In After the official opening and dedication of Essa Township Library in Angiu Miss Ann Blanchard dressed in ccnten oial costume lost no time in drawing book to read She oucr UPON TIME was caught by Ute photo grapher almost hidden under her pretty sun bonnet mummsuNmr reason seer gun Manitoba Leads In Fluoridation WINNIPEG CF The Manitoba Dental Association II studies have shown that Manitoba loads Canada in the percentage of its population drinking fluoridated water Tho association said $1500 Manitobaos or III per cent of the provinces population are serviced by fluoridated water wartits Among malor centres with fluoridated water are Winnipeg Brandon Portage la Prairie Dauphin Tho Pas Netpawn and thkler The association said fluoride trsatcd water is major factor in the prevention of tooth decay and has been used to Winnipeg lined 1957 Lining up behind Manitoba in respect to the percentage of fluoridated water supplies Ira Ontario 47 per ccnt North west Territories and the Yukon as Saskatchewan 30 Nova Scotia to Quebec clght Alberta six British Columbia six and Newfoundland one Recent information indicates that water supplies In Now Brunswick and Prince Edward Island are not fluoride treated GAINED EARLY CHUM In Europe the dog may have been domesticated as far back as the time of Neanderthal man possibly more than 100000 years ago First TransCanada Passenger VANCOUVER CP Eliza belh Flaherty holds double distinction in Canadian aviation circles she was the first pas senger on the countrys first transcontinental passenger flight and the first women to obtain pilots licence from the Aero Club of Vancouver Mrs Floberty earned the rat disumetion by accident and the second deliberately st wanted to learn how she said in an inter view Idrove car at the tum oi the century when they first came out and felt that the least could do when airplanes came our way was to learn how to fly one took my instruction at the Acro Cl and got my licence in 1923 Has Double Aviation Distinction The other distinction followed 17 years later when she was employed as deportmcnt manager and buyer for large retail store That was Fab ls IMO and Mrs Fiaberty has preserved the ticket The airlina then transACan ads and now Air Canada has twice awardd her rccognition us the nations first crosscouns try passenger On Air Canadas 25th anniver sary lttrs Fiaherty vasgivcn an inscribed silver bowl and recently she was the guest of the governmcntowncd airline at its pavilion at Expo 67 in Montreal ANN LANDERS near an Landon am 16 and getting to hate In older brother who is to not because oi anything he has done but because people keep comparing me to him ondthrowing him up to me Steve is smarter than am and know it Ho has been on the honor roll ever since can remember am an average studentmostly lIs and some Cs Whenever report cards come out my dad says to Steve expected it Then he turns to me andsays If Steve can make the honor roll why cant you SmoothFitting Jackets Top Comfortable Pleated Skirts NEW YORK CHThe suit for several years overshadowed by the costume of dress and jacket has reappeared in the style lineup this fall It used to be worn only in the spring and then became favorite for autumn too before heing relegated to the back ground by the dressandAjacket style Suits are stronger than ever hut with new sparkle says Gaston Berthalot designer for Christian DiorNew York His smoothfitting jackets top com fortable skirts that are com pleter pleated slightly flared or have deeply inverted front pleat Eerthelots newest suit style is hiphugger which rests snugly on the hipbuna to create the illusion of waist His is are worn with crepe or silk shots or jersey blouseHis total coordinated look included greenlimeandgold suit with Lari mnge silk shirt ooange stockings and green chintie brimmed hat and also bright paprika wool suit with match ing jersey blouse brown stock iéigls and brown frontdippad Donald Brooks likes interest lug color combinations in his suits such as pinkandbrown tweed worn with pink belted blouse and pink stockings CAPErslIIT SHOWN Ben Zuckerrnan whose tailor lng perfection is well known takes strong position for suits that are less suitlike and more glamorqueen with parv lisp deep fox collar Most of his suits have blouses in wool Jersey or satin Especially important in his vitail oolltcuon IS suit adapta ftion featuring his own blazer leIa suit in marine blue has the side vented and double breasted jacket He also fea wtth the top resembling man fdarin shirt The suit is also back at Frechtels and with impact Tbe blouse continues as an inte gral part of the suit oitena flungsleeved tu shirt dlvrded from the skirt by nightlydrawn leather belt capesuit for all was intro duced by Jacques Tiffeau in navy melton cloth worn over an orange blouse and orange knickers Tuteau also featured gpanla suik worn with cowboy hats and jodhpur boats Espe clally eftectivaia curry tweed suit with curry leather over blouse Don Simoneill designer for IModelia also iikaapants suits Ona is extremely trim in bananacolor jacket with gray ftweed trousers and blue atriped shirt with red tic Ha Bldtlvttï¬irually combines black iures twopieee shirt suit turtleneck sweater with an orange wool pants suit GOES WITH HIGH BOOTS The cape motif also appeared in shoulder capejncketed and belted pants suit by Mister Pants in rustic tone plaid His walking suit in looped tweed featured tapered jacket and an Aline skirt nnothor pants suit withzip front and zip pockets on the yellowundbrown tweed jacket was combined with red turtle sweater Most of Mister Pants suits are worn with kneehigh suede boots invarious bright contrasting or matching colors or with knee socks with knee socks Even the new midcalf length that is showing frequently in coats appeared in suit by Cuddlecuat in chocolate brown with long jacket and iriily white blouse Davidow likes coordinated coat and suit ensembles Some times the colors match as in shadowchecked chrome yellow wool suit with is companion coat in matching plaid or greenredandpurpie wool plaid coat covers demivfittad jack rms TAPERED JACKET and Aline skirt in looped tweed form waiidng suit by Lynn Stuart Stilts have made reappearance in the style lineup thisfamtCP Photo eted suitin the green of the coat Finaiiy theres the divided skirt or camouflaged short pants suit Wraggc calls his dwided slnrt The Strider and condoms agrey flannel stridcr with an olivegreeu corduroy jacket and matching knit dickoy He also includes toaditlonfl suit in his fall collection in the same Olive green corduroy with high ctsllared blue shirt Syrup Producers Meeting lit Maple The first annual meeting of the Ontario Maple Syrup Producé ers Association and tho Mapla Queen Contest will be heldrat Honey Pot Ski Lodge Maple Ontario Highway near for onto on Thursday Sept 28 Registration will be at am There will be banquet at 530 pm when the speaker will be Dr Willits of Philadelphia Penn outstanding world author ity on mapla products and auth or ol the Maple Syrup Produc ers Manual Dr Wiiiits will be available to answer questions during the entire day Questions may be submitted previously dropped in the question box or made directly to Dr Villits from the floor The program on Sept 2B will consist of reports from local or gauizations progress report and financial statement of the provincial organization from Walter Humphreys secre tary treasurer Barrie and full discussion on costs of pro duction Other topics will include various phases of production and marketing pipe line pumps pills purchase or sap use or evaporator covers sugar camps entertainment of visitors festi vals and market outlets bunch will be served at noon and ev eryone will be welcome The chairman will he Wallace Crolts Haliburton assisted by Charles Corbett Resolutions should he submitted to oificlala of the organization or present ed in person On Sept 2D thera will he saving equipment in ihamaple bush of Amos Baker Maple 0n tariollighway at Bothurst Street The Ontario maple industry has terrific potentiali tor ax arrn lnoome Ourren ly there one more than 70 million maple trees in Ontario Unfortunate ly lm than one million maple trees are topped annually The organization has set an objae tive to produce one million gal door of maple syrup futons Iionor roll agaili1VallI tour and demonstration of labor ansion as an annual ourca ot Blistering Lecture On Cruel Comparisons Steve didnt data until afow months ago My folks think Im sex maniac because at age is like girls Whenever say have date get small lee turo on how Stava didnt dotc until he was 18 and maybe thats why he rnolres better grades It isnt only my folks its the teachers too When made on an important exam my math teacher said Apparently your brother Steve got all the brains in thc fondly felt like two cents waiting for chonga HELP OTHERS hope you will giv ate some advice on how to handle this problem And maybe if youd print my letter it might help some other kids Theres got to be plenty of guys in this world besides me who have smarter older brothers INFERIOR EON Dcar don wish all parent and teachers who do this terri bla thing to their children could be rounded up and seated in one larga arena and be given blistering lcctureBut no arena could hold them all because they run into the millions Comparing kids is cruel and it accomplishes nothing except to increase hostility and take the starch out of the ones who dont do so well Some kids become completely crushed by comparisons They give up completely and refuse to do one blamed thing This them against suffering from comparisons To you say forgive your parents and teachers for their ignorance Measure your efforts against your own standards which of course should be high enough that you will have to put fort your best efforts rDanr Ann London am so years of age and have been married tor three years My husband is as want baby so bad can hardly stand it My husband says Absolutely no children SAYS T00 DUMB When ask him Why he says things like this You are too dumb to be mother You would probably leave tha baby somewhere think the real reason he doesnt want family is because he is too immature to accept the responsibility Also he Is quits vain and enjoys thinking of himself as Yahoo ual Youth know would be wondgo to mother Anmaud Im Witt ing to bet that my husband would he good fathar once he had family Hes fine with other peoples children Pieasa tell rne what you thlnk about this situation How can get his npproval7GC Dear 66 You dont need his approval honey All you need is hisblolopiral coopera tion And by the ago what did you two talk about when you were going together wife who wanton family should not be deniedthis fulfili meat Stop talking and get busy Girl Quadruplets To IF amily In Italy MILAN Italy APiittrs Gelmtno Carli as laborers wife gave birth to girl quodru pleta Monday The bshim were placed in incubators They were home Lucia Sandra Monica an Anna Tho Curtis hBValWG other children 11 and eight years old FINDLAY PHARMACY INTHE Woolworth DEPARTMENT STORE savesave save FLUSHABYES ORTHOXIEOL DISPOSABLE DIAPERS Compare it $249 $197 COUGH Compare at $175 Adhesive Tapes NOXZEMA JtrJ 12 YDS Compare at 55 Groom Clean HAIR DRESSING TWO ron Compare at 89 is Buns 54s Compora at 39c SUAVE HAIR SPRAY 10 oz Compare at 99c CREAM OZ SIZE Compare at $135 12s Compare at 53a FAMILY SIZE SKIN 97 SlutpgTEX BABY on 97° STRIPEI or 10 OZ TOOTH PASTE Compare at $ll9 STERISOL SECRET MourHWAsII 14 oz Compare at $150 DIMETAPP TABLETS ran HAY raven Compare at $l75 PROMPT rnrscnunou srnvirr nroooRANr OZ gt Compare at $139 DIOVOL SUSPENSION $BLETS Contours of $225 DR WESTS crawlerIran room saususs COMPARE A1696 Findlay iPHoNE7266511 orrusix DAY ran WEEKTHURsrb FRI UNTIL IM UNDERGOUND IARKING arr MAPLE Avsrwsi