Barrie Examiner, 30 Sep 1967, p. 4

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on not Examine Published by Canadian Newspapeit Limited Walls Publisher SATURDAY am so on PAGBO wE SHOWS EVERYBODY WHAT WE CAN DD non onerous TORONTO Al the Man of the Ontario election Myers gave as their most optimistic catholic possible to seat for the Liberals no party it dksolotlou held 21 sedislt mmaticaliy loses Bruce which is wiped out by redlslrlbutlon And ith practically taken for granted it will lose Grey South when veteran Farquhar Oliver is retiring and limlskomlng when Dick Taylor promi uentnuninlhenreakolso EeMEMBeRia SricK cur lemme HANDTool WHENSSIlCKlNG our Your CHEST 35531 Life Saving Béminder goon P19i¢fl°n Ybung National Immunization Week organiz ed by the Health League of Canada in co operation with health departments is be ing observed throughout Canada for the 25th consecutive year this week This is an annual reminder that im niuiiization is available for protection against diphtheria whooping cough tet anus poliomyelitis measles and small pox Physicians and health departments carry on yearround programs of immun ization but there are still unvaccinated Ecbildren in our community Some of these diseases have been prac tically eliminated by the use of immun izing agents Poliomyelitis much fear ed disease before Salk vaccine was in use in Canada has now been reduced from 8877 cases in the peak year 1953 to three cases in 1966 Diphtheria which was the dread disease of childhood has had spectacular reduction in inci dence In 1943 the year National Im munizationWeek was established there were 2804 cases and 287 deaths in Can ada Last year there were 37 cases We all know what smallpox is though many of ushave never seen case There is no natural immunity against smallpox Anyone who has not been vaccinated 75 YEARS AGO lN SIMCOE COUNTY Barrie Northern Advance Sept 29 1892 EdVShear teacher at Bradford Model School appointed principal Allan dale public school Essa Road Pres byterian Church organizedladles aid and mission band drowned in Lake uro from top deck of steamer ranch of Canadian Order of Chosen Friends or ganized iiktodvn eorges ngican Church laid to Col iyrwhitt MP Great CentralySi coe Exhibition in Barrie proved success withllarge attendance and ideal weather Rev thyll Black Barrie received call to Bethel Conngregational Church Kingston crosse teams played 33 tie Miss Ed na Freek succeeded Miss AmylIarvey as organistCdlIier St Methodist Church the lattervgolng to Manitoba shortly She was presented with szogold piece on It was 87 on Saturday Se Sunday 24 one of hottest days of year in is locality Mickie Dymentdz Sonshave cut attheir various mills between Barrie and Muskokadtl million feet of lumber steam yacht of Mr Robinson Dril being lengthened at Levi Carleys boat yard in Barrie Angus to have grain marketvthls year ent reports that Angusstreets alive with hogs running loose going damage to sidewalks Hillsdale Driving Park tvill be scene of Madame Fair next Week Tottenliam has stampedout diphtheria rd as xperiencedgrea si nessrevlval Nottawa cooper cant ikeeptup odemand for apple barrels or not yet protected Letus with private physicans and health de Cornerstone of St Stratfordand Barrie la Other irate and southwestern ly hard hit are crops seeded on stubble Correspond land compri ng aboutr25 percent of the all end upwitli hall may catch it Vaccination is the only protection ive have against it Measles is still one of the most danger ous of childhood diseases with compli cations in many cases Vacicnes are now available in this country which will pro tect against red measles or rubeola and its complications The Canadian Pediatric Society has en dorsed theuse of measles vaccination and advises parents to consult their fam ily doctor regarding protection of their children against measles Some health departments are also conducting immun ization programs Parents should keep in mind that all children should be protected against these contagious diseases and immunizak tionshould be begun any time after three months of Boosteror rein forcing doses shou be given at inter vals through the succeeding years as ads vised by your doctor The Health League ofiCanada continues its annual reminder to Canadians that immunization is available and Natlona1 Immunization Week is not just another week but it could be lifesaving re minder for parents of children who are work together partments toJoin the attack on these diseases for their eradication DOWN union joint Georgian Bay growers Buffalo man jfined $20 and costs at Penetanguishene in for hunting not being Canadian resident Brickwork completed new Bradford getting out This would mean there would be seats it doesnt hold now inuhlchllwwhwouidbolmpa glvenaomechauoe an lnlLlal oltlmuateufmllil or apparen no has happened in the bend campaign to datovto change it 1th mm os with the other two Willis has featured CANADAS sroni oiiriiis PARK Believe Wllllunflclfarluenerul wing MoPhorsonMsnagii3g Editor erdls amulde ulnglbwtbytheleldmwllh olmunmnbaofumllmcct would Nixon has more lotion speeches than he rnlcr Robarts but the main emphasis with him with hfr Roberts and ND lendevbon aid MacDonald dunking on many hands pouib lbcmntn palm of this Qpe of elch thatllrst lot of local publicity but unis the leaders got into controversy undmoko statements at whistlestops mud across the province it doesnt have midi general ct And the most significant point of the campaign to dole has been that it has been free of controversy lhe opposition loaders have been trying to start some but they havent come up with any Phone Inventor Had PetHates By 30 BOWMAN Alexander Graham bell invented the telephone and de signed the first aircraft flown in Canodu Ho bod two pct halts One st people who answered the telephone by say ing hello and the other was people who talked about she planes thn licllformcd the Aerial Expcrlmental Association at Haddock NS on September so 1907 he was using an expression that was away aheod of its time rocket pro pulslon lie was experimenting with alcohol and gunpowder to find fuel that would provide the owcr for heavierthanalr mec lnc it was Mrs Bell who put up the money for the Aerial Experimental Association 320000 She had bccnonc of his students when his profession had been teaching totally deal people to speak Soon after they were married in 1891 Bell predicted that men would fly within to years and was ridiculed One of his fel lowscientists told him to stop talking nonsensevor he would lose his reputation Yet it was almost to years to the day of the prcd the Wright brothers flew their first air craft haddock was the Bells sum mer home and he spent great deal of time experimenting with kites made to his designs by the women at the beautiful town He wore helmet and waterproof bathing suit in case he was carried on to sea while flying one of the powerful kites In mil one of the members of the Aerial Experimental Assn cintlon Thomas lfrl actually flew in kite It was drawn borough the water by local steamer Blue Hill took off and climbed to an altitude Gastio Denounces Recent OAS Meet HAVANA Reuters Cuban Premier Fidel Castro today denounced the recent Organize tlon of American States meet ing in Washington as repug nant farce ridiculous meeting of delinquents and ban He told mess rally of more than 200090 Cuba will denounce the criminal policy of impe rialism and its criminal block ade in the United Nations The OAS meeting summoned to consider Venezuelan com plaints of Cuban subversion decided to take the matter to school Raft oflogs broght marrieixotnttttt ng penfeltBayluesdaymor for Wilkinsons sawmill Alfred Beardsley deputywarden nder new Game and Fisheries Act Justice Falcon bridge who att nded old Barriegram mar school in early 18605fvislted colleg rate institute yesterday accompanied by son Number of former Barrie pupils who have become judges quite remark able Hunter of BCI staff ap pointedexamlner in Scienceof Educa tionatOntario School of Pedagogy Barrie lacrosse club beat Bram ton Ex celsiors 42ing at Toronto osedale grounds to wtn ntermediate champion ship of Canada Views SIZEABLE CUT IN PRODUCTION lMontreul Star The rains this summerhave tayed away from hugeblocks pf Saskatchewan Manitoba Partlcular heat acres Snmm llow seedings are standing better the drought Its tooearly yet to push thepanic hut ton with rega durability to fulfill heavy export mmitment we could hich ve used to call county constable appointed lGanfldd Street Barrie Ontario Authorized as second class mutter Post Office Depart ment Ottawa and for pay poslaga in cash Daily Sundaysaud Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 45c weekly $2349 yearly Single copi lnc By moll Barrie $2340 year OnLurlo $1200 ye throwoff 515 your ltlaii nut side Ontario 514 year Dut sideCauiida sinus$15 ye foreign $25 Y8 Natlonal fices milluiversily Avcuue Torou 64ft Catlicart Montreal 507 mo WestPcm der St Vancouver EC Merobcr ol the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Assoclotion the Canadlail lress and Alldll Bureau of circulations TheCnnadinu Press is ex clusivelyenlltled to tho uso republicatioo atoll heirs otrheslu IlSrNDeerer itod Io lt or The Associled PiessorRoulers and alsotha llion local news publlshed of 168 feet When Sdfrldge brougb the kite down he was nearly run over by the ship The members of the Aerial cimcnmcntol Ambition were Bell McCurdy who flew the first plane in Canodo ln Vises Casey Boldwln Sclfridgc and Glenn Curtis hlcCurdy was the youngest at 2i yours of age while Curlls was the eldest lunar from hell at 28 Curtis was mololcyclc expert whom bell met at mom show in New York Later Curtis built the engine for the Silver Dart the first plane to fly in the British Empire on February 23 1909 at Buddcck Other events on September SI lmlndlans inhabitants of Dartmouth NS 187017 lw opened between Ottawa and Carleton Place Ont m7Csnada was elected member of the Unllrd Nations Security Council tor twoyear term lassGeological survey was fitmplfled of the Canadian Arc inBLE THOUGHT fllalred stlrrelb up slrlfea but low cnvcrcth nil sins Prolt vcriu 1012 The degree of our love for God reflected lnour willing nesstn forgive our fellow man love covers lot ofsln and reflects great deal more spirit ball Mr Roberts has had to take GENEROUS ESTIMATE Granting the liberals possi ble to seats is an extremely generous cathodicand the total includes some remain diam It would mean for tiutanco that 1430M QumY who ion Rasher South to Paul Yukobu ski by 889 votes lo 196 would have to take the sent back again thatlialph Knox sitting PC member in Sande would be detected that the party can take two scaLs in Hamilton which would moan defeating two sitting members one PC and theother NDP odd num her of other longif not really longohotcham in all of the seats in the esti mate the party is given some hope but possible 80 scat would probably be closer to realistic estimate of the liberal posihlltlcs T0 EDITOR mmmumxn cursor Septemberbrlnuamubool term With the our motto 33 mi 5133 progr or media hlu on behalf of the various assoc floor and the Barrie and District Home Ind School couo clutmdtomorrbusofywr umjw our sincere that for the copperlilac given to us in the past to covering inact lngs Iud worhhm when rc questod giving It the hem ssrypubllclty when asked This service by you in the past Li much appreciated and we tnist it will continue in the future Thank you Sincerely PEARL FELDMAN for Santa and District Home and School Council STUDENT COUNCIL DearStr We believe thd ltls well worth trying an experiment with slu deut council to see if students aro oapabie of Moving their school life Ar we understand it over so per cent of the Grade nine student ll North Collegiate arc fallan annually TbLi cannot AROUND THE WORLD Iohnson Might Win Election Despite Vietnam Situation By PHILIP DEANE Foreign Affairs Analyst The Amcrlctin intellectuals have turned ugulnst Lyndon Johnson he can hardly find any who will work for him The most eminent among the Jour nalistscannot stand him and reflect this in their writing The mom msponslble politicluns of both parties are sniping loincasineg at him The effects of all this are showing plainly in tho pullsJohnson trails Yet he might win reelection dmpltn the arasperation the Amcrlcans fool over the Viet nam war iohmon cannot end and despite his own propensity for showing himself in his worst light as ii prcachy uncondld character Charles Dickenshad he been AmericanWould bovo used as villain The reason Johnson might well win is that thcvltepubli cans may not nominate the right adversary The oust coast Republicans do not want and will not accept Ronald Reagan The other potential candidates are liberal on the racial issue and there is strong evidence that vast majority of Amerr can whites cannot now abide tbcNegro and waan him curbed This is cvidcnco turned up consistendy by University sur veys by Richard Scamrnon former Director of the Census and probably the best expert on Americas political pulse The success of Mrs Louise liiclis in Boston must not be forgotten either She topped the poll there with her campaign against further integration of schools or horned Rockefeller Romney Percy even Nixon have liberal clvli rights reputations With opy of them ninidng against Jobiuon the electorate might well Mk itself which candidate would most likely llfllt against the Negroes liberal Republican or Texan Mr Johmon also makes fre quent profexlous of liberalism in race relations but then peo plo believe him less and lac Extraordinary as this may sound he might benefit by the fact that he would be the condi date who could say nice things about the Negroes and not be believed by nnyone especially not by the Negroeswho will agitate against him Lyndon Johnson opponents will point out that he bin talked lot about helping the city slums but has in fact done very little His words may beunps luiablo to Americans in an amiNegro mood but his one ls not nor hls segregationistback ground Next year if present trends continue my be the year of the great while back lush with which Goldwater expected to win it did not materialize in inst but it is flourishing now Mr Johnsons main worry could be the candidacy of George Wallace the segrega tionist husband of Alabamas governor Mr Wallace claims he could take the working class white vote away frvm Lyndon Johnson because the working class whites are afraid of Negro enmsdumentso be totally due to lack of menhl ability Somctblo needs to bo prompt menu to be necessary to lipr changed lit vurioui Home and School that chug This experiment would reveal we hope that the student council an do the prompting Sugges tions and complotnls would be filed by students and maybe by tho teachers for discussion by the councd If the council ugr with the suggestion ll woul uh that it be accepted if it greed with complaint it would make recommendation which would remedy the situation ft lbs problem was not solvad it woidd decide on further steps These further steps could be come very dlillcult and nest and would really decide whether we have he ability to help man age the school Only the senior students should vote on recom mendations during the first year of the experiment Even as students we are not at all sure this Will succeed are glad that the adult public has the final and absolute check on any hotheaded ldeos of power that might leap into our minds lluwevor than are two things we would like you to remember First the rlght of people to govern itself has been won pro gressively by the upper middle and lower classes Each time the class above did not believe the close balmy had the ability and indynent to govern the country Secondly our system of education it not produclng so per cent of what system should We are bclng forced into schoo by laws we have bad no conlr over and are succeeding or fall ing by your standards Absolute authority of the school adminis tration cvcriooms over our school days Tho right to voice our opinions could help us in mcnscly Do you not think that at least an exoérlment In sum dent semicelfgovcrnment is worth while Yours truly ilopnlitl Sludcnls EastvlewSecondary School ENJOYS TOUR Doar Sirz This is the first time on ever written to the editor of any paper but couldnt let this op pnrtunlty go without thanking The Barrio Horticultural Society for the lovely tour we enjoyed with them on Monday Sept 15 We had never met any of thp members until Monday and our thanks to them for the welcome they gave up The tour was all that person would want The beautiful parks and lakes we passed and the trees with all the fall beauty When we reached Lnkefleld gpnd hot dinner was served by the ladies from lb Church of St John The Eoptlst be go touring other countries when we have such beauty in Ontario with less expense Our many thanks to tho ladies who had charge of the tour not for getting tbo Grcor Transport Co for the two wonderful drivers They were soyery courteous andv obliging Many thanks once again to The Barrie Horticult ural Society and continued swo cesi Yourstruly Graham Boyd Defroy This Sunday Oct latHos Been Designated As WED APPEAL MY lehS religious leaders of our community hbvc do aided to dedicate this Sundoyfio acquainting their congregations with The Barrio United Appeal and rho Worthwhile agoriciel itseeks contributions for Lorie donation helps to work many wonders when you give the Barrie United Way

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