Lung Canoe By JOSEPH stoma MD Dear Dr nlotnee Wily does Yaiclan recommend no smok ng tor heart patient coron ary thrombosis who has never inhalcdtILGM Dont think that inhaling la the only way smoking can have an etiect on the body Ihe lung cancer controversy It only one part oi the whole picture The nicotine ltseli may let all we know and suspect have nothing to do with cancer but it and perhaps some land lents can be absorbed other than mibijth the lungstor ia staace the mucus suriaces oi the mouth nose and throat Smoking has known eitects such as increasing the heart rate and the amount at work the heart is required to do ihia may be of little conse quence in most cases but it it not advisable tor patient with coronary disease As to never inhaling in variably some smoke will be breathed even though you are not conscious oi it Dear Dr Mohaeri Does om pnysenia have anything to do with asthmai What relation ship is there to the nerves or psychosomatic imam88 to Goon entire Only One Part ship to asthmaor ratherl there can be The Interference with respiration and the struggling ior breath con la tlroe eon trihute to emphysema which is breakingdown oi the tiny saea of the lungs where mun is translerred to the blood Since emotional upsets oiten trigger attacks of asthma in susceptible patients you can say that the nerves have an in direct eiieet on emphysema However sheer nerves do not cause emphysema Dear Dr Moiner have iloatlng or dropped kidney All can do about it is to wear kidney belt am working as domestic and tho reaching and stretching leaves me never without pain on my ieit side under the ribs Lately get back pains too lien anything be doneYMle lm sorry but there is very little besides belt or similar supporting garment Surgery tlor suspension oi the kidney is periomied in extreme cases in which obstruction oi the urine flow has been found it you are quite lean putting on little weight may help he there is distinct relation TELEVISION Channel Barrie mutton IUNI 11 on Mr or Waalhu Sport News Mullil Frankenstein mo mime JUN 11 Test Pattern Pa ayaa ram ï¬ngnday awrt Eiéï¬g as Doltor rrFFpPP 5832323 cause padding oi lat can PROGRAMS Channel Toronto ImmaDAY am 11 too atlrkey atouu Club can irioao 500 Channel toaatro Port Atrtuue no spam wther News 100 Donna Reed 710 Outer Ltoitu 83 To Tell The Truth are on Jack Pal Sgarll Hot Sell fl National lel is But 013mm maul wanï¬y JUNE own at atoms it 330 Cartoons 90 Mill Helen hamper noon Playtime with Uncle Boob Channel caravan Pt 000 no icon 1100 111n 1185 1110 mwxmmwaï¬lmfwmmmmmmerï¬o2 Quebecs HorseCarriages Start SightSeeing Trips QUEBEC CPIWithout took rest In at the calendar its still easy to tell that the summer Imiryin Wain IIIhnl nu at ti eve tew wezka all Just watch the caleche drivers Anxious tor the seasons start the men who drive these horse drawn carriages on leisurely tightseeing trips can be seen otten pacing up and down be side the ealeches Sometimeethey solicit palron age tom the comparatively tew early bird visitors or betray their llnpatiencewith barely audible round oi disgruntled mutteriogs To some degree their ieeiings are shared by the hotelkeep ere and merchants It provincial tourist oiliclal co timetes that about 1500000 peo ple come each year toytoam Quebec Citys narmw central streets take in the view at the St Lawrence River from the tarmus heights or wotship at the nearby shrine at Ste Anne de Beaupre Old World ouaintnels abounds in the centre at the citythe area within the tort Iorm around the kidney and act as cushion Dear Dr Motnert lily daugh ter who is 39 craves water just about all the time Why this has been so or about three monthsLL Among several possibilities are Diabetes meilltus the usual iorm oi diabetes which would also result in sugar in the urine Diabetes insipidut an en tirely diflerent disease despite threlntiierity of name which does not cause sugar in the urine Psychological problems Other conditionswhich how ever would be readily noted High tever vomiting diarrhea swelling oi tissues Drugs Sometimes drugs on the order of belladonna cause dryness in tha tissues and hence excessive thirst Love Lue ggcembler cone none are go you oura stake Herea Loo whim People in conflict Mickey Moose Club 351 Ni lh tee in is 140115 on News ers on tha Great Adven Mn PP gssgsgs South dealer NorthSouth vulnerable II that diaiienged Waiies ldvflflll Meats uann as norku But the quaint quarters III otten put to mannerdal use and line old imam house may turnouth thrivingbetel dWa hotelstwo dosen at them are registered with the municipal tourist oiilcerlnle in Ilse tom the petite five room variety to gigantic tahilahtneot In rin I61 soonis llogether with the TI regip teted mousing bousel they no count or cents at every tour iat dollar spent here Stores also do brisk sum mer business especially in Que bee handicrafts and account tor per cent at the tourists expenditures The tourist season begins to June and hits peak in August The visitor who comes here be tore the flood oi tourists will however have an opportunity to see slightly ditterent Quebec The residents spend their sixIngtime Sundays promenad lnl on the Duiterln ï¬rrace high over the StLawrente or cruising in cars across the Plains oi Abraham And to the traditional sounds at aueh weekend socializing something new has been added The contemporary songs oi the Beatles and others oi the mod ern idiom pour from transistor radls clutched in the arms of teenaxe it isnt quite what the tour ists cometon but it is never theless an essential part oi the style ot city that radiates harsh 20th century vitality as well as nostalgia for ancient glories HOME FOR CHRISTMAS Years ago even more so than today people who ieit Barrie to seek tame and tortune in oth er iields looked forward to being home tor Christmas in house lull oi relatives Christ mas of boyhood days was in variably brightened by snow and good sieightng CONTRACT BRIDGE ay JAY aecxea The opening club bid was norniai and so was the Jump re spoasa at two spades which in dicated at least mild interest in reacting slam At this point South already knew that there was am in the combined hands since he News wmau Wagon Train Country Hoednwn arm attenda In 53 ï¬lmma ewe Weather Sport News Move FFFSP9 eesszg ateeater es mbolt Annie ioioe Canaan Par 19 as limit we Junior nusiion South wm Baseball flame or on week glflggwgw Pee $15 11 izioo ieIVilII You Were Here Iii Slug ï¬fth mo the Garden Path to Pass 100 aooei Theatre pa eso ltlpeard minkIn Command IIIEgrgomm no mo Opening lead Iaclr oi diaa eioo To Tell rruin HI flm mm at Great Movies Mlle no Red Shoal maï¬glflm slam bidding is the real test iiichvv News sis Saturday Night Movie or anartnershto Most slams re ninth News Sports sliv War Yellow Ribbon Channel Buffalo 5995139 Ssssss SATURDAY JUNE no Meta 1000 Think of warn Andy Griffith Jack nanny rats Sing out aunmoke on National Nawa Metro moi Sport am and nouout gas But Berton mum sÂ¥ llnunoer Roadt nrrakioe Point cav News Metro Final Answering Servic Channel Suffan 100 115 L20 quire an extensive exchange at information between the part ners and it is vital that each bid made should represent as far as possible the exact values held it the beat contract is to assailant be reachedv iiiiifuilim Wit Im9 Hm mount ml For example look at this se our aces were accounted or mum too The Secret Storm NW mm 504 ï¬nal 15s Eager quenca of bids which enabled by lniereoee and the lack of so Huntuynxiokiuy News Mi mg°°merftvm the famous Sharpan twins at one king an unhnportant king zg ï¬g Elm v11 England liabert and James to dld not stop the Sharples ego Dr Ktidare limit New Snort reach sound grand slam eon brothers from reaching the one Hazel ï¬g gafffiil tract The bidding was natural grand slam with only so high 1101 mm 5W vise Piuworom throughout No artiï¬cial bids card points siisoaonirht snow 302 genie were used except toshow con lhmorrows Test your dummy 1W new trots where deemed necessary play iii Win Boosts 3W1 GI QI coo Adi out use weighing is Lil on so one in mi rimm DAILY CBOSSWOBD the Today inst FRIDAY WM 12 eso stuntisyarlnkiay News WI The Eamt atom mama Leo Leave To sum lantgnliiatlcnll Showtime IN maffloï¬kfhw moss iii sin v72 the lhat sis tunion mm some emu wu est cas menial News tooo Jack Pm ma Peooia Ararunny thecheek iioo Newa Weather sport mo ro Great senator 1130 anlght Rubinoon mo ioï¬oo Auras Httchcock saruaoaa am is 1mm Newl Weather sports 72 Alrtctlitslra UM 1120 The ma snow ram 33 gaigflétszcfl Phoenix City awry clalura IE vise Kartoon xapm dAflRIMY man 21Dleouao 100 Hector Heathen mo summer Semester entai qu ioso 111qu aoo Popeye Pl house alienate mimosam that Dennis Tn ateosee 333 11 val aLPeatah sawtflted 133 £33m 1on Quick Draw Mean wort aneur Evaluate ssa longtime high amiss Playhouse nun legit Wuuai7on itso ro Roy norm Show ï¬g no AutryRogers mo Sky King sso Nae spam special mo Tennesee Tuxedo 198159 toputp Iii ill InEnronannou hunt Iiaw or th it momma are as IM Brunet eoo William reu mm MW no The Lieutenant no ted Meek Amateurs use my annop soo Wreattinl Stimulate moo Saturday Night atom 545 headline News Sparta ammonia no ow we it we mm 11 an er ae eaaan iiso enluroay Nilht Moate sea The Defenders Jamaal 10a ass Report Zoo eiilzm Show uumo iioo Newa Weather sport 1m Movie TRY WANT ADS The 11 Wï¬ï¬ï¬‚ hwflï¬nl dwwh had valueswelt shovel mini mum opening Oi course he had no way of knowing yet whether the iinai contract would eventu ally he played in one at his suits his partners suit or in notrunip He bid three diamonds shaw orbirothersui same time marking clubs as the longer onesince he had bid them first North now indicated his club support by bidding tour clubs and in this way estab Ilshed that suit as trump From this point on iirst and second round controls were shown South showed the ace at hearts by bidding tour hearts and North bid iive diamonds to show the king South then bid five spades to inihcate the king and North recognizing this as grand slam try lumped to seven clubs This contract was easily made It is Interesting to note none fliflï¬ifl DONALD DUCK BLONDIE GRANDMA JULIET JONB LES CANADIENS rswrratwvï¬r varwrraï¬hwawzreev we ll Illll names THURSDAY JUN 11 10 teneromme rer INRWWLFIH Manitvourorce was oemamoes Homes Demos are some measles or LA QtthA Nou5 BONNER Lacarr oewzwoscosrmmveuenr IECtIEMliI custom mmmwmmamw ammoniaowns nanometre suture 923mm VIIIREQKT WNW mmlmwilwm anmmmnuwmmnmm vggmamnumuty so Mammemmmwumwta WAS STANDle ON THE CORNEI WHEN THIS DIG REDiUITERLI GORGEOUS CONVERTIBLE zoomsUP IM WAITING FOP MY BLIND SEATS RED LEATHER TOP DOWN RADIO MWIWTEVEN nonsmoisitsmvs oantrmy storeriialrllme we sent AN mnuuooseonizs wenusoasss vnniileroe ammonites unimportant WEEKEINGHIGIIEV WWI DTIIEPARABISIIMNDS nae emanate IDLIKETDWSOME mootremains mowermm nu sn mull mess WMth WILSON Etit iIEYIG 50R 0F SOIJTII 0Fde SOMEWHERE ay seiiri are remaine we his