Barrie Examiner, 12 Sep 1967, p. 3

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countyyublic Library it appears that Simcoe County is well on its way to establish ing county public library The consensus at an open meeting last night to discuss auch library lor the county was that it would he good thing Represented at the meeting held in the committee room at the council chambers of the County Building were county councillors municipal olticiais and boards library boards and anyone who mated to at turd Three persons wellacquainted with the county library system attended the meeting to answer questions from the floor and to explain how county library is Attending were the chlel lib lallian at the Essex County public library the chair man at the board and noedde director oi the provin cial library service llon Mackenzie chiel county librarian said that linking the lt municipal libraries into chain with single administrative centre where the hook ordering and processing could be car ried out would avoid the waste lul duplication of ettort that now occurs GRANTS INCREASING thile provincial grants to County Cooperative Libraries like ours have been reduced by 75 per cent this year and will be reduced lurlhcr 50 per cent next year said Mr Mackcn zic Grants to the county pub lic libraries are increasing and are much more tavorable than ito individual municipal libar es We tear that the county llb rary cooperative which pro vides vital support to public and school is doomed he stated Ten other counties in the pro vlnce have termed county pub lic libraries and all have re ported improvements in their chICeS Since the municipalities would no longer have to support their own libraries directly but only through the ball mill on their equalized assessment the new scheme would mean saving of tax money for the many mun icipalities that already lcvy more than that amount The total increase in cost to county as whole is only said Mr Mackenzie although the county levy of AN OPEN meeting on proposed county library was held in the County Building at Barrie last night Ron Mac kenzie left lod the argu onehall mill would raise appro ximately $69000 This would qualify the county lor at least $60000 in provincial grants lor at least each ol the lirsi two years MORE THAN DOUBLE That is more than double the amount now received from that source by all the municipal lib raries and the County Library Cooperative said Mr Mack enzie Because the library commit tee does not anticipate illidland or 0rlllin will join the scheme all ligures and plans have omitted them Last nights meeting was the first one at two bctore county council directs municipal coun cth to vote on the matter af ter the next meeting oi coun ty council Oct Next open meeting will he meats in favor ol the not sys tem medde director at the provincial library scr vlces also explained the mcra its at the scheme held at Elmvaie Community Hall Sept at it pm county library bylaw can be passed by County Council ii at least onehall the munlcl politics in the county having combined population at at least 25000 request it Only those municipalities which voted in lavor would be included It would be financed by the county tax rate and from pro vincial grants not from local funds Local library boards would continua to operate as advis ory committees and local librar ians would continue in office and would be paid by the county board Municipalities would retain ownership their library build tags The county library coopera tive is essentially bookmobile which visits schools cdancn BRIEFS Want Vote Franchise Trailer city councils general govern ment committee has been asked to place on the ballot during this years muicipal elation the question of extending the tran ebisc to residents of trailer camps Aid Dorian Parker who pro posed the move said trailer campresideots resent not hav ing the privilege to choose their municipal representatives Many of them have livcdia the same location for up to to years she told council PRESENTATION Cily Treasurer Doug Jagger was presented last night with diploma marking bisgraduation mm threeyear cierlttreas urels entrapOndence course dhrough Queens University May or Cooke made the pre sentation GIVE APPROVAL Council last night approved City ol Windsor resolution re questing the Province ol Ontario to pay lull taxes including school taxes on its property WELrnnlr COURSE The enrolment in Welfare Administration Course for City Welfare Administrator Steve Hines at costof $240 was approved last night APPROVE SALE It was agreed to sell 40 leet at cityowned property on the North wut corner of Napier and For Camp Residents tor $900 subject to the ap proval of other abutting owner $tewart ARCHIVES Councils 1060 finance commit tee is ta consider participating with the County ol Simcoe in operating the archives section of the county museum at an es timatcd cost at $9027 for the capital construction share and an annual operating budget of approximately $1000 DECLARE WEEK October to 14 is to be de elarcd Fire Prevention Week and the Public Works Comlnit tee will consider supplying trucks for removal of debris similar to the spring cleanup campaign SECURITY FENCE The public works committee reported last night that the One tario Department at Highways wili erect security fence on both sides ol Highway 400 PltDmBIl PAnKlNG Parking is to be prohibited on the east side oi Bradford Street north at Titlin or 20 feet No parking meters are to be installed at tilenarth end of the east city hall packing lotand one is to be removed from the northeast corner of Sirncoe and Bayiieid Street ro cause cancer Third and final reading of Rodney Streets to Percy Sutton tween Blake and Pcnetangui shenc Road was received last night NEW SCHOOL bylaw authorizing the issue oi debenture tor construction of Allandale School in the amount of $420 000 also gained linal approval r0 CONFERENCE Mayor Cooke and Aid Jack Garner have been author ized to attend the Georgian Bay Economic Conference at Dela wana Inn Honey Harbor Sept 10 and 19 City Manager Walter Gigg wfll attend the Ontario Municipal Personnel Fall Con ference at Timmins in October CONVERT ROOM room all the council cham bers at cityhall is to be con vertcd for use as machine room Heights Public TUESDAY 52H 12 fl 6Year Iail Term For Auto Theft Attempted Rape Murray Keith tlina at Coldwater was sentenced to six years in penitentisry Yesterday following his conviction inst week oi attunpted rape abduc ion and auto that Mr Justice Stewart acn leased the man to live years on the attempted rape count and one year tor auto that to run consecutively He was also sen fenced to two years for abducc tion but the team will run con current to tha attsnpted rape term 20yearold Edgar girl told his Justine Stewart and 12 mrmbcr alienate lury Friday that man had driven oil with car she was riding in May til aflcr helping tree it from ditch in Ora Township Crown Counsel Wildman read list at it previous con victions since 1950 for lilac ranging from tralIic ottences to indecent exposure and robbery with violence alter the jury brought in the verdict He is now serving threemonth sen tence for auctioned car thelt The girl who was 19 at the time of the incident could not identity Minn as the man who attempted to rope her However three Drillia youths who had been accormanying him the night of May 10 said they be llevcd he had driven oil with the girls car The man pleaded not guilty neoplasm rlllls Barrie police olliccr got some practice on roundup when three harm were rcport cd loose on Candles Road East With the help or local res dent the oiliccr managed to round up the horses and her them into school yard The owner was contacted to take theannnaishomeandkeep them home on the range BISHOP 0F COVENTRY TO VISIT CITY Reverend Cuthbert Bardaley the Bishop of Coventry will Visit Barrie Sept 17 and to as part of his tour of various Anz lican churches in several cen tres in Southem 0ntarioDur ing his stay here he will preach at renawal through prayer service at Collins St United Church Sunday at pm Massed choirs tram Simcoe County Anglican Churches and Collier St United Church will take part Monday the Bishop will be guest speaker at lrin ity Parish Hall dinner CAN IDB SERVEYOU on Thursday September 14106 and on the second Thursday of each succeeding month One of Our Representatives Mr Lionel Hancey willbenl memmmmnna Plans For Gm mortal director at the Barrie Parks and Recrea tion Program addressed the Three moi or iccommenda tions were suggested at the reg ular meeting oi the Kiwanis Club of Barrie last night These were that public school incils ities be utilized inthe parks promam that two outdoor ar tificial ice rinks be built in Bar rie and that band shell be added to Centennial Park The use of schools for after bours recreational programs is the coming thing according to Gary Sinner director at Barrie Parks and recreation in an address to the Kiwanis Club ltlr Stoner pointed out the need for atter hours used at schools to take full advantage of facilities available in area schools lt seems waste to operate recreational programs in some parks without adequate facilities while schools with all necessary equipment and lacila ities sit ldlehe said in answer to challenge by Glartia anon that are threat of vandalism was avslrong de terrent to this type at planning regular meeting at the Kiwani is Club or Barrie yesterday Among his topics was the use at suhool Badlitics for after so illdiGamer Wanis Top Priority On Park Extension Aid lick Garncrvlast algal re commended top priority tor com pletion ti lagoon and island in coniuncllon nithCeaienntalPark hours recreationM FROM LEFT Charles Rogers Gary Sinner lack Slessor presid ent Wants School Facilities Used In Parks Program Mr Stoacr said There is no need tor vandalism undcr prop er supervision Mr Grillin questioned wheth er supervision by part time vol unlecrswns sufficient to pre vent the problem The speaker also said that planning is under way for lull program at conccrts and other activities at Centennial Park next summer Mr Stonor said that it was his personal tooling that band shell iocilitics are strongly needed in the park The summer program and construe tlan or the band shell arcgov arned by hudgat limitations in discussion bctwccn Mr Stoncrnnd Kiwanis mcmbcra over the much criticized strata ing lociiilles in Barrie last win ter it was pointed out that the city should have at least two more artificial rinks be cause weather can play havoc with rink facilities on the Bay Again budget limitations were cited as the main problem Barrie Parks and Recreation Program planners try not to ovcrlnp their activities Wlth those offered by the Barrie YM YlVCA or night school programs Mr Stoner said Report BreakIn 2Car ilccidellt Barrie police reported break ln and one accident over the last at hours llhe brcak occurred some time last weekend at it Melrose Ave Nothing is believed stolen The incident was reported yesterday by Mrs James Pearson twocnr accident occurred yesterday aitcrnoon at 456 at the intersection of Victoria St and Lnkeshorn Drive lnvolVed were the vehicles of Elmar Colc Bercly St Barrie and Harold Acorn oi Prince Edward Island and develomlent ot plan to ex tend the partr to the ONE sts tion at later date Aid Garner who headed Bar riea Centennial Project Commit tee during the parksdevelop meal pruentcd his tinal report to city council lie said later the island and lagoon couldbe mpieied with in two years with fill available fmm other construction protons in the ciU it is also essential that plans belatd now for extension of the park towards Allandaie He said an area in front at the railway station would be ideal for swim miog financial statement showed 3115108 had been spent on the park by Jane 30 Estimated cost had been sloop Federal and provincial grants totalled $2 with mun lev icd against municipal taxpayers in 19$ 9112 in 1966 and $5000 to 1961 it is estimated the city saved about 01111000 by using city employed labor force rather than contractor Announce New Ileallng Substance Sbrmks Plies bduilwlfltlwwmhw when udlrplirdafllpdtiln renowned marchjnatltute has found lnilfiln healing substance with the abi 01 ahnnlr hunch rboids painlwly it reliavu itching and ldlaeomlort in minutes In speeds up healing at the injured inflamed tissue in use alter use while gently relieving psln actual reduction shrinkage tools pica Most important at litmm were so thorough that thialmprovr meat was maintained over pert ol many months This was accomplished with new hesiin substance BioDyna which ui helps heai ingu cells so stimulates growth new tissue Ill Now EllaDyna unkind itll mcnran all ry orrnu Preparistlon Kenmoream lionsmoney bleir guarantee Damage was reported as minor Great excuse foran SPIQein EurOpe 19 llighls week this Fall and Winter tram Toronto Britain old photos can stir nostalgia bringing you happy memories of lamiliar aces and places grown dim with the passing years oi family and homo laithehind in Britain or the Continent Ul they can arouse your curiosity to know at first hand the ties of heritage of distant ralalives and the old country Whichever the ones they can provide you with the bust of excuses tor an oilseason visit to Britain and the Continent and for great holiday Think of thoiun nl renewing family lies of axplaling old haunts nl discovering laryourseltiha enchanting places youve always dreamed of or heard so much about Remember Europe will be free of slimmer tourists Ioull be able to see it as it really is alter the crowds have gone home And of course prices will be at their lowest Air Canada laras will he at their lowest too with up to FROM MORE OF CANADA TO MORE OF EUROPE and Continental Europa to make things easier anti You travel agent can provide you with tall details on mean wall as tour priccs Individual or Group inclusive Tours and all of Air Canadas services including Air Canadas Fly No Pay Later plan and fExtla Cities Plan He can also provide assistance in planning yourtrip to Britain or anywhelain Europe Call him or call Air canaoa at 0000000 Sdmpih 1421 day Economy balloon rumorsand crewman Fares valid during applicablulltu periods roauuro cannon 3000 011 Farcsflllll rolloqu ranurruar soon tau ransom Ala CANADA® bylaw to dose Adam Street be gt The Cuntlnental Inn Earrie Ontario In this district and throughout Canada many persons and firms inprnctically all typea of including Agriculhlre Construction Manufacturing Professional services Touriat and Mentions Businemes Transportation and Wholesale and Retail Trades obtained loana from the Industrial Development Bank bu acquire land buildings and machinery to increase working capital to start new business and for other purposes CANADIAN RED cross Hyon consider that IDB can be of cerviw you BLOOD aoNoa CLINIC vmliimiaohiflizsliiaim orin advance bywrlting to 00 I0 300 MIL Mr Lionel Hancey at the Mid0ntari0 office of 500 to 830 pm ldb INDUSTRIAL Tllfllll PM Hi DEVELHPMENTBANKM 250 University Avenue Toronto 120litaiio Telephone 3681145 Complete Travel Service 400 DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED 7284134 Member of Barrie UnlledAppcsl JOHNSON unlop SlEBarrié nan Opposite Queens liotai 7260525 Wéh agitating

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