leluo raou Olfl l0 VAL shuttered windows with small panes reflect the charm of this modern Colonial design All the rooms are larger than over The Building Editor The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ont oo wonio NEWS in BRIEF WILL PRODUCE BIBLE LONDON tAPJ The United bible Societies an interdenomi national Protestant group wni cooperate with the Vatican in producing Bible to be distribu ted in live lan uages the socie ties said Satur ayle1e venture to produce text of the scrip tures acceptable to all has the approval of Pope Paul FREE 51 PRISONERS ATHENS Reuters The Greek government Saturday re leased 53 political prisoners de tained on the islands of Yaros and Deros since the army take over in April 1967 More than 2250 political prisoners still are on the two islands READY FOR STORMS SAN JUAN AP The hurri cane season opened officially in the Americas Saturday with new list of names to dub each atom including Abby Brenda Candy and Daily Reconnais sance planes of the US Air Force are on the alert at llamey Base in northwestern Puerto Rim ready to investi gate any suspicious weather pattern The plancskept track of eight hurricaneslast season KILL KOREAN SOLDIER SEOUL Reuters South diorean soldier was killed and another wounded Friday night when five North Koreans at tacked them 12miles south of the western part of the demili tarized zone South Korean army spokesman said Saturday He said the two SouthKoreans wera repairing commnuicatione lines when attacked South Korean unit moved in and re pelled the attackers snr THREE roan TOKYO AP Hanoi radio said Saturday the Viet Cong re leased three South Vietnamese Iarmy prisonersofewar May 17 in an Englishlanguage broad cast monitored in Tokyo Hanoi radio said the government sol diers captured May had shown repentance during their detention REMAND WOMAN BROCKVILLE OP Patri cla Taylor 30 former secre tarrin the office of the Crown attorney appeared Friday in magistratescourt on to charges of theft and altering do cuments She was remandedfor Week on $500 bail Police said about $1500 was involved DEATHS STIR CONCERN TORONTO CF Three union locals Friday threatened to halt construction in Metropiil harden the or safety laws Locals 103 and 506 of the International Labor ers Union and Local 72f of the GEORGIAN BAY CARPET room mom STAYNER SHOP AT HOME SERVICE ONLY Featuring full range of carpetincluding Nylon100 wool Irilan fAcrylan Fortrel Propylon indoor $650 Outdoo CARPET Installed for onlyf Do It vi yourself s559 Shop At Humeservicc Our represcnfatlve you fail range of sample home and show taste Enclosed please find $105 for which send me the book entitled SUBURBAN AND COUNTRY HOMES lieasa make mnittanoe payable to The Barrie Examiner oneness Iraq areunder constant fear rue stir Menrm Witfllhfln than maln sense age Bedrooms have extra large closets There Is full bath room upstairs plus an extra washroom on the ground floor International Association of Bridge Structural and Orna mental Ironworkch are con cerned over the deaths of three workman crushed when wooden form fell on them while they were eatin lunch The unions represent 0900 workers DIES RY FREEZING EVANSTON Ill AP An tonio Rand ofroze to death Friday in commercial ice cubevending machine at serv ice station The boy apparently crawled inside the machine to getice cubes police said and was trapped when the door closed SUED FOR TAXES LONDON Reuters The Bankruptcy Court heard re ceiving order Friday against British actress Diana Dots 35 who was sued last year for more than £40000 $104000 in unnoid taxos Miss Dors re turned to Britain in 1964 from Hollywood alter working there in television and movies For several years she was one of the biggest honoffice draws in British movies BOOM BREAKS GLASS COLORADO SPRINGS Colo AP Fifteen persons were cutby flying glass Friday when lowflying Fios Thunderehiet cracked the sound barrier and shattered about soc windows at the US Air ForccrAcadcmy here One required hospital treatrnrnt CALLS IRAQ NAZI UNITED NATIONS AP Israel accused Iraq Friday of Nazilike bersecution of its Jewish population The Jews of for their lives lsraeli Ambas sador Yosef Tekoah said in letter to SecretaryGeneral ll Thant The Iraqi authorities and particularlythe secret pp lice threaten them even with murder The Ontar io Court awarded 360900 damages Thursday to Tirmnios WldWJndhcr three children for the deathol her husband Claytoo Mebeod Donor 49 was killed when crushed by bulldozer four years ago in ï¬mminii The courtruled the bulldozer opera tor Rene Trudel of Timmlnn was the sole cause of the ace dent and gave $37000 to Margar et Boner and divided the rest among her cbildr The first dnvein movie thea tre in the United States was pened in Camden in SERVICE Beautiful on arpe installed with underpeddlng news common mmmummrm1ms Check Discrimination QUEBEC lCP Manpower Minister John Manhood slid Friday night ha Iii fills bnmediatc action on labor or ganbalion report that four at six odiocrs In Canada manpow er centres accepted Rear entrance protectorL by covered porch There is con venient cotraoce trom Kitchen to double garage Construction is basically Brick Venccr with clapboard on the protecting front Could be built on 7d foot lot Standard Blueprints for this DESIGN No on ion cost $2501 for the first Set and $600 for additional Sets Blueprints comply with the Naiionai build ing Code of Canada and are ob talnahle by return mail Ont ario residents must remit per cent sales tax The second edi tion of SUBURBAN and CANADIANS Price $100 ls available at this newspaper of K6 for from the address be OW SENTENCE BAEZ RUBBY SAN FRANCISCO Reuters David Harris 22 husband of folksinger Joan Baez has been sentenced to three years in prison alto conviction on charge of refusing induction into the US armed forces However Federal Judge Oliver Carter stayed the sentence Wednesday night pending appeal TORONTO CPI bill creating regional municipality from the citiesof Ottawa and Eastvicw Carleton County and Cumberland Township in Rus sell County awaits final reading and royal assent after receiving clausebyclause approval in the Ontario legislature Friday The only major amendment to the bill introducedby Munici pal Affairs Minister Darcy htheough May was to bring regional government for Otta waCarleton into effect June 15 rather than June No indica tion was givenwhen third read ing will be called Denis Murray Coolican 55 yea cold Ottawa industrialist will be chairman oi the illmem TISDALE sit CF The Liberal governméot linkers whde wheat piles up John Diet enbaker told about 400 persons at public meeting inthis farming community 185 miles northeast of saskatooo For the western farmer the government has reverted to where it was before the ProgressiveCoriservatives form ed government under his leadership in 1957 Mr Diefcn baker Conservative candidate for Prince Albert in the June 25 federal election said Thursday eCOMervative government would introduce new quota system for the assistance of ef ficient smallfarmers and im provethe esent program for cash advance to farmersthe sa COUNTRY HOMES designed for lory hiring applicallons Details of survey made by tha Tomato and District Labor Committee for Human Rights wen revealed earlier Friday In letter sent toblr Marcth by the committee The letter signed by Arthur Gibbons chairman of the nation al commiitee onhuman rights of the Canadian labor Corr gress asked for thorough in vestigalion of discrimina tory practices in tho Canada manpower centres The letter said that in four uses manpower ofï¬cer had explained that discriminatory job order was illegal but point ed out that perhaps something could be done In any event Lower Fares MONTREAL 1C Alr Can adaannounccd Friday it will in troduce aoew low transatlantic charter fare for the summer of 1969 for Canada and the subject to approval by the nadian TTMGH Committee The new raids would mean savings of approximately 30 per cent from points in Western Canada and 15 lo 13 per cent from eastern centres compared with the present charter iarea The airline said it will operate two nileconomy DCa letlinera caable of carrying 152 passen gers each One will serve Wesi ern Canada while the other will serve the East NOMINATIONS in rare CANADIAN ennss Toll to datei115 Lih 260 PC 207 ND 210 Crcd 29 5926 Other 43 QUEBEC lilontrcal Gnmcilna Emile Laporto Darn Ecoml Montreal at Jacquesablanuel Teixeira Ind 5t Mauriceax Jean Chretlen TroIsrtivicresLucien Bomais 1nd ONTARIO WIadsorWalkcrvllie l3 Magnuson Comm MANITOBA Provencber Harry former Conservative leader BlakeKnox NDP her regional council at salary of $30000 It will be paid by the province until um when the council will conduct its own elections Mr McKeough said asscss me now responsibility of city and county governments will be regional domain and will be uniform throughout the area Water will be regional re sponsibility but sanitary sewers mustremain partly under local control because some areas will be using septictank systems for years he sai The regional government will be responsible for trunk sewers and treatment plants me Hits At Wheqt Surplus Increased storage and loading facilities at vchurchiii on Hud son hay and extension of the ports season to 120 days from so also would be sought by the Conservatives During his 28 years in Parlia ment Mr Dieienhaker said he had never seen such spend thrift government Canadians workingso hours week spent 14 hours of that just paying taxes Theissue of nabonal unity ls being used as smoke screen to make Canadians highest cost of living and high est interest rates in the nations history said Mr Diefeobake The unity crisis was startcdb former prime minister Lester rsonJvhen he referred to Canada as two nations he said forget the non pawn Wants Changes HAMILTON OP Wiilinni Davis university affairs minis ter said Friday but ersiiics will have to change their ways it they expect to eventually re ceiva public support Speaking at convocation ceremony at Iiclllaster Univer sity he said it Is no longer pos siblc to assume public support will be coming at the level of the need anticipated by univer lites solely on the strength of the role which they have per formed traditionally for so many years Suggesting that the needs of universities should be exam ined he called student unrest symptom rather than prob lem Mr Davis received an honor ary doctor of laws degrce llrge Raise OTTAWA CF conciliv ation board report into dispute between the St Lawrence Sea way Authoriiy and some 1200 of its employees has recommended dippercent wage increase over two years The report released Friday by the federal labor depart ment involves the authority and members of the Canadian Brotherhood of Railway lraoa port and General Workers The conciliation board headed by Judge Anderson of Belleville was not unanimous in its recommendations and con tains differing wage recommcn datlons Legislature Advances National Capital Area The minister said the plan rung system for the new region calls for the appointment of the provinces tirstvplanning diroe tor He said local plans apply until new ofï¬cial plan for the region is completed in about four years ASKS assunancns Tim Reid lLScarborough East asked for assurances of cooperation between the new regional area and the city of Hull Que on matters of joint concern particularly control of pollution is the OiinwaRiver Mr McKeough said oopera tionhetween the Ontario Water Resources Commission and the province of Quebec wnl not be affected by the new government system Premier Robarlsrsaid the bill will not affect the workalready doneby committee studying creation of national capital covering the Ottawavlfull area British subjects will be eligi ble to Vote for the regional council butthey cannot run for the new regional school board Mr McKeough said the depart meot ofeducation alteredits legislation four or five years ago restricting school board election to Canadian citizens Legislation covering munici pal elections in Ontario follows the federal practice of making British subjects with residence nitralifications eligible form for Raise Reward WWW or me too mad bomber was raised to 10 Friday Police Grief James Hockey sponsored the Toronto Transit Commission has added 05000 reward for Iniorrnation leading to the arrest and conviction oi the man responsdsla for the sub way bombings in May Metro police last week posted $5000 reward Police believe the bombings were an attempt to extort WM from TN Chairman Ralph Day More Protests WASHINGTON AP The emergence of new leaders in the Poor Peoples Campaign has been accompanied by state ments that the demonstrators will accelerate their protests In the halls of Congress and gov ernment building We are shifting gears and making changes said Rev An drew Young executive vice president of the Southern Chris ti on leadership Conference which organized Resurrection City the shantylown encamp Inent near Lincoln Memorial in the absence of SCLC Presi dent Rev Ralph David Aher now out of town for the day Young said Friday that Hosea Williams now will spcarhcnd demonstrations Seek Body KITCHENER The case of Keith Henry missing from his home in neighboring Waterloo since July It 1563 was transferred Friday to city police jurisdiction from the Wa terloo detachment The move came after the two police departments mccivcd in formation from Florida police Indicating the boys body might be found in Kitchener Good Offer HULL Que OP Officials of striking unidns at the Eddy Co pulp and paper mill here will recommend member Bandsmen Hit For Padding 1957 Expenses PETAWAWA Ont Fines have been levied against 30 members of the 2nd Cana dian Guards Regiment band for padding expenses to the tune of almost 6000 while they were in Ottawa last summer playing for state visits and the Parlia ceremony The only persons fdund so far not to have overcharged for ex penses were the bandmaster Capt Charles Adams and Chiel Oiiicer Raymond Eberis Charges against six per sons have not yet been dealt with spokesman at times head quarters in Ottawa said Friday the bandsmen most of them sergeants had been over claiming expenses and as well as being ï¬ned had been repri manded The money hadbeen paid baCk RCAF Assoc wave BINGO Every Monday at 800 pm gt SPECIALS JACKPOT 3200 SHARE THE WEALTH Admission $0 ldHIGH s1 Above NuServico Cleaners OKEEFE CENTRE FRONTdaVON EM 35613 ONE rnnronmncn ONLY TUESDAY JUNE or we Pot MONIQUE LEYRAC TICKETS $450 FOUR PERFORMANCES comet iNfir annotate srrnuu Bros LIMITED HARDWAR Hearse $350 ONLYi JUNE 511 GARY BURTON HORACE SILVER AHMAD JAMAL HERBIE MANN THELONIOUS MONK MIRIAM Maksaa TICKETS $450 $150 unison Box place open11 mm to run daily meat Hill changingoftheguard ship acceptance oi company offer Sunday spokesman said Friday the package oifer was prueoled It meeting in Montreal Thursday under the chief Quebec labor oonclliator Evangeliste lie mu Details of the offer are being withheld The Lion striking Eorkcrs walked off the Job lifay Back de Gaulle PARIS Reuters Foreign businessmen with holdings in France concerned by the cur rent industrial and political cri sis seem to be pinning th lr hopes on President de Gaulle pull the country out of chaos While da Gaulio stays in power they feel reassured that their investmenu will be more secure against the throat of conununism but the overall ef fect on the French economy of lhc current unrest has created doubts about whether Franceis the right country in which to in vcsi Blackbeard on his wildest spree in 200 years continuous from NOW Communist Runs WINDSOR OnL at Btue Magnum leader of the ammuntrt party in Ontario has announced his candidacy in the riding of WmdsoerIiker killeintheJnnezsfederaieleo member of the party since ms Mr Magnuson wax can didate for the riding of Essex Eutln the 1965 federal election NDP Speaks Out TORONTO CPI Donald MacDonald Ontario New Dem mall Party leader Friday called for the possible climirw tion of the departmental tranr port because of what ha said was the governments loss of confidence in lransport Iiiinialt lcr Irwin Haskett The main reason for the do partmenls uistence was the need for research into transpor tattoo problems he told the leg islature but research no longer is entrusted to the department No Appeal TORONTO CP Terrance hliliigan said Friday he wfll not appeal the life sentence passed on him lodncsday for the baths luh murder of his lwycarold wife Jane Anytime PlESHElTErscaulcotono now snowmc SHOWS AT 700 Theyre young theyre in love cameraman aAduit Entertainment Else nounaidemshnrnmmmoeusouv 133 recnmcocornuawslonr Hum moan 551054le Am ROBERT our ANollAIiflf gt STACKSOMMERrKWANch