Barrie Examiner, 11 Sep 1967, p. 5

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lefiéfizflii mgfvv was an HARVESTING OATS INIORO TOWNSHIP Dupite an unfavorable growing season Keith Sander son of Kelmyr Farm in Cm Township was able to harvest between so and 70 bushels of oats per acre The unusually wet weather earlier In the sea son resulted in yield some what less than otherwisebul considering the conditions the harvest was good Examiner Photo ExReeve Oi Vespra Hits Regional Trend lilINESING Stalil They have gone too for already and it is costing more money and ts less democratic said Csrman Downey tormchespra rccve criticizing recommendation in the Snth taxation report urg ing more powers for 29 regional governments in Ontario The peoples rights should be of prime concern said the for mer member of Vespra council for 17 years who was chairman of Simcoe County Childrens Aid Society board during i965 and 1966 Powers were established at the local level for reason Provinces VOte and shouldnt be lightly cast way Simcoe County has tried measure of regional government in assessment and welfare lll these are examples we have had too much now said Mr Dow ney who deplored the rise in cost above ordinary Inflation it cost Vespra something like $1500 year for its assessment havent all the liglnes but its more than $5000 now In View of the End that Ves pna population and area has diminished owing to Barrie au nexation this tolls its own story The situation with welfare is much the same In October IIy TIIE CANADIAN PRESS Announcements of elections by the Liberal premiers olSas katchewan and New Brunswick have brought to three the prov incial votes to be held in Octo berall within lZdaypcrlod Saskatchewan Premier Ross Thatcher announced an election to he held Wednesday Oct 11 and Premier Louis Robichaud calleda provincial election for llionday Oct 23 in New Bruns wick The announcements followed Ihat of Premier Iohn Roharts that general election would be held in Ontario Tuesday Oct 17 Mr Robarts made his announcement Tuesday iilr Thatchcrs government has been in office for years sinee it ended the zoyearoid CCF regime At dissolution the Liberals held at seats to 26 for the CCF and one for the Con servaiives The rural Shellbrook seat has been vacant since the death of at Resources Minister John Cuelcnaere WILL CAMPAIGN MONDAY Announcing the election at news conference the 50yearold premier said Liberals were con fident about the outcome and added he would begin his own lgn Monday night at Estevan 130 miles southeast of Regina Opposition Leader Woodrow Lloyd of the CCF told reporters there were no legislative rea sons why the premier should have called the election 1967 election had been widely anticipated and Mr Lloyd said the CCF has been ready for it since the beginning of the year Martin Pederson Saskatche wan Progressive Conservative leader and holder of the only PC seat in the House said pt his partys national leadership oconventionin Toronto that he was caught somewhat unpre pared for the Oct 11 election had expected that it would be little later he said Here am wasting valuable campaign time in Toronto when should be working in Saskat chewan South Vietnam May Seek Peace With The North LONDON AP South Viet nam has advised Britain It means to approach North Viet nam soon with an offer of direct peace talks that could include representation or the Viet Cong official sources said Friday night ll The British have been told the proposal will be linked with ma move to suspend US bomb ingl of North Vietnam they SBI Except for the inclusion of the Viet Cong in pence talks this would be Inllne with Presi dentelect Nguyen Vnn Thicus nlcctloneampaign pledges In New Brunswick Premier Robichaud made his election announcement during nomi nation convention to choose Liberal candidate for Bathurst riding The last provincial election was in April 1953 30 LIBERAL SEATS The House standing at disso lution was Libcrals Elf Progres sive Conservative 21 with one seat vacant Itlr Robichaud said his gov ernment which first took office in 1960 is seeking mandate to continue its program of equal opportunity Effective last Jan it gave the province control of all mayor services including health education justice and welfare The legislation was hit terly opposed by the Conserva tives Legislation passed last spring increased the number of seats in the New Bnmswiok house to 58 from 52an interim meaure pending lull study of constitu ency representation by an inde pendent commission Mr Roberts announcement Tuesday ended months of spec ulation that his Progressive Conservative party would go to the people this year Mr Ilobalts said he chose the Oct 17 date to allow timeto plan his Confederation of Tomorrow conference which will be held the last week in November Be romeo To Abandon Iiule SOUTH BEND Ind ReuterslA is ding Jesuit Saturday predicted the Roman Catholic Church wfll he forced to abandon its strict ruielor the priesthood within period of five or six years Rev Joseph Fiohtcr liar van University sociologist told group of priests attending symposium on the campus of Notre Dame University here that the abandonment of the rule of celibacy in the priest bond will be gradual process LONDON AP Rev Stanley Grabowski 39yearold Roman Catholic priest from Bayonne NJ was married in Church of England ceremony at Har row Mlddlesex just northwest of London Aug 26 an Anglican vicar said Sunday Rev Raleigh Prater Vicar of Christ Church Hoitctll Hill Harrow saidFather Grabowski was married in his clutch to Audrey Faye CHAMP IN CORNEIT HALIFAX OP Blair Richardson retired British empire and Canadian middlew eight boxing champion will be in Dave Downeys corner when the Halifax lighter meets Jim Meilleur ofWindsor Out for the Canadian title here septum Richardson is directing Daw aeyo trainingin Boston When it was ndministcrcd at the local level by people who know the local situation it was done much more efficiently he said mcntloning that nblcbodied earlier were required to cut wood for assistance The idea of giving assistance In ablebodied without requiring to work is alto gether wrong in principle he mainlaincd PROTECT RATEPAYEITS Amalgamation of some of the smaller municipalities might be considered if desired at the local love but the roicpaycrs wishes should be kept supreme Responsible government that is administration by bodies res ponsible to the voters was right won at the cost of much sacrifice and shouillbe zcalousiy guarded Administration by councils at the local level which was the closest to the electors they re presented has been the most re sponsive to public opinion Mr Downcy suggested The experts talk about efficiency as on just ification for centralization but it just dount work out that way Confederation year was good time to review the history at municipal government and tho elforts of Sir Robert Baldwin and others to grant as millah power as justiti at the local level The Baldwin Act of fall was followed by the Ontario Munich pal Act hir Downcy said he wasnt gainst change which was soo sible but change alone didnt necessarily mean progress Look around you for your an swer he remarked suggesting that elected representatives have more responsibility to the peo ple they represent than appoin tees HITS CENTRALIZATION It just isnt thesame said the longtime member of Vespra council who said he agreed that something has to be done about high taxation on property but at the same time he warned gainst the perfls of centralizai tion of administrative powers Lancelot Smith and his Ont ario committee on taxatiol have brought in some recommenda tions of value in advocating eas log of tax on property but the shifting of powers from the local level would he backward step There is nothing lure keeping the powers with the electors with the administrative system as close to him as possible aid Mr Downey expressing grave apprehension at the trend advocated While he said he has noted some protests lilr Downey said he was surprised there want greater diamcn raised where peoples basic rigth were con cerned Theformcr Vespra councillor and reeve said he was strongly in favorof progressive action but he advised careful analysis study and caution before mak ing drastic moves which could cause much harm As said they have gone too far in some direction already and instread of saving money for property taxpayers they have only added to his burdens he said again mentioning assess ment and wdllare Banner Promotes Cockatown Fair cooxsrown Silitii Large street banners arm log Cookstnwns fall fair for Friday and Saturday September 15 and to have been recervr much at tentlon here Albert Gllroy Sec rotary reports considerable in terest has been shown inthe fair which will feature sulky racing on its second day An inspection showed the Cookstown fair grounds and race track in good shape There were good races at the fair last year but rain forced cancellation of the program the year before Fail fair officials expoct large entry list of horses for the 1967 fair It the weather Ia favorable carly settlers Alexander Six IHerds Entered In Cookstoum Show COOKSNWN Staffi We have six bends entered already said John Shclrdown prul dent oi the Cookstonn Agricul lursl Soclet stating ho antle Ipated the cos County Jersey 1th parish show would again be standout feature to tbe lair Some ls classes oi events for tbs special lecture for the see and day of the fair Saturday September l8 Bulls will be shown at 1130 pm and cows at 130 pm Carinde will present tlopby for the grand champion bull while the ill Schaer trophy will be presented to the exhibitor of thc grand champion cow First year exhibitor with the highest number of points show Ing at least four animals will re ceive an award and an oil paint ing will be presented to the pre mier breeder and exhibitor The Jersey parish show was big event last year and all indications point to an even more successful sbow for this years fair said llir Sheardoun FITHI AT EX Mr Simrdoun said one of the hails from the Cookstown Jelsey Farms won filth award out of 19 the Canadian National Ex hibition compotition recent nlmingto the sulky rac ng lllr Shourdown said Occluth Councillor ArI Kidd was racing secretary and mcmbcrs of the committeeiaoludcd Walter Beat ty Appcriey and Lambert Wilson He said he anticipated some local cntriu to add to In lercsl Canadian Trotting Association rules are to prevail for two clas ses of events the 222 and 118 Two onemtlo heat will be run for each race with $150 in prizes to be divided to per cent so 20 and TD mothering event also is planned and this lvili be decided on one heal There will be clu scs for horses lsii hands and over and under 159i We also expect bigfadoor display said air Sheardoo who allied that notice has been received from one exhibitor planning to make it exhibits AII exhibits are required to be in the ball by in am on Friday September I5 and Judging will start then In the ladies depart Progress Made In Highway Work Near Bond Head BOND HEAD Stall With rapid progress being made ill the construction new stretch of highway which reduces hazardous turn on highway 17 Iabout flvgdmil fltboi here sweet to yfor ing to traffic later in them The construction Involving bout mile will have highway 27 in Simme County meet the read In York and will make desirable Improvement At the present time highway 21 traffic logs on highway for about half mile before sharp turn to 27 again llcavy equipment has been working on the at new stretch ment and for fruit and vegetables and fruit progressive cuehrs is plan ned for opening night Star Broadway Show will have their rides let up at the grounds Wally Crouter noted Toronto radio commentator is to take part in fair opening ceremony billed for 115 Saturday following parade Saturday night dance will be held at the Carling Rink with the winning orchestra in old time contest providing the music Fair Plans Made lit Collingwood COLIJNGIVOOD Stall Headed by Russell Weir the Colllngwood Agricultural Society is busy with plans for the 1961 Great Northern Exhibition which will be held Thursday Friday and Saturday Septemtr or II and 23 KlngShows Midway wm have their merrygoround fcrris wheel and other rides and ht traetions at the fair grounds Early Interest Ilndicatcs large livestodt 3115M and of tears are hoping for standout fair in observation of Canadas centennial year nuSrnucn TNEWS TITE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY SEPTEMBER II 1961 Pioneer Brentvvood Hod Two Taverns nannrwoon Stall rau rural municipality which is loc ated in the heart of Sunnidale township goodTarmlng land dates back to the early settle ment of the area Robert Id FIcar of RR New Lowell has been review ing old records and gathering historic information about Brentwood and bitter places of the area for centennialpurpos cs Early plans were referredto including registration of 51 lots with the Crown Lands depan ment Montreal in trio The streets shown were named Sima coe Hunter Head and Gore streets Originally that is in was there were two ranges of five acres each laid out extending from the Snnnidale border to the third line At first these were given as free grants of land to settlers DRY AREA NOW Like the rcst ol Sunnldale Hrontwood is dry area today in so far as liquor facilities were concerned but one oi 1all Neil built tavern and stables where the second line intersects the Sunnidhle Road This was the beginning of Brentwood it was shown by the records the settlement moving northward where the land was better McNeiils became general stopping place for travellers on the Sunnidale Road it was pointed out Mr Flear Mild re cords which showed George Sueath who stopped at the Mc Neill Town on his way from Barrie toSunnidale Corners in June 1847 wrote in part had fought misquitoes for all was worth until reached Old Roches Tlavern tired and hungry Rachel McNeill and her husband Alex kept the tavern at Brentwood of the present 3y ORIGIN OF NAME Brentwood wasnamed by Cumberland railway pion eer who was managing director SWIM ABANDONED DOVER England Reuters Americao polio victim fiery Hinlrcn was Iorced to abandon his English Channel swim Sun day when he became sick after swallowing mouthful of oil 10 miles from the French coast Hinkenwho swim using only his armsbad to be taken from the water when he swam tbroughon oil patch eight hours after leaving Cap Griz Nezi at isplanned at the meeting of the Northern Railway Wil mott was name used for short Ilieliae and hirrmtilumberland ragga Brentin Vann um tmm ailhei itsunoth London England or adopted It from that of bondholder or English director of the company The post office was commision ed May lutit under the name Breotwood Mr Fiear found from tbe records The first post office was established in store operated by Louis Du bois and this was situated on the east side of the road inst to the north of the railway Iilr Dubois was the first postmas ter At one time Brentwood was lumbering centre at some note in foot Simeon Cook of Inger soll purchased land from com pany which bllllt mill approx imately where the Joseph Dumond barn now stands Jos eph Davidson lumber mer chant from Toronto also erected store and built sawmill here The mills created employment and drew others to the area msch inns ANIMAL CONTITOL BRADFORD SlaillV With West Gwiliimhury council hav ing given its approval some time ago the Ontario Humane Soc iety will provide animal control services for the township area starting January 1963 T0 AID RINK FUND CREEMORE Staff As one of various projects to help raise funds for artificial ice loathe rink Creemore artificial ice and 13199 fund carnmttee will hold dance at the CreemoreArena on Friday September 15 illcan time canvass for the fund can tinum AI COULSON COULSON Stall Mrs Shellsweli will be hostess for the Coulson Womensinstitute meet ing on Wednesday September 13 when nutrition will be discus sed hirs Dalton Jenney will give paper on the subject and the health committee convener Mrs Horace Ego will be in charge Mrs 0Anderson will discuss Nova Scotia HAPPY MAERIAGES CARLEY Staff Rulea for happy marriages will bediscuss ed by members ofthe Carley Womens institute at meeting to he held on Wednesday Sept ember IS with Mrs Hamil tall the hostess An auction sale 3RD CANADIAN OPEN Bond Head Ontario 617 11 Collie St in 1858 Brentwood had two taverns The community reach ed its peak as lumbering com munlty about this and by the no 70s limit of the land had been cleared and made into farms The taverns wcrc oper ated by Mrs Ross and Mr Kenyon but the available re cordsdid nflilist vthe first names The following dcscription of Brentwood was published in Go in anvatlas on Simcoe County Mr Flear found lt occupies both sides of the Sunnldalc road where it is crossed by the North ern Railway Though small it has thriving appearance havv ing two saw mills two churches Methodist and Roman Catho Iicl brick school IJDIEC post of licetwo hotels general store and the inevitable blacksmith shop besides the private resid ences of those employed in the business of the place in June troll Lewis Anger and Andrew Auger had the front part of their horns surveyed and mapped out Ia townsiter Al lowance was made for four streets each running east from the Sunnidale road Each of thue pioneers reserved for him self strip in the centre of his farm and facing on the Sunni dale Road approximately two lots wide and extending back about seven lots The Flear home stands on the north cor ha of the Lewis Auger Reserve Always tillve Illlilill vadu cash llleAllArlnancr COMPANY llMITEIJ 7258403 Dog Trials VJKCran9I5heeeFe1y fsept1 1967 Details from Mrs Lindsay RR Bradford Ont iiilliston Anaexation Plans BAXIER Still 439 Iowa ship council is seeking Informa tion about Alllslon snnentiou transmission giving its Itng Biting WAN tum for new union school There are about 500 or more topic living In Ess ncxt to All ton and we felt we should know whether Allistnn intends tnsnoexthisareabofmwem inlt the tovmsbhatoltssbareof these dcbentlnes said aapokeo man for the township large part al the capital cost will be met by the government through annual coloration grants but Alllston will issue the debentures for the AIIIstoniEssa No 12 an ion sdrooi area Council passed resolution at its September meetin authoriz ing the clerkHarol Bell to contact Alliston officials regard log the school matters trylaw was passed mother lalng the sale of properly at lot concession near Alliston to Bruce Peacock of Harris for the purpose of building service station Reeve George olive and Loretta Siore Operator Better LOREIIO Staff am not feeling just right yet but it is pleasant to be back at blui ness said Jack Wilson opera tor of Lorctio general store who has returned to business dutics after having been ill since last Easter lIlr Viison undcrwnt an oper atlon in St Michaels Hospital Toronto one of Lorcttos bcst known residents hlr Wilson operated the Loretto llousc hotel until he sold it In 1919 and it has changv ed ownership four times since when in the hotel business he was dlrcctor of the Ontario Hoteimcns Association IMPERIAL WINNER or ACADEMY AWARDS INCLUDING DIST PIiiTlIflI ill THEIEIIIiI ROB Requested By Essa council Councilor Kenpetb Blanchrd vrera updated represent Es seat public library meeting affirms on Monday Septem II Progras in the construction of new county bridge cast of Bar ler was dllcused This will at tact big improvement In the ThorntonMex road new centennial flag on been placed on the Essa municipal building SlaynerWeelrly In 9151 Year STAYNER tStoli Message of good wishes and congldtula tions have been received by Dave Ptlillpm editor and publisher and lllrs Edythe bf Philippa associate editor of the Stayncr Sun whidi has started its out year of pub lication Founded In lim by if Har court The Sun was launched when Stayncr was still village In fact just five years after its Incorporation Within it years the community became an incor porated town which was in i588 lilr Philipps became publisher 20 years ago when the business waa promised from Bill Ross New equipment has been addtxl which has made it possible to give Slnynor one of the batter wcckiy newspapers in this part of the rovince Foun cd with the arrival of the Norman Railway in 1554 the community which Is 25 miles northwest of Barrie was first called Nottnwasaga Station and then Dingwuii before given its present name in 1961 after landowner Mined Sutherland Stayner town of about 2000 popula tion Stoyner is close to Wasaga Beach and has heavy summer tourist trade We COLUMBIA PICTURES roan ZINNEAIANNS MAN non ALL SEASONS rule Ewiigou recalllcowr One Performance Nightly Commencing or pm Molinees Saturday 9th Sunday lOth with one showing only or l307 TODAY mom unansw No one ever made the scene like szfivvmm RODDY MeDOWALL DEBH PNDNE niltool 46 MAIN ST BARRIE MOMS ctlvros rumor Admission Evenings Sol Sun matinee Adults $200 Students 17 Children $l00 CANADAS FINEST ENTERTAINMENT TUESDAYJ Elia EVERETT roundly Ann on are same PROGRAM is PHIL HARRIS MRS MILLER rt Bantams Gian camps Ills Loansy and Founnationg allst At barbarous Cool At 310 only Last Complete Show At mo BARRIE HURDNIA DRIVEIN THEATRE Whittrillions gt AARON NDSENDENDmovclm

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