Barrie Examiner, 11 Jun 1968, p. 3

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PRESENTS CHEQUE T0 HOSPITAL It Mitchell divisional manager of Confederation Llle Association pr es ed cheque lor $300 towards the new addition ot Royal Victor lr llorpilal this morning Re ceiving the cheque is register ron counss puncunsr Ald Pctrkerv Presses Council For Funds Ald Dorian Parker tried last hint to have part of the money conditionally approved for renovattons to the Barrie Arena along with the $13500 5lty share irom the sale oi Oom munity House earmarked on help in the purchase at the goll Nurse PWWW After considerable discussion she withdrew the romnunenda illore SingleFamily Zoning Urged By Aid Ald lrank Hersey pleaded with oily council last night to put additional single family zoning intothe new zoning by law the Citys planning consul tant is uorking on now Alli Hersey said it was im possible for the average iamin to buy home in Barrie now because lots arei All large on expensive and eveopms put mouse on them that raise the cost to the $25000 bracket He called tor new noninE that would allow people to have homcsb uilt on smaller lot so it wouldenable the average working man who is getting married to buy ho nop CANDIDATE AT KrwArns Munro Barrie Kiwanis Club presi¥ dent Dr George LeggelLileit chub with Perrie Rintoul LOCAL GENERAL pregame STOLEN Eight bicycles were stolén hom YMYWOA poolon Grove Street yesterday Police say that dris is the most popular spot for bicycle theft in the Qty Total value or bicycle stolen was estimated at $400 ROSIE llliDClllP llllVE WHOOPER SAN ANTONIO Tell APt Rosie and Crlpthe lamed whooping crane couple at the SonAntonlo Zno were nesting an egg Monday Zoo director James Chlsm had hoped Rnlewuuld lay two eggs the usrral numbcr lor the lmnst extinct snooping cranes at said one looked like this yearatcropvloreltoalcr tion and substituted another that called for the general govern ment committee to conside wnys olf helping the citizens committee acouire the 80 acre site Originally 6102000 had been approved by council lor renova uobns to themarena but itf who su lent to partners Barrie Community House Assoc Frank Hersey He said that people in rented homes were less likely to take care of lawns and property He interred that inexpensive lots might solve an appearance pro blern because more people would be encouraged to buy their own homes Aid Hersey said that there was not nplace in the city when pre fabricated homes could be erected Surely the consultant can come up with solution he said Ald Garner said the planning board was now consid efinngaye oi bellle the lions ing problem ND chndidaLe lor Simeon North centre prior to the clubs candidates night in Miramer can last night MumPint trickier caucus or years have alre ed modern forms of insur ance Make sure your program is up to date Call the trained people gt at crl nurse Mrs Sandra Black and William Bill Bell chair man ol the lurnlshings com mittee Examiner Photo agreeing to help financially with the construction at conununity meeting room in the updalra front of the arena building The three partners the city and the Kiwanis and Lions clubs of Barrie could not gree so the approval Wm not minted When Gordon Mcltrrk chair man of the arena commission petitioned council for$50000 for renovations to the building lad night Ald Parker understood lint there was $2000 left over and she tried to get the money for the purchase ol the gall course finance chief Aid Rob ens explained that the Ontario ltluniclpal Boards decision to cut the citys capital budget back to $1000000 rum ever $1600000 had effectively choked oil the money that might have been lelt over Ald Parker informed council that there was limited time to take action or obtaining the property because there is bid in for the property already She said the terms were one third down on the close of the sale then equal payments six months and ayear alter clue rng It is unsttood that the pur chase price of the land is in die neighborth of $275000 charm with tbam is Kiwanian Roy Mscltlem Examiner Photo From The Sign of Quality Pain Parka Assistance Act be or new anarrrr axasrmerr Tucson rune rrrr Council liven own in principle to bylaw that would clear out all overhanging signs and other advertising device tram city rtreeln by June 10 1973 The bylaw calls for sign flush with buildlngs that do not project more than re inches copy the bylaw will be sent to the Chamber of Com mom for advice and comment Ald Garner who present ed the bylrw raid he wanted to meet with people tor and against the proposal at city develop ment committee meeting Mon day night Iild floss Archer asked ll the bylaw was meant to include awnings some of which have advertising written on them lis Consultants Council decided last night to go along with the recommenda llon oi the Little Lake Develop ment Committee and retain Can adian Mitchell Associates as consultants ior the development of Little Lake park Aid Sauve argued that the city should not go along with the development ol the park at me rant but should let it sit idle He argued that tinder the un derstuod Barrio residcnls would have to pay to get into their own park dont incl this is the kind at park want to pay or and than have to pay to get into he argued want it develop ed as city park so we wont have topay to get in Aid Sauve said the Depart ment of Lands and Forests got rid of the area for one dollar Believe me got rid oi it be said Aid Hersey who ecc onded the motion that would have sent the recommendation back to committee said that it CANDIDATES SPEAK TONIGHT All three candidates in the Simeon North riding will speak at th Warminsler Farmers Union meeting at oclock tonight Liberal candidate Bill Bell Progressive Conserva tive ti llynard and New Democrch Party candidate Perrie Rintoul willgive tun minutc speeches on larm policy at the meeting The Varminster meeting hall is on Highway 12 Accesslioads Policy Urged Byllld Cole Aid Del Cole asked last night that council consider policy for provrding access roads to in dustnal anus so that situa tron that has occurred in the Rose Ottaway area wont happen again Aid Cole said he was making the recommendation to the planning board andcity dev lopment committee on behalf of the Rose Ottaway Ratepay ers Assoeiaon so other parts of the citywouldnt have indus trial traldc travelling through residential streets Rose Ottawny residents de srre to have an industrial access road to service light indus trial block between their homes Highway 400 and St Vincent St came to head last month when it was announced that Bonsbar dler Ontario Ltd would build plant there Mayor Bentley is still trying to seek solution in the floats demand for service is nuts isrAIn one cool COVE Would Elitriincrte OVerhcrng Signs Ald Garner said he did not know whalher an awning would be considerzd an admtislog de vice but would check the la terprobation with my solicitor Rowe Aid lred Smith who voted against the bylaw raid cer tainly any awnings would have to be included He said he would meet with the city dov elopment commiuee in the wake of second reading of the sign bylaw Ald Gar ner withdrew another that said lixed awnings could overhang aotlesr than eight leet above street level Aid Smith had urged this by law be referred backrto com mitten until every aspect of the issue la discussed Retain Mitchell Associates on Park would be the people travelling Highway 400 who would benefit by the park not the citizens ol Barrie He said It would be too far to walk so they wouldnt have to pay to get ln The citys share of the con sulting ice is 31900 Bell To Attend Coiiee Parties Liberal candidate in the Sim coc Northr riding Bill Bell will attend eight eollee parties in Barrie tomorrow He will start his day at 1015 at the home at Mrs Pearl Feld man 170 Cook Street The next stop will be at 1040 at the home ol Mrs Lloyd Bristow 308 Leti tia before he attends another party at the home at Mrs Eleanor Veitelr V13 Hayercst CrBS In the afternoon hell be at thehome cl Mrs Jerry Mc Camb lfilfiteele St Apt 300 at pm Mrs Edward DeJardinc 136 Cumberland St at 230 pm Mrs Marsh Archer 47 Camp bell Dr ata05 pm Mrs Eer nice Mattenley 24 Tower Crcs at 335 pm and the home or Mrs Murray Lackie 89 Marshall St at 405 pm Mr Hall will spend about hail an hour at each of the notice parties chatting inlormally with ladies Yesterday the Liberal candi date raid that many housewives at similar coffee parties spoke to trim about housing and the Train proposed lrom Barrie to Toronto the William ll Wright mem orial trophy lrom Barrio Leg lnn president Ernest llunhnm last night in the Colllcr Street Vchion nail Altar Mr nun ham bod spoke at Illrs Whar tons service to the commun ltyas voluntecr with the barrio brancb Canadian Carr cer Society the audience on corded her standing ovation Examiner Photo Trophy Is Presented To Citizen 0f tear Mrs iSadie Wm Barrie Citzlen ol the year last night received the William Wright memorial trophy at meeting Branch 147 Royal Canadian legion Mrs Wharton has been chairman othe Ser vice to patients committee of the Barrie unit Canadian can cer Society since 1959 More than 100 people rose and applauded as Ernest Runham president presented Mrs Whar Wesson ton with the trophy Mayor ll Bentley ollcrcd his congratu lations to the volunteer workor He had lelt city council meet ing to be present Several phst winners were present to see Mrs Wharton honored They were Archdeacon Read Mrs Jean Gable William Bill Bell and Al lrcd Pickles Mrs Wharton gave up her career as registered nurse in 1959 oinlng the society the Woman Gets New Trial new non capital murder trial was ordered yesterday 01 Wasaga Beach woman be cause she was deal and could have heard little of the testim ony at her trial on Sept 1067 in Barrie Helen Betty Jacques 41 mother of three was sentenced to lile imprisonment by Mr Justice Stewart for the fatal stabbing of her 33 year old husband Julian on May last year His body was found south of Wasaga Beach provincial park on May ll 1967 The Ontario Court at Appeal look less than two minutes to order the new trial after Cormack ol the attorney gener als oilice conceded it she did not hear what was going on at her trial then the trial was un lair Mrs Jacques appealed the conviction on other grounds but turthcr ground raising the is sue of her hearing was filed alter she underwent tests at lor onto General Hospital The tests revealed that she has no measurable hearing in her left ear and severe hear ing impediment in the right Sées Rapid Expansion Oi College Programs Cunningham chairmen of the business and applied arts department Georgian College last night toldthe Barrie Optim ist Clubthal he expects the evening course extension divi sion of the college to expand rapidly in the next two to three years As we work more and more closely wrth representatives of business and industry in area he said we become creasineg aware of the 5m needs ol the conununity And this is why we are called community college He said that community eollegesare more employment oriented providingmore oppor tunity to students to errrollin programs whith suit them even though they may not have the credits necessary for admission to normal college And working as we do with local employers we can teach studean how to handle jobs right their own home town hesaid We teach students in much smaller groups than col leges and universities and we choose our staff more for their industrial or business exper ience than for their academic qualifications alon voielorliellV is vote ior Trudeau is rotation Canada LIBERAL Simeon Nerth minaretrum During its first year Georgian College enrolled lfll students and graduatedlo There were also more than 00 evening class studenk The first convocation was held Saturday with seven medical secretaries duat ing Next year said Mr CunnA rngharn we expect to enroll be tween 400 and 500 students to be taught by stall cl so or more He also said that new courses next year would include interior design ans resort operation and resources technology all of whichwould be unique in the mmmunttycollegesyslem rag EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mun IDB loans have he medium aizod Carr modernizetheir fa their goods and services vice cant see how we coul same year She was almost im mediately made chairman ol the service to patients commlb tee and has held the post slnca The committee supplies lrenl portation by private cor or ants balance to Princess Margnrcl llospltal Toronto Members vlsll patients at home and in hos pltal and dressings are any plied Mrs Wharton has lldl oilvnlulliear drivers in Barri mostly women whomshe lee have more time on their hand than men She is on call herself at an time and has driven scores do patients to Toronto each month often in her own carlhe soc lety does pay drivers for lirel mileage As well as driving herself shl will ollen aecorrrpany patient who are going by ambulance to keep them company en route Someurnes she maker several trips daily Mrs Jean Ruth branch prb sident said that newer volunl tcers hersell included oiled turn to Mrs Wharton or ad get along totally drcated to helping our patients JOE owaN signing all After nearly 13 years inthol Sign business in Barrie Jol Owen is closnrg shop its been wonderful years and would not have been possible except lor the continued patronage ol our valued customers To them we extend our thanks To our friends and customers we say an tevoir and wish themvwell in the years ahead JOE OWEN es tormeeb the demand for Perhaps an IDB loan Ban help you Ask for our booklet fA Source of Finan cing for Canadian Business hp roranroLonmsoum Marvinn EVELthMENLdANIl TERMftllthlttbrtlficallanllllibllsmtsits ty Avrnwhllluoh

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