Barrie Examiner, 12 Sep 1967, p. 9

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lo coon HEALTH For Cervical II JOSEPH SIOLNERI MD The Ilril at two Dear Dr Itiotner would appreciate an explanation at ccrvicab ribs that cause pain in the shoulder and neck area My age is 7a and have had Xrays Would you approve an operation as has been suggests edl SIlI There are seven at vertebrae uhich as group constitute the neck bones They lime small protusions at the side it one at them usually the seventh or lencst vertebra oi the neckt has protusion which is excessively long it is called cervical rib The Iirst regu lnr ribs start uilh the vertebra directly below the seventh cervical rib can put pres sure on certain nerve roots and thus muse pain in the shoulder neck or arm In certain posit lions it may put prcssure on one at the larger arteries in the urea SHAPE CHANGES Why it this rib has been there or long time didnt it cause trouble sooner Because as we grow older we change shape and the pressure comes ata rIlIIerent point 0r there are enough arthritic changes in the bones to contribute in the some hing Sometimes cervical rib can be Iclt by physician but the condition is verified by Xray Surgery to remove this elongate ed portion oi the bone is the only cure This docs not mean that cervical rib is the only cause at similar distress Arthrllic changes alone may be responsi ble or some edit in posture or injury Pains oi arm shoulder or neck can come from varied causesbut whatever is caus ing pressure on the nerve root can cause pain Thus the pain or numbness or tinglingl does not by itself indicate the pie cise cause at the trouble and does not give the complete diagnosis CAREFUL DIAGNOSIS But the correct diagnosis is necessary beiure you can arrive at the correct treatment This brings run to related point but will wait until tomormw to discus it Deal or Mnlner Fricnds Insist that an underactive thy TELEVISION EUREALO BARRIE BUEFALO BUFFALO TORONTO lI HAMILTON TUESDAY SEPT 12 EVENING oo 2Iike nountu JvCommIlnlcate Sports csecret storm ilnktorl sl inte Lucy mo lISuper Heron LN no Learner Boomer tTrutll or cmlseouencu Sniovtc 71 Folly To Be Wise menu sports khltdwestc Luannn nNewr Weather Weather 7Hllh and wild aiut Patrol Rib roid makes you eat and eat and put on weight will it cure iLseiI or must it be ltjeatedlltin 1I Ihata net exactly what an underneth thyroid does It slows your metabolism and makes wu ion andtired you are likely to take all ueigbt not become ot excesive eating but because you are not ptosioally active enougl to use up you calories The condition seldom corrects itstdt and certainlynot quickly in any event lta rttreated Dear Dr Ittoluer womanl know has been using birth eon tmt pills for three years She tells me now she has had no pcrlods ior ten months but deii niter is not pregnant Could this be harqul It seems to me the lining of the uterus should be expelled or nature would not have planned it that wayhim ILAJ Arent you arguing in two directions at once By using the pills you already are changing natures plans True the pills have varying ctiects sometimes preventing or shortening menstrual periods but no barmiill conse qucnces have been noted trorn this Attcr all natures purpose in shedding the lining ot the uterus thy the menstrual period is not Just to get rid oi the lining but to provide it fresh lining should pregnancy occur in the iorthcaming cycle Since the pills are being taken to prevent pregnancy why worry be on us nature stops preparing tor pregnancy Predict Increase In Ioint Projects QUEBEC iCPt Education Ministers Alain Feyretitle oI France and JeanJacques Bcr trnnd oi Quebec Monday night predicted big increases in the number nI projects covered by the 1965 FranceQucbcc educa tion agreement The two ministers spoke to reporters at the legislature where the Quebec government was host to banquet attended by the Quebec and French dele gallons Mr Peyretittn said no deci sions on increased aid have been made this stage PROGRAMS 7NtiFD srlg wntstte llnierv Grtilin moo SNews Magazine lCas deport 7Hollyuaod Palace I7The Prisoner nun IPuhllc me nNeur Veatller rn llayrtdu cellular lunar North dealer lloth sides vulnerable NORTH AQIS vqon ASIOO and AIM 85 glottal 0191s aQru soum anon yaxrlora 0K0 453 Theblddlngr Nonnmt smut av em am Put sNl Pass Opening lead Iour mantis There is more to the play at some heads than meets the eye For example take this deal where South made six hearts with we aid oi squeele West lead diamond taken with the king Declarer dretv two rounds at trumps Wcst discarding the three of dia monds to identity tirecard suit and then iinesscd the nine at clubs East won with the king and returned diamond to the ace vhcrcupoo played three more rounds of trumps and cashed the ace of spades to produce this position or alaA WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF THOMSON IN CHAIR tlteuterstLord Thomson Canadian horn Brit ish newspaper magnate will be chairman at inrum on tour ism nnd the press here Oct o7 it was announced ltInndny DISPLAY OFFICE AIDS OTTAWA CP demon stration centre to keep tederal public servants up to date on the latest in oiiice equipment was opened here Monday The centre is joint project at the public service commission the treasury board and the Carin dian Business Equipment titan uiaclurers Association GET RESEARCH POSTS OTTAWA CFlDl Post and Wilson oi Ottawa both assistant chiets oi research tor the Bank at Can alla have been appointed dep ttty chieIs oi the research department the hank announced Monday FUNERAL con ACTOIt cLAnKSON Ont tcrl Funeral services were held Monday or James Annand 3t radio and television actor and producer who died Saturday One of the Ionnrlcrs oi the Shakespeare Society in Toronto he rcceivcd the Drama Award in iatsJIe was the voice at nlr itIcGarrity in the CBC radio serial Maggie htuggins BRITAIN PROTESTS LONDON AP Britain has told South Africa its dispatch at police to Rhodesia inr opera tions asgainst guerrillas has breached Britain sovereignty in the breakaway colony Govern Canndian By JAY BECKER NM 09 turn sore launder Smith 10 WM QR 4Q Deelarer now led the figtul oi hearts and West was squeez ed ttn could not attord to part with spade so he discarded club The permitted declarer to discard dummys ade and win the last three trip by means oi another club itoesse As result South made the slam Better deieose would have de Icaied the contract At the point when East takes the nine at clubs with the king his proper return Is club It he makes this play South eventually loses spade and goes down one The squeeze no longer malerialtzes because the club retunl breaks vital link communication between declarcrs hand and the dummy East should reason that de clarers live black cords South is known to have started with six hearts and two diamonds consist oi three spades and two clubs rattler than two spades and three clubs which would make the contract unbeatable He should return club into the AJiu to break up the bid ding squeeze JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK mcnt sources said Monday the British intend to follow up with formal note of protest although it was admitted South Africa had notiiied London at its action IIDLD FUNERAL TORONTO CPt Funeral Playmate IV BID car 10 mama UP Mam services were held Monday for ey Edmund Phlpps chairman of the board at Dominion Securities Corp Ltd who died of heart attack Sat urday lIe was 63 llUDDlIIST CENTRE SITE TORONTO CF alaog of Toronto has donated dome farm near Niagara Falls Out as the site of World Buddhist Study Centre to serve North America it was learned Monday PLAN TO TAIIIE MUSK OX NEW YORK An Alas kan prolessor hopes to help Canadian Eskimos through the breeding at fiendish intelli gent oil that is actually member oitthe goat family Prnir John Teal Jr anthro pologist at the University at Alaskasaidltchopesgtofldomes ticate therace musk nxIrom northern Canada into an agri cultural productoi Eskimos PLAN FUNDRAISING OTTAWA iCP The 21ml Iund raising campaign oi the Unitarian Service Committee at Canada began Monday with goal at $1106000 The Unitarian Service Committee supports projects in child care educa tion health and social weliare construction and community development counselling and Inmin planning and emergen GRANDMA SECRET AGENT X9 DR LVMDNS DEVIQ USES SONICWAVES ALLSEI DKLVIMN MISSILE CONTROL IS STANDING BI liPiem nertou looo Hahn Carson 4Movle ml Capone 14ml tron Yuma lurao tOuter Ltlnlt 9Perrys mpg llilot Line 1oa ll Newx Weather Sport lllr tn Ttl as dDaktari 7Gal1lson Gorillas itJelry Lewis IAFranlteltstein an 4Pan Mason 5qu Lrlintsloner loo gt llCombat 24cm Law ovum Skeitoo blTrallmaster PM 5km NW 7Invaderr ANetvs weather LIME Sports awn 7Ilovle 2lovie The High and The tFun In Acapulco Mighty asxpo This wink iiPlcm carton liOccastnnal the amo ran 24min aro Be Announced aNews Weather 46an naming ilVhe Spam World 3Doug nrravvay WEDNESDAY SEPT 13 MORNING AND AFTERNOON WEDNEDAY iiltlovie QScarch or EIIII Our IIBIIB Were Tomomw Ztlitldow on LII Young and Gay IlPlloifl Finish film film if It ref It liLocnl News filmmmijfm anlpvir what 5pc 19a ly yo er say Lueltglrlte in es mm mm Am my office keeping W121 the dignity in company THEYVE BEEN TALKING ON THE 500 PHONE FOR AN GETTING AN EARFUL FROM nu 10 man BLONDIE ilJII 9tlovle iParanoiacl nu no spasm one am no 5015 DA GIRLSF WHY CANT GIEIS DATE BUYS AND WHAT BOY DDESNI PAY mantis FATHEE HA5 TD DIG UP BOYS GET STUCK FD ALLTHE MOVIES AND DANCE TICKETS BUYS gt Women 3523 Hollywood 4Ieet rne Milieu 1nlgltva window on the lion ollovie lPersoualttv llptofltle Biuel aGoodll tn DAILY cllosswonn toricl mo 7arcketshlp auto 4Captaln Kangaroo liSclurltxel flame me DUnitcnity or the lDialng For Dollars own zToppnr Lcarltarl Frederick onomper ltoom liBd Alien 530 ZJnclt LaLauu kNfiws sTugboat Arullev dAs The World lltlo Tum zlno 7Day our nI Lives 4Pnssword lNewiywed Gam zao ZDoctors 4Hnuse Party Lidopardy none In onmr Ittiunchcnu Dale ginRm mm SZIA weue zLAnntner World 7Invle lTuke an lro Tell The Truth 9Cartonn Playhousa limit Grbiaim 7Gmral Hosntht llDonnaJtecd lithtle People Plum CW IDDD in mi 25nap Judgement ZItierv Grim TCmallllgfsliom lcandid Camera Lorena Weather vlts Your Move 9Une1e Bobby spurts liMullwlrakle WEDNESDAY SEPT 11 EVENING 2llollwooa Squares GEd Allen Tlrllt Lchk Vail Dykl 7Iamlly Game SMr and Mrs lihlurrlage Confidential 1200 ACROSS Eirda homes AItixes it English author II Near East country ll vnlps 15H arse 16 Food 17 Solemn wonder 19 Lizard 21 Firrnoment 27 For fear that 24 Littln nlllld 26 Stores amoroust 23 Copy at Sweet potato at lamprey like 35 Type measures 35 Male cut to Exclama lion 201dlengill measure People or Thailand Caesars robe Cubic mater 61eoubla Limit weight Tropical fruit Lurk 13 Remaining 1412It 17lEntIra ls Tiny 20 Head covering 13 AL tempt 25 Female deer rrm 27erchcd momma eon solugh priest amok line solution Yeaterdayl an 33 42 Large Moslern pulpit 355prite 44Allowaltee aa iorwelght Standish la Nocturnal 37Ttny mammal an Yucatan 41 Fish Indians tantrums ZAmmr mm hr mmo mm vmlm JIINIORoia You HE Kola auuioiz is thm sue coiscgmriie one WE lilo BEFORE lsenmnnmnzss DililMNKYDli SAHANI now worms CIIIZISIY ANDSAIIANI HA5 ANOTHER sum FORM hill 911 zlllls papilla sfpizsrtswmh mmmtm Clio II anret Storm rl me Lucy mo liSuoer Heroes 2vav weather mo ai3amcy Doomcr tfjfiefiMOM FTamcgamu 9Flilltstones PM llwlt Disneyl Trouble in The Glen Fflfldweme 509 Spona LZorin tPerry Mason 713 TFltntstnnes ZVlmtiihn llHem 4th In Space Inimslcn con col Lands And Seas Carin 3Callada Outdoors Lump 7Newa iIIilvllls Diller non lllkuoo Inwnsalbla He And at Rallying 5A kNews Vclther Sams 7tievtc icrt Long Shadow Picrre aenon it 1NEWE aNews Weather 6W azo lllttlon Questions 4Green Acres 7Itlovle Whos neon Sleeping in My Red oon Fall Berlin llle And she BUZZ SAWYEKT in 141mi For Your Lite dDundee and Til Culhane llllerv Grlittn limo urinal company vaorts riot Sent 45 Showiness Ill Napoleons late no In candidaism 51 Van 62 PInrlLi 11 Newl veatpcr Sports onnuv Unison dItlovle Penny setennonl 7Itlovie Breaktlst Ill BM Limiter nFerrys Prob iiIlot Ltuev lanlu tflnrder River 13m itoVlu aoour Galtawny llln lneveriey llllthtttte ntliovle ilhc Adventurer ot Halli Muses AND sxssrsn mo LKlflt blullc Hill

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