Barrie Examiner, 11 Sep 1967, p. 2

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MP5 SMITH LEFT AND MADILL AT CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION DELEGATES MP5 New PC Leader Highly Praised By TED RUSETON Examiner Stair Writer Robert Stanfield is the man wholl unite the Progressive Conservative party and lead it to victory in the next election according to Barrie delegates at the PC Centennial Convention last wcck And well be looking for national election at the first pos sibla opportunity according to Haber Smith the present mem ber of Parliament for Simone North im delighted to see that Stanfield W011 hestile best possible choice for both the Con srvstiva party and Darwin Stated Ellwood htadill mam bor of Parliament for Bufferin Simcoc There couldnt hava been better choice statcdtltil Cald well president or the Simon North Conservative Association was sure hed be the winner from the very be ng Stanfield made an excellent impression his so purt grew magnificently from timethe convention opened he said Stanlidd will healtha party unitcitonceagain in away that neither George llces nor Davie Fulton would hnvs been able to stated Burrles Bruce Peacock hlr Peacock who is Art Evans campaign manager in the iorthcomin provincial election has atte ed the last five Conservativn conventions when both Hoes and Fulton saw they couldnt win and lie cided to give their support to Stanfield it was an indication of the ability and support that Stanfild received from the con vention Mr Peacock said This has been the most open and most democratic convention ever held by political party in Canada eommcnted Mr hiadili it has set precedent that ilsv excellent for the ion serve and some ing the other mom going to find very ard in match Tbe Barrie delegates initially supported Senator Wallace Mc Cutcheun when voting started on Saturday but when McCut cheon voluntarily withdrew most of them summed Stanfield Senator lllcCutcheon wdl be running in the next election campaign in the newlyweated York Sirocoe riding which is immediately adjacent to Haber Say Diei Wént aOut Like Man Although nonc ot the Barrie delegates to the Conservative leadership convention backed John Diefenbaker his determin ed tight to the finish did arouse their admiration and respecn iHe went out like man He won the leadership at EJHVLi tion and he lost it at this con vention commented llruca Peacock He didnt lust stalk not refuse to have anything to do with it and cause split Once the outcome was known he came on the plat form shook hands with Mr Stanlield andmade speech in which he streséed the impor tance of loyalty to the new lea der and urged the delegates to support the new leader he said He urged the party to unite behind Mr Staniletd and stressed the needior party on ity atleast four times in urging full support lor Mr Stanfield He was delealed but ha took his lumps like man he said im certain the party will give Staniieldlthe unity that Dieien baker urged Barrie delegates also stressed that there was no real split be tween BobStaniield and Dufi Colorful Boblin These two men headed the voting from the first ballot and on the fifth and final ballot ware only about 100 votes apart Theres no real split between 110an and Staniieid commen ted Hebcr Smith 110an pledg ed his full support to Stanfield after he was elected and he didnt look at all bitter or upset over having lost All the candidates are oncol lent men and all have indica ted theyll support Stanfield Mr hfadill commented There couldnt have been better convention for the sake oi the Conservative party The convention has meant heavy load of responsibility for members of parliament from this area Mr Madili mention ed having to pass up attending several events in his home rid ing during the convention and Haber Smith commented that convention work and prepara tions have kept him tied up for weeks For local MPP Art Evans however the end of the con vention means continuing full schedule of work ahead in the provincial election campaign Display erlarks TBradiord Pdrk Opening Highlighted by the official opening of tha new Bradford West Gwiliimbury centennial park by Hon Earl Rowe 0n tarlo lieutenant governor Brad fordfs weekend centennial cel ebration was described today by Councillor Ken Tupling chair man ot the commle in charge as success beyond all expec tations More than 7000 participated in thclparade which featured the Governor Gen erals Horse Guards and the glittering dupiay won much applause from crowds all along the parade route The governor general ap peared in historic royal car riage drawn by four prancing horses to add to the colorful atmosphere Sirncoe County War den GeorgeA1 MacKay Mayor Joseph Magam and members at the Bradford council and Reeve Keith Langtord and the West Gwllilmbury council along with the parks board and olherot iinlals alsotook part in the cere mony Immediately following the par ade the Governor Gcnarnls Horse presented their famous musical rider perform ance at the new park and dc lighted large and appreciative crowd crowd of more than 2500 attended an inter faith service at the Bradford Community Cen tre yesterday Saturday night dance at the community centre for which Tru mp Davidsons Canadian orchestra provided the music also was well attended Holland Landing won the soft ball tournament The Bradford Lions club and Rotary club did the main work in thearrange ments Councillor Tnpling said in commending all who assisted The BradfordLions ciuh Cad illac award will be made at the community hall this Monday cvcning and is expected to dra Smiths riding of Simona North The delcat at John Diefenbak er may also solve the problem of the representation in the riding of Slmcoc North in the next cloc tion Because of the redistribu tion which wfll take effect with the next election Dr lil nard from Oriilln and Huber Smith would have been in the same riding There has been mention made that if Mr Dicienhnker was de feated Drl Nomi would not seek reciecllnn There has been no final decision made in this regard however and Dr Rynard will likely walt bniora announc ing any such decision Dr Rynsrd has been close friend ol Mr Dielenhakers for many years and has servcdds dale Conservative spokes man on healthmatters At this leadership convention he gave the nomination speech for Mike Starr in his bid for the Con servativa leadership The Sbrleoe North constituen cy wasrcpresenta hy Presi dent Bill Oaldw vicepresia dent Barbara Wheeler and Bar rile YPC president Jack Garner all from Barrie in addition to Mn McCullough tram Midland and Mrs Margaret James from Goldwater Bruce Peacock was one of the alternate delegates from Barrie who would have vot ed it any one of the others had not been present to vote LOCAL GENERAL FIRE CAL Barrie firefighters were called to parking lot outside the American Hotel when passer by spotted smoke coming from parked car late Saturday eva niog smouldering fire in car owned by John Hayes Benjamin Avenue Scarborough was qllltki extinguished ma AND mm car parked in themuoltlpal parking lot beside the American Hotel was slightly damaged by motorist who left the scene without waiting to report the ac cident The parked car was nwn ed by William Walker of 62 Nelson Street Barrie BICYCLE FOUND girls bicycle was tound in thecast end of Barrie onSat urday and turned over to the Barrie Policc Department The blue highspecd style Firestone bicycle was taken to the Barrie police station where it is now in storage until claimed LIONS CLUB The Lions Club of Barrie will resume meeting tomorrow at Community House starting at 615 pm Tth will be amopan businessmeetidg in which disoussmn at fund raising ted nioues will be held Members Will also be informed on progress in preparation or the Interna tional Plowing match The first directors meeting of the season is scheduled for to night at pm attthc home of Lions president Larry Hart Wellington St Barrie BIRITE PRESCRIPTION SERVICES SH III on Drugs PHONE 7282429 For Fast Pickrup and Delivery At No Extra Charge 30 Blake St Barrie Shopping Plaza another large frond in actions DIES Suiiers During Rev Evan Scbsrf at died at Royal Victoria Hos ltli Sunday otterooon as rant of coronary arrest which occurr ed in tho middlo of his ll mm service at Central Ilnltcd Church hir Sdlarf collapsed in front of the communion tabla ar chinch oflicials were trying to help him outside lie dldnt ra galn consciousness He received immediate arti ficial rcspiralion from members ol the congregation Yestcrday was the associats pastors first regular Sunday back following his first coronary attack last February Mr Scharf bounce associate minister at Cenlral United in September l906 ailcr sewing in Smllhvlllu for live ycnrs Barrie Couple Hurt In Crash soyearold Barrie man Fred King injured in Highway 400 auto crash Sunday night was said to be in fair condition at Royal Victoria hi this morning with brokcn arm chest inhnics broken ribs and facial cuts His wife Margaret 55 who received lacerations in the some crash was in satislaclory con dition nt Evil The King mr and another driv cn by Joyce Lillian Ellis 22 of West Hill collided nn liichwny 400 near the Thornton Sidcrood at 10 pm Damage was esllmntcd at $275 in threecnr accident on High way 400 earlier Sunday evening Cars drivenby William Robcrt Dick 46 ot nt Barney Alhushl 43 of Scarborough and Keith Thomas Couller at of Etobicokc collided near the High way 90 underpass at 750 pm but no lnurlesresultcd Ten minutes earlier cars dri en by Mrs John Higgins 42 of Youngstown New York and James Maerury 42 or Toronto collided on Highway 400 near the Thornton overpass with damage estimated at $700 before firing two bullets into the $150 Damage ahead at the Attack Service its is survived by his wife Chrislioc son Halo of can eron Falls and daughters Sylvia Mrs Sunnow of Burlington and Gwen Mrs George or Dundns The body will rest at th Poth ick Funeral Home uu noon Vcdnuday Nomi service will be held at p111 at Central United Church ills will be buried in Burling on Shoot Watchdog Two lirmed Men Escape With $130 No armed men escaped with Slat after shooting service station watdldog in an early morning vholdup at Fosscrton eight miles east of hildland Sunday The men their faces masked with nylon stockings entered the Fesserton DP Service Station at 315 am One of them was brandishing rifle They took 370 from cash rea islar and another 590 from serv vice station owner lrwln Kucrsk and customer Dennis Baron Kuczaks dog Provincial police at Midland sold it isnt known whether the men moped by car or on foot No car was soon outside the ser vice staiion at the time of the holdup In Accident An accident on the Shanty Bay ThundeLBrldge shortly after midnight on Satur day rcsulled in $150 dsrnagcdn the single car involved The car was driven by Frank James Burgte 27 of Joe Cool son Avc Angus There were no charges and no injuries PARKEDCAREIT CAROL BORNER LEFT AND BlLL HENRY SHOW WINNING VFORM Barrie Stable Takes Top Honors In Show Barrio stable took top hnnlt era in tho Orlllls Fall Fair Horse show this weekend and took home total of 17 ribbons in the process Horses from Crosthaven Farms owned and operated by Bill Henry of Shanty Bay Road took ribbons for grand champion horse of the show and for best pair as well as two seconds three third four fourths and fch fifths Grand champion of the show was taken by Sonny ridden by Mr Henry whiio Sonnyand King ridden by Caroline Bor nor shared the honors as top pair filiss Bornorand Ihs other four girls competing for Crest havcn are all student riders at An accident between park ed car and Willowdnlomotor ist was reported from tho Brew ers HalalStore on Anne St on Saturday The car was drivo an by James Hugh Noble of 23 Greenview Avc willowdsie PRESENTCHEQUE Torassoc ron RETARDED Achaque representing the proceeds of the car draw sponsored last June by the Barrie branch of the Associat ed Canadian Travellers was presenied Saturday to reprev sentativcs ot the Barrie and District Association for the lie tarded The car draw was the runs wantoum SCHNEIDERS ouras BARRIE CREAMERY ONTARIO NO irreso coronal 45BUEHLEI328 seventh annual one sponsored by the ACT and the cheque brings the total to over 57000 that has been raised through the yeard for the Retarded Association in Barrie Ed Green LEFT President of the Barrie and District Association for Retarded received the LB PKG 65 cheque with Peter Fielding CENTRE AssistantSuperin teodant of the Adult Occupa tions Centre at Edgar from President Jimmttield of the ACT otternonn car driven by the stable Awards were won as follows Mr Henry two firsts one sec and one fourth and fifth Miss Bornor one first two fourths one liith Ginny Heltmsr two thirds one fifth Rabin Snel grove third fourth fifth Paula Holder fifth liealher Larmour second The award for grand cham pion came as surprise to the Barrie competitorwho had al ready loaded his horses on the truck for their trip home and had to unload Sonny for the presentation of the ribbon He described the Drillia com petition as an excellent evcnt HITS PARKE CAB twocor accident was re ported by Barrio police Friday James Priddle RR Bodjeros Ont was involved in an acci dent with garked car in the vicinity of teele and Duck worth StrecLs for the young riders The whole show was very well run Last year riders from Crest havcn took total of at ribbons in horse shows to data this year with four more showsto no lhe stable has collected 3° ribbons in threeshews th 6mm 0213 LONDON wrrlcarimirlo Foils The 0clober l7s Ontario Prov Election Tile FOR Ollicers THE Electoral District at centre Slmcoe is Now OPEN AT gt96 Collier Street 17281721 3C GOODHEAD low low Dry Cleaning Prices Tunis ti indiesSlucksh skiers Plain PLAIN DRESSES 135 Mans suns FLASH SERVICE Free Pickup and Delivery qurovuc 34 Mary St aturning Officer ssc 65° 135 1235423 LEANERSi Drivaln location

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