ROMANDIILE CHAMPION sore Romandaie Cora the ash cago international Grand Champion of i062 soid tor 023000 at the Romandala Farms Holstein sale held at Unionvllie This is the sec ond highest price ever paid Mill Rates Drop In Oro Township 0R0 The root budget at es timated revenue and expendi ture ior Om lhwnship was pass ed at the June meeting here by council The local township raie will be in mills ior resi dential and arm assessment and mliis for commercial assessments the total rsta ior school area high schools county and township in the Barrie area for 1061 iaresirientlal em mills commercial 571 mills compare to 5160 and 510 mills ior in the Oriliia area the total rate is 5511 residential 013 mills commercial in loss the rates were 5108 and 634 George Sutton was appointed as acting lira chlel oi the new Shanty Bay area bylaw was passed at the June meeting set ting up the Shanty Bay area as lire protection area ol the township and appointing the lira chiei Zone Forester Simpson Angus oilice oi the Department at Lands and Forests gave report on the township raioresta tion plot Deputy Reeve Elmer Streis well reported back to council on meeting he attended concern ing ambulance service repor on the ambulance question is to be submitted to legislative committee he said Bartholomew and Ndhope warble iiy inspectors brought in their report The Award Contracts For Road Work BRADFORD Special West Gwlllimbary Township council held special meeting June to plan iurther aspects oi the that road construction prograln The gravel contract ior the Canal Bank was awarded to San dore Gravel Co Schomherg at $125 per too it Ii Stewart Construction Co at Oriiiia was hired to cut and supply iiil This is ior two iota at the intersection oi Concession la and No 20 Sideroad The contract price is $10 per hour with TD tractor and is yard scraper Council accepted the recom mendation of McGeorge Ontario Land Surveyor on the Bradlord Drainage Scheme and waived all objections to it Two lender calls were author lzed One tender call is ior cal verts on Concession is at No 20 Sideroad according to engin eers apeciiiceiions Another tender call will go out ior 10000 ions or more oi crush ed Elavei 5t inch screen to he delivered on township roads toy Oct 15 Deadline ior tender suhmissinns is July at noon to be accompanied by lo per cent deposit CLAIMS BIGGEST BALE LONDON Busters The Daily Mirror announced today its average circulation last month topped the 50000ho snarkgiving it the highest dailyi linngcwmem wor ro age headlined The Mirror 13a 5000000 the newspaper its average salein May reached analitime record at 5010000 copies lEGION use WEDNESDAY JUNE eranrmo as JAcxeor $23009 iEGlOtt irate 371 cortaosr number oi cattle needing treat ment is down considerably this car compared to other years ay said Council will meet again on June ior dairy cow in Canada She was bought by the Cora Syndicate group oi Wash ington Stale breeders Leit to tint Gilieall Elmut Roman and Jeannie Eastw hrooh oi Romnndsle iohn Iennuon Noble he Ray Nelson and Dan Miller oi the Corn Syndicate One hudred and twentyvtwo head acid ior 335150 Canadian record total tor Holstein auction Iha average oi 52619 was the second highest in Canada ior all time The herd sire Ro mandale Reflection Marquis brought the Canadian record auction price oi $7000 going to Curtis Brecders Service Cary llilnols TONIGHT AND WEDNESDAY mm at lidtlmii iliiiiliIINEII Ilrnre lliillilJIIl rimming Liti iiIJi mates llit with livnig Entertainment gt SIIANIY BAY On High 11 Miles North at Barrie Adult Entertainment ismMaven Terrym Eric THOMAS SVKES Kill or cure MMNWW First Showing or Ihlsitlot Maria in Karrie STARTING TOMORROW BILIFF AR ris gonna PLAYERS revmenus president at Methane Angiers Association In in ht let ter that the tario provincial pollen cant prosecute these oi eodau unless there is villsge bylaw containing the necessity provisions owned Bugs has issued warn too awhnrnlng es eonalnthepondwiilbeconduct ii motor boats are allowed ere 111m are the provkioos eon West Gwiiiimbury Open Season 0n Deer iipproved BRADFORD Special An open season ior deer hunting this iali was approved by West Gwilllmhury 1bwnahip council at its Jane meeting here Conservation oilicers Sidney Doriand and Fred Marshall in terviewed council about deer season fliay suggested deer season running irorn Nov 011 inclusive grant oi 800 was approved mlttce and grant ol $20 to tha Alliston Swimming Pool Admin istration Committee Aromaskale or the Gillond Swimming Corn WW 73 we nmrrwwvurwavmunmmtrsy Wm Exclude Mater an From Tattenhct Relum Engagement by Popular Demand SIDNEY POITIER in his ACADEMY ewann WINNING PERFORMANCE as BEST ACTOR hrlrnlrmavhatimrml lees mun VIII luiiral nnntuanv nas onion clouvaemou usw Mowers Mllmtt rhumnmmrnmavmems of ï¬ï¬a Weather These Visionsinherit rum hymtha NtenhamAm momma or Interment Ior Local Ra weather at the Barrie haiku on salutary mm ed only slight aeothvest wind as welcome dosage Porlera solo took the lead are or second out oi the tint series lte atta chairman Peter and un Mr oiliciated tor is oil board Dr John hmya TONIGHT one reamm pm Jane Austens PRIDE and PBEIUDICE AUNENBE IIIJVIER GREEN GARSDN am MIMI hseadu rm lea Tue at Cities Tuesday Jone 20min BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 700 gm smut PLAYERS mums ceiméhtitfhet androadcotattol