vendor will hold rirst mori Kflll or menu Telephone owner 1zoioet implan bedroom burrralow nillcs rrom Barrie on lnnirru Butt load just east UT HIKDWI Easy commutinc to Toronto or bar rte CIII Fred Taylor Representing Campbell Realt dlyl 71 cycninrr 7115120 pithATa an storey bed room Colonial home lit blihroolnlv aaralrc divided basement with rec Nation area ioveiv pounds and trees Close to public rcnarats and birth schools ainria martin at day per cent nail crslrto raie price szssoo To as Is to buy Phone naodli evening arter and or weekends cor appointment roe PROPERTY WANTED in TO so ACRES wante paved rpld stream some bush buildlnfl optional cheap ror cash Robtl llrd rim lordnn Ontario WE UnGENTLY require Do hlfllflom home located In 01 till at the city rar aeueru with room down payment cur Mrclcncsi risotto nosevnraitoraar LOTS For SALE USKOKA Deer Latte wooded unis rantshore $2500 rear sane Access to lake Terms mum 011111 ACRES near Barrie and Va acre iota shanty Day sloop each House ham and to acres Hwy Memo Box car barrio Examiner CHOICE Country Building Lot next malty limits St vlnccrrl street and Cundldd lipid Telephone 7104047 LoT rob role lilinesing an idol rrontarr its root inches lisso Tcltypliolle Elmvalo LOT 100 ieet tad icct Apnrnyi mateiy its teet imm saic heach private road located miles horn Barrie stir Concesrlo Olo Town Toiephonn illsm DE UTUUL lot on Severn luver its by 117 mile east or Severn srtdcr year round liorde property breakwater randy ror miidirro Tele phone 71d11510 INSURANCE MOVING7 Dont target to trallsier your INSURANCE and Ryan need extra coverage at any kind see STEVENSONS 113 DUNLOP ST 1201001 TRY EXAMINER liltin lips REAL ESTATE may woman suMiislt cores villirues SALE rumpus mitt on am um um wu FARMS WANTED CITY DWELLERS ARE BUYING FARMS good way to locate these buyers is through city broker Call or write tor snappy service RICHARD STEACY Real Estate Broiler 2318 YOUNGST TORONTO 12 ra04100 In sum our lurid pront tarar Hrimmfl TIM on em aruee Halon no no Plrry sorrnd moire MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS DALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH Niobiitit Homes General Glendale Iravelux Parts and Service Cub orrlorma up Yuan 170 BURTON AVE mm OLLNDAL Trailer tor uie do set by reel In nod condluom Telephone 96041 TRAVEL TRAILERS TO RENT CAMPING TENT Trailer tor rent 30500 per weel sleeps train motions now Private Tele phone metro CAMPING TENT miier tor Rash moo per week clean taklna resemtionc now Prllptp Teldpnvno mama TRAVELAIRE 16 It trailer one only brand new TIISON TRAILERS Highway 27 south MIDLAND OPEN Wed Thurs and Friday evenings until 57502 LAND SURVEY ANNOme the openinr or Ray Kirkpatrick Land Survey outer 251 Durkwdrth st amic nixtrad MORTGAGES mum lst and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere ON ALL HOME ARMS AND couuailclAL euorsnrlm 00 or VALUATIONS It You Need Money 70 consolidate debt Pay cu ununr inert area or momr comma in each improvemmu sitar worthwhile ura Write or Phone 7760981 Mortgagelunding ever SimpsonSears us pump as it lumber Ontario Mnflflfl Broken rhodium MONEY available or ttrsl mortd rare cltv propert preierred per cent Interest TM aux Cos Bar rIe mamlnsr DO YOU OWN M01 27 ll map available to pructrm Iacre We will Evin lend YDII money 011 our sports re rt Lundinr filtwfilfimquh RENTALS ENQUIRE ABOUT our rrea rental service sheirweu and wiilbnn Ru bore lie Dunlap Bast mum ACCOMM WANTED WANTED Or bedroom lccnlm modalion re ulred until end or July three on idren please contact corporal Drape viahill Rodin APARTMENTS TO RENT oils DEDlwolr apartment reduirnd by widow would preter close to Downtown Plealeielephone 458 LARGE Mom bedrolmr apart ment in East Did stove and re lrirelator lu lied laundry and arkinr lac ties Adults only alophons modes BEDROOM apartment tor rent Adults in Vancouver street Bar rie arts Telephone didrm Two REDROOM apartment stove and relidrrerawr supplied parkin and iru aeiutier newly declt oratsd and immaculate condition Adults only Telephone mount LANGI MODERN or bedroom spcronent bllcimyudnd name On bus route Telephone 720071 mun or lad0w ltlonm bedroom apartirrentti rclrtirerator stove heat washer rn dryer one car parkldlr facilities Adults produced no pets itcrnpon telt and lattice Telephone leasou LARGE IMdmpln eplmxient stove and rdirlpcrutnr ruppued laundry and parkinr racllltles Adults Tele phone 720130 ileum bedroom baths avine room dininl room ldtcircmavcry urmr paid her eutar stove washer and dryer eluded cou dren welcome Lease reduucd call rctnson on Dmhooyi runent ror rent dvalldbll iulv For lurtlrel ins romatlon telephone 7261160 AVAILABLU luly two bedroom apartment rcfilzerator and rtovc supplied Aldo one bedmmn apart ment remgenwr and stove rup piled an bus route Apply 218 st Vincent street Apartment is AVAILABLE immediately and bed room apartment stove and rerrltl errtur supplied Also bedroom apartment available luiv Locoted in East but Telephone mum munmam no bedroom apart ment or rent downstairs reir contained located ills Baylield st slop monthly included nlliltier Available immediately Telephone M416 NAME OPPORTUNITY bed room aparunent ideal tor or erscm within easy waiidrur air con to Downtown newly decor ated ihrournout modern kitchen and bathroom ex rtorare mace balcony overlooking lake excellent neighborhood lient rm monthly lncludinr nu utilities rererencec required Phone iiorerr and conneii lielion HOUSES WANTED SMALL HOUSE wanted to rent by luiyl Barrle or area ertn Box call riarrlc mrminer or telephone transistor collect smiler home wanted to rent with small bulldlns within lo iniia radius at limit or Alum Tel phone 95555 NURSING HOMES NuMlND DUMB cm available tor elderly ladies Five stapler Nuriin homo Thorniori llrr Burwe Rel enema RENTALS APARTMENTS WANTED Am room unrurntadcd spart menl around rloor close in Down town scum xentlornlll write Dex cal banls Banister anscomma mudhen or ran qu chi limit Tlmd er on oil plum nail lliu sinus new nddolo HOUSES FOR RENT or norm House or rent sbl lirde ll six mouth open muse alter mnllrrlicrrzn llnilre or rent bedrooms 11vnd room dinette Ind hitchen Nil basement Aduil Iamilv mterrld and per month Telephone nilvied suclmva bedroom hurtslow or real cause located on Dore Street No DOLL Avrunbin July 15 Apply at Dttlvrly Avenue IN aUNNiDALx lioad am mods crir bedroom execuu pr home tor rent retercnres elrpnone W7 AmAchvil tarnished home tor rent lor July and Annual adult only Telephone mass evrninn llondav to Thunday amounts atom brick home or rent near hospital and West hid Plan siao per month ideal tDr lamllv or names Telephone mwis or appointment ROOMS TO LET TUMislim bedroom or rent in glut home centrally located lcphono 7157240 euclrr IIOD to rent rult one or two clrls twin beds one block min Downtown Telephone mbac DEDSIIIING room ror burluern rlri in modern private home parks ins and cookies lacliltlu Telephone mussel runNisaen bedsutmc room tor blullllss alrls llllr bus rnule home and kitchen privileles Telephone moron Drelcrablv mealtime or cycnlnr FURNISHED ROOIII T0 RENT Central Telephone newt cmlrlALLir bedslitinll room private haul and kitchen plow remaintor heat and mm tles supplied Telephone ridam LARGg lurnlshed hcdrcorn in quiet well kept home close to Downtown Responsible man cnly Telephone nsslav HOME PRIVILEGES Furnished rooms available with kitchcn and home privileges parit inc rrciutier at bus stop miiol OFFICE SPACE GROUND FLOOR min at in Col lier sure Brizht spacious doom ruite vrllhrlrashmoms would dlvldc or two suitable tenants Melly decorated fluorescent ilznlirir ample car prrktnp at or bulidtnir immediate occuna tdr inspeelt Lion phone ms Roma and Conneli Realtors GARAGE FOR RENT arianlNu ror rent rulttblo tor warehnuplr or gauze as or too leer Apply alley Taxi Dunlon SIX Telephone maul PATTERNS iocaied mm For TOPS ByANNE ADAMS Eight top tops in summer ions favorite game Everything troln flirty ruttles to shells to shirts to Rdssian and Mao cola iars Printed Pattern 4809 New Misses Sizes 11 10 12 14 16 iii Size 12 bust 341 SIXTYFIVE CENTS 65 cents in coins no stamps please for each pattern Ontario residents add cents sales tax Ptint plainly SIZE NAME AD DRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care at The Barrie Examiner Pattern Dept 50 Front Street West Toronto Ontario SPRINGS NEW LOOK is soil pretty femininelMake it styles in our new Spring Suin trier Pattern Catalog Get on pattern IICHIIP coupon in Catalogsm 50 cents city When playing partners is lash your look chttdse lrom over 100 SHANTY BAY STONE CO STONE DISTRIBUTORS BRICKSAND monotonousr HWY 11NORIH WEST SIDE COTTAGES POI SALE llspun GARDEN SUPPLIES CANNA LILYBULBS holler Nu Wroaltnm planed and ready roe cannonl In any we Doosarsrs maritalca and Putinu All uncle OIL ndmkaboirdkttuanrld AM om idiom rlllkon lairfront lam1 Moons with bath and area near Graventh Aratlabll only and or 91 Airs septabar Tillman mm more cuter noel coi near Demon uw tITcn do and 011 me ya en can rm in mm REPRINTS ltyouwouldlikeinbavarb prints at any news pictures take by our stall photographers lease call at our Business Ott ce We are sorry we cannot attept phone orders BARRIEEXAMINER ARTS FOR SALE NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD the house JIM broaidIoom Random all lines and priced DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED BROADWOM bi Collier St Phone Milli CLEARANCE OI USED APPLIANCES Now la the time to buy your stove retrtgerstor washer tor the cottage or home ROBINSON HARDWARE 81Dllnidp St midst PIONEER Antique Second Hand Rocking chairs glass etc Clean used Iurniturc We BUY end SELL Estate estimates welcome ESSA ROAD 7134891 Witme WAsnm Butty or sale stainless steel tub in flood rendition Telephone 7236675 ANTIQUE DESK Queen Arline sLYiB ladys mall desk rultnblc or living room or drillarm hau lidoutta lll um TILTI3 5101 1006 RIM tfllll In 16 Almost HOW Priced to ll 10 hives Dl bees III expellent condition on per hive Bill Elllutl RI Barrie 7134MB HOUSE FOR SALE To be moved or torn down Apply arrr lr smith lull rrreipston or teieohmrr himvaio amusements lor sale id cubic rm on ma condition reeletc pncno mast Elmlgnle LLOYD BABY CARRIAGE aelrc in exceuent condition asth $15 Tcicpnono meter ior runner particulars is wondLN Truss Run to toot lonr nest orrcr Telephone noes Tom lntall ILRLULDDII clmsramup and matchlnlr chairs her duty burner electric clove nrsh machine All road clean wndiilon Add appearance PA Balsa Furniture in bayfleid Street maroon CHESTERFIELD SUITE Gold 2piecz in good calidlttuii Telephone viause Alter pm USED FORCED AI Himcello uric in good condition no run gar oudculam touohon DriAnlNcl Am Dertee all sizes Autb zenith pester airciraya Pharmacy dd Dunlnn lump USED AWNING canvar 5c It Tents tarps tor steer rent an rie Tent udd Awntns mom cum old Jewellery licorice Lamps Clocks sterlintr silver Cut leryPilnilture Walters Antiques us nuniop least lliwiiis Used and new All puer anteed Rentpurchase new drrimi at $1100 monmly Free advice and upset drummlru problems DilUiit clTV sou Yonlc street northot Bloor Toronto Telephone we erNil roped ID la pk white cardboard sample pt to pant Hairl lor Bale etc Available at harri Exame business out DXTLNMON Ladder for sale gt30 rout wooded in load condition as Airs smau ei herrow Tales phone liblay CONTINENTAL bed in double size in sand clern con mettle cover com to Tole phone mfloo ADULT ater skis with lira bell excellent condition on complete Telepnon mm neA vrmn Colour rcievlsion also moreir drarucaiiv reduced to moire room iorwse models porn no iturry rtocir ilmited year runrrrrtce on picture tube Simer Barrie mm INCH Television or sale can sole model in coed condition lea tori rol selllnc won colour TV Telephone naaods llmumu IAIVIZX cfinkybibelds in iron pno ursy 5i piano mils Telephone AUTOMATIC WAalml and Auto matic dryer in exceucni condition French Provincial chcsicriieid rulte IALV aw rocker new twin beds Electsohorne Frenm Provincial stereo dintntr room table chain Lruaterred overseas Telephone cums after pm instructions to DullYourself dresser with mirror told away sot gCALL 7264009 BARRIE For Professional Advice rindTree Estimates on llitW youean add permanent beauty and value to your borne at minimal cost mam dld Elle sen DUI ruly trahied to maddest stock no Toluene 11115 annulment Illlle and tan Aha poodles bind or hrvsn beelore Talo 911m ONT Loadm Cu IIIII ri Erdrrsrrrrfid Mas TellDIIDnl 7m soars ANDIMOTORS DlirANsv Doors LTD ocaaw BOATS reloalisoll morons ammo BOATS oSPRtttGBOK ALiiirrwir ISAILBOATS OCOMPLETE LINE MARINE mommies Baytield St at Govt Dottr OPEN TO PM DAILY CHRYSLER OUTBOARD MOTOR Sales and Service RIDGEROAD MARINE Ridgcraad Can Orv TOE ll ram cedar burn but and as hp Neruda motor with remote controls boat traurr sun or beat otter Telephone Hm Mum cltUlssn tor sale as mt boat Ind motor ComplelI 000 Extra included All In pod con dition Telephone named ladl BOAT is tout liberates blue and white is hp Nprildo motor rim or trade or car Telephon Mu ll FOOT Flhelliu Canoe with trin hoistred III used one AOLWD ill tell mom 15 mt root Cedar str Beat Trailrr and 20 horse PM Mercury MD SSW Telephon 7zoitl it Tom llberrlas Runabout ill riepr II auruul 85 ll John son windshield rilltrlllilt liir tr con trolsrlr tank atitlntt new pad ler heavy duty olaootrrlier 2m boatcevrml7td immersed Haul Boat and load ilicrcurv motor and trailer All in seed condition Teirph mom alter no em 15 FOOT Cedar Strip Boal In ex cellent condition and Also want to buy to hp motor in pood tondl lied Telephone newe artcr ozlo pm 1201 lloAIlrui cddrr grip tiger ase cover eon motor trailer snare whee1iI 31 II 151 lNTEuLAKa elus pail od liherrlar covered wziaht roll artl 176 so It Dac hp outboard stored at Hunter Boat Works Orilua call days mull avenlnar 355900 ll Klpxer lTUIEDhuDl 6717 use limitch motor Ir inne nrtt urrd once only Telephone 72lx$511 dryr alter pm 12am NOVA acinlA actvn built birch phwood bolt twin mlnrude trailer udth winch skis ropes and llehts pond condition 70 Perry st Barrie JibDale Wm FOOT mlhfllluylnlwlrd rrdirn 105 np marine enrine tur duoiseqreen upholstered seats and engine com host sealvuittly ccrntoriable and in excciien con dlilon crii 7502142 Lake Nip ssinr lrsncn River North Bay Ontarld ARTICLES WANTED mum aurnivrr stover lip pllulcn Dlshtll Antigen amp second Rsnd shop ass ANTIQUE CHINA Glass Jewellery Crooks Furniture sliver Palatine Clocks Toys Dolls dram ARTICLES FOR RENTA TENT AND cdllN trailers tents andcalnpilu equipment Barri Tent and Awlilnl to seytleld sauna and Camping Boulva Special rates 07 or more weelrau ufld Soon FARMERS MRKT Collin street mama gt DEAD STOCK Dead or crippledcattle and horses Sinai animals removed PHONE BARBIE 728W Collect tree For last service or are lot NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 94150 NOCDARGED to hours adly days week RR Eoxmead 0ntarlo Licenselt wt PASTURE FOR =RENT persona availablem up to so head or cattle plenty or ciradn water itlr concession Medw Telephone posit at Acnasnr pasture inc rent itir Concession crionlriu Tele phone assrite EXAMINER ADS SELL MOST ANYTHING 7282414 STONE MASONS FmEPLACES BARBECUES PICTURESQUE PAIIOS SIDEWALKS DRIVEWAYS are Stone Panels Designed and Custom Out Delivered withtull nipnrd or Intel blank excellent condition LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HORSEMAN ltyou aniiptqeatedlu breed ldl tor broilers jumpers or ttlorougbbredrwe have two top nullity ultigm available or mice Runnable tees Bro ctlurd and contracts on requul Telephone room slidirnri maroon rota stallions as said one leopard Dolled pea lornl with blanket red as ll Sims Old barrio Read and llllbpuy ll at Ma Talmud latm ber W1 dMlnl AL MO er mm loo ngeroa ov MIMIC All IA Ml meat yean in also or best oerr bridle WELSH PONY $75 for sale Telephone Albloot or antler panlculara GRADE HOISIEINS rmo or slim mrinruc Telephon salts sTANtha vAT nun armour irtered Appaloosa rtallion citric noitce no Stmlridlu at Old Danid nerd and Highway 060mm Telphone buris FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Furor Supplies Service LCaso New Holland Davlfl Emu Beattv 17d BURTON AVE 7137373 CASH TRADE TERMS rNTnNATloNAL ls may rmisolffiélémr MOUNT Tomr unearths mupina 2041 Also MM limit Mt Binder Anply Wlturrn Day Creo more Telphone doesill AUTOMOTIVE MOTORCYCLES nu naund so meilenl outbid least be If lol my end can be soon so 101 richne Ama or telephone mm rrArrAuA are re Ila dear rm mic is nod concur neat otter ecu coller new comm 33d lie sit vor runner EL lmon Wm DIE Elm Mr PERSONALS um mar recs am lime rludle neared TIANIroITATioN required Inn llama to Pllnswlcl timely to lam Saturday noon to be lnPllnlllrk It an return em on Teh pnoc IN JULY In emaawim mind leaseu risen at lbs Caribou Motel indoor pool by unsuited tind bdkinner to renter tor dren womens mun Iigleam ll dorm Idlemmi 725 Music INSTRUCTION MUSIC MASTER OF CEREMONIES tor Bowling banquets wedding receptions parties dances etc BOOK NOW Reasonable rules Phone 7260811 alter pril LINDY SCHOOL OF MUSIC DRUM LESSONS Starter equipment supplied Summer and tail course now being booked Teacher Gab riel new or mills NATIONAL consauvxmnv or Musrc are pleased to announce they Naw HOLLAND Baler r1500 Littl Glani Elevator new war on with is root racks all priced Cali anew Miller model airman rnr ari boom mounted on trnlie rt irnod condition reasonable Telephone mam noon or evenlm COMET LDERI lllm Mr Com DRW Comet Grinder cutter Land PIER DH ll Illa min more Call tor demonicurn naipl 13352 SmllhflblBl Alan Phone FEED SEED GRAIN Anus Nandlnx mixed hay tor For further lnlormallontflll tIclk arrina Nil nnoxltrlsa VOLUth Deuvcry or duality Purina chnwc lr now tab In lieu Barrie Cdll ALEll W716i min In pap HAY rOir sale as acres at AlIllfd and methyl will sell standing our Concession innlriu Telephone was liter pnl to Acus or rtandlnr hay ror sale Alraita and Timothy mixed at Dalston Teletdrone biednatoda mull rtten pm POULTRY CHICKS DUKALB truism is puiidLl ready to lay cockereis 15 week old 535 the lot Telephone 715191 6AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE waited RAMBLER in Turin St PONTIAC Station Wagon 33000 miles All new tires mt rack au tomatlo va radio Arcondition Private asspm ISGS VOLKSWAGEN StIliDn ngon or sale in excellent condition All new tires aor rurtner inrornrrttdn please can leasear our our traces Diamond Class horrihs Eridannirnt Sunset Speedway stroud West ride 01 litanan it 1955 PONTIAC Door size Telephone Head 155 cmiVMLIT station warorl cylinderflrtlipdardfiflllar illrelal on ron and Inn esp one WI tool PONTIAC ror pale Duwu steer llls ODlerhllkld cvbndcr one python low museumTelephone saa clean car radlov 1951 FALCON ulieisnironc rid0455 whitewrll tires arter pm tau cnsvnoLlsToonveiilulcaz 000 miles up automatic power Iteellnl OW brakes fl RI cert speaker new trim All chaps Telephone Lid1M5 cylinder standard tricamtns tired second car dr st UDEBAm door vs Automatic radio WIIIIBWIIIS AI condition Private sale reicdhcno W160 1967 CHEVROLET mp our hardtop mantle power Alerrill WWII brakes remote can unwell ewe sen belts wtth cold interior 13M to es leer lime custom radar ror as automatic radio in odd con dltlnn Telephone 72I6961 lero rmuormr eyurrdar lderl recond cu Will take bes offer Alaorloedboore Polrrll con verthtld DOWII steer WWI tanker will lair lands MI metal ml min 0ND owner British Kw in Green wire wheels overdrive very hood condition many axtru Telephone tabms ills MUSTANG cold VI automa tic consuls rrdi ucrt padrotror Telephone viapast reucxs EORSALE TAILGATE LOADING RAMP To fit most pickup trucltit $1399 See it at HANDY PRO HARDWARE Alanna Beach Rd 4364771 lyrl speculum ma new tranmisxioo enrins and clutch new tires bflflvlleedl repair Add in ll Telephone d1 loll Till EXAMINER to larmara mind state via2317 H000 have extended their teaching program to include DRUMS Necessary starter equipment loaned to beginners lillly qunl ltied teachers Free Aptitude tests given in the home For turther information call 7280411 or W14 WOMENS COLUMN $550 THE FCAP PERM For the Short TrendeAt REGINA CURL SHOPPE Experienced Operators bl Dunlap St flotilla Perms SPECIAL $600 MON TUES dc WED ONLY WICKS BEAUTY SALON 45 Dunlop St West 7182950 TELL MORE SELL MORE when you place your Articles For Sale ad in Tito Barrie Ex aminer keep these points in Wllat lens liran name Condltiprl Speclfiratloiia ccassorrs and attachments Upllulstery Filiish Age olor Stze Maire it easier tor the prompt to bill tori Sale classification is on Peoples Market Place 10 HELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED rimmud llllrh school dirt doslres babysittinp position Monday to Frilt day durins 1u and Admin Tele phone rvzsmv FEMALE HELP WANTED requires Neat appearing and PERSON ABLE FEMALE with previous banking cashier or ottice cir perienee Please apply in writing to BOX Otis BARBIE EXAMINER stating age education marital atatus along with briel renu inevot previous work experiv enoe ALL REPLIES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL CONSUMER RESEARCH One of Canadas foremost Mar ket Research companies has openings tor women to conduct interviews lpcrsollal and tele phone and gather opinions in connection with consumer sur veys and public opinion polls Positively n0 selling involved Both daytime and evening work Use of car desirable but not essential Apply CANADIAN FACTS OOLimited 160 Bloor St TORONTO 5Oilt Lapses 3taura per hour urviclnr nlllel For interview televbcne 711M791 HAIRDRESSER Parttime experience pretextad salary and commission Write bolt C61 Elma Mulder hludlmt Remember the Articles to HELP WANTED VMALEHELP women MACHINIST in be caperrm red in lathe and mill work Good wager benefits steady employmenL Phone Hadley 46701 airman mailed or comup llnd Company 1nd Ill slow on elephone mom MIEALT um roreman must gayha leg yemwexpuirsitg mu nur ulnar Also use ureed asphalt Iabonruc Telrpboari ladml CAI lALIlllN wanted tramdi ataly by star Simone listen um llu pi lillip street Please apply in person PARTTIMI heln required tor aor viee atatlco Apply in person to and station to Bmleld street instructor l2 1mm and examine Elffll CLASS MECHANICS nronired immediately Apply is person nay Strum stators Ltd at Turin sum aurie turn Nulpllilnt null limp mun be mily experienced licenced re temd All company beneiiu on not Downer rrrm pinionpt Tele phone viaidle RODMAN ence tie able but notneeedury Apply lo lieid and Aureltea ud Coniulillll Proteasionai mi nee the human street EXCELLENT OPPORI UNITY For married mm or experienced to ion well eoulppcd row unit boln par lllio remind enterprise lo cated in miles north of Toronto Top mm and house but llfltt pay lllrlr school bus at te no lie school acres the road villus miter Mercriicel rcnulred Vrite box 670 name Examiner TEACHERS WANTED MORRISON TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD requires teacher or Grades and in modern room school Duties lo commenceSeptcmbcr lose Salary schedule in ettect ac cumulative aicttlcave plan and other tringe benefits Apply in writing to BRIAN GILLSecTreaa RR KILWORTHY Ont or telephone 6897697 12 TENDERS TENDERS FOR PAINTING Sealed tenders Will be received by the undersigned up to and until SleJn FRIDAY JUNE 78 1968 tor IllB2Xlflit71 paint ing oi Central United Church Toronto and Ross Streets Bar I19 Tender documents maybe ob tained iroru the Church Office The lowest or any leaderlnot necessarily accepted VITOIW FELTIS Chairman PropertyComntitl Central United Church BARRIE Ontario ONTARIO SALE OF BUILDINGS Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and until 12 00 oclock noon Friday June 21 loss or two building located on Lots as and 29 Con cession Vill Township 0t liters BUILDING NO lrlLi storey cottage Weir 24 asbestos shingle frame in lair cou cottage log frame in fair oath dltiou tied or removed intact wi 45 days from date of notifica tion sale Conditions of sale tender terms and envelopes may be obtained trim the Man agement Forester Department of Lands and Forests Caldwat er Ontario telephone 705680 DER NOT NECESSAka A0 CEPIIED LEMAN Districtldresier MKE IMCOE DISTRICT rustic NOTICE 14 PUBLIC NOTICE RE WEED CONTROL IN VILLAGEDF COOKSIOWN persons in possession of land in accordance with the weed con trot act 1960 Section all and thatunless noxious iv ing on their lands thin tin gnunicipality of the Village of Cookstown are destroyed by June 25 1568 and throughout the abason the municipality ihay enter upon the said land and have the weeds destroyed charging the costs against land in taxes as setout in he act The cooperatto of all citizens is earnestly sol ted BAKER Weed inspector VILLAGE OF COOKSIOWN SECRETARY iteoillred yotmg lady witllsh0rtharid to be secretarytor resident manager and the comptroller Also will assist idrntsc¢1 laneous duties in the accounting department and the credit department Please reply education ryser Ca 10000 in writing full details experienceand DC GREEN Ch thNTQliiis Outboard Barrie Grit rnr slum crw previcnr em telephone rupnlied Vacation M3 The buildings may he dismanV rm atehrisc on ANY mu trailer is hereby given to all

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