Barrie Examiner, 30 Sep 1967, p. 12

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in ri ho was the ovarian nve it 11 Illstinker iilllfilfilll pref our poor the an Jeroboaru II Israel became King Imus Idolatry was and poor hlikc were won IWMWMUM country was doing spiritually mrpant the wealthy few con Rolled Ind cruelly mtstruatcd warm MEDITATION Indifference Devils Weapon Itev Alhut Cook Grace United Church When Christians cease believ ing in themselves when they re vgard their institutions with cyni clsm and their traditiom with flippancy they will not long re muin the light of thoworid the salt of the earth There is story that the Devil called oonlerence of his lead lng demons to dncuss increased production of his most powerful weapon He opened the confer ence by risking the members pre sent what in their opinion would be considered as the most dun rgerous weapon he nrlght use in ht struggle to destroy the fibre of persons tuith in God Tire liquor trade said one tin sflthflevfl 1111111qu Tadeds poweriul weapon but it is not the most powerful second said lntolmunee Intolerunce is great wenpon too said the Devil but it is not powerlul enough finned and scandal said thrd NU said the Devil need something still more power thcso already mentlon At lost another spoke up would say that the most pow Ill weapon is INDIFFERENC TThat is it said the Devil Get than Qnistians to ignore 1thu Bible Get them so busy that they have no time topray Per ywadu them to stay away hour News or STROUDH By MRS DWIGHT NELSON FALL COLOR drive through the coun try will reveal that many trees arerapirlly changing to reds russets orange and yellows Sci enlists explain that when the weather gets colder and the earth hardens trees no longer get much water from the ground Tbs lack of water causes the green pigment in the leaves to fade permitting the orange and yellow pigments to become more prominent These orange and yellow col ors are present in the leaves all along but in smulier amounts than the green In the ease of evergreen trees the green pig ment is so strong that cold con ditions and less water does not affect them ANNIVERSARY The 115th anniversary of St James Unich church drew capacity crowd at the morning service Dr James Finlay Bar rie former pastor of Rev Jonn Huntley gave splendid sermon on The thumb we inherit and bequeath The choirs junior intermediate and senior of 53 wires gave pleasrne th their rendition of three antlr lir esing senior choir provided the music at the evening service ah ter which refr$h ta were served Some who were orese were the former Jean and Birdie Mulholland Jean Black Donna Marie Mason Corinne McNabb Hazel Boom Joan Small Ross Wallace Mervin Wine Mrs Joe ferrier and Mrs Gordon Wan VMrs Joyce Wilson second vicepresident of the Provincial Shorthorn Association attended an execunva meeting at the home of Mrs June Beardmore Toronto Plans were made for showmg at the Winter Fair and entertainment ot the hassles the girls who represent the varv loos counties MISS BLACK ONORED Fifty eight adies oi the cone mrnrlty were present in the Unit ed Church parlors to shower Su san Black prior to her marriage Eight teenagch moaned at the piano by Glenda Mason sang several numbers conelu ingwrtlr an ammlng parody on Give meyour answer It Elmer Trait entertuined with reading Susan was lnvit ed to occupy decorated chair and her sister Ruth and Glenda Mason assisted in opening the giftschver1y Brown andCathy Tyndale used bows and ri hons lushion shoulder on pllce which the hridetobe mddr elled when she expressed her thanks for the beautiful gills dainty lunchfollowed harm the home of Mrs Paul St Pierre BurrleJSusauo tattooworkers at Ericksdale Church Let them leave the sup port and witness of the Burch message to someone else the outcome is certain the collapse Glanpqtiis Blessing Is Sought In India AY CPINo good thing begins in India without the worship of Ganpati the god with on elephouts head His blessings are sought whether it is the opening of an atomic Vsteel luntha niral bu ice ding or the udmlssion of child to nursery school Hindus believe that Ganpatl son of the great Lord Shiva is the harbinger of good luck In their oyrs Ganahayu Namahu 4aiutatlon to Ganpctl isa magic slogan Reccntly the groundbreaka ing ceremony oi an art in Bombay had to be per ormerl second time become the sponsors found that Ganpatl had not been properly vor shipped the first time hun dred Bruhmln Priests were commissioned to please the ele llospital Man pracnted gills at shower hold in the nurses residence Miss Blacks marriage to Ivan Fierbath Moosehoru Man was solemntzed In St James Church Sept 23 dinner was served to the 45 guests by the UCW Following trip to Ningnra Falls and other points the couple will leave for Manitoba and will make their home near La Pas TO OPEN BUSINESS The new owners ol the old IGA store are Mr and Mrs llF Marsden 11th line formerly of Toronto They plan to open the store hm business about Oct 15 The store will carry antiques vases china and glassware Mr Marsden still CNR conductor plans retirement nextMay They will continue to live in their new house on 11th line built two years ago This home incorpor filed the best of the material in Craigvale Station which Mr Marsden purchased from CNR Hunters Womens ball team will be at home to the public Sept 28 mo pm for an eve ning of enohre Stroud Minerva lodge attend ed worship Sunday morning at Essa Road Presbyterian chrnch Because of the new ruling that exhibits at Barrie fair may notbe picked up until 930 pm Saturday Stroud been consistent exhibitors and winners since the ladies section was reiIStated in 1953 will not have any entries this year SCHOOL Consternation was rife in this cormnunlty when it whs learned theroouncil are purposingto de molish the vacated twostorey school in the village This school was built more than years ago in 1928 ata cost of 32k 000 Considerable money has been spent on it since tomake third classroom fire escapes idoor plumbing and modern lighting Thetrustees in 1928 were Sutherland Sam Broley Toronto and the cou tractor was Messrs Horton and Smi llamtlton The building lsful red pressed brick set in brown mortar backed with goodrstock br The sills cop ngs Iintels ctc are of ludlaua hmestoneTheIloors are of matched maple and th trim of n0 fir in rear timer was principal and Mrs Hilda che taught the lcwcrfgrades Today thisrbullding is in cxce lent repair and was in use until yeals Mosulher ved ours ll lot 12 Con nnislil ni no it Sutherland married Elizabeth Johnston nd began their mar ried life on this furmwhlch was her tathers for the previous years Here the family of elght children were bom After the demise of Mr and Mrs Suther land their son Wllliam land his wile boughtrtlre estate known by WIin have in the marketplace Amen up wa Amos failed to of the CluIstlan Church for when Christians mass belleving in thencelves when they regard their instltutioo with cynicism all over lndia are going through special period or Ganpatt worship This Is the season of the Ganpati Festival when the monsoon is tapering olf otter three montln oI downpour and newllfc is about to begin according to traditional belief in Bombay Indias second biggest metropolis with pm latlon nearing 5000000 most every home has small Gunpa idol Them also are public Ganpa tls us they are known raised on the basis at public donations Some 500 ct them have been set up for worship at street car ners in parks and under natl way bridg In tho industrialldtstrlct of IAII Bang or Red Garden 17 foothigh ldol of Gunpatl has been installed under glittering marquee testooncd with flowers and colored bulbs Long lines industrial workers and their the Seotdr name ot Dunrobiu After using it as summer home or some years they re tired to it tromToronto in 196l The sudden death of Bill year ago led to the sale at these ancestral acres The new owners Mr and Mrs Taylor and family of Unionvilie take posslt cssion this week Mrs Sutherland has taken an apartment in Bar rre Mrs Sproulc and lamin are carrying on the tradition built up by her late husband Charlie in showing their pedi greed Shorthorn cattle pigsand sheep at the all fairs Tlrisre quires much effort as she and her daughter carry heavy load of work and responsibility Baron carcasses from their bans have been winners of first and second prizes at Dro Orangevilic Dundalk Meaford Cookstown and Midland At Cookstowu nineyearéold Brenda Wilson won over her mother in the calf section Paul Wilson got first for his steer and Allan Smile second in 4H competi tion and also in the open class while Brian Wilson in his first year in MI work got first for his heifer Reta Morrow Cooks town who won grand champion $3M is former Stroud VISITORS Mrs Earl like has returned from spending twoweeks in Oak ville with her daugltter Mrs Carson Mr and Mrs Hey uohk Beeton with the latters parents Mr and Mrs Cyril Spence Mr and Mrs Eben saw yenwrth Mr and Mrs Allan Todd Mr and Mrs Ernest Brown Ottawa with Mr and Mrs Herb Black Missan Evans ande ZacFhimister Toronto guests at the Fierbath slack wedding Mrs Walter Amos is in Bar rie hospital Mrs Ritchie for mer owner of the Gordon house is in St Marys hospital followings stroke Garfield Gor don in poor health now at the home of his daughter Mrs Webb ElmetGIose is in Bar rie hospital with Iinger in Mruaners Tom Ponton and Rae and Mr and Mrs Elan er Pratt are at Expos Sandra Wethcrhlh attending Tendrers College Toronto Mr and Mrs HarveySawyer Camduff Sash are visiting Mr and Mrs Fred Mulholland CITES DRUG USE SAN FRANCISCO AP The average adult use three to five mindoltorhrg drugs day San Francisco drug abuse expert said Thursday tHe uses calfelne in his coffee nicotine in his tobaccoaleohol In his cocktails narcotics inibts sleeping pills and stimulants in his mornlng wakeup pll Dr Joel Fort toldthe California Assembly public health com mitten and their traditions with moo restore the people to uni Ti swooped latloushlps with God and their upon Ifllel destroyed It and fellows the courtry disurte carried the entire Itlou grated furton and was doom Into ca uvity ll gs 17 ed lUtlngg 15031 Asa GOLD Aruoltfl CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE st Vluccut It Grove Parlor Rev Robert Elliott 7780711 SUNDAY SCHOOL ms for Ill rm uucy they will not lengremaln tho Ilshtpt the world the suit of the earth iho symptom of this the Devils fickle weapon against us are of feeling disinter st unconcern apathy Victims grudua desuibe their feeling as dnt care less There only one elfmtive coll dole COMMIIIMENT This fee quires concern that all have nndam shall be employed for the glory Jesus Crhist loyalty to His name His people His onstage ills world Its the only enduring hope of mankind 1100 am Morning Worrhlp Service 700 pln Service of Evangelism Wed pm Prayer undrlllblo Study Nursery Cure LUTHERAN CHURCH or THE GOOD SHEPHERD no Steel Rev Joseph Molltortl Phone 72901 Sunday School 045 Iilble Class 1000 Dlvluc Worship 1100 In Rndloo Church at The Lutheran Hour TVs THIS IS THE LIFE ronrnn or PRAYER wives andchlldrcn tile pnsi murmrrring prayers and asking for the elephantgods blt55iugs Nothing highlights the min gling of rellgion and politics in India more than the Gnnpntl Festival There are huge tableau showing Ganan engaged in peacekeeping operation One in Chnmbur not far from the CanadaIndln atomic mac tor shows Genpati moshing Mao TseLung rnrdcr his masa sive tact Another depicts htm hovering over the snowy Himu layas assuring protection to Indians from Chinese troops WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN 170 Steele Street 7350541 Rev Ralph ltlacKenzle 311 HJJ Organist Mrs Norman Tuck 930 CHURCH SCHOOL 8r DIVINE WORSHIP Sermon ONE SOLITARY LIFE Sacrament of Holy Communion Nursery Faellltles Available Visitors Welcome GRACE UNITED Grove at Cook St Minister REV COOK Organist Mrs Archer Colwlll ll AM HOLY COMMUNION rrRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH St Vincent St REV Van Dyk BA an Pastor Services It 10 amuud 730 PM Church of the Buck to God flour Ontll ONE If 080 Am Toronto cm 130 030 1m Tolotlto CKEY 590 830 In ALL WELCOME COLLIER ST Corner Collier and Pants Mlnlster REV PROCIOR EA Aasocluta Minister REV FlNLAY DJ Organist uud Cholrmurter Mr Tuiford Jr Choir Director Miss Elennoro Taylor Also Morning WorrrhllJ 1100 am SUNDAY SCHOOL Inlunts to years old Gr at 1100 can Children Ill and up Gr It 930 unr Sermon God Gives Gilts to the World You Are Welcome Reception utNew Members Unitarian Fellowshipot Burris Sunday Service 800 BARRIE YMCA For one information phoirc mom CHRISTIAN scrrucr nStIIIIETYZ 159Cnllier Street Church Service speaks to you sonny School Christian Science Radio sures mma mh Mk ll PM CHEST VIIIIITIST GIIIIIICII onesneuron wonsuov kIurlnr Rev Humid 1E AIIIIIyunA Organist Miss Edna Theodore Choir Director Miss Eltbu lemon or liloBIth School Classes for all use summono Linens Harry uv sonnow m5 pm4¥Youug Peoples Meeting Georgian Bay Baptist Ameat Crecmuflybcglnulllg on esrlny at with resulons all day Wednesday IIAM Testimony Meeting CKBB SUNDAY MORNING 815 ms Prayer and Blhlostudy Rev our on no Pastor MARYS CHURCH Roman Catholic 95 mm ar mess SUNDAY MASSES mm am l0l5 1130am SUNDAY MASS ptn EVENING DEVOTIONS Wednesday Our Mother of Perpetual Help Novena FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES 73015 mm 600 pm ST JOHN VIANNEY CHURCH Itulrlwtn Laue at Iunlslll SUNDAY MASSEB 945 north are on CHURCH or CHRIST Sunday Schedul crnusrron THE womb mo AM ms 959 Sunduy School to can Assemth II and HERALD or TRUTH PM CKvRTv Evlnlng Meetingmo MidWonk Thursday in nu you would nun ma shout Churches of come begin yon yourNgw Testament Wesley JoliesMnr er M5 Grove 7151006 THE ANGIICAN ASTGILES CHURCH flthukstrezt RevlAltoney one any Communion ma Church stow Jim nu Morninglraycr 100 pmEvensbng Everyone welcome 54 belle94 Jerieta ltqvjbilaldhluy as 31 0qu ism om Mn aim Mon Brnlrtavt Spailtorz IYIIAMU VHS WotldWidc Cdmmun on Service Mudimttoni Tau Not Wall i= Churrhjfiehoelr will most It the Usual hours at 930 unand ll 100 purlHie cone Lei us wonsrnr MI FAMEYJIBIZ SCHOOL Ilny hth to Sealer Adults 1100 MORNING WORSHIP Conflicting Impoulhflltleu 3130 TRAINING COURSE Film Demoaltnlloul How Iodolt Workshop Picnic Supper 100 EVENING GOSPEL SERVICE Four Chrlon Cull Mute My Choir Knight Family Tenor Sololst llaman Wednerdsy The Hournl Power If EMMANUE Burrleu Anomaly Biblebelieving Baplllt church In st Vincent St Rev noun mtulouury church Bunion mm him MINIBTER Rev runnon onumsr run chnnawav Inoo AM wormWipe CoMMUNroN Meditation Open Channel gt CHURCH sCHooL Nursery to Primary ll am Junior to Senior 930 mm 7301 pmHIC for Teens 15 and up WELCOME AWAITS YOU PreSIryleriuu Chord sr AuoRrws ISSAROAD Organist Mr vni Eeurert 11 non Rev English The cormi Faith Dead Lou SCHOOL 950 945 mm Juno to Syulor 1mm Nmuy not Im Nursery to Prim Kindergarten llnim Loved or Guilty School yam to adult Wiltonml neuron Visitor Welcomo woodm HuRctror CANADA STGEORGES TRINITY CHURCH announcer Colliu street Burton Alum at Next To Post office valllo Street Bev DonId French wt no duty communion 11 nnr rnud 12111 1100m HolyvCommuniurir Harvest Thanksging Services Everyone Welcome VVVVVVVVVV up cur Holy communion 100 mum uvemdn WAS NUMBER 1423 Subject 11 my var cump of life In prisoner of is told by Rev Scratch monies In miss Jupl Jilin iPLM ll months tinder nor mire MRS SCRATCH SOLO 50 AMSUNDAY THE UNNECESSARY SUFFERINGS OF JESUS lower CHURCH PEIITEGIJSTM ILoo AM 151 SCHOOL c400 HWY st and too mom

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