Barrie Examiner, 30 Sep 1967, p. 2

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The iunlor special class at Prince of Wales School yester day celebrated month at pcr iert attendance by holding class party This Ungraded class is designed to give pupils mm PERFECT awesome an oppdriitnity beyond Ywhat they would receive in Ink guiar classroom said Lorne ltlcEvoy school principal Class sire is limited to max imum of to pupils Teachers are required to attend sum mcr course to prepare them for instruction FROM LEEi front Paul Prlnele Kevin liticlr Linda Barnes Bonnie Lee Saunders centre David Latendrcssc Doreen Banish MUSIVCIiLLY SPEAKING Symphony Opens Concert By lllUlllEL Lennon The concert season opens in Barrie on Thursday Oct it The Toronto Symphony Orchestra is presenting program that will ure to please not only musi but also those not so fami lie with the repertoireoi class icei music ikowskys Capriceio ltalien two French Canadian Airs by Sir Ernest ltiachliliau anti Beethovens Sec ond Symphony are some of the works to be performed on the Collegiate Concert Series Legion To Hold Poppy Tag Days Poppy tag days this year will be Nov and it was an nounced today by Ernie Run ham drive chairman for Barrie Branch 147 Royal Canadian Legion In charge of the annual Re membrance Day parade will be Frank Humphries parade mar shali and Legion president Charles Lawson It is expecteoithat the Legion will have 35000 puppies to dis tribute indhe city along with dozens of wrest HAPPY BARBIE HUNTER Steve Pollard of 130 Grove St East was onset the hap piest boy in Barrie last night after he bagged his second Canada Goose oi the day The lpyearroldnvaa hunting at Little Lake with Mike DAmL brosio and BickScrutonxsteve has been buntingevery chance he has had this season and his eiforts finallyv paid off when he gothis first bird from blind and the other iroma boat near lVillowereek He reportsdhcrc weroahnut 200 geese thc lake yesterday morning xnmtntrlhoint SeaSon Looking ahead it seems that Barrie is going to have an excit ing and busy musical season Following the T50 performance The Littles Hill Players pre sent Teahouse of the August Moon Oct 20 This should be line performance and deserves the support of our clUnens The participants are our ovm local people and Barrie has good share oi firstrate tnlcnt On Oct 28 Morriscit and Buucib nrd Montreal Duopiano team open the Community Concert Seri NATIONAL BALLET During the month of Novem ber we have the National Ballet once again the second at the Collegiate series Also the Kit chenerAVntcrloo Operatic Soc lety are presenting How to Sue ccod in Business Without Boally Trying The Womens Auxiliary to the Lions Club nre bringing this excellent company again after the great success they ex perienced with The King and December brings the public eoncertrby the Barrie District Collegiate Hand prior to their appearance in Chicago This con cert is the third on the Colleg iate Concert series The final concert on this same serierwill be in January performance by the touring Curr adian Oprra Company The re maining three concerts being presented by the Community Concert Series are all taking place alter Christmas Oddly enough both Concert Series have succession oi dates that are awkward The Colleg iate Concert Series have three concerts before fliristmas and one in January The Community Concert Series lists one concert in October and the other three concerts in January February and MarchFortunately for the ticketholders these sets of dates give perfectly balanced year oi all aspects of music Chambers Planning Accounting Course The popularity of manage ment accounting course offered jointly by the Barrie Chamber of Commerce and the Depart ment of Education last year has resulted in another being sched uled this year staring Oct lit The seminar is designed to show hows business manager or owner regardless of his type of business can use infonnatlon contained in his own books of account to operate more effec tively The course will consist of it tnoandahalfhour sessions CATTLE SELL BlG THESSALON Ont CP The Amoma co operative live stock ssle this week provided district farmers with $164586 in revenue as 1071 head oi cattle were sold at auction 299 In hOnqurolls Kenny Ormsby and Philip Hubbard rear Craig Burke Kcnny itarkle Cnrleen Crow Linda Jamison and June ier guson Teacher is itirs Shirley Pickles of Barrie Examiner Phniol Business Briski lit Farm Market Business was good at the farmers market this morning with welliiiled tables inside and out Eggs were quick seller at 75c doz for pullet medium 45c large 5oecxtra largo 565 Vegetables included green to matocs at 75c bas it for ripe ones squash 15 up 5e pump kins 25c squash for tie cook ing onions 75c has carrots 50c beets 6075 has lettuce cab bage Zilc head cauliflower 40c celery 15c turnips ltHSc each green beans 25 qt dill lOe bunch Fresh fruit included apples 75c bah eitron do each crab opples has has grapes qts sr pears qis $135 Jars of tomato jelly 25c jams various prices Home baking was plenliiul and included cup cakes 60c don bread Zoo tool squares and var iety otcookie 40c dim liandknlt baby sets 75 SAFETY AWARDS West Bend Company of Can ada Ltd Barrie and Midland grain Elevators will receive in dustrial Accident Prevention Aa sociations centennial safety awards at an MFA meeting on Tuesday at Continental inn Making the awards will be Arthur Evans MPP tor Simcoe Centre SCHOOL BOARD Barrie Public School Board will meet Tuesday at 730 pm at the board oiiices St Vincent St meeting scheduled for last Tuesday was cancelled when not enough trustees turned up to form quorum LIONS CLUB The Lions Club of Barrio will meet Tuesday to hear report on the Lions convention at Sault Ste Maria by Bnrce Brown Ai Barrles united Appeal Icam pnlgn will swing into high gear next ueekerbo drivovrill be directed specifically to the thou sands of people working in plantsretail stores and buttons oilices They will begasked to donate uudei the ayrolldaduo tlon sdleme by id onethird of more of the required funds could be raised The campaign objective is 195950 approximately 0000 more than the amount raised in use The target ls based on minimum needs of the It part icipating agencies it is not reached then cutbacks will be necessary and plans of time or Hell Drivers Draw Praise The Transfianada Hell Driven show last night at the Barrie Fair Grounds attracted so rnudt interest that agricultural society officials have decided to sched His two performances tonight at and oclock Society president Frank iter soy and manager Bill Malcoma son eyed the crowd last night and decided there would be an extra show today We should have two so everyone has chance to watch it said Mr lleraeY llumor for the event is provid cd by Happy the clown who has bis own vehicle entitled Hist Driver Most of the show isdone on ramps with the can going up on two wheels for short distance The last part oi the show fea tures two of the drivers speed ing for considerable distance on two wheels Pnoovor TOiiONTD CP Wholesale in retaiilcarton eggs average weighted prices quoted by the department of riculture as of Friday nrge 490 medium 401 small tat Eggs Wholesale price to country stations fibre oases quoted by the Toronto Board of Trade from wholesale egg deoiv era extra large ttto large 4142 medium 3134 small to 21 B27 coo LOClitliND arsenal so scheduled is vote on pro posal to meet twice month in stead of weekly The meeting will be held at Community liouse KIWANIS SPEAKER Steve Douglas former CBC sportseaster now with the pub lic relationri department of the Ontario Jodtey Club will ad dress meeting oi the Kiwanis Club of Barrie Monday The meeting will be held at 615 pm at Community House HORDEN SHOW Base Borden sports hobby and handicraft show will be held Sunday from to 530 pan at the Bucll Budding The display will feature pertorrnaocc by the Canadian military tattoo gymnatic and trampoline teams Tire event is open to the public High school Driving Course 13 Arrangéd an Barrie District Coilegiale Board has arranged for theOnt srio Motor League to conduct driver education courses in Banie High schools starting Wednesday The corns2 will cover llweeks and will consst of two sessions per week with the times and places for students to be ar ranged byinstruetors Them will be 25 hours of classroom instruction six hours of neural driving with an in structor and it hours observn tion time Theme is geared tominir mum smndards of the Ontario Department of Education Terry ipetii OML let manageraays the aim oi driver education la to develop know ledge habits skills and most trnportantthe attitude im safe operation of motor vehicle IBM PUNCH with 3Wcomputer CPlnccrnentAasistnnce Business Mnc nes 55 Bloor St Students who complete the course will havethe background necessary for xpert driving own ishoped that this MACHINES COMPUTER rhgrnmming IAeeommodation arranged tor outoftown students OSend orlre booklet Tro Institute Toronto Ontario instruction will help to reduce the number of accidents partl cularly those involving drivers in the 16 to zoyear group fee will rbe charged itin eludes all texts and instructional meteriats but does not cover the cost of drivers licenseor Department of Transport test The balance of the course costs is being subsidized by the Barrie DistriLt Collegiate Board certificatewill be issued those successful Instructors are qualified teach ers from the colicglates and Eastview who have attended pre paratio classes Mrv petti said parents with children who have readied their 16th birthday by should BIRITE pusscmprlou ssnvtcss SH VI on Drugs PHONE 7282429 For Fast Pickup and Delivery At No Extra Charge 301 Blake St Barrie Shopp Piaza consider enrolling them in the course Successlui compieuon will bring many benefits to the stu dent and his family in safe driv ing habi consideration ot other motorists using our busy highways and saving in car insurance premiums as many insurance companies realizing the value of this course in driver alucaiionjnllow discount on insurance premium for male graduates achievlogtfl per cent or over he explained Further informationon the course may be obtained by con tacting the Barrie Ontario Motor League Oliice nurses residence unbatl mhavatobdic WWWs Charles llcNellfs chairman of the pa oil divisionil convinced that section of the general appeal can be put well over the top with the cooperation of management or plants and busi ness firms in letters to all top executives oi the various industries and businesses he asked for their personal pledges Then he urged them to give brief interma tlva talk to their employees on the need of full mpport of the campaign Six thousand employees each coutribudng one dollar month would raise 372000 for the Apr he laid Filly cents week would bring in $36000 it is evidari then that support by employees is vital to the success oi our campaign During the next week or two there will be agecnccntrnted et iortto reach every unployee and obtain his or her pledge in midOctober there will be residential blltx Thegenerat campaign cornnillee believes that the botrscwlm can do their hit even though their husbands may contribute subuntinlly at pilot or office Even us small an amount as so cents out of the house bud WA is liPPEiiL get in one week only could have profound effect on the compaln officials say thouson housewives contribu lng this sum would bring in $000 DoublE this amount would inrolvcmcnt could turn up committee thinking This could mean donations from the child in schools the homes on from employees aparttrom the substantial amounts hoped for from industry and business Hundreds of ltnrrie people are canvassing voluntarily and they are determined to reach and possibly surpass the $05950 ta got PREVIEW ron nrsnr ctnssss Barrie draf tin teacher Droiting is one of the courses Price David Calvert Casey Doug Manchater gives night school students preview of what to expect at classes Will Start In Examine that may be the however because oi insul icient applica tions FROM LEFT lion Verword and Mr Manchester All are from Barrie Exam iner Photot New Hunters Next Week The examination by Ontario Department oi Lands and For esLs officials of new hunters in the Lake Simcoe district will be gin next week Barrie district applicants will have the opportunity to take eX aminations at the ltiidhurst lands and forests staff house Oct and to and Nov Appointments tor the exams maybe arranged through the district foresters oflice at Maple by forwarding application iorms available at licence issu ing oilices Examination by the department will become compulsory for new hunters starting Jan 1968 The department however decid ed to start examinations this fall to provide an opportunity for thorough examination or those who wish it At present hunters may obtain new licence by showing proof sud as an old licence of prev ious hunting experience by talc toga certified training course offered in most centres by an glers and hunters clubs or by taking the lands and forest do partmeot examination After Jannl those who dont have proof of previous exper iellce will he required to take the government course Training oi new hunters 15 and overt will still be carried on by the clubs but the courses wont be compulsory Hunters who already possess Tenders Called AYeSterdayj For RVH Nurses Residence Tenders were called Friday and will be opened Oct to for construction of newiivestorey he ltoyal Victoria Hospital Regional School of Nursing Federal approval was given yuterday to $440000 lean to he provided under the National Housing Act Evil Administrator DSF Cameron member of the re gional nursing schoolbnard said the1oao makes up the differ ence between provincial grants on the project and the estimated 3950000 total cost Target for completion of the new wing to be constructed ad jacent to Laldlaw Besidenco 15 the fall of 19617 The school will be able toac commodore between 166 and 170 student nurses year on com pletion of the new residence The school plans to enroll at new FHNOTICE JThe TemporarygEmployment ours Located At Victoria stiwm Alliston Ontario wmae Cloud Effestiilo Jflth September 19613 All future Innulrlasiwith respect to employment should be madoto the Canada ManppwarCentro 32AgtDunlop Street Westiharrlo Telphone Home Bubllrhed By The CANADA MANPOWERCENTRE DUNLOP STREET WEST BARIRIE Telephone Department of Manpower 68 rmmtanuun students year when accommo dation is fully developed The loan announced yesterday by Labor Minister John Nlcll olson minister responsible for the Central Mortgage and Hous ing Corporation is for period of 25 years with interest at per cent It was approved under provr sions oi NBA which were broad enedlastyear to include voca tinualschools training hospitals and special schools for the hand icapped fill II 11 the IIII 0H to FREE SAMPLE OF THE NEW MINIAID To all who hear but do not smallest but most powerful ail yours for the asking MlNlAID is made especially for your or to plugsiust onepiece MINTAID Wri lite sample model intheear hearing aid licenses will be able to con tinuerapplying for their seasonal permits by filling out the ques tionnaire on the reverse side of their old licence in the Orillin area applicants may take examinations at Has Lake provincial park on and to and Nov Airings there with rnndg onsh NIAGABAFINANCE conrnnvunnen Collier at more VW tttt tier undersian full size truel Each ea or phone come in for your FREE sample Not an actual hearing oncor HEARING crumb DUNLDP ST annals izoniz comer Member Out in Hearing Aid Association

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