JTMWA GP 1h ernrnenta proposed maps to flag will fly on Parliament Hill today but mm motes menand Morr tion leader Diefenbakerhave rerved dear notice they wont salute it ltlookstoornicbilks trademark said Mr Diefeo baker Thursday as the Com mons went through another starchy session on flag ques tions an unauthorized piece of hunting over the parliamen tery Dds declared Gordon Gin tPCWlnnlpeg South Centre Lasting only in minutes or so the Thursday edition of the pre Conilnuing to expand with Barrie and Simcoe County 700th Year No no iDief Wont governments right or lack of it to fly the proposed flag on official property What pouible Justification is therefor ftylng this asked Mr Dieianbaker after Prime Mlnller Pearson had said that ltwouidbe flown as re quested by lama menben oi Parliamentthis evuring Has there been an order tr onucil passed if not it can on be jollfled that is all Mr Jiefenbakcr said there is the same testifies tion as in making available to members plaoriel represen m7r$ué°ii° mlniner When the flagflying was requested by New Danna cratlc Pam inunbera last week than were no0bieotions he so WILL BE KB Future suggested Gerard Chapdeiaine SC Sherbrooke hlr Dictatioaker wnidd like th design once he saw it flying ltiay Lacy no it tools too much like trademark said the Opposition leader his flag issue was hoistcf Thursday when Held Scott MOPToronto Danfortht again asked whether vote on de risn remain Iho proposed flax Bartons annual CATAMARAN inc Theyre of Go go got Frank Bouitnn grade six student at Prince of Wales School perches on board urging his craft on as the catamaran race got under Sought For Policemen rdnosron or One dis tinctiva uniform for municipal police forces acrossths prov ince will be the topic of dis cussion today at the final ses sion of the annual conference of the Chief Constables Associa tion of Ontario The propoai for basic black uniform incorporating the traditional piping and insignia of police forces will be intro duced in the form of resolu tion by Chief Constable Vincent Pierce of Simcoe it is the result of cars re 7scard1 by ChiefPlerceTw feels the current varied uni forms worn by municipal police are hardlto distinguish from those of miiirmen doormen bus drivers and others The standard uniform theory sriNTo oonlllco SANTO DOMINGO Expio lions rocked militaryalumni tion dumpsfacross the Drama River from Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic through the night Officials said four persons were killed and 11 wounded Ilieuters news agency 61qu unofficial sources as saying they feared at least 10 vvoreritiliedaodtboilirï¬uted flames set by the blasts still raged todayp preventing fire men troops andjpoitcs from attan dose bola dime way Thursday afternoon The second annual event is pro Sect of students from Prince of Wales King Edward and Hillcrest public schools indus trial arts classes under the direction of Crease has already met with the sp lproval of Commissioner Erie Siikof the provincial police think its important to have police uniform for all forces which would heunivcrsally rec ggnized Mr Silk said Thurs Shoulder epatllots with cial symbol should he incorpor ated on the provincial police uniform to give it distinction he said The whole concept of Chief Pierces identical rm ocu tres on the abflihLoLitled parts to match with replaced parts Chief Pierce says black iscasily matched whereas other color makeups change each year and harm great tendency to fade The uniform would have The explosions caused some damage in the city Donald Raid Cabral Two races were conducted from the shore of the shelter ed barbor cove to the hreak water just south of Barrie marina See story and pic ture on Page three Exam iner Photo Distinctive Uniform would constitute confidence to sue lie said than is flowing national import for design with one maple leaf Mr Puma said there would be later reply but mine the request of certain mannbera to have the governments pro posed flag hoisted on Parliament Hill mid be fulfilled this eve ll n1 With that amusement can chorus of protest hlr Diefenhaker asked rhetber the prbna minister hail arrived at lot where he is the hose and stamina these quedions George Muir PC Linger arose on question of privilege to voice an objection person Eihriiiarri Emmi Barrie Ontario Canada fur mwrzngv xpm ywvz wansvsz arlt4swrrvw uvflmwmmmm Mm Salute want to any air he began that sincere and emo tlonal Is all are in this Housd Coranions with day after question on the flu point where datetr Preset ed the government should each be flown for is miï¬lltdzlam min er es on reso which have favoraddeaigna lotion the way wsl say we plhy trim toof um NDP miter of Maw or Ind lflduda mysdfaro car LesderlCDougtu mwumwmrrmonntnmwmuon governmmt on quest said the wim mlnh bringing the institution of Far cinimtoanvmonwolylathis iH Hamish regard said Mr Pearson Liberal propaganda said Carl we not get on with the bin Disienbaker onto asked Mr Garrdiul buinar and deal with the mo what possible notification As the bristling exchange can ties on the ting when it comes in there in view of the order tinued Harold Winch ND beiore the House JOHN DiEFENiiAKEft Local Weather Rain tonight Cloudy cooler tomomw Lowtonimtudligh Saturday Tl For complete luminary turn to page two Friday June 12 gt Not More Than Per Copyi6 SOVIETGERMAN TREATY SIGNED Hersey Crilticizes Action Of Mcrvor lbe ship of council hit stomty waters again ysterday Aid Hersey sailed into the fray over the mayors trip to the cons teréneemnadisnMsymsand Municipalities am dkappointed with the mayors procedure in leaving the chair to debate what in my opinion was an alderman ex pressing ao interpreAation ot committee item adopted by nouns oil Aid Hersey said Ho was discussing Aid Roberts obiection Mobday night to the recent payment of the associations $318 membership fee by the Mayor An alderman should be per mitted to express an opinion without being challenged by the mayor Ald Hersey continued For this reason ldidfnut par ticipate in the debate except to answer question Announcement Of Pact UK Opposition Couched In Cautious Terms Retains Scat ALI anasav committee recommendation to send the mayor or hisrepre sentative to BariieWOman LIVERPOOL England Reut ers The opposition Labor MOSCOW AP The Soviet peace treaty Speaking before pm rammed parliamentary Union and East Germany the signing he said in Scotl nd stitu 8W8 diiP Emit 32y urgerpoolain swim but Wide 5am suring peace now than by nor There is no other way of en malor crisis with the West by 1m ti ma ng rea ons stwccn ta gï¬myldï¬l 32 13193233 51°F 5M 5900 two German states disarma ernl election victory margin The result was Waiter Alidritt Word War peace treaty Premier Khrushchev raid the treaty lot in victor rowan for inent and the signing of peace Labor 559 Brian Keeta treaty would hean important thaSecondWorld War and the Cbnsérvative 634 Mishap Victim ï¬rst In 64 contribution to the peaceful Sawmill iii the iwn GIT regulation of the German tlotl Hi mumment the pm merit refuses to talk with Ui fppeam couched in we brlchts regime and the molar arms lint East German Communist Chief Waiter Uibrlcht following the Soviet leader on the dais at Kremlin meeting said the treaty provides thstEast Ger Barrie has recorded its first many and the Soviet Union will mm mum qua man states The West German govern Western allies decline to recog nize it in Washington Motion and Paris statements were issued before the treaty was signed saying the Western govern Moscow responsible for East traffic fatality of the year Mrs regard isolated West Berlin as Germany Harry Fell 7B of 53 Tiffin St an independent political entity died at 6ociock last night in which in no way is part of the The statements were in re mm mm Homm wall Germ Federal Emlth sponse to Soviet advance warn ault of an accident June and to which the competence in 113 With Him She was muck by cm arm the west German Federal ently were given to avoid touch en by Allan antler so of Republic does not extend2 log off crisis through mis understanding on whatit con RE Barrie rho crossed Ulbricht had argued for taios Titiin Streetin front of her home She sustained head injur ies fractured hip and other injuries Mrs Fall is survived by her spe havefour podreiscentrc vent matching cap with ventilated sides and rows of gold oak leaf for chief constables and black silk braid for chapains Fourbutton singiebreasted tunicswith notched Iapeis would be wool serge in winter and terylena in summer they would and detachable cloth belt with gold buckle Trouserswouldbc single pleated with side and hip pock ets biliie pocket watch pocket and scarlet log Vinsuatedwbootsvrforé inter resistiveMW fativo was authorized to pay the wear rather than the customary buckled boots over police shoes are also recommended Todays closing session will also deal with reports of the traffic resolutions committee and the election of officers the alarm for in hundreds Theycame not the government juntaraid ithreex and possihi five dumps at the vm armystl of February ari rocks were destroyedrrre said investigators were trying to de termine the causenTbcre was an oiflcial report the blasts weraatarte magazt Psisons injtha are several carbine shots foretha first explosions beilev tiresome tired it reported uploalo hold up to 1300 rncn ow to wae littersj with broken plate glass fro ltd officials would not estimate casualties but th injured were arriving at hospitals Explodes At Least guards were placed separated by river from the around camp which can camp dozem of persons were The Mayor travelled alone to Regina to ma an haples sant trip authorized by council as the representative of Bar ria have been approached to take steps to rectin the situa tion he said may do this as an individual alderman do not feel the finance committee should become involved in an action undertaken by the City Devciopment Committee Aid Hersey stated that tha mayor was authorized to travel to Regina on May 10 by council My htterpretation was that he could attend as Barries rqsre mflf conference feel he said On Feb 10 council accepted the finance committees rccom mendation not to join the na tional association On May It council adopted development only from the camp but from adjacent civilian homes Hundreds of residents were at tractad by the fire which pr ceded the first explosion in central SauteDomingo cut by flying glass ihundcrous axplo heavyshell LATE Aid Roberts interprets husband Barrio had only one traffic fatality last year as contradictory and lo sta ted Aid Hersey said merit Hill but said he couldnt remember no seeks Debate on nag Issue IOiiAWA CF AnoppositionMP attempted in the Almond today tohave an emergencyoehate on the governments plan to testfly its proposed mapieleaf fisgfrom flagpole on Perilsy Mark Herron Memes Judy Garland HONG KONG tileutersAmerican actor Mark Home said today he had married Judy Garland aboard ship in Hong Kong the axact date PrinCesis On The Warpath awk model KhanTineia Horn said Thursday she plans to sue William Wuttunee chief ot the Nationalindian Connolly for firing her from her post as jchninnanof tbavlndian centen nlsloommittne and dethroitlng be an illegal meeting because only six directors weretbere and others werent notilicd Once mono was spent to gather the dlrEctors to fire her huh they supported harshe vadded She plans to bring the law luit 1har htilnliihtfl Miss Horn said she was ousted because she questioned use atygovernrnent funds for the committee EXPLOITATION