Barrie Examiner, 5 Jun 1968, p. 1

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WEATHER Atrial may and warm to auralad mm wlav twig mono For further details turn to PJS Nethord Then to Per Copy 2s Pages EXAMINER TELEPHONE Mien mm mm mus AllowDepartments loony No is Eyewitness Describes Kennedy Shooting arousal nanw LOS ANGELES AB Senator Robert Kennedy had just finished making his victory speech and was taking Ls short cut through the ltltolieli to press room when saw an arm come out of the crowd It was holding gun As soon as saw the gunit Was pointing right at me for secondI ducked and tried to get out of the way Just then heard two shots Then there was balfaecond pause and then three more As looked np Senator Kennedy started to fall back and then was lowered to the floor by his aides There were about so of us in the kitchen hhen the shots were fired mostlyxelinédylmen and the press For few seconds everyone stood back not getting too close it was about then that saw another man lying on tile floor At almost that instant peo ple began to close in around the victims and someone surl ed screaming Get doctor Please get doctor That was all could hear over the yelling and crying Rafer Johnson former dc rathlonstar now Kennedy aide and Roosevelt Grier the pro football tackle grabbed man in blue jump suit and they and about halfdozen guards began grappling with him trying to disarm him COVERED WITH BLOOD Kennedy was still lying nn the floodsndlhere wasblood all over him Finally some doctors came into the kitchen along with huge group of it supportersand began trylrlg Keep Clergy Out Of Politics WlATERDDO Ont CF ihelr arises out of politics the Ontario legislature said SULan to treat him while they waited for an ambulance Someone in the crowd gave him rosary and he clutched it in his hand Kennedys aides began screaming and pushing to get people away from the senator Apolice ambulancearrivcd and Kennedy was lifted onto stretcher and they started French Cdbinet Attacks PARIS AP President de Gaulle called his revamped cab inet into session today for new attack on the strike movement still addespread and vigorous even though some workers have gone back to their tubs The government had hoped that the back at the strike would be broken Thede after the long Pentecost weekend But the strikers continued their re bellinn and returning holidayers tied up Paris with the worst traffic turn in its history Railroads post offices major airports most big industries Johnson AOrders Guarcl Candidates WASHINGTON Reuters fro President Johnson in move following the shooting of Sena tor Robert KennEdy todays dmd the SecretService to pro vide immediate bodyguard pro tection for all presidential elem tion campaign candidates urd their familiu Dedicated clergymen shouldireep Eric Winkier nlesday Conservative member of Two Marines Shot In Washington wasrmrmorr RenterslTwollis marine officers were shot oath in the fashionable Gcor getowrl area of Washington early today and police said three men have been charged with homicide Names of the ofticers killed were not irrnediately made public CYCDirector llnriounces Resignation Alan Clarke is saldtcday he has dircctcrofthhcompanyafifcungCanadians Warns Canada Willifavorite Import cocoons Out on By Mo Canada will haveto import beef as it is now importing buttérAlvin Hamilton former Con aervatlve agriculture minister warnedhere Tuesday Approve French College Ottawa mm or University of Ottawa has been given no proval to build college of education for Frenchspeaking students to provide francophone teachers for the education program going into effect Jan provincial Frcnohlangllage Iaines Band Dies In Bahamas New YORK AP Grand Bahama island James llenryfiand ttlpinventor and cofounder of the Sperry Rand Corp died Monday at Frecport Criticizes FiscalConterences omlng to grips with bottoms or minister of finance dohnoon assistant deputy federal criticized fiscal conferences Tuesday for not ways buses Conservative Leader Robert port Minister Paul Hellyer will backing of the provinces Prtrne Minister Trudeau said Tuesday carrying him out Another shooting victim lay on kitch en table momentary cairn came over most of the people in the raomJt was then that Hound had blood on my coat At oarentlyv was standing so close to him that it spatlcred on me Strike and department stores werestlll paralyzed So ere fartssub es andttheatros Voting on alreturn to work in some key sectors including the railroads was scheduled today Ecturnhlg workers were col lecting big pay increases some as high as 20 per cent Rising costs and prices are bound to result and one of the cabinets problems was what to do about em STUDENTS REBEL Some or the resistance to the backvtolworlr movement came from young strikers under the influence of the revolutionary students who touched off the ex plosion last month These work soldier in South the hell is going on back there rlvo MEN struggle with third trying to wrest gun away from him near the place the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles whale Sen Rob ertFrKuinedy was shot seensmeps hi Ken FIorn APlteuters Waves of shock dismayand sorrow went round the world today at news of the shooting of Senator Robert Kennedy God help us said US ictnam What feel just like the last line said another referring to or were rebelling against their the assassination of President union leadership as well as trying to squeeze more benefits in their employers Although students in Paris Were quiet there was trouble in Lyon Some200 law students angered because the distlndil attacked about 500 others More Lrylrl John Kennedy in 1963 Members of the Kennedy fam ily in Europe were on the tele plane to thelfnited States de in Sargent hiiver the new US ambassador to France and the senators broth ances postponed theirrrexarns in aw said Shriver was reach members of the pying the faculty of letters fa lly lnLos Angelo CanddiqnLeaders Express Stanfield todayupressed shock and grief at the shooting otSen ator Robert Kennedy at the Cal ifornia Prhnary early this morn in Prime Minister Trudeau ex pressed grief to tlieKennedy family and deepest yrnpatby to the American people for the very tragic happening to Sen ator Robert Kennedy He said he wantedlo add prayer for the others hurt in the assassination attempt Shdck The prime minister said all hope the world some day will be tree of violence and will prevail that reasonv Conservative Leader Satnfield said the senseless shooting of us Senator Robert Kennedy il lustratesthekind of violence that threatens the Western oclety On an election nampaigllltoul of New Brunswick Mr Stan field said the incident was ho young man of proven abi1 All Canadians were shocked in confidence and coinage oh he said llellyer To sea Urbanization moms GP Tran make study of urbanization across the country with the night And the study will startrtaa 39 soon as possible after the June 25 federal election Mr Trudeau was addressing 750persons at the annual con vention of the mnadlanchdeia tion of Mayors and Municipall ties He snldfa Liberal government planned apecialiegislatfon to provide new federal aidfor the planning and development of urban regions Before addressng the conven tion Mr Trudeau flow In rnllea nordieast of hero to Cold Lake and mat constituents of Alber tas Liberal leader Mike Mac Cagno vionsly dedicated to the service his country and somebody shoots him down lcertahilyhope he makes lid complete recovery llhere is something deeply disturbing me abouLtbe spread of violencerin 1he West ern world xamlner TODllY Ann LineaH7 City Newtl Classifiedulim yCordialTA Deathsl2 DlslrlctS Editoriald spartan ii Theatref TVLlstlngau Weatherl5 WomenH7 the neWsfs pretty confused so tllEmHYa evidence that North Vietnam ychange iii its position to open learly tactical move by Thuy in open the secondstage of the eve You cant tell yo trivale Sunday otALo Due 11 took the form of andnterview withDefenca Minlsler VoNgul nedy Shootingfi ln London Princess Lce Radziwil said she had spoken to her nster President Kenne dys widow but she tells me far The princess called theishoolv lug unbelievable gt News of the shooting acute sorrow at the ocean the chief press official there said 1Tass the official Soviet news agency reported the shooting briefly and without comment Prime Minister Trudeau ol Canad he was Jshocked andhorr at the shooting Italian President Glusepp Sarngat expressed shock and des termed the shoot log nefarious and vile at tempt First editions of London evening papers spread the news in huge black type across their front pages This is government in Bern where the cabinet was meeting when the news broke Thesarne thing all over again said diplomat in Bern Horrid Horrid llnbclievahle said Bel gian government official in Brussels American political frightening suspect Something Going On In Vietnam Ce PARlS Ari TheWVietrlam ceasefire talks resumedtoday withrll negotiatorslookingfor may be prepared to make some discussions of basic issues of peacemaking v5 Ambassador Averell and Ambassador Xuan Thuy of North Vieniarn met for thEseVenth time follow ng fourday recess Some experts expected an talks Others professed puzrle mont about Hanois aims Somethings going on one informant said Whether its moreor lessthan meets the One development waslthc ar member of North Vietnams polithuro who isserving as an adviser to Thuy He may have brought fresh instructions latter Hanoi manoeuvre ell Giap published Tuesday by the French Communist part newspaper Humsnlte Icaels chief of staff Unidentified lllanFiresBullet lit Senator In LA Hotel LDS ANGELES APi Sena tor Robert Kennedy under went more than three hours of surgery today after an unldentl fied young gunman fired but let into his brain He then was transferred to an intensive care unit 3d Quinnfideputy mayor of hos Angeles emerged from Good Samaritan Hospital to give the brief word saying there would be hospital brief cian is flying Clinic in Bole tilgfiilb details later He added that Kennedys personal physt here from uahy Kennedy is shct shortly after midnight just after pro claiming victory lnCailfonlfas Democratie presidential pll mary election Quinn rain it uoulcl be two three days before it could be de tcrrnincd if Kennedys brain was soverer damaged Surgery earlytoday The mans head is justto the left of the clus terof hands Wirephoto Grcere military go merit expressed deep sorrow over the tin and Premier Geurrge Papado ulos bablcd the senator thegovernments wishes for speedyrecove Sean McBride score gen eral of the International Com mission ol Justice termed the shooting sympthm of the lawlessness and brutality of our world His group is the West ern worlds organization of iu risls teachers of law and law yers Thegovernment of Thailand deepshnckand adc streports of Hi shooting stunned SouthAfii cans in South Vietnam Gen red Weyalld who command US troops in the provinces around Saigonp was talking with re pnrterwhen his aide burst in with the news of the shooting Oh my God exclaimed eyand Why do those things happen in our country lonel coma frighten ing First Jack Kennedy then Martin Luther King and now an other poli a1 leader Whenyou get to the point whereallyone who rises speaks goes down lllenth the first step back to til Dark Ages aselire Talks Giap argiled in effect that the Unit States is negotiating with Nort Vietnam becauscrAm lcas leaders know they are los lag the warlle laid down hard confident line but Us of floials saw one possible indica tion of change in his statemtnt that the United States has been fig not only the Army ofSouth Vietnam but also the forces of the Pee plESAltlly of the North naeu Attack over Jordan assocrarnn FRESS The heaviest Israeli attack across the JordanRlver in two monthsnshercd inlthe firstzan nlversary today of the Arabls roell wanAn easy calm reigned after the eighthour fire fight Tuesday tWe hope this willteach Jor dan the lesson once and for all that thashclllng of settlements andnrmy positions is taboo said Melaticnhllalm harlev Is 015 blood pres lasted about three hours and 40 minutes The doctor whotreated Keane dy in the receiving hospital where he was firstbrouglit said the senator we practically dead when hearrived Six neurosurgeons struggled in lengtbyand delicate opera tionto remove zzcalihre pls tolslug lromglebrain of the critically un ed unconscious senat fro New York Afler an hour and half of surgery The signs Were re ported good with strong pulse miratlon nature to two hours of addition al surgery were indicated BROTHER ASSASSINATED The senator whose brother President John Kennedy was assassinatedby riflemsn in Dallas Nov Z2 19 was shot shorfly after nd nigh He had justmade trium phant talk to 2000 cheering sup porters in the Ambassador Hotel After slow cnunt he had seized the victory over Senator Eugene McCarthy in the race for Califoniias 174 Democratic convention votes of eight shots fired one bullet lodged in Kennedys brain and another caused superficial shoulder wound Fi lb tins were woun ed in varying degrees His press sacreiary Frank Msnktewlcg said the senator had been struck in thohead by iwo pistol bullets Onepenetrat erl therlght mastoid bonenear theear and lodged in the brain at the midline of the skull The other wound was described as superficial The gunman was captured im medialer but refused to iden tilyhllnselformake Stilts merit reported We dont know who the sus pect is He has made no state mcnt He would not speak eli cept once he said yes We describe him male Caucasian around 25 five feet five and about 120 pounds swarthy complexion His hair is described as wiry or bushy noun orllnlts wourroao Fourolher rn anda woman were wounded in the gunfire Whlc took place in kitchen co dor of the hotel In Washington AttorncyAG eral Ramsey Clark said he or dared the FBI to investigate the voting Webave jurlsd on under both the Voting Rights Act and the new Civll Rights Act of 1958 to investigate the crime Clark said One witness said the shots came so close together that he could hardly believe they were fired from one gun This repor ier heardtheuhots from an ad Joinlng room and they sounded almost like brief burst of ma chinegun tlFe The gunman was booked on susplcipn of assault with intent to commit murder lledrlin said the glinman used an eighteshot 2bca ihre pistol and expended all eight shots At first Stephen Smith the senators brotherlnlaw was believedto have en sh but the re proved untrue PaulSchrade 39 union offr clot lra Goldstcln Los An gclca William Wiesel unit manager for the AEC network woman identified onlyaa Mrs Evans Irwin Stroll l7 LosAn gcles Reddin declined to say where Police can Thomas Reddin Wounds were suffered by Los mamas police early today released this picture of man held as suspect in the shooting of Sen Robert Kennedy AP wirephoiot the gunman was held but added he is under 21hour guard Hero is what happen The gunman appc ed in the kitchen area behind the band stand of the Embassy Room where Kennedy backers includ ing moviestars and were listeningto tli dates ligh vrc ory speech The gunman carried pa 1165 ch hesprcadon stainless steel table0ne waiter described themgasskcichcs The hackstagearca was crowded with wait press and others and the mans presence cauSed little all Kennedy finished speech and began working his way off the platform and into the kitchen followed by close as sociates and membersiofhia family llls wile Ethel had been at his side during the speech but she became enve loped in the crowd Kennedy gazeduarolmd as if searching for her At that moment the gunman pushed through the throng reached his arm around others in front of him and shot the sen ator Roosevelt Gricr bcoiyiacle for Los Angeles Rams grabbed the mans arm Joe tallivc local ll campaigner wrested the gun away Grier and Olympic decathlon cham pidrl Rater JnllnSull lifted th assailant andsprcad him on steel kitchen table Nobody hurtihis mu oi the athletes shoute want to take him alive GOD NOT AGAIN This repotter was in the ad oining press room lJushed into the kitchen in scene of horror Women wmc screaming Keiilredy seemed to hear nolh ing His face was blank his eyes staring sivlllcssly Grier John on and llVDbl three othe 1d gunman on the table ay Screams began tohe heard in the ball room as news of the shooting spread to the mpnigners who find been 11 their candl at manshouted Another eyewitness are McBr quotcgdthe dys campaign saff the hotel said girl Willi funny nose and wearing Pot kath dress called out as she ran ttiward an exit We shot him Weshot him Asked who was shot she rev plied We shotSenntor Kenne dy MAN Joins ltEli The Ieyewitncss said as the Igirl finished speaking man an vthroughrv aIhallway and 1admin icdlr ricer all can ya andiho clutched itfln his the ric gency trenlmen by summoned from the ballln illicn he washheeled on iiy stretcher lo the hotel servce elevator and put into all ambu lance

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