Ellie idiotic Estimator Pnbliahad by canadlui Newspapers Limited 16 Hayï¬eld Strut Barrie Ontario Walla Publisher William Talfer Ganval Manager McPherson Managing Editor TUESDAY am it not uol When Candidates Call Should Talk The announcement of October 17 the date for the provincial election has been welcomed by candidates of all par ties They say they are prepared in fact have their campaigns we under way Those representing opposition parties have their robs cut out for them in the weeks recedin the election an nouncemcnt Premier Robarts the gov ernment has acted to allay the severest areas of criticism the heavy burden of taxation carried by the property owner and the housing crisis in the province This is where Premier Robarts timing has been important Before the Home Ownership Made Easy program was put into play and the Smith Report on Tax ation was made public the Progressive Conservatives would have been hard ressed to counter Liberal and New chocratic Party criticism in these vital fields Conservatives would have been left with the youveneverhaditso good theme not particularly alatable stuff for the electorate Now owever they can point with pride to the plans and programs they have recently inaug urated The task facing Opposition party cand idates now becomes one of placing their Of Taxes platform before the voters and also put ting the Conservative proposals in true perspective will the home otvnership program for instance provide the an swer to housing problems or just placate section of society for time And is the property tax exemption solution to overtaxation or merely shifting of the load The alternatives the posi tion candidates can offer will be osely assessed by voters These are the prime to ics of current concern The Conservative candidates have the record of four full years of the Robarts administration on which to base their campaigns Generally they have been four good years for Ontario whether the buoyancy of the economy or the policies of the government are chief iy responsible will be widely debated One thing is certain the Robarts gov ernment has travelled further along the path of welfarism than any previous administration carrying Conservative label And the cost of the trip to the taxpayer has been high The candidate who comes aknocking on doors with program to reduce or at least holdthe ine on taxes is sure of the warmest reception Success Oi Family Life TheCanadian Institute of Public Opin ion comes up with some quite intriguing questions Dne of their latestGenerally speak ing do you think family life today is more successful or less successful than it was in your parentsday in 1947 this question asked to the ublio brought the following response fore successful 30 per cent less successful 45 per cent about the same 18 per centundecided per cent In1ilti7 the same question drew the following answers More successful 45 per cent less successful 33 per cent aboutithe same 17 per cent and undecided Per cent Ignoring theiast two witemsl which cancellone another the significant fac tors are the dis lacement of the 5f er cent more peop from the success ul of 30 per cent of 1947 to the extraordin ary 50 per cent of today Quebec and Ontario show about the same proportion with 48 and 44 per cent res ectivel whereas the West trails wit dep orable 38 per cent Now the most interesting feature of this problem is the possible causeof this sensational increase going against all conversational gambits 0ne would have thought that says The Chatham News with all the money available to the younger generations the latter would have displayed greater independence Instead of that they ap pear to have closed the family ranks This is all for the better DOWN MEMORY LATE WA DAY 15 YEARS AGO Examiner Sept 10 1942 Cana st bacon hog show will feature Barrie FairSept 2123 Taggarl food administrator inWarlirne Prices and Trade Board to be main speaker at opening Chepesuik govi meat grader at Copaco is planning ex hibit Sgt Pilot Elmer Dungey formerly of Thorntonfarrived safely in England He sold his bakery business in Collingwood rior to joining RCAF Sgt Delmar Kel wireless operator and air gunner with RCAF spending furl ldugh in Barrie prior to overseas post ing Sgt Observer Ronald Hardy home on leave before posting as instruc tor at No 13 Service Flying Training School St Hubert Que Michael Angelo 18 killed when struck by car on County Road No near Alliston He was son of Professor Angelo former directorBarrie Citizens Band Simcoe County Federation ofAgticulturebegan membership drive All Canadian women age 20 to 24 will be registered under National Selective Service Act be ginning next Monday Reeve Harry Buchananappointed chairman fund campaign for Salvation Army Formerly of Barrie Air ViceMarshal Eric Brookes appointed head of Bomber Command BOMB AWACKWOEN GAMMA RE MADE BIJAPAN WI WWII WWI4W MAS W547 RCAF overseas Staff Sglhewis Metl rick Barrie granted commission in Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps as pharm acist How the WarAflects the Women of Britain was topic of address by Miss Sheila MacDonald at Canadian Club in Barrie Power situation in Ontario causing great concern Some restrictions on lighting may come Work started on new tank training area near Meaford on Georgian Bay With almost month to go in big league base ball season Phil Marchildon of Penetang hadalready won 14 games as pitcher for lastplace Philadelphia Athletics Prompt action by Cliff Carley and Bill Delaney rescued five Camp Borden soi diers from baywho bad overturned in rowboat on way to Minets Point F1ir ther details regarding her husband miss ing as result of Dieppe raid obtained by Mrs John Andrews of Barrie in phone conversation with Ross Munro Canadian Press correspondent who was present at attack and just returned to Canada by air SgtElton Parker taking advanced pilot training at RCAF station Centralia Mayor charged at Town Council that Barrie was negligent in not providing pro er bathing facilities for children on ay flit RING glowM llfldlEA 70 £41100 727 55759 W124 7555 00 WEAK WERE MACEle Illl Alia Wï¬ï¬‚ AIM ail59W 559013 M465 Alderman Grant OTTAWA REPORT May Assist Certain CANADAS STORY First Wheat Champ AninCan Reefer nonpartisan Canada has produced arrurn ber of world what chunpions butiha first was Church of EndId clergyman Reverend John Brick in im ï¬ll winning wtht was grown hr the Peace River Inn at time when few people know when Peace River was Untlke most pioneers who uuil to Condo when they were young men John brick crniaratsd from Britain when ha win in mlddlange and brought his wife and four chil dren with him Although he could vaI stepped into reliv worid in lob in the hostess Britain bia mat ambition was to become mis Ilonarynnnntycanada prgvidcd an oppo on ge agree in theology more quickly His first parish was along the St Lawrence river and be on fascinated by the stories he heard from trapper who were paddlingtheir tinsail the way from the northwest He received permission to establish mission in the Peace River Inn and made the long trek to Dunvegan after leaving his family in Tomato where he sent them 9400 of his $750 annual stipend EXPERIMENTS SUCCESSFUL when the Rev John Brick built his church It Dunvc an his greatest help was Pa er Hudson Roman Catholic mis Ilonnry already established there Together they sawed the spruce boardS necessary for Groups Oi Pensioners By PATRICK NICHOLSON The Pearson Government is very worried about the way ris lng prices and our dccreaslngly effective dollar are hitting workers retired on pension it seems probable that steps will be taken as soon as parlia ment renssombles at the end of this month to help these hard hit pensioners litany workers who found their pension sulfi ciont for their needs at the limo when they retired are now suf feringrfrom the erosion of the purchasing power of that pen sion So the government intention is seemingly to increase pen sions to cover the gap caused by inflation But the govern ments anxiety is notdirected towards helping all pensioners just one special class This will be done by taxing other canndians more and paying tbat tax money over to these pensioners in the format high er pension other pensioners not includ ed in this favoured group will therefore find themselves even worse off than now for their pensions too have been eroded by inflation but henceforth those pensions will he eroded even more by higher taxation to supplement the pensions of thutfavoured class MAKES CLASSES To put it simply the Pearson government proposes to divide Canadians into two classes eco nomically First class Cana dians will have their pensions protected against inflation by receiving increases in those pensions increases financed by taxes Second class Canadians will receive no such compensa tion but in fact they will have their pensions reduced by the higher taxes necessary to pay the higher pensions to tirst class Canadians Everyone sympathise with pensioners and with everyone else struggling to make do on fixed incomes when inflation is sending even the prices of necessities sky bighl3ut the horrid Examiner is Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Authorized as second class matter Post Office Depart ment Ottawa and for pay ment of postage to cash Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 45c weekly52i40 yearly single copies too By mail Barrie $2340 yearly Ontario $1200year motor throwoff 515 year Mail out side Ontario $14 year Out aido Canada British posses sions $15 vearUSA and foreign 52s vear carom more n15 AMERILANARMV sinuous summon nu swans wen By armor Traces tron lTLE chliPtAlhlS nF ABRAH amusemoms mswsmocImrmwr wwwmmxmm matrrmmmmymm Naiionai Advertising or sentiment has no role to play flow 415 University Avenue Tomato 040 Catbcart 5L Montreal 5477 1200 West Pen der St Vancouver BC Member of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of circulations The Canadian Press is ex elusiver entitled to the use for pepubllcation of all hours dlspetabesln this paper cred lied to it or The Assocated PressurReuters and alsothe local nawspnblished therein way to correct this hardship Is to treat all pensioners squall That can only he done by cur lng inflation it is an outra geous and cruel and inequitable proposal that one class of Cana dians should have their retire ment incomes reduced to enable the government to increase the pensions of spe Iciliaily favtnrred class of Cans ans Who make up this favoured class it consists of some 44000 retired civil servants and the widows of retired civil ser vants The government feels itbat as good employer it should protect against inflation its former employees are already retired But oes good employer like CPR raise the pension of its already retired employees ohove the contracted level to which they contributed WHAT ABOUT YOU If retired civil servants are thus to be helped what about other former employees of the stale sueli as CNR workers and soldiers retired MP3 and admlrnls former prime minis ters and governorsgeneral But whois going to increase the pensions of retired employ ces of say General Motors and International Nickel or of self cmployed persons like farmers and cleaning women Will Les QUEBEC OPINIONS This is selected ofedf torlais on current topics translted from Frenchlanguage press of gunman Trolthricres Le Nonvcl iisteWas proper interpre tation put on the remarks of President de Gaulle when he promised Quebec is con siderable increase in French aid to help Canadians of French descent to keep and develop their personality is it questionpf loans to free us from the Anierican market We do not think so By considerable increase in French aid we believe he meant cultural aid in the broadest sense of the word There arenumerous obstacles to die granting of French loans to Quebec The first is the rate of interest The difference between the rate in France and the rate in New York is one per centseven per cent on the French and European mar kets and six per cent in the United States it is conunon sense to believe that Quebec would not be pre pared lopary more forJ loan from France when it could borrow important amounts in the United States at lower rate of interesL In the field animating The only thing that counts is the costinterest and return let us not ingot that and let us stop deluding ourselves Hecfor Heron Sept Montreal Lc DevolnTha Labor Day message of the Canadian cpiscopncy deals with the economic situation of the family in briefs present ed recently to parliamentary committees the in an Catholic bishopsriusked the government to take all possi ble steps to strengthen thn basic cell of society in the the fer Pearson raise the yield from government annuitiu which such people bought for their retirement Will he no ompensc the beneficiaries of life insurance policies whore nestegg has been eroded by inflation if not why not Rising living costs are sav agely cruel as all old age pens sinners know Such cruelty it seems should be minimised by slowing dirwn inflation not by reeompensing one class of Canadians at the expense of others There are 1539648 Canadianr aged 65 or over at last count Excivil servant Pearsonwnntr 44000 of these to he helped How will the other 149564 vote at the next election Will this proposal affect scpuiagena rian errcivil servant Lester Pearson himself BIBLE THOUGHT 1Yenrenotynurcwn Corinthians 6le Every man die in debt to the God who made him and to the world that be has lived ln Everyone of us not only ought to put emphasis on the life that we live buttbe life that we leave new document they lay stress on the material and financial difficulties families are encountering To indicate the magnitude of this social evil the bishops quote some eloquent figures on the average among non rural Canadian families It per cent earn less than $4000 annually hnd live in priva tion povertyur misery with 12 per oeritof them having revenue of less than 52000 The picture is all the more tragicin view of the fact that our country has one of the highest living standards of therivorld and these disinhcr ltedv who form an important part of the urban population hnve before their eyes the spectacle of civilization of abundance of richness and comfort in whicbthcy can not participate The bishops ask who is responsible for this situation and especially for the fact that so many families cannot benefit from economic pro grass They answer with motion question Is ltnot for the most part society as whole That appears to he indisputable for several rea sons first of all because most of the beads of families have been irritable to noouira sufficient education to permit them better to earn their live lihood and also because fam ily expenses become heavier with increases in prices The message draws atten tion to certain abuses which aggravate the money prob lems of these families flashy and pressure advertising which sometimes lead eco nomically weak families to make debatable use of their meagre revenue They somev timesgive in wishes and tn artificial eds but this lack of foresight is proba blyvonly corollary to the lack ofaptltudcs which is at the root oftbeirpoverty the construction of the Anglican church it was also necessary to raise as much food as possi ble and Brick planted wheat ti llis agricultural experiments were In successful that he made trip to Brimin Ottawa and Toronto where ha raised $5000 to bpr his mission including $1000 from this feder al government Brick returned to Peace River in 1330 Ind brought his wife and family with him By this thus the CPR had been built and he was Ibla to travel by train to Calgary from where the rest of the journey bad to be made in 23 oxcarll fllr QUEENSiPliRK ffln$i°°°hut or po gr WM Durban bull in Holstein heifers and In no shire cow lbera were also and poultry The trip via Edmonton Athe bnka Landing lesser Silvo Lake lock nuny week of hard travel but was completely suc cessful although hiss Brick she must have been brick was recovering from more illness pumped ml in 188 John Brick planted bushel of new Iced wbcIt known Is Red Fife Ind it yielded an unbelievable 71 bushels perscrc The wheat was thrashed on the floor of the mission church sndwas so good that someone suggested thatasampleshouidbesentto the world Fair in Chicago to publicise PeIce River John Bricks son Allan took the wheat to Edmonton although the trip took 10 dIyI through weather that was so degree below rcro It wnlwceks after the awards had been made that Reverend John Erick heard that he had won the wheat crown and experts in Chicago Ind elsewhere were mated that wheat grown north of lall tude 56 could be produced an successfully bronze tablet commemomb ing the achievement was dch cstcdto Reverend John brick IéuPcIea River on Sept if cities seer is EVENTS leerFrontenac was mIdI Governor of Canada for first run lessPierre Mo ya dlverhillc arrived at Piacunlll to conquer Newfoundland l755british fleet bombarded hoauport as covér for attack on Quebec lossGold was found at Tan gler River NS restMaritime delegates discussing Confederation held private meeting at Halifax loosSir Wilfrid Laurier turned first and for Grand gritfllk satiric at Fort worm Ontario PCs Wary Di Involvement ny nouonnanw NEON The provincial wing of the PC party played very unimportant part in the national leadership convention The main effort of the cabinet ministers and members of the legislature was devoted to keep ing out of troifolc These statements were not entirely true few men publicly supported one or other of the candidates Financial Affairs Minister Leslie tr nominated Senator Wallace McCutcheon Randall and AttorneyGeneral Arthur Wishart both prominenb 1y backed Robert Stanfield Fondly Services Minister John Yaremlro was in the camp The bishops recommend an increase in famfly allow ances the adoption of diversified system of allow ances adapted to the needs of the family and also the improvement of social legisla tion to raisethe standard of living of families in educa tion in recreation beallb and protection heforo the law Pani Snufiol Sept WORLDBRIEFS PASS UP us MONEY TOKYOfAPiThe Japanese Physics Society one of tha countrys most influential seien tilic organizations has decided not to accept future financial aid from US military forces Fearing it might be link with military plans the Moomem ber grouptook the action Satur day and expressed regret at having accepted $7770 from tbé US militaryalsst year HDMBING KILLS 40 VIENTIANE Laos tRcuiersl Laotlen Air Force bombers accidentally killed 40 progov cmment Laotiaris in the Nam Bac enclave midway between the royal capital of Lueng Pra bang and the North Victnamere border last week official sources said Sunday The sources said the planeswere attacking Communist posi tive but mfsed by 200 yards CAEALS uohonno NEW YORK AWcellist eaoit Canals has been selected by the board of trustees of Momliouse to receive the annual Freedom Award next April it was announced Surr day Board CbnlrmsnPaui Douglas said Casals 91 was enacted for having perfectly harmonised tire freedomoiupo porting acts of his life with the rich artistry of his music of his brotherinlaw Michael Starr And some of the private members such as Alan Eagle son tFulton and Gordon Gait ton Roblln were going all out But the great majority took pains not to be publicly Isso ciated with anyone The reason for this of course Wolfes was not to offend any of their suvnpolnters delegations from practi cally every riding split in their sympathies any leglatlve member attaching hirnsel to particular candidate was run ings of some of his key suppo ers And with an election comln this far overweighed shill ntercst he might haveia seeing any particular man become the national leader The instinct for survival was far more important than ideals SHUN DlEF in some cases this situation became almost ridiculous wherr rt carneto John Dicfenbaker and Dalton Camp lnthe early stages of the con vention when the activity cen tercd on the Royal York Hotel some members actually steered away from going near the hotel Tbey feared they might inada vertently runvinto The Chief or Mr Camp be seen with them and then have the rumor get around that the were tied in with one or theyofher it seems now that this well may have been thegreason or one of the strong reasons why Premier Roberts called the election just in advance of tha convention Having been through convenI tions himself he knows the pressures that can be put on members for support In the emotional atmosphere snrne members under ordinary circumstances might have been tempted to go out on limb hutiwith the election cam paign alrehdy under way their1 defences would be up granites wean srons FOR SALE TORONTO EAST END Paitner retiring Exceiient business Established so years Over $250000volume annually gr Fully equipped withall imodern dppointmcnts to store and office Approx 2000 sq ft fstocir optional BOX mi nannrn EXAMINER