Barrie Examiner, 11 Sep 1967, p. 6

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irs nEEN LONG day Mary Stanfield wife of the now Progressive Conservative lead in foodies her hand to her head just after her husbands victory was announced It took seven hours of balloting to elect the new leader CP erephntot Wife Of New Tory Leader Faces Political Spotlight TORONTO CP For Mrau Robert Stanfield the big oucs tion is answered Her husband is the new leader of the iv Conservative party But for Mary Stanfield as wife and mother there is brand newihatch of questions all without answers The day following the partys leadership convention Mrs Stanfield said she does not know when the iamin will move to Ottawa She does not kllDWheiimr the younger chilc dren who are still in school will go with her and her husband She does not know how much personal family touch she will be able to add to Stnrncway the opposition leaders official residence in Ottawa If there is much change in our family life will regret it Mrs Stanfield looked fresh alter only about six hours sleep though she said she was tired and still excited She was wearing green plaid suit that has been part of thrceoutfit basic wardrobe she has relied on since she started the campaign July 27 She said she has only been home for four days since She also said she is heartily tired of her campaign clothes and would be delighted to put them all in the bargain box when she gets home When that will be was another question WILL VISIT EXPO hope were going tomor row but dont know Im going home when my husband goes home expect to have Tuesday and Wednesday there then goto Montreal for womens day at Expo and after that dont know cant even make rough guess yet when we will move to Ottawa The two oldest Stanfield chil dren Sarah 15 and Max 20 were at the convention Tall and sandyahaired Max looks bit like his lather He spent the summer working on tug boats and is going to Dal housie University in Halifax He said he doesnt know what he wants to do when he gradu ates but isnt at all sure it will involve politics Sarah also tail and slender WHAT THE is quiet spoken and attractive She said she quit her job as childrens librarian in Kingston 0nt because she wanted more than two weeks off to share the excitement She said she is not sure where she will resotue The two younger children Judy who will be 17 next month and Mimi it were at home Mrs Stanfield said thoth they ought to be in school They didnt think so of CflfllSE dimension 11 H5 over sald Im go rig home and phone them and my husband said do you realize its alter one oclock in Hall fnxt havent had chance to call today Im going to as soon as can Judy is in grade 12 in aipri vate school inhalifax Mimi in Public sohool Mrs Stanfield said she hasnt talked to them ital about where they want to live thought if nothing hap pened there would be no point in saying wnuld you like to go to school in Ontario Mrs Stanfield has always lived in Nova Scotia and always in political atmos phere She is the daughter of the late Judge Hall onetime Conservative leader in the province and MP for Queens She married Mr Stanfield in 1571 His first wife died in car accident in 1954 WILL BE DIFFERENT She said she thinks there will he agreat difference in being the wife of national leader rather than premlcrs wife There was at home in my own town in our own house tzmong people Id had known all my life had amueh more private life than at themoment it looks as if national leaders wife has of course dont know Ive never been nation al leaders wife Mrs Stanfield said she cares very much about making home in Ottawa about the change from the familys loo yearoid old home in Halifax to the official residence but she isnt sure what the arrange ments are STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOE TOMORROW Personal relatiflllslllps should be highly congenial now and there is indication that you could gain benefits either through business contact or through the good offices of an influential friend ll influflnces favor romance and sacral interests FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday yours horoscope indicates that despite possible past slow going in career and mastery affairs the beginningol this new year in your life promises the nttain merit of many cherished goals hsof Oct you will enter munthlong cycle which will stimulate new ideas and progressivcnesspDo make the most of it since your resource fulness and ingenuity should show tangibleresulls in var ious stages throughout next month during the first half of December in January early February in late April first week of May the last half of June and next August It will be important however that you avoid extravagance andor speculation during November and early Aprilshut especially in November Personal concerns should run smoothly in most of the year ahead but be alertto possible periods of stressespecially in domestic circles in late OctoT the her and in early January Your best months where romance is concerned will include October next April mid June Look for stimulating social aeflvities and chances to travel betwecn now and Nov in January April and the midJuneearly Septem ber weeks of 1958 child born on this day will be highly energetic and endowed with tine imagination and literary ability Supporters Greet Mrs Duff Roblin TORONTO CPlMrs Dull Roblin had demonstration to herself when she arrived Thurs day to register as delegate at the Progressive Conservative leadership convention The wife of the Manitoba pre mier was encircled by cheer ing signcarrying supporters while band thumped out the Red River Valley She danced cheerful jig and waved her delegate badge for photographers then was swept off to the elevator in noisy procession TRY EXAMINERWANT ADS cant possibly move for months and months anyway can Sarah It would take months and months to move us out of our house At the end of the long long day of votingSaturday the new party leader paid tribute to his wife in his victory specch to the delegates lie said she had never really campaigned with him in Nova Scotia because she wanted to be home with the family Then he said one oi the wisest things hlsifldtiiptiehi Amid Jo him in this camp ign was she travel with him She said Sunday that her whisper to him after that was almost her first Word with him Im not sure what said It was something like never thought hed admit it Now he says hesbouldnt have said it its gone to my head Mrs Stanfield Sarah and Max all sat through the thour day in box in Maple Leaf Gardens Mrs Stanfield said she had many reasons to feel she wouldnt be too disan pointed it her husband lost but after the tension of the ballot ing and his lead from the start losing would have been terri ble let doivn HAD CONFIDENT SMILE Sbemnnaged to look cool and chcerful through the entire day to shake hands with and smile at supporters anditell reporters that yes she was confident She said they took their own lunch sandwiches and people brought tea and more sand wiches to them during the seige The crowd around the Stanlields grew with each bai tot and wriosity about their reactions became increasingly intense Ive never been in crush like last night Our people at home are enthusiastic but ive never been in anything like that My husband thought it was funny when he heard televi sion man behind us say Is the yellow light on The premiers eating roast beef sandwich itliii6riderfid ilme HE HARM WI MONDAY Elm Ii m1 PEOPLE AND PLACES Cali Audrey button at wcnnnvo cums wedding at local interest took pllce in st Johns Anglican Church Annular on Friday sv enlpg Warren Maoists son of Mr and Mrs George Masters ionner residents of Holgate SL Barrie was wed to hiLss Claire James The reception for nests was held at Hamilton Golf and huntry Cisib Barrie guests attending were Mr and Mrs George Werdle Mr and Mrs William Crooks and Mr and Mrs Jack Webb DANCE CAMP Members of The flavor Leafs Square Dance Club Toronto held weekend dance camp at Red Umbrella Inn Minded mong the dancers pmcnt were Mr and Mrs Dalus Dee and Mr and Mrs Bill Courtenay of Bar rie and Mr and Mrs Bob Mark ley of Angus 96TH BIRTHDAY iamin dinner party marked the 96th birthday of one oi Bar rlss senior citizens Mrs Ethel Ridiardsoo oi McDonald St was guest of honor at the party held at the Lake buchlohing resilt ANN Lioness Dear Ann Lander For many years tried to persuade my wife to come to Europe with me She felt she could not lgeep up with the pace of guided tour and since that was the only way would go decided to make the trip alone was gone al ds and had ere were several couples on the tour who were my age past so and many interesting widows One widow in particular was extremely pi at and we often sat together on the planes and buses and enjoyed one anothers company few days before we were to leave for home she telephoned my mom this was in Paris ble closing her suitcase She if would help said and want to her room Aftenl closed the suitcase we visited few minutes She remarked that it had beenan exhaustingday and she was sleepy and wanted to take nap said was sleepy too She suggested flop dam on the other twin bed for awhile and did We both dosed for about so minutes and then left WIFE ANGERED When told my wife about this harmless little incident sbe flew into rage She insisted that had committed adultery that nodecent woman would allow man to sleep in her roam and that no respectable man would have done such thing did not do anything wrong and my conscience is clear My wife has been very formal ever since and am talked out Please give me your opinion on whether or not am guilty of adiiitryCONDEMNED Dear Condemned if all you did was take nap in the and saidabe was having trou daughter Mr and Mrs Edgar Price of Oriliis Pment for the happy occasion were the cele brants son and daughterlulu Mr and MrsC Blldrstock and sons Brian and Ridssrd at Toronto Miss Mutant Blade stock of New York City daugh ter of the honored guest her son inlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Charles McNiven Heather Ind Donald of Barrie Also pre sent were Mrs Richardsons grandson Peter Price his wife and children David Ind Kathy cl Tomato BAYVIEW CHAPTER Bsyvicw mapter 105 Order of the Eastern Star was well re presented at the52nd Aoniial Session of the Grand Chapter of Ontario held at the Royal York Hotel Toronto From Barrie It tending the meeting were Mrs Munro Mrs Gill Mrs Kohl Mrs Jory Ml Amy Les Mrs Connors Mrs Madeira Mrs l3 Spurn Mrs Galloway Mrs Maxwell and Mrs Darbysbire Also attending was Mrs Barber member of Trinmlntolb Chap ter Salt Spring Island British Coliunbis who was visiting with her daughter Mrs Kennedy of Harris Used Poor Indgmen For Resting Place widows room you are not guilty of adultery But you used very poor Judgment Dad The next time you are hit with sudden attack of drowsi ness dont lie down in widows hotel room Dash some cold water on your face and drag yourself to your own qusr ters where you belongae EXASPERATING Deni Ann Lenders others have aired their pet pceves in your column May when the phone rings always drop everything and answer it as soon as possible Sometimes am unable to get to the phone until the fourth or fifth ring if thecsilarhaslnuigirplgettef rlbly upset wondering ltl missed something important It is exasperatlng when one runs from the attic or the base ment or the garden and then picks up the receiver and hears dial tone Please tell your about the information which is printed in the front pages of the telephone directory it says the phone will ringlo times in the space of one minute believe as matter or ordinary courte sy caller ought to give per son so seconds to get to the phone will you kindly pass the wordlNOBDDY THERE Dear NT Heres your let ter and with it my pledge that in the future will give the other party to rings before hang up conlcss didnt real ize 10 ring was equivalent to 60 seconds Thanks for telling moand millions of others Confidential to SkyHigh Gro cery Ellis It is about 600 dozen eggs ands few hundred pounds of bacon late for you to be wis ing up This character doesnt want to marry you he lust wants to eat with you Let somebody else feed his face LYNDA BIRD JOHNSON older daughter of the prsil deol shown with Marina Wt Charles Row posed briefly at Randolph Air Force Base our Antonio Texas shortly after Winter Wedding At White House WASHINGTON White House wedding in early December is planned for Lynda Bird Johnson and Marine Capt Cborles llobb who met the presidents daughter in the line of duty The young couple flew back from Texas Su night aboard the presidential let plane after President and Mrs Johnson announced their engagement from the LBJ ranch Lynds 23 the Johns on older daughter showed off her diamond engagement ring but ignored pbotograpbers requests Paris Variety lit Gordel19ilél Montreal Expo 61 Pres tige de Paris is the name of the new show that will open at Expos Garden of Stars on La Hands on September 17 to con tinue until the closing date of the World Expmltlon on October 29 The name is well chosen for this show will offer variety of sets all vying for the most pre stigious ln Paris show fullei color beautiful girls and many of them an aerobatic act stars of the Comedle Francoise lead ing ballet dancers from the Paris Opera and many many more interesting and exciting features Opening with the Doriss Girls tclose to 20 of Paris greatest and most talented beauties in magnificent eostumesflrst and in attractive undress at times Prestige de Paris continues with the leading male and female dancers of the Opera de Paris Michel Renault and Daniele Fuger Also Les Marthys in stupendous acrobatic act Mick Mlcheyl the star of the Casino da Paris the French csnean from the Moulin Rouge and dance history of the Comedic Francoise as seen through the dancing of the Doris Girls The best from the Lido The Moulin Rouge the Foiled Ben gere the Comedic Francaise all this and nore will be shown at the Garden of Stars twice nightly at 315 and 1030 pm from September 17 to October iiisi sir THERE EXAMINER WANT Ans wni no THE WORK PHONE 7282414 CALL 7282th Sotyouhavo something to sell and dont gt know wharoto find buy Well just relax Examiner Classified Ads son doliio job for you They are conveni to kiss her loycarold fiance from Milwaukee Wis The surprise announcement of Lyndaa engagement ended continued speculation over the romantic interest of the presi dents daughter She had numerous beans through the years and broke an engagement to young navy lieutenant three years ago Until Robb came along Lynda had been dating Holly wood actor George Hamilton more than anyone else few weeks ago though Hamilton declared marriage is not in the immediate future Robb who plans to make that marines his career and is scheduled to go to Vietnam in February first met Lynda alit tle more than year ago whcn cameraman the White lions as military social side She called on him to make fourth at bridge They didnt start dating steadily though untd the last four months Raspberry Canes Need Pruning Now that raspberry harvesting is finished it is time to think about next years crop advise horticulturlsLs with the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food Since canes die after fruiting they should be removed Cut them off close to the ground Most old caries will be diseased to some degree and will act as source of infection for the new canes For this reason it is better to remove them now with er than leaving them till next spring Dont leave them in the rows remove and burn than their engagement Wu Inbound act by the White House Wircphoiot Use Compost Pile For Home Garden Homcgardencrs can make good use of compost pile Its the place for garden refuse and supplies ready source of com posted manure wben completed Raw material for the compost pile can be Provided by nlmost any type organic material such as straw leaves garbage manure and grass clippings all can be used it they are treated properly For the average home garden er who doesnt have manure handy for compostplle Pro lessor if Garrard of the Ont srio Agricultural College sug gests one method ol making homo garden compost heap First either dig hole four feet by six feet and about four to six indies deep or build pit of stone of tho samo dimen sions with walls two feet high The walled pit gives the best results but it needs an outlet in one corner to provide drain nge Start theicomnnstrpilevwithr l7rlltiLllinr of straw This allows the air to circulate and helps to absorb excess water Then pile layer of sod weeds and general refuseto depth of six inches on top of this and pack it lightly Water this layer Add high nitrogen fortllizer to aid in the breakdown of the or ganic matter Add one to two inches of topsoil Euild up lay ers in this manner tapering the pile In dry weather dish the top to hold moisture In Wet weather round the edge of the pile so the moisture will run all in dry weather water the heap periodically Keep it moist but not soggy Be careful not to pack the heap too tightly If it gets too compact use crowbar to punch few holes in thecentcr pi the heap to allow air to en er To prepare the heap forwln ter mulch with straw or leaves This prevents it from drying out and maintains the high tempera lures needed for composting DUE TO POPULAR DEMAND 60 any article of clothing CLEAN our THE CLOSET TIME is sEING HELD OVER unriL SEPT l6 606 minimum at articles Dry limited Steam Air Finished GET THOSE 2ND BEST CLOTHES CLEANED NOW CASH CARRY 0R enrinexpensive and fast way to turn your DonrWants into cash Phone us well do the rest PICK UP DEthERY on CLEANING ossrnevs ALL FORMS or Morn LIFE Call Now COLONIALQUAUTY CLEANERS isz Napier 72845441

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