rows nonunor Plan Major Changes In Education System TORONTO 16gt Reorgani sation and sweeping changes in the education department were announced madly by Educlv lion Minister William Davis as debate began in the legislature on his departments $876364000 spending estimates htr Davis told the house the provinces new role in education will be research planning and the distribution of funds Opera tional administration will be lat to local school authorities which will enable reduction in the sire of the education depart ment Our nim will be to reduce the size ot the department while at the same time increasing its effectiveness measured in terms of service to education Peiawawa Move omwa or The out man 1st Battalion Canadian Guards wil be transferred to Petnwawa Out from Plcton Ont before roll defence department spokesman said Tuesday No decision has been made on What future use if any Will be made of the Picton base and its 200 civil employees the spokes man said Piclon has popula tion of 4962 Cancer Treatment WINDSOR Ont CF Montreal suenttst Dr Victor Frederic outlined Tuesday possible new methodot attack ing lancer Dr Fredette oi the Univer sity of Montreal read paper detailing work done at the unl versity institute of microbiolo gy and hygiene by himself Dr Andre Chagnon and student Paul Rousseau atthe annual meeting of the Canadian Society of Microbiologists The paper described bacte rla which the researcher claim will destroy cancer cells but will not harm surrounding tissue Canada On Moon OIIAWA Canada will leave calling card on the moon courtesy oi the United St to manned flighttethe moon proiect Its astronauts will depos it modified magnetron gauge on the moons surface to meas ure atmospheric pressure in hopes that it will provide clues in the effects of the solar wind on the lunar atmosphere Mobile Theatre UITAWA iCP The capl tals unfinished moldmillion dollar National Arts Centre will take to the woods this summer Wiihw mobile theatre designed to entertain the younger set Called The Portage the then treonwheels will tour the parks of the National Capital Region presenting musical mime wherever it stops it initibe the tire production undertaken by the arts centre which is not slat ed for completion until the spriog oi 1969 Forgery Ring TORONTO CF County court was told Tuesday of To rontobased forgery ring that ended major cities in Canada United States and Europe with countericit travellers cheques that cost the Bank oi America more than 5150000 Joseph Cleon Irwin 39 of To ronto pleaded guilty to diarges of conspiring with others in 1965 to forge possess andutter por courted Bank oiAm lca traveli ers cheoues Itlewsmen lletire TORONTO OP Four newspaper men with total oi ll years service with The Tale am retired Monday They are reporters Ken MacTaggort and Norm John ston photographer ChrisWoods and outdoors editor Pete Mo Gillen tlarm Loans srnaerono on or Renewal and expansion of the woman paws Study Bird Tail KINGSTON CF lilau may never be able to talk to birds but MeGiil University profes sor hiesday described how computer has been used to help analyse the songs of birds CMli President HALIFAX iCP John ODea of St Johns Nfld presi dent of Atlantic Brewing Co Ltd was elected president oi the Canadian lilaouiacturera Association Tuesday lie succeeds Enghoim of Toronto Education Cost NIAGARA FAILS Ont OP lbo Hoopercent provincial sales tax will have to be dou bled and provincial income tax incmsed slightly it the Ontario government is to take over the entire cast of education the On tario Urban and Rural School Trustees Association convention was told Tuesday Prof Brock Rideotit of the Ontario Instituteoi Studies in Education Toronto said the government is still trying to reach the magic figure oi 50 per cent in covering education costs Strike daboteurs KAPUSKASDIG Ont OP Four cables at the strikehound offices oi Northern Telephone Citswore damaged by sabo teurs company ofï¬cials said Tuesday the circuits to the town lire hall The company is offering reward for information to arrest and conviction or the person or persons responsible Prisoners Movie rename tr Prisoners at Sprucedale school refor matory in lingeraville Ont are putting finishing touches to movie they made themselves teacher lee Scott the ï¬lm may be shown to the public it the ac tors agree Deiend Parole tonomo icy Repre provincial pena institutions Tuesday appeared before the legislatures committee on re forms to defend the Ontario pa llacitiillan case and its overall policy on reforms in the legislation for granting days after she received nine lor wash trading nthe shares Mines Ltd company she con trolled Gov Failure TO NIO CP ilie can die failine of government to control its spending and keep taxes in checkJs the most saris ous source of instability in the economy directors at Dominion store Ltd reported Tuesday leading and says Spruocdales head sentatiiles of organizations working within and outside oi role boards action in the Viola The board has been criticized paroleto Viola Macmillan b6 month indeterminate sentence oi Coosolldated Golden Arrow Separahsm Cost MARGUERITE Que g3 Tha Canadianhdosiï¬ss potent hhnnfacturan clothe was toldhiosdey the separatist hiokameothas hed an advemhnpact on the Que LA Bridient Belgiansborn authorot Option Canada said there is Breat deal of truth to rumors the outflow oi money hurt the province be cause of unsettled political con ditions in Quebec CPR Orders Cars noninnit f0 in 000000 order for nine double decir passenger cars to be used on west Montreal suburban routeshas been placed by Canas dlan Facile Railway Public Hearings ronouro tcm TthOntar lo legislatures select committee on the Smith taxation report an oounced Tuesday it will hold public hearings in Toronto on Tuesdays and Thursdays in June and July before moving into Northern Ontario July 20 eastern Ontario Aug and western Ontario Aug ii Staysln the three sections at theCh province will he one week ea One of the cables contained in keeping with ihc$hovgplace of CentralOnidrib Dunlopfs new SiriéDoo Chalet Bolensiavvn Garden Paid or Sales pro dime Monique and Ems 21th notch or dents vexsic on fruit and Kettle loldrto the thin Williamll Bronson Intuit nu plane inquhy into nlu distribution prsctic in the fresh fruit and vgget io it pirhapievon as centsdepending collie prol itonthesaid will warm SUDBURY0nt i013 Savard Sudhury older man masdsly nsren independent Literal candidate in Nickellielr riding for the mam June Iiederal election air Savard said he originally announced his Intention to stand because he did not believe that high school teacher Gaeten 59m to to whom he lost the Liberal nomination had enough political experience Ignored Quebec QUEBEC UP Creditisia Moder Real Caouette Tuesday light night denounced Robert Stan field and Douglas ior mak ingpromises tn PrenehrCana dians its federal party leaders after ignoring them as pre Itd Speaking in French at cam paign meeting in suburban Charlesbourg itir Caouetta at tacked the two who consider us FrenchCanadlans so highly who want to grant us everything we want odiile as premiers of their provinces they never want edvlto recognize their own ErenthCanadians mm woman Fights Mandatory Cdr Insurance lonbmo OP Transport Minister lrvrin Haskell nursery Raw rejectedoppnrition demands for for the remainder of today aid toowrrow There is some dint of isolated thundershmvers thwtonight wiliibe 50 High forecast afor tomorrow is 00 Synopsis Mainly sunny urn conditions are forecast for today and Thursday for the more sombern regions ailhoinzh there is chance or anykolated Th ere or too late urrdey Coot air will push southward into Northern Oo tarlo tonight giving variable skies and few showers to that HIGH Windsor London Hamilton Toronto lake St Clair lake Erie Lake Huron Southern Georgian lily Niagara Lake Ontario Mainly sunny and warm today and Thursday few twisted thundershowcrs liker late Thursday Winds Sauit Ste Marie North Bay Sudbury lialihurton Algoma few clouds and warmwiththe ohnnce oi ihundershower today Sunny with cloudy pe riods aodnot quite so warm Thursday Winds soutbwcst is today becoming light tonight Temagami Cochranc White River le cloudiness today and Thursday few scattered showers today Cooler Thursday Winds westerly to ho coming light tonight Westcrn James Bay ainly ioudy with few showcrs and from our main storevivill feature quipinenl Lawn BPinfl region cloudiness Than eyWiads mlng lightnin Montreali Ind Often ad many an very warm tty Thursday sunny but becoming cloudy in the afternoon with chance of showers Continuing mWimnlSdlfring the day norihwest mbeco omit Foreust temperatures hioimt Forest Wingham Hamilton St Cathar cs Toronto Poterhorough Kingston lrenton Killoioe Muskolta North Bay midbury Earlton Sault Ste ltiarlm Kapuskasing White River hioosonca Timmins Owen Sound PRODUCE OPIUM In 1966 India produced about 56per centot the worlds legal 3000000 opium The 436 ions were worth at GE electricmowerspc corn rycar insinanee in Ooialiiedfobut said he would coo slder raising the maximum pay ment allowedto persons Inlurerl by uninsured driiers Il Worton lLWeliingloo ii the minmisster no cons er making ur ance compulsory lie said the motor which re cldenl claims load to which no drivers Ire reoutred to Pay 325 does not protect his sored drivers Elmer Sopha isSudhuryi said maximum payment trim the fund 5000 to all parties involved in an accident is not geared to reality He mentioned care of live unemployed men from sudhury who were killed in an accident While driving to Hamflton to look for work They left lhreo widows and it children and the $33000 inlol payment was not on is run iiooooo He suggested the maximlm payment be raised to at least 00000 Mr Haskell said he would consider raising the maximum hi light of Mr Sophas argu moms and also because of the decreasing value oi the dollar lie said responsibility for compulsory insurance belongs to another department Tilcministcrrelecleli liir So phas soggesfloovthat the yearly payment to the fund by unin sured drivers be raised to II least $0 from so 1dr Haskett said the fund pays for more than thedaman caused by uninsured Ontario re xidcntl It also pays ior darli ages caused by transient driv ers from outside the province and by hitandnin drivers PROGRAM ADEQUATE Eddie Sargent tLGrey Brueet criticized the transport department for spending too lit tie on £31er advertisingabout nine cents per capitaqnd too much for studiesabout 310 000000 this year Knight tNDPPort Ar than said limited funds would require list of priority areas needing airstrip development and that northern residents should be represented on cone notice drawing the priority list hir Hoskoilsnid 52 mole palrticshave requested help in developing airports but he will not begin complete program until he has recruited pr stall and completed detailed ppm my amnm warn has room mm SERVICE DEAD OR CRIPPLED nonsas came noes rindroars NICKS DEAD STOCK SERVICE Zenith HMO DRY CLEANING SHIRT SERVICE STORAGE MOTH PRODFING WM RANKIN Nussnvtcs CLEANERS 7232411 JFARM EQUIPMENT international SaieererviceParts ai MILLER 7235530 iNSURANCE LifeAutoIF Ire Harry Promm lita Berczy 72mm PRINTING 24 Hr Service on existingtornis etc COMMERCIAL PRINTING OFFSET LETTERPRESS OR ALL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS SIMCOE LITHO 251 Dunlop vari PLUMBING HEATING fGQtENBRAE Plumbing Hentin memorials 7259223 SAND GRAVEL lieluse Torriead OTTAWAJCPlrrThs Liberal party employed ireetime polit ical telecast Tuesday night to opeoupj recent meeting oi party workers thathad been barred to reporter Farm improvement Loanldct waslpledged Tuesday night by Finance Minister Benson during campaign speech He told Slrattord voters the Liberalsiniend to so the ivepercent interes ceiling to encourage hankslolend money BombarierSkirbo andiSea ooA completelinelof sport clothing and accessorr ies will becarried in the beautifullypaneiled showijooin maosi STONE MASON construction is now under way on the new Service Room and Parts Room to farmers linemploynient HALIFAX CF The Cane dian economy may have in put up with more employment than it wants during the next decade as part oi the cost of keeping prices down economist Farrell oi the Steel Co of Can edaLtd suggested Tuesday He told the annual meeting of the Canadian Manpiociurera canon there now is good reason to doubt whether Canada canapproach titspercent on employment without running The 15minute film telecast normally by the CBC showed Prime Minister Trudeau mak wouid refuse to lead govern lrient mortgaged by election 1y injured when homhwss unable to travel from Panama hisluwyer said in court iuus ay He read affidavits from into pressures that by wages sis and thre Paris doctors saying it condition is serious ing speech in which he said he plantadunderdiis mattress last tail is bleeding iotemaliy and Now lethe torso buy your new riding tractor or mansr from Ilnhlop Ask about oin Centreiflvot riding Lawn Keeperjor large grass areas or at Open Tuesday Thursday Saturday also Wednesday afternoon evenings rinnrnaces nannecves PATIOS SIDEWALKS naivnweua SHANTYBAY STONE CO lillwy 126100 TRAVEL SERVICE