Barrie Examiner, 5 Jun 1968, p. 6

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ramrcrAANNE anon SON and Norman Brian Mac lcod will exchange vows at ceremony In Westminster Presbyterian Church Barrie on July The bridelobe Ir HELEN DIA MINNIE wliiwed Lorna Thomas Whet ter at an alternoon ceremony June 22 in Central United Church Barrie The brideel set is the daughter of Mr the daughter oi Mr and Mrs Ben lhommun or Shipley En dandr The bridegroomelect is tbosonol Mr and Mrs Ern ersou Macircod or Barrie Photo by Favoro and Mrs Garfield Binnie ot Glenwood Dr Barrie The brldcgroemeleets parents Mr and Mrs Orville Ihctter reside in Orfllio Les Cowper Studio STATUS OF WOMEN Prostitutes Arent criminals Says Street Haven Volunteer TORONTO CPI The royal commission on the status ot women was told Tuesday that prostitution should he legalized in Canada Peggy Ann Walpole executive director of Toronto organizaa tlon helping prostitutes drug addicts and women reléased from jail presented briel say lrrg prostitution can no longer be treated as criminal oiience Jewelry From Moose Berriesr PRINCE GEORGE OP Moose berri delicate name ior moose drop pingsmake great try under thewatehtul eye of Win Robertson The Prince George house on says the jewelry can be vivid reminder of visit to this northcontrat British Co lumbia city Mrs Robertson collects the berries in the woodsthe supply nrouodhere ls almost inexhaustibleimpala them on toothpicks and dips them in molten glass fibre The cooled herrtes then are bred to culllinks or tiepins The finished product gives oitfla alight odoror glass fibre MrsRobertson says meme berry is like good whisky mproves with age But too much aging can mean some pretty crumbly jewelry Aciuaiiyylnst years crop is about perfectnot too fresh and not too old And large but moose is not really much good We look more for the mediumst products Mrs Robertson says she is drekering with several stores here to take on line of her nowjewelry BIGSAVINGS rue uruoisrrnv rCiEANING OCHESTERFIELDS Standard size The brief read by Margaret Sawchuk volunteer worker at theSlreet Haven Centre said present law is inequitable be cause it usually punishes the prostitute and not her customs 0T5 it said legalization might help control prostitution and cut down ontha rate of venereal dis ease it would also offer chance to providesocial and psychiatric help for the prosti tutcl DRUG TREATMENT Tho briet also recommended treating drug addiction as medical not criminal prob lem it urged more education about drugs in schools Mrs Sawchuk saidshe does not believe the use of drugs shouldbe legalized She said that even if drugdoes not pro duce physical addiction it enlt courages an emotional depend ence that creates severe prob iemsiorthé user The brielsuggesled bail ar rangements and sentencing case toms need review because of prasept inequities It called ior more help and shelter provisions or women including alcoholtreatment cen tres hostels homesior girls on parole and corrunuoal living centres or the middleaged SUSPEND SUB CAMS WASHINGTON AP State department officials said Tues day formal agreement has been reached in Tokyoyto temporarily suspend calls oi US navy nu clear vesselsto Japanese ports Japan had demandedthat nu clear warships rernaln away rmtltthspUnited States took ad ditional measures to entsure ra dioactive materials were not leased while the vessels were in port Alcontroversy was touched off my when an abnormally high radioactive reading was measured during the visit or the US nuclear submarine Sword fish to Sasebo $795 OMATclIING CHAIR Reg $500 Example Reg arosrréclnr in my 8199 rig in RegloaoSneqlal cArthranrons cesium not AND uruorarenv cnahnana PHONE ANY TIME 7283402 EARLEEN JANE rom SDN daughter oi Mr and Mrs Earle Johnson oi Barrio will wed Clair Richard Moreau rrra nannrc 2mm wannasoav nine ms June Wedding Ceremony At Trinity Anglican Church thlie Shasta daisy mums pink tulips and white lilacs de corutcd the altar oi Trinity Ang lican Church tor the spring nodding ol Christine Evelyn Larkin daughter of Mr and Mrs Gordon Larkln Grove Si in James Parke Lindsay son oi Mr and Mrs Roy Lindsay Glencalrn Ave Toron to In the sitcrnoon ceremony the bride was given in marriage by her lather to he 10mm in matrimony by the Archdeacon Read Mrs re Burmasier presided at the organ and accompanied the soloist Miss Mary Ann Hayter or Dashwood as she sang The Lords Prayer and Perfect Love The bride was heautliul in lootlength gown or white crepe with cathedral train oi Chan tilly lace lowing irom the shoulders The matching Empire bodice was overlaid with lace and featured wide hateau neckline and wristlength sleeves The full shoulderlength iilu slon veil lowed Irom item headdress oi seed pearls The bride carried bouquet of white camntions BRIDAL ATTENDANTS at morning ceremony to St Maryschurch Barrie June 29 Mr Moreau Is the son bl Mr and Mrs leogltloreau ot Barrie Les Cowper Studio guests into the church ware ush ers Robert Lnrkin Toronto Kenneth Larkia Barrie Neil West London Ian Hen derson Toronto and Junior ush erDavld Larkin Barrie RECEIVE GUESTS Following the many guests were received at the Con tinental lnn The mother or the bride wore dress of turquoise lace with matching accessories and cor sage of light Sweetheart roses Mother of the bridegroom Attending the bride weroher sister Miss Mary lV Larkln oi St Cntharines maid of honor and bridesmaids Mrs Janet Townson of Toronto cousin Miss Bonnie Bufiey Barrie and Miss Patricia Linda say Sudbury sister of the brldegroom The maid ofhonorwore deep pink and the bridesmaids pale pink bothslyled into run length sleeveless Empire gowns Matching headdresses were solt pleated bows All carried white poms and pink carnations The best man was Robert Vistorino Toronto Escong TRY EXAMINER WANT Ans PHONE 7232414 BliCKWHEATtrAMBERHO SHORTRIBROASTS arasrrAks Choice at Sided Haniburg Potlie Evélduv tow Tribes Ill Imam DREAMWHIP oz pkg s+v2 for as NEY rib Tin Reg 129 sprees ra5gt soc loT dun IIII Inns ERYbAy Low MEAT PRICES Choice Beavaronts COUNTRYSTYLE SAUSAGE forearms 100fl n$l000 Orders and over PEOPLE in places Estarl Tea To Aslsist Religious Educéation Project Brilliant sunshine and countryside attracted many guests an hiiisof the the rotiin added to the success of the annual Estarl Tea held Monday after noon and evening by Bayview Chapter 105 Order lot the Eastern Star Approximately 225 persons attended the event held at the home of Mrs Edwin Wilson Easemero Farms RR Thornton Guests were welcomed by the hostess and bird Harry Maxwell convener or the Estarl committee Proceeds of tha tea were donated to the Grand Chapter of Ontario to assist in inrtherln trainin ations religious of young men and women of denomin ch year in September $80000 from the var ious chapters in the province isdlshibuted to assist in reli our education floral arrangement of bronze and white munrs flanked by allow and gr een tapers was the focal point of the are covered tea table Mrs Annie Armstrong was in charge or the tea room Tea honors in the afternoon were perionned by Bayvlew Chapter Worthy Matron Mrs David Darby shrro and Mrs Graydon Kohl in the evening tea was geared by Mrs James Ke proule PRIZEJHNNERS icature oi the tea was the lucky ticket draws tlcv and Mrs bavldlroctor and Mrs Kohl made the draw in the alternoon and In the evening draws were made by Mrs Gor don Oldfield RR 45 Coroaltuu District Deputy Grand Matron Lucky ticket holders were Mrs Joo Jewell Mrs Cecil Munroe Mrs llarold Volltcr Mrs Allen Martin of Midland Mrs Frank Midvyoodaad Mrs Lloyd Cook Lucky drownconvcned by wore deep pink with match ing hat and corsage ol pink car natlenr For their honeymoon by car the bride chose an ouilltv oi beige and gold printed lined coat over plain beige dress with corspge ot Talisman roses Tho newlyweds will reside in Brampton Out town guesia came from Toronto Guelph Little Current Sault Ste Marie SL Catherines London Dashwood Windsor Sudbnry and Detroit room are airway PARKES LINDSAY soc1b lb 49 lb 59 lb 4fbr $225 lbs 50 nnedy and Mrs William Mrs Wes stoneham and Mrs Ernie Checsmnn were drawn by the hostess Mrs Wilson winners included Mrs Bnrce Holt oi Midland Mn Arthur Rcld of Thornton Mrs Ross of Midhurst and Mrs Cheesman Mrs Dowkcs oI Medicine Hat Alberta was the guest from the Iarthest distance Mrs Vllired Tomllnson ol Grimsb attended Irom the most that point in Ontario WEEKEND GUESTS Guests at the Eccles St home oiMr and Mrs Bishop included Miss Caroline Wilson or Boston Mass and Antigua and Alexander Wilson oi London out and Antigua Miss Elaine Bishop oi London was also weekend guest at her parents home COFFEE PARTY Bill Bell Liberal candidate ior Simeon North was guest oi honor at coliee party yes terday morning Approximately 35 ladies attended the gnthor ins held at the home oi Mrs Allan Byers ENTERTAINMENTS Mrs Richard Gates the mm or Annellaneoek was guest oi honor at several social events prior to her marriage May 25 in Aurora These included mis cellaneous shower given by maid ol honor Miss Heather Mchven Shanty Bay Rd assisted by Misses Joanne and Chris Quor tel Miss Joan Walker brides maid was hostess nt pantry shower in Aurora on May 16 and presentations were made to the bride by various ladies groups in the Aurora Untied Church Au at tornoon tea was given by Mrs Stan Shier schoollriend or the bridegrooms mother Mrs Todd held miscellaneous show er in her Ottaway Ave home and patio dinner was hosted by usher Michael Henderson and his mother Mrs Twlss onus nnranrsmnranr Barrie Goli and Country Club has an energetic entertainment committee againthls season Mel Brass is chairman and his members are Alex McGeIrlck Mr and Mrs John Hamil ton Iloss Halls and Len Pied ger June program started all last Saturday with mixed two Davld Social notes In Inan cover the moral noell tile the city Dlltrid with anniversaries bridal showers Mu Mullen Ind visitors are all Items at Intact to readers oi this me Your help in supplying this new will be greatly appreciated Hem phone The Harris Ex Ilnhler 7W7 and Ill Ior andrey Connor Des Wt one at th Womena Depr meat ball Ionrsorne but inclement weather hampered entries Coming up this salnrday even ing is the annual wine and cheese party followed by glancing to Bob Hunters quor eL On Friday June 14 there will be another color goli illm lim cd in Switzerland with added ieature oi air day motor race on lrla or Man The next night June is another mixed ttwo hall loursoma isscheduled lol lowed by dancing to orchestra Saturday June 21 iscut ior the lair sex Thats the data set tor the mens annual shot gun derby tor the Luikrn Itqu trophy Another illrn night comes Fri day June 23 with Billy Casper vs Doug Sanders Irom the Brookllne Massachusetts course The annual lune Ball sponsored by the ladies section or the club comes the next night the 29th to wind up the month NEW PESIDENT Mrs Evans Distill ers Co CanadaLtd has been elected president oi the We mens AdvertisingClub oi Tor onto The firm oi which she is media director is subsidiary ot Distillers Co Ltd oi Edin ChemlSts Pottery On Display Indian Act Is Out Of Date EDMONION tCPt Canada should eliminate the iodine Act and train native people lur vot In and employment the Nation al Council oi Women was told May Both German Calgary Inor yer and publisher drew ap plause item the audience at about 115 when she said The lodlan Act was written to protect the lodlan and It is out oi date And out oi data along with it is tho department oi ludlan allnirr Mrs Gorman spoke durins panel discussion and human rights conicrenco at the coon eits airday annual meeting Indians then would enjoy the some not in weliare health and education as other provin eial residents Land could be re cured to Indian ownership In perpetuity but leased to individ uala under longterm agree ments such as are used to national parks burgh Scotland Mrs Evans is the armor Blanche Webb daughter oi Allred Webb and tho late Mrs Webb ot Stroud LILAC TEA Spring bouquets ot lilacs bleeding heart and narcissi dec orated Alinndale Orange Hall tor the Lilac Tea held under the auspices at Golden Star IDEA Worthy Mistress Mrs Paddl sen welcomed the guests The tea was convened by Mrs Funecoit and Mrs Stewart Presiding at the tea table were Mrs Kendrick and Mrs Robson Tea assistants in cluded Mrs Carter Mrs llarbridge Mrs Henry Mrs Schewchuk and Mrs Howie Bake table convenara were Mrs Hooper and Mra Harrington Mrs Bristow Mrs Minulklo Mrs All sop and Mrs Rentner assisted in the kitchen Mrs Corbett convened the candy table Tick cis were convened by Mrs Stewart From Istanbul To San Antonio REGINA t0 llarilyn Le vlnc came to Region is root as an analytic inorganic chemist with masters degree irom the Unlverslly of Alberta Today she has exhibitcd her potter Irom istanbul to San Anton Tex My husbands chemist too she explained in an inter view When we ilrst came to Saskatchewan the university couldnt employ husbandand wiie teams In the same depart ment So was out of job and enrolled in pottery and art class as at the university Alter year Mrs Levine took Job teaching chemistry at Campion College in Regina but she gave it up and returned to her coursesva year later Asked it her knowledge oi chemistry helps achieve the re sults she wants in pottery she agreed that it comes in handy CUTSvUNCERTAmTY It allows me to make educat ed guesses as to why things happen in the kiln It can vary so much The knowledge of chemical processes makes it little less of ahitandmiss pro ecu Besides the International Co ramie Exhibition at Istanbul and HemisFair 68 at San Anto nio Mrs Levine has shown her work in the National Gallery in Ottawa the lion crails display at Expo 67 and Canadian Ce ramics o7 where she won the sword Ior stoneware Her work Is also on perma nent display in lhe Oonieders tion Art Gallery and Museum at Charlottetown the Saskatchee wan Arts Board and the Cana dian government collection which tours to various partaoi the world ITS NOT TRUE VANCOUVER CF Road Page Canadian stall member oi the Red Cross League hr Geneva said the South Vietnam branch dispelled its image as minor lneiicctive group during the Viet Cong Tet oilensive The Grey Ladies of South Viet nam worked It hours day durf lng Tet to take care of more than 4000 refugees shesaid cooking meals ior hundreds in their homes collecting money ior the needy and irnding clothes and food tor the home less Thelorisina filo 15m SemiAnnual TSAE Continues This iIZSléEOFFT Every yard in the stare mourn REMNANT TABEEj rs callerer Drapery and Dress Materiol Ends OF REGULAR REMNANTPRICFI Heres your opportunity to Saw for Summer E7 Savel BARRIEfS ORIGINAL FABRIC SHOP yopans paydayrt VI Dial 1237712

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