Barrie Examiner, 5 Jun 1968, p. 4

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Walla Publisher WEDNESDAY JUNE APRES MOI mm Should Give William Teller General Manager McPherson Managing Editor Vs rur room LE DELUGE mementostime Guarantee By PATRIB NICHOlJON WAWA Then lfll be In other minority government an election day according to New Democrat lender Douglas He has predicted that pondersqiport from the voters will elect twice at many candi datesofhispartyastbenwbo were members of the last House of Coman if this prediction should be fulfilled another nil nority government is inevitable The reasoning is this The New Democrats expected and growing strength is largely in the big cities where Ilmostall the seats were held by Liberal or New Democrat um Most NDP gains would inerdorebe at the expense of liberals But Mr Douglas also expects to pick up few seats in Sexist chawan where they were pre yiiousiy all held by Conserva VII if the NDP wins 22 additional seats likely estbmta is that ahnul 15 of these uvuld be big city seats now held by Liberals two Would he seals in smaller communitiesnvw held by Cody senntives and fivenpuld be Saskatchewan seats now held by Conservatives This might lead to new House containing Liberals vsa Conservatives NDP and lb Soercds Crcdiilsles and inde pendents Other factors will modify these tigtnes sit as redistribution and the campaign QUEENS Putt mammow 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Minoritiy Government iisell but let us first consider the Douglas thesis Would that lead in coalition or even merger between the Literals and the New Demo uItstoformamalorttyof stable savannunti this is most unlikely Mr once said that the old liberal form of stable government smelt lie stable amt mlxing his meta phors he said the in mid levergat int bed withha nldbcrfiber pa con Ilning suc al politicians as Saskatchewans Premier instead and New foundlands Premier Small wood So Canada would be run with another minority government Would this be bad thing was recently dismissing this posskfility with one of the fresh bright wave of New Democrat Ws Galts t1yearnld Max Saltsman who won his seat in Parliament at by election in test in the formerly Conserve live riding of Waterloo South He is public spirited wartime RCAF peacetime school trustee and alderman before becoming an MP able and in every sense good representative of his constituency and man who contributes sensibly to the work of Parliament Max remarked to me that be anticipated minority govern ment to result irorn this elcc tion And this be said can be an exceedingly good form of fiiflnswes government its rninority posh tion it on its hoes induces partly vi In ll the national interest and prev enta it from growing arrogant or dictatorial Ha cited the Dial enbeker minority govenment of the short issue Parliament as an examle productive of much Ind good legislation Mas one im po ant ori prevents any trend to dictatorship Our parliamentary system is such that prime minister supported llaypa solid working malortty of of his own party has enor mous power in is own handS far more power than the preri dentrof the US where there are constitutional checks and balances uninwwn in Ottawa Such prime minister for in stance has the untrammelled power of patronage appoint merits unfettered he can put whom he chooses into the top inbs in the civil service and Crown corporations he can ap point whom he wishes as lodges he can pack the Senate He could even by his power of appointment convert the RCMP into private personal Gestapo Our prime ministers have these Wers as Max Saltsman pointed out if they are backed by parliamentary malonty None has ever used it fully yet but that docs not remove the danger Will Legalize Use Oi Wide Vehicles non onnanrt T0me You never can tell just what will bnppen in this place an amendment this Highway Traffic Act allows motor vehicles to ba inches wider than before from 96 inches to 102 inches You would tab this as patch tiai lighting amendment Not only here but in all juris diction the size at vehicles per mittod on the highways has been controversial matter one that can be depended on to arouse public indignation Protecting Police Jobs Members of the newlyformed Munici pal Police Association will send dele gation to Queens Park to protect the jobs of policemen affected by the take over of small community forces The concern of these men for th future is understandable But their tac tics are faulty if they are attempting t1 block course of action already announc ed and one which commends itself as ing logical and useful Regardless of the reasons the polic ing of small centres has never been ade quate any more than the education olf ered in small rural schools has met thr needs of the modern age The province now proposes to assume gradually the police responsibilities in all communities which now have forces of 10 men or fewer The local forces will be replaced by members of the Ontario Provincial Police Inevitany this change will mean loss of employment for many of the present municipal policemen This is what some 20 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner June 1940 Pro vincial election next Monday In Simcoe Centre there were five candidates George Johnston PC Miriesing who first won riding five yearsago Charles Henry Liberal Thornton John Lougheed CCF Barrie Mahion Beach Independent Barrie Jerome Charles bnis Social Credit Tiny Twp Charl es Christie campaign manager for Mr Henry announced that Liberal rally would have in Barrietomorrow night as main speaker John Robinette KC famous lawyer Speaking around rid ing on behalf of Mr Johnston have been six members of hair all Kings Counsel John Boys Charles Carl Stewart Donald MacLarengof Bari Ch uf1Biadford William Thompson of Penetangui shene Oldest voter in Simcoe Centre next Monday will likely beJohn Young of Minesing 97 fatherdnlawlof George Johnston Attending Ontario Lib rary Association annual conference in Ottawa Mrs Montagn Leeds Mrs Maciaren Miss Lila McPliee Miss Audrey Gray Manager WesxAllsop of Barrie Arena announced lhaiOsborne Colsnn of Washington would beihulding hissummer figure skating school here in Judi August Gil Lloyd of CGE staff opened riding stablesdiithof town Rai Skinner boughtBarrie Taxi from Wil iam Stewart Four Barrie Colleg late runners John eltis Bill Craig Ger ry Patterson and JohnLaking setzne record and finished first inWesier Ontario track meet at Londonfor 440 yard relay Dr Harvie Calling wood elected president Siincoe County MedicalAssociation succeeding Dr Bigelow Barrie BarrieArena fill ed to capacity for rural schools music program directed by Miss Eva Rumble of the men fear and their reaction is to try to prevent it happening In this case the course more likely to produce benefits should be patterned on different approach Those officers whose qualities age and potential make them ossibie members of the OPP should ion for special con sideration in obtaining the transfers Those who are not going to qualify should ask firmly and reasonably for assurance of assistance to see that they are retrained provided with decent em ployment and given what other compan sations they may have earned The proposed change is not to take ef feet immediately and may be spaced over period of up to 20 years Thisin itself suggests that time will solve most of the personal problems that weigh so much with the policemen today What they reallyneed in the interim is some honorable guarantee from the attorneygenerals department that they will be given fair treatment and every consideration DowN MEMORY LANE Hillsdale Simcoe County Council meeting next week will discuss what to do with $175000 surplus Brancb of Sterling Trusts opened in Barrie at Five Points southeast corner with Fried Mcankey as secretary Neil Scott manager Gae Twenties Club of Bar rie sponsored Spring Ball at Club music by Bob Powells Melody Men vo cals by Miss Helen Lambert Maytime Tea atCentral United Chur convened by Mrs John Garne Mrs Jory and Mrs Lester Gumb Detroit magazine described members of Barrie Collegiate Band who played there last month and were guests at Sheraton Hotel as best behaved and best mannered group of high school kid ever to hit this motor At lvra nd Joan Fisherrlwin augbtersof Mr and Mrs Allen Fish er awarded joint music scholarshipin Toronto and Hamilton Other Editors Views UNHEALISTIC ALLOWANCES rfTillsonburg Ne The really big thingih bugs usa bout income tax isythe factfhat personal exemptions hay been raised 1nline with be increased costof living On the Simple basis of the costof living index they should be half as much again as they were less than 20 years ago But the exemptions stay the same $1000 for the single person $1000 for he wifeif youeanaifor haveher stay home and not work an $300 for achild This isridiculous So if they increased the exem taxing incomes thataccording othe Government goodhearts what up to minimum subsistence level Well this time it didnt N0 QUESTIONS it got through the house with nut onyone even asking ques tion about it Actually there was an in guing little story behind it The reason it was brought in was to get the Toronto Trans porialion Commissionand inci dentally the governmentoff the hook Standard hiniway buses are 06 inches wide The buses the TlC uses in Toronto are incbes liC also toperaiesLheGray Coach Lines highway service At busy times it uses city buses on Gray Coach runs And has been doing so for years HEADS TURNED The department of transport and the police have turned their heads to this But finally somebody decided that it should he legalized And so the amendment waysiippcd lil And it slipped through This of course now means that all vehicles can be six inches wider BIBLE THOUGHT By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples If ye have love onelo another John 85 According to Jesus we are id entified as His followers not by denomination but by dedicai tion noihy word but by anti Say it with life say itwwith brothcriy love 0th 18am Ekoininrr 16 Baylield Street vBarrie Ontario Authorized as second class matter Post Office Depart mot Ottawa andfor pay ment of postage in cash Dail Sundays an Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by arrier 50c weekly $7500 yearly Single copies too By ma Barrie $2600 yearly Ontario $1200 year molnr tliruwoif 15 year Mail out side Ontario til year Out sidc Canada British posses sinus tsls year USA and foreign 532 year National Adve ing Offices 425 University Avenue Town to 640 Cathcart St Mon ircai Member of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau at Circulations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for ropub ation oi all news dispaichea in this paper cred ited to it The Associated Prcas or Reuters andralao the out news publish The transport people say this is all right as highways now are wider than they used to be This is true of main highways And it is also true that these are the only highways that the bus es concerned use 5111 NABROW But many of our country and township roads still are narrow And other commerciai vehi clan of coursenae them This house has been better than any in long time in vot ting legislation But it still as always can be hit or miss proposition This is showing imagination Next February the trade and development department is holding Canadian inventors show ventlons ready for production Which could be real break for the bettermouseirap peo 99v LETTERS TO EDITOR THUNDER BRIDGE Dear Sir We cannot understand the re peated statement or the Barrie Suburban Road Commission that this present plan taking nine acres out of the heart oi the Rallies property is going to increase its value What are they saving the empty county gravel pit for it meets Line one of 0m and dis turbs no residential properties Thunder Bridge was original ly built to replace the level crossing at Line and the liaikes then gave new road allowances Why not use than desecrate more Two hung drcd foot right oi ways for roads requiring so feel lSex orbitant and we do nolwant IllLO Complex on suburban scenic road Highway 1i goes to Hawkestone Why accept $500000 plan simply because Barrie pays small portion Who pays for this wicked waste eventually What does 20footdrainagel easement into the lakemean at our boat house where many generations of guides Scouts and friends have enjoyed the sand beach and fresh water Leighton Clark says it means notiiing and was unaware he was cutting our property in two What does 20 to it foot embankment mean behind our boat house and iniiont of our CANADAS STORY the land they already own rather cannot be undone house Leighton Clark says We can get down just as we do now What does Concession mcan coming across our lawn and 50 foot from thehouse removing all trees water and barn to be replaced by pavement and by dro pnlesl Smith Campbell says it increases thevalue at our property and we can sell lols off those paved roads Perhaps these answers give sonic indication of tire injustice and lack of knowledge that went into this plan Too much power is in too few hands of those who know too little about the situation We feel thewish of the Vpenpla must be heard Expropriation rights and the manner in which they are car ried out are inhuman and un just Nothing has been done that guard railson the present bridge do need attention Even one strong cable is better than thin air Come on Barrie Suburban Road Commission lets open our minds and listen to the wish of the people Nnrab Rallies RS We have loads of fill from the new Sunday School in Shanty Bay to widen the ap preaches to the bridge NR Oveithfow 0i Gott Hope 0i Brotherhood By BOB BOWMAN ln aegdayago std about spi and saboteurs inter esting to look back on the oper ations of the Brotherhood of Hunters It was an organization developed by Robert Nelson ancr Canada rebel leader in me and its purpose was to ovv erthrow the government of Can ada luffact it would ltnve made all the British North American minutes into re public ii it had been successful Early in 1080 the prohi bited its citizens fro taking part in the rebellion nrsllp plying arms to its leaders On June rear RobertNeison conA ceiveil the idenoi forming se crct organization in the us and establishing fcelis alo the Canadian border He ca tazod on an Americannvca ness for secret signs and sym bols Every local cell was led by nowshoe who command ed nine Hunters iA heavcr controlled five Snowslwea and the chain of command con tinued to the rankof fGrand Eagle folthd DetroiL inlo the Brotherhood of Hunters from Maine toMichigan and probablymrbscribcd millions of It will display Canadian in Thanking youfisfr Yours sincerely mom no worm 115 Following Energetic Policyr In VietnamWarfaIe ram om mills arrIn dulyu Various connexionl bear logs and press conferences in Washington have revealedand it is not being denied by the Whita Housethat the 115 has been following policy of ener gotic military operations from the first day of the peace talks So have the Communists Nel ther side sounds candid when accusing the other of fighting ev blrder new the talks have begun The ericaos apparently de cided th they wotdd not lilWl themselves to be caught as they were in the initial stages of the Korean peace talks thEAmeri sified it The motive of the Com munists then had been to in crease the pressures on Waste ington to make peace in Korea The Cormmists apparently reason in the same way this time The Itmericans too iha not result is some of the blood lest fighting in the war Whether this will make the Communists more plinnt is not clear many doubt it will even ran my BLACKBEARDS GHOST ELi andwthe HOW dollars Thefiiunters held convention at Cleveland during which they drew up constitu tion for Republican Govern ment of Canada and made plans for invasions There were believed to be 700000 Hunters along the border some of them in Canada There were 3000 members in Montreal One of Nelsons plans wasto use the strong Montreal mem bership to capture the city Wealthy industrialist John Mni son was to be seized and held tor ransom Nelson also boasted that he would rob and hang every Jew in the province The Hunters did attempt some invasions the strongest of which was through Prescott flntarlo but they were defeated when fightingebecamc se in November 1830 Nelson dc serted his followers and hid in theUS Others June Events donsChamplain at Quebec received greatly needed sup plies from France oiCadillac left Quebec to Adult Entcrtiinmtant in mowu unm mm ran as tSlANLEY SHAHROméw rosovtannrnnGEi anonuwvoururt SHOWS AT 700 915 lili nu though General William West nwrriand said at the end of May that the Communists are growing more desperate every day then sustained and recur ring attacks on Saigon and other malor cities do not really give the impression of despera tion and General Westmoreland has been saying they have been antholrlastlcgsloragoodtwo years during which time they have grown more numerous more aggresive and better equipped Are the Comunists also mis ealculating Pressure of anti war sentiment in the US has eased considerably on President Johnson new that he is no longer acandldate and has begun talking pcacc lhc most convinced opponenisot the war would advocatean immediate end to the hostilities on practi cally any terms the Viet Cong demands But the mass of the pcopie in the us including those who have doubts about the propriety or utilityof the war feel their country is doing all it honorably can short of dishom oring itself completely to obtain Dete five Madlgan ltepf his eyes on the killer instead of the broad in mums liu we will JIM Pruitt nonunion suite snows LH ow JACK The wife you save mny be your own and iiunoNIK DRIVElN THEATRE The care Some doors Hill Dnors pen prm Wmm ULTIMATE EVILTHE FINALVENGEANCEI ivno

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