lEGAt NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE Is hereby given that all persons having any claims against the came at ALICE EMMA LIGIITNUI late at Parhtde Drive In the CIU at Banre in the County at Simone Spinster deceased who died on orabouttbeflhdayalAprll 1960 are requested to send pan ticulars to the undersigned on or betore the 30th day otJune me after whim data the Esco utors will distribute the assets oi the estate having regard only to the claims at which they shall have notice and will not be responsible or any others DATED the till day at June 19 CHARLES WILSON Owen Street Barrie Ontario Solicitor tor the Excmtorl BAILIFFS SALE By virtue oi warrant Issued by the landlord and directed to me Ior execution have coined the goods and chattels oi KEN NEIT SALES OI CANADA LTD situate at mil Penetang SI Barrie OntI Ior arrears In rent One loogalion Iuel tank with metal stand one set at scales titlb capacity two metal clothes racks Eight chairs lour gallons cleaning dciorgenl No rolls poly pac one counter Invoice machine Pour brushes one hand saw one mahogany door it quantity at galvanized pipes and elbows one Mar quette electric spot welder ser Iai No titration model No sac one spot welding gun sore lot No litstll one place ti plastic hose The above mentioned chattels will be altered tor sale by PUR LIC AUCTION at Iult PENE TANG STA BARRIE Ont tho hour at 730 oclock FRIDAY EVENING JUNE 12th I954 Terms sh Dated at Barrie Ontario thLe 0th day oi June 1960 IERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer lilVRlLL DEAN Ballitf metal 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE 0i new Iurniture and new cloth lng will he held at the STROUD RINK In the Village of Stroud EVERY SATURDAY at pm until iurthcr notice The Iollowlng stock Ir bankrupt stock and must be cleared Also at the same time anyone wish ing to have any articles sold such as Iurniture tools etcI phone 4362800 Stroud AUCTION SALE Saturday June 13 COAMENCING AT PM SHARP STROUD ARENA oi New and Used Furniture Tools Appliances and Clothing Stock is bankrupt and must be cleared VERNON AYRES Auctioneer Stroudr AUCTION SALE Saturday June 20 12 noon sharp For JACK COUPLAND At the Woodland Ranch Stroud Ontario on the 25th side road near Innisiil Park Sale of approximately 60 head at young horses and ponies 30 saddles and equipment The above horses are all young and well broken Terms cash No reserve owing to illness JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday July at pm sharp For BONNET In Churchill Village on Highway II Sale oi house acres at land household furniture including some antiques Terms cash No reserve as the property ls Ior sale day at sale il not sold beiore JERRY COUGlILIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE SATURDAY JUNE 17 pm sharp At the residence of II Lowe on Highway it at Guthrie Two houses west or Guthrie School Now 025000000 Port Mann bridge is miles from Vancou ver oprru today as the last major link In the BC portion at the ThaneCanada Highway lINIII LINK IN HIGHWAY PROIECT The fourlane bridge across the Fraser River links Port Mann with Coqulttam With total length of 0900 Icct and designed Ior wmlIeanhour and will at God and lraiilc the bridge has iluor escent tubes built into hand rails below the drivers vision to bathe roadway In contin uous glareirea light CP Photoi us TRADE AGREEMENT Rumanian Russian Disagreements Tense EUCHARESI fAPihuchar est streets with Russian names are getting new ones The Rus sian language is no longer com pnlsory in Romanian schools Russian book stores and Insti tutes are being closed or re named IIiara are hints at bitterness betwocn Soviet Premicr Khrush chev and Romanias longtime Communist la thorglia commoner Since Romania signed an agreement last work to trade more with the United States there has been increasing spec ulation in the West thnt Ro mania may be moving away Irom the Communist bloc Western diplomats in Buchar est elleve Romania wont break away from Russia and other Communist countriesor lollow the Yugoslav model not they say that disagreements are tenser than at any time since Romania became Communist In l9 Romania probably Is the rich est ot all East European Com munist countries In raw mater Ials She has Europes largest oil production outside the Smart Union and gold bauxite exten sive wood supplies methane gas water power uranium ore and salt For years most at these raw materials went to other Com munist countries TRADES WITH WEST In 1960 Ghoorghiu Del do clded on largescale plan of industrialization because Ro manians could not get the ï¬rst class equipment irom the Soviet bloc They started trading their products In the West and be gan buying lnrtustrlal plants in West Germany Britain France and Italy Romanias rapid Industrializa tion and Its Increasing Western co To Pay Widow $33500 Damages Sale of modern household iurnls lure kitchenware and applian cesicarpenter tools upholster lng equipment and supplies Terms cash No reserve as owners are moving to Toronto ARCHER COLWILL AUCTIONEER Telephone 7208904 Flood Waters Iltlltikokan Receding AIIKOKAN Ont CPI Flood waters which drovell families Irom trailer carnp homes here were receding Thursday William Sirachan public works superintendent oi this ironmining town 130 miles west of theLakehead said water in the Atikolran River was two feet below the peak It reached Wed nesday morning Pollce reopened two bridges which they had closed It the peak at the flood when water was aboutiivatect abov non ma my EXAMINER WANT and room no 14 MONTREAL 0P Cana dian National Railways was or dered Thursde to pay 388500 damages to the widowsndchll dren of man ldlled when passing freight train threw brake sine Into his car Associate Ghlet Justice George Vallies said the which caused the ourdtlIerrin In March 1060 could have been avoided II railway employ had carried out more caret spection oi the Weartral ML lierringï¬to was tIIIYIIlZ toward his home in suburban Dorval with his wile whats the flying brake shoe smashed throng the windshield ot his car struck him in the inca and chest and end in his lap IIe managed to bring the car to go std dledwithina halthour under the civil code the chief justice said the ONEwas resd ponslbla unlcss It wasvablatoi provetbnt Itcould nothava me ventodthaaccldant by any ren Ionable means ONE testimony had Indicat that there were several Inapec trons ot the brakes empioy eel during the trip room can reol Out to Montreal triad has not pleased EQIIIIAII the economic organization oi East European stalcs Instead thorghlu not has shunned many Comecon miet logs and increased trade with the West In 1560 Romanias trade with the West was 15 per cent This year it may he til per cent of all Romanias for eign trade In April when the Commun Ist leaders were attending Khrus shchevs 70th birthday celebra tions in Moscow GheorghluDe stayed home and mat with his Romanian Vorkcrs Commun ist Party In statement the party attacked Soviet interior ence in tho allalrs ol Commun ist countries and said jThora does not and cannot exist parcnt party and son party parties that are superior and subordinate No party can Impose its ii and opinions on other parties Gheorghiuvbcj then sent his trade mission to the United Morals Declining II Deans Claim HALIFAX CPITwo women university deans said Thursday trends student morals are not declining at Canadian col lagos Ono blamed sensation alists or recent controversy over student conduct Sister Mary Ligurol academia clean at Mount St Vincent Col lcge here and Mrs Dorothea Waiterhdean at women at the University otWaterloo Water loo 0nt were speaking to the annual conference oi the Uni versity Counselling and Place lStator Additionally Romania as inqulrcd about possibilities ol lolnlng GAII the Wests General TarIII and Trade Agreement Considerably rclaxcd rogu Iatlons for Western but not Eastern tourists to color the country obviously to cncourage more hard currency Irom them Expressed interest in buy ing two nuclear power plants Irom Britain or the United States Quietly cut down Itussinn Influences In schools and cul tural institutions cattle and one at the bes dairy now SHOEGAIN ANNE 8T msnt Association as CITATION 12 vol Litetlme notav Forums PASTURE IS THE LOWESTVCOST FEED for dairy tures are high In Protein but low in Carbohydrates and Energy The most important single need of the high In Carbohydrates and thus provides the energy lacking In new lush pasture 11IrsyfrTtatlonEZoo mi 15 010 res0°01 Cummings Food Milt BARBIE romwvlvsrd MW rev 51907 color SERMON helper Micah llSt Matthew muse Roman IIIIHI moth lilï¬ ly RAMSEY While no single Christianor Christian church or any on tioncan by their elfortr bring about permanent world ace each one can live at peace with one anothe setting an example tor the non Christian IQVGO elghtha ol the world to ioltow this unoollaving major naturally determines many world conditions hut world peace will come brought in of lard Jesus Christ Aao will be accompanied by world wide acknowledgment and war whip oi God as todays lesson points out The Ilrtt three cite tars oi the book at Micah conl rt primar Ily of his denunciation oi Judah Ior her social sins of wealthy nobles worldly priests and greedy aristocrats But Micah prophesies In the latter days all nations and lea will voluntarily come to the nose at God to learn the way wer Iul universal proclamat on oi the Word of the Lord will bring about true abiding pence As result the world will have security it has never known ba iore The third varsa at this pass age Micah triatl Is invorlta with many enthusiasts Ior hu man lchemoa Ior world peace Over and over we hear sermons preached irom this passage en into various humanly conceived schemes Naturally each oi us should do what we can Ior peace but the universal peace promised here will come only when It conditions are met Jcsus Rimsclt rcptail this In the passage taken Irom Mat thawa account at Jasps be trayal In the Garden of Gethse mane Christ emphasises that Ills arrest and coming condemns tion are part oIGods plan and Peter should not try to alter It through the use oi his word In Its own right the sword may be used to dclcnd nations against oppression or to pro vent contusion plunder and raplne upon the cortli But It cannot be used In the propaga tion and maintenance at the Gospel Christianity Is not to be aniorced by bloodshot and Christian bclleI cannot be ex torted by iorco In the chapter Irom his lot tor to the Roman Christians so signed to todays lesson Paul dcfince the rules olconduct which theyand wemust ob serve as Christian members oi human society We should ask Gods blessings but dont be misled Pas Pasture Dairy Ration is 7mm YOUR flCITATION HOME CITATION EXCLUSIVES StainlesssteeISlnk Vlnylliloor Tile PlastlcLInad Water Tank cholcsjorrour Appliance ioyExteriorColouia CompressorVSystem Guaranteooo Plywood couraglng us to cntcr vigorously Peace Security Through esus on those who persecute us Ior when we bless our perucuton wa Ira unable to cum them To relolce with the loylul and have sympathy for the sorrow iul la universal and uacoadls Honal command not matter at taste or sentiment but oi conscience We should live In harmony with our Icilnw Christie tor this spirit can coexist la lgreat dillerences In other mat err We are notto retaliate on those who do us an illturn tor Jesus has admonished III to ior live shun oily and turn the other cite As tar as possible we should live peaceably with III men In cluding unbelievers as so ciety We should not attempt ven faance upon those who have in ured us tor God will enact tub tice irom wrongvdoers Wa ahould try to win our ene mies with kindness tor thus lvengeance becomes victory at ove We are to resist evil and seek to overcome It with good both warning and an admonition Pauls not rule ior Christian conduct to Timothy hm brings us back to the subject ot world pcace liars we are told to pray ior all men and especially Ior kings and those to high places that our lives nilr batranqull quiet godly and reverential this beauty PARK PRICE ONLY I961 METEOR NIONTCALM Sea the mark ot excellence to this door hardtop you cant go wrong with this or Iglnal finish car rod and white with red and white Interior Sce Geoii Glenn on $139500 $1000 DOWNOLYOUB PRESENT 1958CHEVRorEi See the power and stamina that will be yours when you buy this sharp littlecar TIMI DOWN 0R YOUR PRESENT CAR CHooss FROM oVeaoo sassour usso cars PARK 149 oumor sr Priest Seeks Removal Of Archbishop nos mosses ram priest of the tar Angola arch diocese and Monday be has written letter to the Pope uk Iog the removal at his superior James Francis Cardinal Maln lyre Rev William It Dolley 29 of Compton Caitl at press conference scarred McIntyre oi gros rnaileannce in otiica to falling to air out on the racial questionM Cardinal McIntyre il the R0 mao Catholic arcllslshop Lot Angolan Father Duhay administrator CRANE SERVICE Cement Hoisting Steel Construction Clam Bucket Drag Line EXCAVATINO GRADING BACII IDLING MEETING LOADING TRENCRING STEWART CONSTRUCTION II Eeclel St Dial PO Box M7311 Barrla It IHl EXAMINER FRIDAY JUNE Id oi St Albert the Great Calholh hutch In Compton laid hil present parish is as per ceoCNo Soc BILL TOLTON MASSEY FERGUSON EQUIPMENT TOLTON EQUIPMENT LTD Hwy 11 Bahia TIM CERTAINLY YOU GET MORE MUCH MORE IN PARK MOTORS SAFEBUY USED CAR tor for PARK PRICE ONLY 1958 PONTIAC PATHFINDER door sedan beautliully iinlshad In iii original ttooa blue matching blue Inten OIMO DOWN OR YOUR PRESENT CAR I955 MERCURY MONTEREY Sharp maroon withn black and white in terior heres sound older model med real bargain In line car pow ered by an economical cylinder engine seeJack Miller $800 PER WEEK VB blackt door sedan blue interior ust call Bill Ware VJ claimqu Mdpvmmm PARK rank PRICE PRICE 40000 29000 11000 nowa ongoun ransom can 0R5 PHONE racism iv WHEELS ironsro sun YOUR BUDGET PRICED roomsmsoo MoonsF 13H isrr 17 ET iv9f20222426V BILEH 24 FT CITATION