Barrie Examiner, 13 Jun 1968, p. 6

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murmur mm ion Brownies Guides And Rangers Wind7up Season Of Activities moon animals and itd AllibdlllBMll lea Mid their Milita and Data banquet It St John Vienney Hall sin Edna Kelly Introduced the bead table meets and Mn slider Day introduc ed the lite that Mrs Bola on Kempeolelt Division Con missions Mn Boioon emula ed to the modestr the dll er thin Brownie turns and asked the molten to enm 31M donatere to do their By Judith little Jean 11de non Dwain Molilt Sum IAqu mmufmvnsnnr JUNE psier llND PLACES LIBERAL IEA bride Mrs Ada Arney atvlood lira Lloyd Bristavr IAtilla Head kitchen and pan Si served tea yesterday mornlt shower was given by lira Wyl ing to guesta hi her borne lcr Gooderham IIilolvdale and in honor at Liberal caodidater Mrs Bradley oi Barrie nl Mrs Bell Guests Includod Gooderhams home other pres Mrs Jean Noland Mrs Anna rotations were made to In Owen lira Muriel Stephens bride clect by her leliowdeuh Mra Isabel Stoves LarvyCo ers at Markham breaths Graces Visemnn Ibo orldea parents liir nd Mm Marion Stephens Mrs Mrs it Winter entertained Herta Ihaub MIL Graro iiorit at their Nelson St home after er hire Jean Schnarr hire the Wedding reception at the ChristinaJay Mrs Nera ln hayshore Motor iioloi Friends gimundson lllrsPtgy Nu and rela es attendedandw hiltMrsiZaggyv Evansfbirs served Jeannette Edmunds Mrs Rosa hoSlEss and liud EppiutL Mrs Joyea Rots an McLean auntor the bride man Mrs Mary Watson Mrs wlmw commENC Jean Money Mrs Kennedy on unkim Mm 8W Mrs Marinate liteien special McKinnon eraoo Shirley bicKae and MyxSmlih year Kathy Livingston yeer Lynn string years Liz Kelly your Sloan Bewieh Mary Brent Heather Couisoo Imelta Deloul Barbara lay Dehfle bloilat and Jenniler Parry years Judith Little and Susan Murphy years Area Carrrnissiener Gracay presented Barbara by and Jen niler Parry with their Gold Colds hch girl also received her Gold Gold pin and Jenniler received flange ring from 4th Barrie Guides her tormer thide CompanyLWJenniier la repruefltg ing us on the Ontario Travel irip this year Slewill be visit ing Our Quiet in Switzerland and several other countries The eveningciosed with Canp SERVNE SPAM District Connisaloner Lee resented Service Stare land rises to tho Brownies ist Allandala Brownies bli beth dooison and Emma Parker received lat year Ser lice stars Janet Kerway Kar en llicliride and Caron Scott received 2nd year rviee ScTrs Golden Bars were tentedto atelieyDuua Eliza beth Parker Brenda Swan and Linda McKay Patti Giorgitnni and Caren Col oer mus lllrs Protre lllr Bell Mrs Malleulcy hostess lira lulu uEbhliher at candidate or Simcoe Nolril smiles at the thought at being trnc c1mmcnho is meet ing at altiernoon leaand collee parties bciull held inhis hon surrounded by the many at MRS RYNARD wile of RC candidate for Sirncoe North is presenled with cor sage as she is welcomed into MiddleaAoed cotrat door7 Disturbed BY =IVchdern Views CORNWALL Ont CPD Breaking from some oi the old traditions acceptance ofdiscov cries in evolution and the trend toward modern architecture are just cw oi the changes that the church is beginning to make today Funnily enough its the mid dieaged churchgoer who wont accept these changes not the older people says Lottie Franklin deacones of St Pauls Unitcdschurch in Corn wall am amazed too at how conservative some of the young stars are They are really shocked lrhcn SnmE oi the lncLs oi the Bible are dis pelled People seem to it dls turbing to have lacts discolored by scholars in evolution present ed to them hilt by ignoring tlm we are only kidding our ves Miss Franklin who came tn Cornwall last year trains volun tecr helpers with theological background at laymans level and teaches instruction at dif ferent age levels to church school teachers and group leade ers at St Pauls Church as part of her lvnrk as deacones She also assists Rev George 0rd with services and occasio ally delivers sermon UNIVERSITY The daughter and son oi Mr snd Mrs John Smith oi Steel St both received Bach eior ol Arlodogreos at Spring convucations Miss Mary Jud ith Smith EFT gruduatcd from theiUuiversity of Wind sor Juno The lormcrgradl or The indirs smiles seem to the receiving line at the Wo mens Progressive Conserva titt Tca held at Trinity Parish Hall yesterday Pinn The church has got to change and pluck itself from its middleagc approach contends Miss Franklin am ashamed to admit that the church has been instrumen tul in making hypocrites oi peo ple There is bigotry and preju dice in Canada but it is more subtle than in the United States Unlonunalely it has got lot to do wilh the reason why we are so divided in the Christian world one form ol hypocrisy mani Isisitaelf when young girl ecomes pregnant and is reject ed not only by society but by her lamily No one knows better than the mother that love and understanding are essential dur ingthis pcrlod ol womans lilo yet with that knowledge must mothers reject thuir dauwhters in this situation Dis ssing hippies Miss Franklin says hippiesfire not nonconiormisls because they conlorm to the ways of other hippies but thy are honest enough to say what they feel which could be the cause of their rejection by society banaanous haw Hippias are better pcople than are in some respects McMoslcr In til because thcy are peaceloving and concerned or act other uate of Barrio North Collegiate has accepted teaching posi tion in Toronto Patrick Joseph Smith incur an ornors graduate oi Mchinstcr Univer aity of Hamilton and iormer Barrie North Coliegiatu gradt uatc will continue studies at all Souve and blrs Verney ing the corsage is Mirna Mrs illolloy president of the We lmcus Progressive Conserva tive Association says the deamoess in our so citiiy its each man or him sei Franklin contends that the law that allows divorce on grounds of adultery only is nothing short live together without love un derstanding and acceptance of each other its far better to separate breakdown for obtaining much sirens ther and hope that it will be come legal with trust in the medical profession todo the Priced from $1495 Boost$upport Barrie ladle lookai their best yesterdayllben they at ended the many tea and collar palties being heldamltnd the city for randidales in the reds era election with gayalternoonfihab Liberal candidate or Simme Not1th lam oath can at east rigidtssps tea hn cofloe in his rounds to the mme numbc parties that began ior at 1030 am and lasted until well alter pm Proaessiw Conservative can dldute PB Rynards ar rangement was lime dilierant being held nt Trinity Hall Gol IiorSt The ghosts numbered about 100 at one point in thealteruoon but the atmos here was more iormal than at the hmise tualund Dr Rynanl was represented by wife for most oi thaafteruoou with Dr Rynald not arriving until alter halt wtiy through the alternoou However despite the fast pace oi sterdays parties both the candidates said there would be many more of the same be lore the mmpaigu was over and cleétion day rolled around June 25 liolh candidates said they on ioyed the personal onutaa with the tissues and the opportun relaxed atmonpilere Ihé ladies said they emoyed meeting the candidates sonally well One lady rev marked Ihe teas give mean opportunity in judge cantil date close range THE STIIRS slur By ESTREhLflTA FOR TOMORROW Planetary influences in the earlypartoftbadaywllihe especially generouawhere lob matters are concerned 00 Speaking on marriage Miss barbarous When two people and extra ellort oh you part will be noted apprecia ely by superiors The pm promises happinessthrough romance and social activities FOR THE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow vour birthday your horoscope have goodcause loroptilnism nowespecially where personal matters are concerned During the next 12 months there will ldunl 01159 be happy emphasis domestic romantic and social areas or your lileand lilyou are creatively should have highly inspiring Yeal child born on this day will both area she says hiarriago broadened the scope di res and was am not against abort ei ou goagainst und medical 0n iioiliers Canadas Finest Lsrioss LIMITED iiy to speakdo many of them in workers should be cooperative ates that you the Scott received lectors badges 3rd Allandaie Brownies ra delved the following badges Dancers KaxenTaylor Nancy Penuadr Music Karen Taylor June Hendricks collectors Karco Taylor Jacqui Keogh June Hendricks Ann Abspoel Yolanda ANNE Janet Scartb Kein Duggan Mary Gubbels Celine Slmald Joan Simmd Christine max Joan Ahspoei and Shelly Canning Needle worker Jacqul Keogh Kathy Krambetter June Hen drinks Ann Abspoel Yolanda Ahspoel Janet Scarth Kelly gan writers Jacqui Keogh Kathy Krambetiei June Hendricks Ann Abspoel Yolanda Aospoel Kathleen Dewar lsivyear Service Star Karen Taylor LAND RANGERS Ist Ketrtpenielt Division Land Rangers held aFather Mother and Daughter Gold Cord Ban quot on May 21 at Central Unit ed Hall Jennifer Parry and Barbara Leye reeeivedrrtbelr Gold Cold Susan Mlflllby mini duced head table guests Rev and Mrs Donald Jay Area Commissioner Gracey Di sion Gommissioner Bolton Mr Iltlrs Parry and Jenniler Mrs Eilen bevrand Barbara Mr Dunlap Captain of st lelt Land Rangers Mrs poo son Mrs Duckworul lilr Evans custodian Mrs Doug Fmieigh Division Public Rela tions secretary After bullet dinner Gold Cord Guides Jennifer Parry and Barbara Ley cut and larv ed their cake which was ated with Gold ireloil and their names Elizabeth Kelly proposed toast to the parents lira Brent thanked the Leaders for the help given to the girls at all levels of Guiding dim Brownies Guides and litany Hs Mrs Dunlop inimdlmd the guest speaker Area Commis sioner Gracey Conunissloner Gracey éongratuiated the Gold Cord Rangers and explained the menu these girls must meet and tests to be passed Mrs Gracey saidit takes hard work and great determination on the girls part to earn her Gold Cord Jennifer Parry thanked Mrs Gracoy Mary Brent Elizabeth Kelly Kathy Hvingston and flair McKee were enrolledae Rang ass Ranger Star was presented to SusanBewick Heather Goul son Loretta DelongBarbera hair wigs Sn monthl ahead with an manageahlowig PRICED rot CLEAR AT ONLY perm wavea TheGuides had cook on Hot dogsaod marshmallows settled Golden Bars to Cindy Nowyyon switch your hair style to luit ymlrmood with one of our 100 human gt in the mood lor thesurnmer fun easy hoecislining in short hair so bleachingitlppini Open Eveningazriuesday Thursday Friday Managedby View Havcneaa if Hairstyling Mum snovrmo run lsswauumnron or education teacher and president at Simcoe Dlstricl oi iheFed eratluhsol Women Teachers Is bara Cook lira Otta Cooper bird Yvoonalklghlon Airs ithtihiniih dill hit soclaum oi quarti mnlerl Mrs Pal DicksonMrs Nora site 10° minim by ME Tema DypsuII prudent in Toronlo June and Don McPherson John Varley The Huh and Roy Christie qulnnt new olilcers ol the Fed eraliun with their responsibil ENTERIAINMENTS iiirs At the conference re Mrs Harold Parker the arm gtonal coolerence was via ed er Miss Linda lvinlcr nas eo at the newAllandale Hcl nta terlnined at several shower pars School in Barrlelor this fall ties belore her marriage mis cellaneour shower was given by cousin of the bride loser nxirimrfn warmers nest Hannah and aunt oi mom 7352414 tire and TM um smug aurora 8rdBanie glides held two candleth enrolman and Gail and Connie Franks Debra Mo Leod and Rhonda Betas were enrolled Ntniy Guides lrom 3rd Bar rio Guides accompanied Guides lrom 1st Barrie Co on trip to Toronto on June and visit ed Hiverdale zoo and Case Lorna maples to Mrs Mortau and hiisa hlarshallylhoflso ac companied the girls Presentation of III Round Cord to Diane Bewiok was the occasion of small party in her honor liiany badges have been earn ed recently Hiker Diana Hew iek Gail Alieu Betty Ann Koren Pam Mosier AthIete Wanda Burbitiga and Kathy inch Friend To Anlmaia Wan ds Burbidge Gymnast Dehue RobtinsSwlnmar Heather Moifatt and Susan handing harn Dancer hiaureon Watt Skater Kathy inch Conserva fion Woodman and Randy no man Diane Bawiek Far Far Over the Rainbow sixer Stnpes were presented to Celeste Phillips and Ellanna llIoKendry and Seconder Stripes were presented to Rutsune Da loe Carol Ahn FtaldiZh receiv ed her Skater Badge While the hostess Brownies Karen McGowan Judy Vincer Joanne Walsh and Susan Mc Niel served the guests the PsdIandOompany sang songs Enfore closing lor the suite mer BNWH Owl McGowan ill troduced the new Tawny Owls to the mothers They are Mrs Faererstratoo and Miss Elaine Dakln The Pod said and good bye to MrsrAnd arson asaho will notba our Commissioner next year The Pack gave her the Grand Howl Brown 0le thande the guests or coming and special thanks went to thenlothers tor their Wrt during the past yearn Prayers wet5 sagd IlsnddI iapa was sling and at Wlnga Slxer and Seconder Strip es Brownie Pivliciency Badge 2d the and FlyUp Speolal guests on occas aion were Madam Oommission er Anderson Gaptaiu Ruth Davis Captain hladge Fra leigh Brownie mowers and us Guides of the 9th Go Comrnissionendnderson pre om Dadwlthal color TV Panasonic givestopé color reception near the chum at whidl time aeVeral girls passed the build ing and lighting at their tires emcee as larval werc good nay to close the Guide meeting art20w CEREMONY on May Brownies ot the Barrie Pack held special ceremony which included pre sentation of Golden Bars Gold en Ladders Golden Hand and Home Flirnhhlnzl oneself Baylield St Mulder Mary Ellen Fronts Caryl Onyschuk Erin DArcy Patsy McKendry Maureen OBrien and Mary Ann Cavan dips uth lt It aws presenie Golden Laddereto Karén Mc Gowan Ellanoa McKendry man inyiour life Judy Vincer Celeste Phillips and Christine Daioefi Ann Marie FrauLa received her Golden Hand Badge and Brownie World avglit lrom Gowan presented the bf gs an leaving certificate To help Ann Marie fly over th nhow into Guldela the Biol THE Nawesrrlllnle iN Menus GOLOGNES Fora ryspseIELMan no ordinary cologne wdl do Luokyilve lountlthis navy Numoloyno Collection loryou to hoose hisgiihlromHerearoiour basic masculirio scents and Numer Unogiva hamtohinistiaightfioidé GreenR iiver What are they like impossiblarto dayheoeusoeach isas differentlrorn anthbras your inan is from the othorguysSo give him the Searcher Kit aiiggorof each scents and hit him pickhisovvn so handsome youdcnthavotorwrapit llnllltmsmwhul onéliviiktiliiv Availdhlonavvt

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