Barrie Examiner, 9 Jun 1964, p. 4

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Wmmqmvgurw flan 17 W7 74 Ghr Wllil Publisher runanav uma nu ruéa iiiéirrir Examine Hula mu IIMFKIN arrest mom on Arguments Develop OverSmoking Ben Mam HOOD muoou Amova made by the laden minty Cornell has aroused keen controversy be tween unitea and nonundue access are sum Io parts at the country 1119 We move has been taken as reault oi the campaign to have cigar ette smoking Mucod becauaa hlodlcal ilndinga that it is onset the moat omunoo caus ea oi lung cancer At meeting whim reduced an argument two halt hours long with 17 speeches tha London County tmncll baa de cidedlogoaheadwilhactlooto prohlbliamokinglntbelmdon motion picture theatres 111a motion to put this into eiiect wascarrledbyavoteoirlto l7wbldrishutovertwotoona NONAPARTY VMZ This debate was the tint non party debate held tor many years in the London Cormty Council lhc oi on both sides and members win irced oi any obligation to iollow party line lt is likely that parliamentary legislation will be necessary beiore the councils decision can be put in to eiiect Towards this end dia fhussliiona are to hemhclhmlth ome Secretary st er of Health and the Cinemato graph Eshibitora Association Lets Oiier Suggestions For Centennial Project The Barrie City Council must reach decision by August as to what project it will support to mark Canadas centen nial year Otherwise it will not be eligible for per capita grants from the provincial and federal govarnments With population of 23000 Barrie would be entitled to receive total of $46000 from the two governments Regulations call for similar per capita expenditure by the council bringing the aggregate allowable sum to approximate ly $69000 At the moment the only project men tioned is watertrontpark The mat ter is still inthe discussion stage and no time as formal report from an investi gating committee has been submitted Meanwhile what does the avera citizen think Does public park the bill or do our citizens have other constructive ideas The question is still wide open There is still time to advance suggestions through letters or by verbal submissions to the council week Then these events will be mer The overwhelming issue in the council debate was the right oi individuals to smoke it tho arty whips were new mom cronad Lady Patric Donutratios murth oi the we said that she was cigarunder but she never looked than wbm she might cauag any discernth or inmveuiflloa to her neighbors la dragon as hadauggoai HI ad that two item no nude picture theatre in Tooting had imposed air mootha ban on Hooking but it had not worked Who is going to articles tir banr asked Mr hanafl the poor little ushernttai ll Lambourn chairman oi the health committee said lthinkwecanmakeoutan overwhelmlng cm to atop emot inginueinemaa anylgd we can ya young smoking arytor the benoiit oi the ovum One oi the opponcota oi the motion gave rather unusual reason ior his opposition He was ii SebuMontciiore Com aervalivo who said the the au tihorilies wouiioonsider line has angcroua ause peope try ing not to be caught wwid take quick put and try to hide the cigarette thereby creating new tire hasard turmoilzinc THE saws Senator Goldwaters Victory Causing Ripples Oi illenn By CAROL KENNEDY Canadian Pre Etaii Writer Senator Barry Goldwaters victory in the Calliomla Repub lican presidential primary is sending ripples at siennacroas the Atlantic What bothers British opinion about the rightwing senators The Fhramlner itself would welcome proposals from its readers and would be filtered to throw open its Letters to the tor column for such suggestions This matter has been bought fire for some time There has been ttle pub licity apart from brief statements from the committee that it will he read to report soon The public has been ept in the dark largely possiblybecause the committee does not wish to report pro gress until it has had an opportunity to game iorward with concrete proposi on The time has come for citizens to voice all of us The centennial is three years away There will be celebrations no doubtltwhich may last for day or even ly pleasant memories in 1968 But the centennial project will he fiermanent reminder of our century of te as nation It should have the sup portot every citizen DOWN MEMORY LANE was DAYS 20 values AGO Barrie Examiner Jones 1944 Two days after DDay News heading front page read Invasion Moves Ahead ln ance Successfully Inch churches were open daily for prayer services Fol lowing close oncapture of home by Al lied forces breaching of Nazi Atlantic Wall for 100 miles between its Herve and Cherbourg in Normandy was source oi great elation here Halfpage map was printed showing Britains Invasion Ports and French coastal areas Few names were yet available but mentioned as tak ing part were Major Mark Robinson Ma jor Cave and Flt Lt Herrv Coch rane from Barrie 0n sad do was news that SgtMajor George Moore oi Bell marthad been killed in action in Italy also LCpl Stanley Clute only son of Mr and Mrs Wallace CluteElm vale Pte Clarence Davis youn est son of Mr and Mrs Otto Dams sing Station Trooper Lloyd Ritchie Elmvale was reported badly wounded in Italy Flt Sgt Harold Chub Wilson 21 Bond Head and all members oi his The Barrie Examiner Katnonien moan class man Post Ollie Dammit Ottawa and or am hi Dailyr lundayap mnemofiihit or assume warts Publisher vrcaoaa wusoy all lineal gs nMoPElllltl Managing editor m3 WILSON Advmil luau saunas as our accountant sarcasm traumas cunrauua mnagar uburl nannu su mm ms yco emit on three manual and OutaidaCanada ptod Ladles Awdliary his company of 45th bomber crew failed to return from air operations over enemy territory High tribute was paid to memlorznoi Lt Joe Bullman McBride at ty Church died of wounds in Italy May 26 Dr William Lewis prominent Barrie physician and surgeon former Kiwanis district governor died in his 60th year Miss Maybetb Standen of China In land Mission reported safe in Chungking after her station of Yehsien was captured by Japanese Dr Haalett topped donors with his 18th at Red Cross blood clinic Warrant Officer Morley Ar nott oi Barrie was awarded Distinguished Flying Cross for great gallantry while serving with No35 Squadion Royal Air Force Seven nursesnone from Bar rie gra ital Schoolltev Ernest Lewis of Collier nited Church delivered address at an nual ceremonies Nursea Alumnae enter tained graduates with boat trip on be MrsH Howden was speaker Oldest Vsfiit present was Mrs Ross Bay Class of 1902 Mrs Ar thur Pugh was installed dent Lions Audrey Sarjeant and Ruth Johnson arrlegraduated as nurses from Grillia Soldiers Memorial Hospital Flying OfficerVictorIe Gear arrived overseas Ca Jack Wilson Toronto accountant om L1937 89 at Barrie branch Royal Bank reported killed in action May 23in ltaly leading Highlanders LParaoraphically Speaking says than arernh uraenot Ihere zyearcld wo could have added to wider ated from Royal Victoria Hoe lure at US power and ban net in Trinity Parish Hall where inchbylnch advance in the us presidential stakes is not the possibility he may edge Lyndon Johnson out at the White House in the November electionthat finance is regarded as negligi But it is tell that it he cap tures the Republican nomina tion and his somewhat eccentric ideas thus gain the endorse meat oi amsior US party it would seriously shake the tree worlds isith in the maturity oi us politics particular ear is that it might undermine the Atlantic alliance by sowing seeds of doubt as to the continued 115 commitment to an intonation alistlc policy and the curing oi the cold war Papas cartoonist oi the Guardian at Manchester showed French President do Gaulle ombraclng the Arlrona senator with the greeting Since Kennedy murder the liberal press Britain and Europe has bccorna perhaps overpreoccupied with the men ace oi the 115 radical right The suspicion llngera that even It it wars lone Marxist who shot the president the violent emotions stirred up by the rightwing anti Kenncdyelm palgn inDsllaa Just before the murder certainly helped create climate or such deed BIBLE THOUGHT am not ashamed oi the gov pol oi wristlumen 1m Character is revealed in the things at which we are ashamed bravo Barry another iacls tionist gt MOVE FURTHER RIGHT But the central cause tor the mild attack otBritlsh jitters is that if Goldwaterbecomes Prep ldent Johnsons election oppo neat Johnston may iind himrali lorccdhy political pressures to move further to the right him seli possibly taking tougher line Asia There is scertain shflchul surprise that Goldwater has got as far as he has The bondan Times while adnutting Gold in Cuba and Southeast waters personal appeal says his wild pronouncements on lor elga policy have made him the darling oi the extreme right including the lunatic triage that espouses violence at home and abroad Not that he in pictured at extreme as some at his sup portera The Guardian describes him rather as an 18thcentury individualist strayed by mistake into the wrong epoch sort oi Rip Van Winkle Who has been asleep since about me The Economist says his total flow thth has not ras dthe Pihthe 1960s But the sense oi hhock is real and it can be traced in part to with thoassassination oi Pres ident Kennedy and the extra mist image oi Dallas still pala iully trash in memory the so calledradicnl right in 115 politics had been thoroughly dis credited Now lt seems this is not so orrrcnn nsrrmuc rymwn OPlaMachcn weakening in the ballet that trrrras ro corroe BIN A03 only Ni rndngaraatdcatoillarriaior leaathanayearididntiecl had the flat to veto In complaints But toaiflu mat ters wan taken out at my handsln the space at tea briei seconds tool about be cams widow and the thought still makes me in weak Wa had purchased new house last all and like all thou people in the world who work hard or what they get are outta proud at our new home When the tips touches ol laying the sod were completed last wed we thought at loos last We iln lshad We taithinii watered our ironllawnaod ldoaay ao myaciiit was coming along pretty good say was be cause now our lawn has been rt Ind torn apart by six cy dcr culprit Well naturally the car couldnt do any dam age by ltacli an thereiors the isult must lie with the driver in this case two teenego boys One was learning to drive and the other was Hoot maluro enough to be an instructor it this Is the way teenagers learn to drive then say something should be done about it The police are only human and cant do evarythlog 1pm are quail ilsd driving adioola where these teen agen could learn to drive Aside irom tha isct that my iamily could have been without the breadwinnar the rents oi these boys could have with out their sons it is to he hoped that the pol in in Harris will make every eitort to eliminate dangerous driving on our city streets so that all driven young and old will know that this type oi drivt tug prevalent in many cities is not toleratad in Barrie 77 Cars lawns and material things can be re laced but not the lite that mi be taken Thank you Mrs Shirley Sullivan Barcsy St Barrie DOUOLMHDNORED TORONTO CHNew Demo cratic Party Leader Doug las Mood night received the litb annu Beth Shalom Broth erhood Award tor splendid achievements in humanitarian service and in furthering the case oi brotherhood in Canada ins schlomperaonsat Bath clam Synagogue here Mr Douglas laid that laws could and should be passed against hats llterature but that only the antibiotic at love would work against the forces oi hate and bigotry TE EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7281114 omissions smwrmmr awwwWmewimmnur fircwmmv Could Have Drought But Not Conclusive By DON OlilAllN TORONTO It looks as though we will be keeping an eye on the sky ail warmer Then could be another drought iLhare is nothing conclusive ye As we go into aummtr ills could turn either way And it will all depend on the weather the summer atarta there is not any overabundance oi walcr Over the winter the groom tables in soma areas filled up to normal In other areas however they are still below average And tram herein we are de pendent on nalule Given hot dry summer But it the ialrly cool an ialrly wet spring we have had is an indicator oi what is to coma we will be all right STRAIGHTENED DUTY Relations between the gov ernment and the civil aervice may ilnally be on the road Following the big protest by the Civil Service Association hill aprlng therewal quick on Provincial Treasurer lanrca Allan llhe mlnialrr responsible tor the civil service and oili 3a took quick on to on nay went to find out héw dcallnga belwcentha lover meat and its eroployces as handled there They thinned ieeling quite pleased and renewed negotaa tiona made better headway As result the ilral and meat on salary revisions Is to be signed by government ahd civil servioa representatives cannon HUItl Reportedly one key iinding mm the talks overseas was that permanent negotiators an needed particularly on the col ployoeaalde it is only recently that an as sociallon has had bargaining lithi with the government And even with this lthu been dredging lta negotiators lhe short coatings oi this are 0th us Just one is that it means considerable time must be spent while thenegotiatora pick up lha background it is said the association ot iicials themselves realise this and that negotiations will be on firmer basis in tha tutura PEI Towns Await Tourists CHARLMTENWN CF Frinoe Edward island is an or ganised camp awaiting the ar rival ol iotulsis to push on with an entertainment program that involves abuost every resident Each oi the islands 25 incor porated towns and villages has committee handling decora lions and planning special events and memorials to the 100th anniversary of the root Fathers oi Coniederation meet ing here Each town has chosen com munlty day on which everyone will take holiday and concea trata on anicrtaining them selves allow tslandou and tourists included arelobster parties harness racing parades cami vals ice cream partial steer sonata andiamlly reunions crown corporation the Prince Edward island Centen nial Committee has $00000 budget provided by the tederal vernment to help its provid ng 80 cents or each citizen to ward decorating tha oommunlt and to cents bend tor lb menwrtai protect One town is building as skating rink another estah log mum many plan nllggwnparks IodMMDLagouchsdla can gar en giltTad amnd convent both id PT eat everyone in town wimun tha calendar back me years during Kcnstnglon Rural Jubilee July 1012 lhoyll wear clothes irons the idol period and lde eonsnon 100 years ago will be made and sold An roar vlllag is being me ated and the island is being combed or luralture and imple manta oi the time to equip it The hem of ihe celebrm lions however is the $600000 Fathers oi Cordedcrstion Mc morial here The Dominion Drama Festival opened its theatre May 10 Conducted tours will liegiven during the evening Experienced stati morn bars will be on hand to assist you and answer guestions PaulEmilehcrnatchez 53 one er the Canadian Annny out standing oliicers will retire irom the armed cross in lhe near iuiure toiassumeasdlvlllan career after turning down senior appdlntment in the do ience depurtmohv Assn ate Defence Minister Cardin skin the announcement gave no iniormation on the no ture of the senior appointment altered to GenBernstchc1 who atthe moment is thevicechiei oi theICanadinn géneral stall the countrys No Idler

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