Police Hunt Resumes TQrignté Poï¬Ã©emdn Denies 31 For Missing Bays Body DehbemtelY 5110915119 BOY mnom Torontn because hlilmlm wan working wnnu on the Metropolitan mmmnnn cpl Polka neighbnrhg Waterloo spoke to form mum of Kitchener gï¬mï¬ï¬k Ing Ward NS midis mum pence one mo said meday they have ques mun Nesdny the xlle In been elmged In em Lau on My Em gang SW clmtnlhellneolmetnrmlo lloned lseyeareold Kitchener near theGrand Kilimwhnem derdnb with murderAd nt med 93 ha innthlflenlll lakechance area juvenfle in connection with intenslve search underway tempted murder oflwolboyil buy f5 Mad the nu Irom my bolster The wounded boy railway the search tar Keith Henry for the ynunulerl Mdy Tho tum drtectjres said they Chasm WWI my hand mm akin when wu shot then who disappeared Irom They all the lmnlle was believe Keith wu plcked up in hm made mm mm hubs leg while neon la In at home July 12 questioned last Thursday mar wuerloo the day ol may Bulge mm themd herald eastend park Insp John ezeuell head at Sgll Schneider want la Fort penance taken In lsite ml with criminal neth In the Eflenar said he would not Kitchener delectlvu and police Lauderdale ML and talked to the Grand niler and nabbed to shooting told the cm in bad haw ï¬red on purpose because TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS Sgt Kennrlh Schneidcr irorn Stanley Everett Rate 75 Rice dun mama on the gun bun Constable within Realm his PHONE 1mm £5 emrk F000 War we DEL MONTE FANCY SLIEEDPEHCHES lliLOOQ $1M CLUB Housr PEANUT BUTTER JARS WiilTE SWAN rower PRODUCE USA WHITE SEEDLESS 2276 ermine meme YBOLD gt LB CHEF MASTER MARGARINE lingerie withfln udft touch CARROTS FOR gt wthntnarnbuyounatthello gt atnvingu51undlJuun15dlDont gt nahtel GIANT IVORY pEIGNom SET SAVE Biflqunannloudrhecrestnylonuveflayon 20 LBS on him own and matching yeignoir FOR Luisth nppfiquéd with Ion Inca and gt metmedwithaaï¬nwered mnmeBndnl USAO PERSONAL SIZE wlme sMI m2 0551993 GREENONION MAPLHEAF fflï¬iliivéiflflflcï¬ï¬m aARs we re Ginboupnrchalrd an ac BOLOGNA gt rnLLsmenodlemahemro gwidz Byrhe Pieee QlluuAnnnylonlweShartengtb3238 MAPLE LEAFCOOKED gt AvehgelengthflZAZRag900Each 698 vwonnflnrfnsï¬luir SLIPlShurtnnd Kml jut llflz aooEncMml MATCHINGBRIEFSEImmka sML gt gt Reg300Palr238 OrzegitlM Iron rlllrrlibrllvmlrs ou STOREHouns ORDERS9F Mbnd mm to pln Thursday andfridgy 830 am M9 yum Saturday 830 mm to pm iGUDUNLO ST EAST