Barrie Examiner, 11 Sep 1967, p. 10

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IO IE MERE EXAMINER Check Your Attic Storeroom Garagel Somebody Will Pay For Your Discards CallA Want AdVisor 72824 MONDAY saPrmiah ii 1I7 ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS PaganIScitooi OiDancihg REGISTRATION DAY TUESDAY SEPT I2 soo to scum Eastern Star Room 17 0mm sandal BARBIE CLASSES RESUME TUESDAY SEPT 19 RriD BALLET METHOD BALLET IN EDUCATION For turtllcr iotormatioo phone Ordiia WI BIRTHS vvrrNAL Mr and Mn Vincent vliilli inee Jun mum on handy to announce the anivat or in dlflthter ma non horn szpl nor al Virinrla ndon Onlarlo Iierrle aLtler ror Knrrii ond ebonri ENGAGEMENTS THOMPSON voum The on rsaemeht Ir announced or Miss LI hell Thompson or llorrlr votcy pl Iohna mi The no to on aiuruu Schlemher no im In Trin ty Anglican Church DEATHS loan and Lenll sud In iii mud or an accident saiurday September 1961 In Cr Canyon nrlllrh Col iuhti Gorey Brimed 7lht the Late Lent nllvcr and other or outta ice Elin IIrld Laurie Elicn 3011 ill Mr JOhia GIVE 01 Vlncouvcr Ili 01 Elizabeth Mrs M4 icri Vlnmuter Leela holmrd ot the illu covey and near mother at Lcr Elizaltlh Lari urte arch dour daua at Mrs ilabel Ovrr and me or ouvrr dear ilstcr oi miene Ili Iiarold Lina later Sonia nail Olly pain at Toronto Cyril ot Cheitehhum George cl Dundaill Ind Lynn llln gus Mackenzch pl name Scr rt Falkcnburc Camrtrry on nraday Saptrmocr it pm iust fund 71 harry set up It SiErilng Trust Corporation Barrie Cr in orphaned children in lien or linwrra IIODGKISS llcrpzlt Plsfld away at 51 Josephs Ilosrzibal Guelph on soturdry Scplomhcr 15W iierbrn llodglrlsa In his your year Beloved husband or menu riunicr oi Stcvcnsun slreei North Gurkh DCOY fllhfll 0f SIEEilflK 5th dear Rlllldlilhflf OI Klan Mriy Ann Brother or Thomas ilodgnbs Gutloll Ethel andnAnirc both or England Resting at lovell Punch Home 15 Yflmnillll SHCN Guelph lor Iunml service In be held on Tuesday Ittempon at nczuex Interment Memory Gar dens scrihnr luv Linn suddenly at nnrrle on Sunday September in low Remand Evan sonari alsocluia minister oi Cllillli Ullilcll Cilfllclil Beloved husblrid or Christine Scharr loving father or llugh or Cameron rails Sylvla 3111 II Slcprlowl of Burlington Ind GWCII Mrs 30011 171 gtDulldas Ontario ticsth at are FFtiilcR liinlral llomc 127 Dave held so Barrio pnui 12 n3 on lcLIlssda Serve in linden chimed on Wednesday sep temper 13 at pm lntcrmcnt in hurlinaton Ont COMING EVENTS BRIDGE PLAYERS WANTED for MARATHON BRIDGE Sponsored each year by the Kempcuicit 10D Contact Vlrs ll liltinlcr 723 9966 Mrs lDlVili 7282723 SQUARE DANCE CLASSES for beginner daucers EVERY WEDNESDAY STARTING WED SEPT 13 out until 1030 pm At THE HAYLOiil St Vincent St TZIHSSG Directors borne and Betty Hay BINGO St John Vianney Hall TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 12 JACKPOT silo CLASSIEE ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 7282414 CANCELLATIONS moo am to 211 or rains day 2i wunp MLNIkIUlli CLASSIFIED onEnTlsiNrrcnsh Discount Rates apply it paid with in days Single insertion so per Two consecutive insertions diae per word per Insertion Thur consecutive insertions to per word per insertion total szoo six coh secutlvc Insertions aIrc per word er lnscrtlon total $501 lrullipic Insertions may be ordered alibich lo cancellation when sulirraetory charge or so cents ii made rnr results obluined to per cent od dltlonal charge It not paid within seven dry buttons on CORRECTIONS All phone Insertion orders are accepted as convenlerice in the advertiser Thernlorc the clasaiiicd Advertising Department requires all advertisers to kindly rcchcclr their advertisement medioth alter and Insertion In order that any error or omissions may be re ported betoru am In older out some may be rectified tor the tol lnivinn davr publication The Rare rlu hammer is responsible or only ona Inrnrrecuy printed lnsen iron or any advertisement and than only to the extent or portion or ad that Involve the adsme Erma which do not lesson the vaiun ol the advertisement are not ellllhla tor corrections ily makeroads The Barrie Examiner rcservu this right to clmty reva or Niel1 Intwarit ad BLIND mum aox aaPLIEn use or an Examiner Box Number identityior Box Number users is itrlctly contldenlial nepllcr Io Letter aoxci will ba held only ill REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE PETER and WILES LTD 7ZS2410 $12900 Newly decorated bed room storey and half stucco home with bath rooms new oil furnace Lou MiDIIURST AREA Good building lot ready to build iin ncor crystal waicr suhdivie siou $1200 SIXPLEX BARRIE Solid brick slxplcx in good re sidcntloi area all heat stoves refrigerators supplied wash cr drier good income 565000 MUSKOKA AREA 16 acres with nearly new cot tage boothousc dock on Wood Lake 513 watertroni with good cxtras Completely insulated hot cold running water in llillii room and kitchen bedrooms 525000 Contact Myrtle MacLeod liar more 1111 Egitnlun Ave zost Toronto 12 Cholkan Co Ltd 10 Collier Si 7284401 Our MLS system has over 4000 reps to give you taster results VANCOUVER connINoroN 1200 square feet or luxury living my large living and dining area modern kitchen professionally finished rcc room and pc woshe room large lrccd lot Terms can be arranged LAWRENCE 7Zfl01I73 BAKER 7281796 GIEBY GIBSON 726mm MARION NEWMAN 77581132 DEVEAUX ANGUS 4495390 GARNER 7737605 AND CO OWEN ST 7182485 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo MLS Realtor EVENINGS connoN Dunsizoizls WALTER ownsmull sANov cormsmelee sate bathing beach plcnty oi REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE SHELSWELL and WILLSON HIS REAL ESTATE ill Dunlop St East MORTGAGE BROKERS 731421 or 729143 our Acne ON PAVE ROAD ouukirts ol Barrie with tour bail room home reccntiy modernized all conveniences Potential Call Mrs Brown Tor details Tin12rd No lion NEW LISTING $17000 Noslorey brick hone with four bed rooms and born shone acre realm or Brown Deed Atkinson loan LID IL MleLArui ran up tin meroit uroeed Norman shalaueu mm HIGH Sl recreation room and patio area MARKET GARDEN Charlie Read 72321111 Doll Campbell 41172123 Doug Campbell 11172123 Smith Campbell 72873119 ROGERS C1 At the Five Points CENTRAL $11500 Very handy to North and beircoms The upch ap lirst mortgage Ior 310000 VA menl immediate possession HOMES 72119793 Connell Fred Epicti Hayfield Street PHOTO llortgago Funds Avallablc CURLY KLoosrlznirliu 1lo5tds iiAnnAnLT lloonl zozm GLORIA KossATz motor iiIENE Fallow mom Real Estate 33 COLLIER STREET WILMA BIDWELI 7256321 FRANK 79 EAYFIELD STREET MW 7751359 our 3745715 EMORY 1115 REALTOR 67 Dunlop St West Gordon Spencer mam Emerson Swain 725M Kenneth Miller 43191314 Harvey Weber 43S3815 Karl Marshall 728e9917 Robert Plewelling 7786383 Icriucnl coliAN FRANK NELLiS CEXIIL MILLS 58 WORSLEY STREET Norm Synnotl fill1531 Bill Hamilton 7235325 liiir Acres with acres raspberries house oidcr home with all conveniences miles trom Borne Excellent VLA property M15 m7 Photo lit DUNLOP STREET EAST Photo all Realtor No 11561 Call Norah Roikcs VLA BUYERS Here is diance to live rent tree with income trom basisnent apartment in ulls ioilrhedroom bungalow modern kitchen living room and indium Hail acre ot property Priced Ii 51351 Cali Mrsl Lang WEI 11767 sinrarer 1erth honb ruthe Gudyl Simer Kdih Metanu menu shelawn ll Wiuson AMPBELL PHOTO tins REALTOR mom Storey cemclit block and stucco borne close to schools finished RES mM apple ordiard largo itlldicn flugh Plowman looms lion Allan 456531 Bud Watson 7230915 Fred Taylor 7281205 CONN ELL Realtor Phooo mil556a OLDER STYLE Ellch DUPLEX LOCATION Collegiate scparat and public schooLs and just short walk to downtown shopping The lower apartment has big living room huge kitchen with builtin dinette Brlmcnt has rooms and has separate culroncc This price is Iinn but the owner will hold very good investment now with moderate reniais being so scarce Phone us TODAY for oppoiot EVENINGS CALL 7233582 W123 Rogers Ed Green HAROLD FORSTER COMPANY MES REALTORS 725 53 Free Customer Parking EVENINGS CALL llrLDllrm 1r MOORE 7185 KhoosTcnirAN Lou aoaDEiioNiiT GRANT cAltTHLlR Tiatoot mom WBDWELL Photo MLS PHONE 7284450 ELAINE INESON 7134731 MARY MORRISON 77119933 NELLES 7261405 EVENINGS CALL lion SAUNDERS coquIn Isalass MIKE MAGUS 1151405 FOSTER 7B5 MILLER MORTGAGES ARRANGED 7261381 liita Scandrett 7734665 Peter Manton 72365113 Marg Wakefield 4495465 Les Lovegrove 14am Percy Ford nitTow Emory Miller 7260563 CARSON PHOTO M13 REALTOR TELEPHONE 7266481 Russ Carson 7266161 Rupert McGarth Eilnvaie 739m Charles Hepworih 7156182 Photo iIILS Realtor OSE APPRAISALS MORTGAGES RENTALS is OWEN ST items all Mackncss Res looms Russell Smith hes Tooodor lrnry Voir Res nouns Dick Hartley Too7m HENRY ELRICK MICHIE Real Estate Mortgages COLLIER 37 723553 CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 72272419 or Dunlop St 151 and 2nd mortgages arranged on low monthly payments We buy your present is and laid mortgagu MABEL ilAnsiiALi MARGUKIIITE M00RE727CLS7EB cum ZIBTARA 7235177 Itstc Install remit currents 17114435 RAWN Real Estate Broker 308 BAYFIELD ST WEMSI SPECIALIZING 1N RURAL PROPERTIES Evenings Cali LEO CAVANAUGH 7281207 LARRY TORPEY 72541715 BILL RAWN 72611999 RESIDENTIAL bedroom brick bungalow on prnlesslnnaily Lind reaped lot ironover kitchen recrea tlon room phvrd drlvowoyllrge lcnced lol This hourc is yend old one ownerCorrlel slot Priil dpll inwresl tax par CHI mortlln Walking distance to all lays 191 int dill oi Dubllicltlom imiifi villa 011 bit line 77 All hosel hm 7288115 Appraisals MLS Realtor ITE 11 109 Hayfield St 7281071 Appraisals Listings invited EVENINGS JOHN 11 WHITE JOHN com moon YETVHO CALL BRUCE McLEA Cookstown limos RENOVATED house businesr properly suitable ror ottlcrs or small business con Lral location Am 74 room house Inlephone Tod3534 PROPERTY WANTED auvim ivrm good down payment urgently requires older bedroom home In Barrie Please contact Ken Miner Representing mory iillilrr near astute 7zsiooi LOTS FOR SALE TEN consumes hear liarrli $1900 pox F66 Barrie Examiner moduli LOTS WANTED BUILDING LoT wanted south or riarrre write to Mr Lucian rm waubaushene lNSURANCE MOVING7 Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage of any kind sec STEVENSONS 111 DUNLOP ST 7641101 Will Help YOP Write Ads Two apartment ails OPPORTUNITIES NEW BUSINESS Excellent chance toiake on Veryprofitable business as Vistex applicator and distrib utor Vistex is the amazing newone stepseamless mar blising process used for flooring vanity and counter tops panel ing patios etc Small invest ment from $1200 to $5300 ree quired to cover lovelitory equipment training protected area etc Write or phone Vicstan Ltd sod East Ave Hamilton Ont 52541579 5491791 Mr Pct elSOli PART TIME OPPORTUNITY Own your own profitable part time vending business Com plete training with continuous assistarice compaliy supplied accounts $1500 investment par tiai financing available Reply Box F83 Barrie Examiner SNACK BA or aornpieiely cuuipped and operating Trcmcn nous potential In heart nr indusv trial arch Available lmmedlatcly Telephone 4454757 collinswood MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH MobiiewHomOs Generalntlleiidule1 traveluir Parts and Service PHONE 72341114 Cash or Terms up to Years 170 BURTON AVE 72119365 was REAL ESTATE MOBILE HOMES mi GLENIMLI Ironic home 60 may Moon moo For author palileum nice photo mom one on or Ill do Handy TRAVEL TRAILERS is roar uncom muzr min olieh Mao root boai ham pour Joinier Motor and inner reiepnnne moan TRAVEL TRAILER 15 In trailer urethral tVll allied very rel1MB Bl RI Point mild Paimvrick MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere ON ALL EDIE PARKS AND couutncm PROPERH 50 0F VALUATIONS If You Need Money on consoudau cobra ay nil exlaund mortgages rnorinu enmtos duo om In men Ia Any Ivor whit any Write or Phone 7250981 Mortgage Funding SlmpgliiiSears 129 DUNWP ST Membnr Ontario Drum Broken Amoctatlnri Ilave youmoncy to invest oo lirst mortgages See EMORY MILLER Real Estate Broker so DUNLOP ST midst WANT MORTGAGE First or Second at low simplo interest Up to aof ot your pro perly voiuc Low monthly phy menis up to fifteen yetintro repay For any mortgage pro blems soc CORBY Real Estate 93 Dunlop St 7234419 no iron man mortgage ady em available to purchure me We will even lend you money on our mortgicci Enouiro liorirao ndlnc 7160931 MONEY TO LOAN MONEY T0 INVEST In ltlnuulacluhnz businear wnic Box 592 narrle unmluer RENTALS HOUSE OR APARTMENT WANTED Timur lithium house or want ntun hunted to rent by Orlflhcr North collegiate urea prolcrrcd Please telephone 72tHiilll HOUSES T0 RENT cuLleiI sTnacT lurre lornliy mm or Income thE iy fulnLdey nicely rchnriltcd our rurnnce large iol years lease runnerIrv possession $115 month ly7£5c37v memo New rlectrlcolly heated bedroom cxenlllve home located bclwlrkri Barrie and 00111111de 0ft beauurul Vrlyor Int nun couple with one small child 115 Call anonio GED71 alter mm or write Box Barrie Examiner HOUSES WANTED nannooaa house nnnted Pull basement or garage or both 11 pos alhle within is mile radius or camp Borden one child Van derlprn Unit 4455500 APARTMENTS WANTED R00 dmrimcrlt want on thu around lloor with Image and stove suppllrd Please write Box F75 uarrie Examiner BEDROOM unrurnished apart men required by September all Working coupit no children Tele phvn rillTM W5 To RENT s19 MONTHLY Nieon tarnished bachelor apartment Modern Ipplle lancer ideal torpuslnesa girl Con iral Telephone 7250991 week dayi BEDROOM PETERS apartment for rent privan entrance parking la cllliles Close in downtown and 17 Slop Small child weloorifl Available Lnunrdlaiely Telephone ROOMS TO LET FunNrsuaD ROOM to rant locatcrl on Huh street Telephone 7132561 or turihcr tntomiattori LARGE CLEAN turnishod mm ror rent control location Please telephone 1751974 CLEAN rimNisrrim bedrooms In quiet home close to downtown oennnpan protonred panting no 7557 otter Dan FUnNrsIrLr Housekeeping noon to rent opposite arena with rangetrc use or rclrigeralor and parking Telephone moors ask for Mrs Craig DUCKWORTllQucen area vicinity or high and public schools clean to bus route hcdslttlrig room light housekeeping cenerur horde privileges and parking suliaplc ror business or prorrsmonai girl Tele phone mom proletany alter nun STORES FOR RENT STORE Mil1A rnr rcpt suitable ror smallrepau service storage ale $50 per month so mean ndanrrie Telephone 7256451 SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES TORENT WLNTERIZED coflnur tor rent South or Barrio bedrooms in aide conveniences on school bus Telephone 4367357 orlerd 11 ARTICLES FOR SALE ROBINSON HARDWARE tor quaiity used appliances STOVES REFRIGERATORS WASHERS AND DRYERS 31 DunlOpSt East ELECTRIC HAMMER wA Iaek in good condition 5w Telephone molar alter pm CW for Want Ad Section occepiedluitil 51mm 7232431 ARTS FOR SALE NORTHWAY RUG co LTD The house in broom DOMESTIC AND llIPORTED BROADWM harmonic all lines Ind price Collier St Pltttite 751311 McFADDEN li URN TURE Highway 17 North Rdngerator door 10 cubic loot one door rdrlgerator Automatic dryer All used and in good condition WASHING MACHINE Vlhlnt IX celienl condition no 11 Peel smut for further tumutlon Tim 15 inch and wheels For rurthel lnrcrmauap Iriepbonc oltr alter pm IllBF PiloNTs no in Iliad we 11L Sldu 0c 1hr Lkr Food Harlot 1M Cirillo anions VACUUM cleaners iypewlitm demmmtnn each model reduced to clear um sinker bl Barrio ridM sPAcx nonan and too nllon all but Am cover tor back of 16 ion truer Fit Chemist lm in loss Telephone mam arter pro Lan FORCED Alr Folham tor idle to load sandIliad For uri pliflr particular telephone on Ammth humor eleelrle ttnye used one month mo plso nixL diirc rctilgeralor In excellent cone dilinn cubic mi oillast siNolzn rypaunier exeeuent ion riliicll used only 1cwnw one year old Too Tolephonl mom alier pm Blur TDP corner box to it lumeilr largo shudders bamboo iislilirg rod drca tr iilon 7311155 Tarcwnirans Sacaill rental nits udenlr nenlai applied on pure are iiacblnm bulith sold ren rdrcpl Free eatlnm St Typewriter Co on pump at moses I75 Phon oly lhlt Apt in lieu ole Avnlllhll al Barrio Examiner business oltl NEWSPA ER MATS ldnlrtor iinlnr carres etc It perreci only Io each Apply Dorrie examiner SEWING MCHINE metal $6995 zleAn $8993 sales service Lani encn swine and Knlilnn Centre 72561 user thuvils all makes and mudeiy reconditioned sis and up call Filter Ihired Ilami or Maple Avenue MIXED sTIiNiiiNG timber cor hurdaodd Avamximaiely as 12 miles north or Barrio iron thrr rlelaiis who no 93 Barrie Examiner GUITAR FOR SALE Gibson strinx acoustic one month old Telephone Tia1m or norm CIIIIDME TABLE and tour chairi elecirln burnersinvc wamlnc machine pe bedroom suite swivel chair pair or lamps and oihur Ininaa riotous ircA vlmn Television Black and White Colour Final clcor once onim models Low down payment enry Singer rcnnx singer at Barrie Tclcphonc Tao7m irotlTON com also 12 55o dress unllorm Isipuols soo sdo blue brocade drew and Jacket silo ll $111 Rosc bocadr dress and Jacket size 11 $10 Wedding dress with chapel train all My WIT Phone sews LANDSCAPING BLACK LoAaI Birth xrado mwlnl duality by the load deuvery Tells phone Ivy 751m wean CONTROL Now is the time to spray your dundeilons weeds etc also Ieriilizu your lawn Aiiri aanl yard manure tor pale Tele phone ivy Rd MARINE CLEARANCE IJP To our OFF Boats MotorshTraiiers and Accessories Rolland Boats Ltci Hwy 11 North Orillia 3255141 FOOT CABIN cruiser Ill equipped good condition This an be seen It mic 50 House sass or best otter is income Plywood runabout with is inp aolnrudc motor all controls running llghii spotlith rue Jackets paddles an A1 nnndluon Phone rod2m ItLllMlNlllil FOOT boat and Mercury cost tits sautrice pair silo also carinp boat and motor oak 3750 hdz motor or Agnes soul Home i2 FOOT Plywood boat with steer irn wheel Cflmi£$hLéI1ilngililg sh Id rno wirinb good condition 5350 HA 191a PLYWOOD ROWBOAT vpottom good conditlon com plete wllb oars $5000 Walnut comer cupboard clam mot 55 Hanna 7265219 ARTICLES FOR RENT DISH RENTALS DINNERWARE LASSWARE lSlLVERWARE ISTEMWARE OPUNCH BOWLS Etc settings tor up to 300 penpit available It you need extra dinnerware eic tor small dinner party to wedding or social banquet CALL 1N AND SEE Armstrong Hardware Barric Phone 72112441 YOU CANT BEAT THE CONVENIENCE or RENTING CALL 7280580 MARTIN RENTAL CENTRE 437 Dimiop 72811560 vLMtOE lent lDI rent for plnw Iug match it xloopr an in Call riasioo narrlc my tIXAiuLNEIt ANT ADS cellar1N Shepherd Gorden GVYard Tools ARTS FOR SALE ms HUT Ind uil old item What In you Th Mucus Cellar Dunlap trim Anne 125ml rim were as Errand Shop 10 If ACCOIDMN wound in its with 10 01 ll Men In it also for sale orlrldl Telephone It APPLIANCES 72849288 PIANO WANTED Honolulu apartment at co lnehu Mn wanuduinngpd emldIIton Tcitpimno 7217331 TREES 3i SHRUBS nulls out or sale In and adult also sludho Pine Stiller very roachhis Now is the limo to piaptl Telephone uracil TENT TRAILER tor rent by week lilens responsible party only Telephoto 72603 Tm sun 1111 trailer Milt Ind hlrd Lop lion highway 11 1h mill oohlth of Midland Oven WetIn Tours and hi Iiu nine Telephon norm rm noaiAn Unit iri Hindu nnrncius bcai rlberclan trailer nylon tcnt deem rtx cxlr auniu timer apare Ivar moot never out arm 51 Snow oonien 4214904 lFRUlTS 5r VEGETABLES MONEY Comb or till your own contInert Grool Yonln SL Barrie liwy Ii moms nAaPIiLnrik canes tor rale only rcds 351 on tho marketl Telb Phimo 01am Ora DOGS PETS and border Collie poppies tor ult an rpaim 2ll 5161 weckn sio cach rc epliono LIIimAiron Purs 0n convcnltrit time ymcrlt plan to suit your Jud month old biaoa Hunt and mountain Telephone EIIETLAND COLLIBS weeks old nblewhlt and black mole and ELNE type will FARMERS MRKT DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals rcniovcd rec For last service PHONE BARRIE 7237751 Collect or ask for NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 51130 1N0 CHARGED 7t hours day days week RI Foxmearl Ontario License No 288654 FEED SEED GRAIN to impart Tasha FEED WHEAT Feed When no ton Tciephnhn Ken Future Moonstonc mm FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies It Service Case New Holland David Brown Realty 76 BURTON AVE norms CAin rnADi TERMS HANK BROWN Delaval Sales Service DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT Complete line of Dairy Farm Equipment Supplies Bame Holly Hwy 27 72611188 SERVICE literiii Telephone On PAVING PAVING SPECIAL Asphalt driveways and parking lots Free estimates year WRITTEN GUARANTEE MAN TERI PAVING CO Phone motor PAVING BY TsuBONE C0 013 BARBIE formerly of Toronto Our customers are our best ad vertisers Japanese paving ex perts Asphalt his driveways etc Written guarantee for thiee years Call 7286345 PAINTING GEORGIAN PAINTING and exterior Moderate warrenu Anne st oerrte 7216431511 BRADLEY Interior exterior paint dernr expert nxperrng mp rod taping Can shanty Bay 12mm MOWER REPAIRS ADTHORIZED Service nd Wan ranty all makes air cooled one sinus Mulligan Mower Service rear 17 Burton Ave violin REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33 Clapperton Street PHONE voodoo ALTERATIONS LADIES ALTERATIONSI MRS MILLER will help you expand your wardrobe also interior invisible mending 98 ESSA RD 72611000 QUANTITY oi hay ror sale Apply SalesFor Poll Will Raeiijfycoadvertise Classified Dial 7282414 FARMERS MRKT POULTRY CHICKS it claims can or rain in rurther lnrornaauon yum lela monc maul mo DKIALB layer or aaio ml II II Iekohooo tatunt AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE VIAU RAMBLER 17 min St risotto 19 RAme American rlnyi tnp uindrnleld when new um um telephone moons loss PONTIAC Parislehno conver tlhlc months ion on WIHIML limo miles loaf be men It 71 lnnlslii st or to whom nomad 1959 METEOR One owner cylinder automatic tullmrood mnoiuoru Toiophooa ml man cylinder automatic new trlnariilsllun inth old Needs body work on om lender 1150 Telephone 6941M cochlea11 mi aimroar convertible vs stand ard In eaenuent tvrtdlllon soon or Real oller Telephone mom or tuflhcr Inionnailon loss CADILLAC tour door hard top 1tu powered This car In eacellenl condition Telephonl no we aim tro Can be and It Drillerin street rm Form GALAxlx too mver unle radio vs automatic whil vrsila lull wheel disc blue dark blue Interior ln exccptionlily cicln condition ItsMoo nvmihn ItsIdol Munnovzn loss whorl drive in excellent condition PTO iron and roll trailer hook on exin tires Reasonable Apply at lioirato Siroti 1962 VALIANT roi sole blue automatic door but nab otter Telephone mam 1965 MERCURY Paris Arie convei hip while road inrlerior birch 161p Ill WW8 VIII Sad nu owner snoop actual nach odainol tires moo or best niler Taea Pranks mines or iisilti TRADE 0R SWAP 1959 Chem vo motor ashlnn Ilia ur best drier Tciophorle mch oiter pm iari oLnsiiooiLi rnr sale donr hard top outnmniic power brakea and steering Very good conduion Private sole Telephonc norm 1958 MERCURY so ensure out otter For lurlh er InrormutionIelephonc moist list llMlBLBTl American Custom has oil the rxtros ln exczni condition rum nnrinoi mixer Telephone 72115195 SNOWMOBILES THE LIVELY ONE Bombardier Skidoo Sarcs and Service BAYVIEW MARINE Lakcshore Dr Barrie 7266379 AUTO REPAIRS MISTER Transmission Ltd Automatic Specialists 33 Dunlop St 72113241 HINT FOR THE BRIDEAND GROOM Watch Classified Adsrfor terrific furniture and ap pliance bargains REPATR These Skilled lradesmen are Ready to Work gt Your Job Immediately EAVESTROUGHING EAVESTROVGHING Rooting tiusn lugs chimneys Graham Bros sheet Metal nilidol JANITOR SERVICE panama rim clean cleanlrig rnr homes niilccs starear alnmrr cleaning Service mama iRONING manNG per basket wishing and Maine siao Ila sbtrtat Pickup and deliver nooaoo DRIVING SCHOOL LAKEsriana DRIVING sonooL Licenced Instructor md lustsup tress Phone moms anytime ironmN morva SCHOOL Learn In on th Telephone 7139le mm iNSULATION nLowmI METHOD lismlatloiL Free estimates Guaranteed work Telephone Scott Mutr 7281257 CARPENTRY IILTierArroNs renovations house construction liy tlmrsoricd trades men solos Angus 71mm BOOKKEEPING GnavnS Btu AdultB insluu bookkeeping symms in conic Tax Planning moon SEPTIC TANKS SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25 any size house tank withiig 25 miles of Barrie KEN wrNTan co Barrie Telephone 7260782 PRINTING PROBLEMS Sec llsllttlc nioeinpos commercial Priniirui division The Barrio Ex Ilnlner ll Blytleld St 7264537

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