ANN iANDERS thotn by hurl Paul lir and Mrs Buch anan oi North Street have announced the engagement oi their daughterPatrcha Diane to Gilbert Donald Moreen son at Mr and Mrs bro itioresu Eugenia Street The wedding tiQuaIiiioations lire Lacking Says Dean LONDON Ont CPlDean lit Aikin of the Universi oi Western Ontario School oi Nursing said nresday that qual liicatinns oi teachers in nursing schools are nowhere near what they should he Miss Itikin was speaking to 32 senior nursing executives at tending twoweek seminar here She said only small num CASU BEIGE RED REG 999 ONE PRICE FWIC President STACK HEELS WHITE GREY TAWNY will take place at St Marys Roman Catholic Church Bar rle on July at 11 am Miss Buchanan is eertliied Dental Assistant hir Moresu is an employee at General Motors her oi teachers at the level oi masters degree are teaching in diploma schools oi nursing hospital schools and even Iewer in schools tor registered nursing assistants World Traveller WOLFVILLE NS UP About 30000 miles of travelling through Canada and other coun tries has been part at the job Iaa Carpal Stud Id PLAN MORNING WEDDING Dene Am landers om man in my 50s who has never married My widowed sister asked me it would drive her and her threo irlends also widows to the worlds lair next August have 1962 Chem ktandamagooddriverJn exchange tor the ohauiieur service the women have agreed to pay all the ear expenses plus 25 doflass each At ï¬rst it seemed like line ea but now something is both ering me We will undoubtedly be having most oi our meals together Since will bo the only man present will always are how to handle the situation nresa women are supposed to pay ior thlr own meals but would ieel unoorrriortahla so eepting their money right there in the restaurantmNKiNG AHEAD Dana Ahead Have an under standlng in advance that one oi the ladies will insist on separate checks when the waitress talr Your orders This is iniinlt the Federated WomenaJnsti tutes oi Canada in her iinal report aspresl dent given nrcsday the second day oi the liveday FWIC con vention being held at Acadia University hiss Haggerty told the 530 delegates had vls lied Tokyo hiolbou ne Austra oi Mrs James Haggerty oi an arree 0nt retiring president oi WOMENS wasHAars ALS IN BEIGE MULlICOLORS BLACK AND MALT ALL wmr RUBBER sows ONE PRICE 399 ILADIES rqu FA cororzs YBLACK BROWN IAWNY BONE WHITE RED every province in Canada Separate Checks To Separate Cash be handed the check Please tdl III Wag WW3WWMWWWW evuyv we simpler than out who ate what it will also save you the embarrassment oi collecting their money at the nauowran FIRST Dar All balesa This Is ditllcult letter to write but need your advice Mywlialatliwithan incun able blood disease The doctors say she cant live more than another ï¬ve or six weds Gar son is it and our daughter in We are all trying to be brave and help aaeh other My villa has sister oi whom Is very load This sister lives out oi town and has been here oil and on or months dont know what we would have done without her What wantto know is this Would itho proper or me to tell my wllaa sister alter the iuneral of course that she is welcome to go through my wliasbolonginga and take whatever she wishes it has occurred to me that it may sudden her and that she might pester not to have con stant remindersflren again she may want her sisters things What do you saytHK Dear arm Before you make such an otter may suggest you aslr your daughter it she would like to have any oi her mothers trvlostoflrum one Our daughter will call her Normal la 13 She is nor mal teenager whlnh is to little sloppy somewhat hes strong and she wants to look exadly like every girl in her crowd The real problem how ever is her lather Norma nlwnys was her dad dyl lirbut this past year It has become worse than ever When he leaves the house In the morning he never iaila to kiss Norma goodby Yesterday he was running late and darhed up stairs to give her goodbye the was right at the door but he iorgnt to kiss me iho mlnuta he comes home his ilrst words are Wheres Normal ball suspect aha en joys putting me in the shade am hurt and embarrassed that others might notlee it Should italktohlrzrortoheri SECOND Dear Second Dont talk to either one oi them Be pleased that your daughter and her laUIer have warm relation strip Every girls ilrst aneetireart is her dad and there is bound to be some sense oi NmpetL tion between girl and her mother As Norma becomes serloTrsly interested in boys the daddys girl bit will be less Intense So relax and live through this belongings particularly lew dry and the Northwest Territories are 999 ONE PRICE ITALIAN SANDALS Conventional Almond Brown Tone ONE PRICE You could then invite your HIGH HAND BAGS BEIGE FASHION BROWN RED BONE WHITE AND BLACK ONE PRICE 399 sHIONé ILLusroN if HIGH HEELS Ngkrrwramer IHEEXCEPTIONAL QUALITY 9F Piorotto Reg one parcs roam Ages Eelge Gre slawnyplled LoathersPrgrSidns Suedes stage as you lived throuur the others FASHION SIZES BUT SIZES Rag 799 In 899 ONE PRICE An outstanding value zippered tront yplacket attached hood rwuclzed LIALksas Sane 130 NYLON squirm JACKETS new Value Only 219s 2hr 450 Glrla nylonaqnal jahlrata ideal for coolaummerdnyalAssorted blue cllow red and white in sizes Ito 14 Special Value COTTON CREPE SLIMS Reg 179 Value 119 Sturdyslimsoiwaahahleoottun ore Hail hnxer waist Green me on pink red and lime in im 14 Plure Nylon SQUALL JACKETS DldrtySters leoso ¢0lTON SWIM SUITS Emmdnroisswlnmlngflma IndWalkara hm an nrrdingooileotlondnylout mooayaavingpriooal Illustrated One piece cotton sole with tho Nantioal look planted skirt shined hank stature 398 Manon 298 Mar styles available atom 29a