Charges arkstdrd MM City maid has Upped the parks board Aid ï¬nith charged today He was co on last highta decision by council to Ampt vim per lot than sub divlder George Davis has as lots oi parlr allowance rather than the moo recurrimended by the board the ï¬nance oonunlttee rug stcd council accept $1000 per plus interest oi six per cent or the ï¬ve per cent contribu tion rubdivralon or public Wm jAltl ï¬nlthaahtdthltthemo lon be rciemd back to Lorre mittee the perks board had the land in question appraised he said The appraiser valued the land at Asking mutton ct privilege Aid Robert quatloned the price which the parks board lad originalb accepted tor the park allowance ot the Ottawa Avenue area subdivision ï¬lial 31 no oper as an about it Aid Smith said Aid Heresy said that Sydmac Construction had sold parcel ol to lots to Mr Davies in 1962 tor $3300 or better than 3000 per lot lhe original val are at the indIll W5 per lot DEDICAHDN MADE Whether by mistake or over night the land was purchased flopped increase in land value is result ol the subdivision put in by Mr Davies he said He noted that and Construc tion Mr Daviea company has had previous trouble with the parka board He could not accept the boards compromise figure at $1 The board arrived at the figure by weighing the 31000 plus interut and the 500 Ald Hersey warned that Mr Davies neat action would be litigation He said that his corn on or posti as the matter be dealt with He stated that Mr Davies could start building homes within three weeks it council pushed the matter through then HORSE TRADING dont think council should go to the parks board and start horse trading the alderman laid Aldermen Newton Hob crta and Emms all spoke against Aid miths amend ment lhcy cit it Would be uni lair to charge Mr Davies the increased land value liPiiliMbiNE COMMITTEE INSISTS Vote Yes Would Legalize Whats Already Being Done More than 70 people gather ed at Baystslrs lindgc last night to discuss the lorthcomlng liquor vote in lnnisill ibwnship and to organize the afï¬rmative vote Charles snmule attllma tch vote manager said the earn paign started about four weeks ago and seems to be gathering strength The vote to be held June 17 from am to pm at the Council Chambers in wood is on two questions They are Are you In iavor nl litesale ol liquor under din ing loungc licence or consump tion with meals on licensed pro mlses Are you in iavor oi the sale oi liquor under lounge licence or consumption on licensed pre mises so per cent majority is re quired to swing the vote lhcra are 15 polls and 3300 voters lhc advance poll will be ORGANIZEWORKERS Lastnights meatng was to jorganize the workers for the Yes vote Frank Varlcy emphasized the importance of the correct mark ing oi ballots if everyone had marked their iballols concctIy last time we might not have had to go through this again he said Statistica show the advance fpoll is always in our favour Much of the workshop type meeting was given over to me Charlies oi the election Mme tions or soruhneers and other workers 1helnnisli11hwnmiplrogresa Committee has tamed state mcnt which reads in part The question is not wt or dry but simply whether or not to legal ize what already exists for we know that liquor is being sold and consumed in this township DEATHS Houston TenFormer Texas governor Hobby as who was chairman oi the Houston Post alter long illness like Brixham EnglandNeil Bell 77 British authnr whose real name was Stephan Scnuth would Montrealdun Frederic Bal dyga 54 pastor at Montreal fetish Catholic Church since 955 Santa Cruz Calil Elmer Stricklett inrmar maiorlcague pitcher who claimed he in vented the spitball Torontokaennze Noble av at Auckland NZ retired ac countant and past president of the Auckland Rotary club of heart attack It has been shown that ii legal butch bootleggera can not survive in licenced con trolled area Our aim is simply the pro gress of the township and pro gressrcqurresnwpcrcantma WW Results of liquor plcbcscrtc held June 1961 were Yes llC N0 115 The Vote Yes mnurtlttee predicts that the 1400 voters who tailed to vote last time will vote this time the taxpayers Approve Financing Work In Barrie Councfl last night authorized the issuing of some $1250000 to finance torecastcd local im provements construction costa and land purchases rir ï¬nance the installation oi storm trunk and sanitary sewers and watennains Sidewalks will ac count or 3141554135 the sum of $169000 will be borrowed to pay tor the library addition and $786000 lor thc con struction of the new Police Fire Magistrates Building bylaw received third read ing authorizing the borrowing oi 5100000 tor the purchase at an nexed HEPC transnisslon lines and new transiormars meters and constructing new substation leaders and overhead and un derground distribution systems in other areas of the city This lm received Ontario Municipal appro Announce New Healing Substance Shrinks Piles amtmmammmnm Wmdnpdrdrmuadï¬am ri°°l midi til oun un us an with the abflity to ahnnir bemorh rbnlda aaaly It rellam ltcbi 131 rim rig urn inflamedlhsue lnoase liter use while gently relieving nin actual reduction shrinkage took place Most impartant oi allresults weresothoroughthatthisimproya mentors maintained over period at many months tells an tissue Now BioDyna is oilch in olnta meat and augpoaitory torn called Preparation Aair iorit stall drug storesmoney back guarantee that shouidhave Lorne board he said be noted Needs money it can get its board should have had our years ago and it division wasnt Ylldult Club Enjoys Outing musing aollbail game war the highlight of the ailcrnoon activities organised by the Bar réledY Yonggrkhdults Club at water Sunday Other games included horre shoe pltchlng and an egg throw ing contest barbecue style picnic lunch was held to conclude the at tcrnoon activities Relreshments which were much appreciated on such by local solt drink iirm gay is being planned or June will probably avoid the cost at another vote Circe years trorn MOW The conunittee quoted two pol ice chiefs on the question Whan interviwed Juno on the sub ject of the client oi the coming at lounges to Bame Polico Oriel Ed catamaran is to have stated he has not had to in crease his force due to the com ing of lounges and he is un aware oi an increase in crime that could be attributed to lounge licences and dining lounge lican oes Chief William Brown at lnnis gdlbwnship Police was also quo lntervicwm the same day Grief Brown is to have said that it the questions on the bal lot carry he did not aspect any increase in orzrnc and he did not expect tha any increase his one would be required The Vote Yes Committee warm alternoon were donated cottage party at Shanty nwwmmr 91¢ vrm anemia1n cm bosons ltETlithG morons lau Caldwell one oi Ban rica oldest ones is re tiring hlr ell was pre sented with glita mm the city Mayor Cooks at last ts cotutdi meeting He worked tor the gas works lrom 19784988 ior the PUG 19383 cm couvcn amass manta lor 33955674 the gasoline station closing hours bylaw was rescheduled to go into eitect June 18 instead in city solicilor had advised council that the June it data was one day too into and that tho bylaw would be void ii ellccted that day Minor wording changes were also made the city will axpropriata land or soioot road allowance north Oiiicials To Meet Education Minister City oliiclals including tha mayor and the chairman of the industrial commission meat with Education Minister William They will discuss the possible location school oi vocation in or near Davis today in Barrie the city Aid Hersey who made the announcement said that nor thing has been promised by the provincial government but that Barrie had established the need or such school tall rant champ In Ont Finals Council passed the May ac Ha appcarad quite optim oi the CNR llnc betwa Vain oouver and Puget streets this will allow the cstcnsion oi Kam pentclt drive TheCNitï¬ill pay lor the acquisition since it built the line on the citys road lowance Aid Horsey hard the propcrty owners were in agreement with possibly one exception Aid Newton oordialiy invited Mayor awoke to visit the Mile Works Commit tee meeting He said the mayor has not visited the committee this year the mayor said he was in close touch with the chairman Aid Morrow and was aware that the committee was functioning well The Planning Board has re versed its proposal to change Back street to Willowdala Ava hue it now advocates Bad be come part of Grove street The Sheba Shrine Club has re quested rotund oi the $100 cir cus ice paid tor the recart show lira proceeds are donated to local hospitals Rental tor the arena was $325 The ï¬nance committee will discuss the re quest convictions Miss Jane Scnlt willbo guest Ladies AliiglrijL and ated the di plant Em rer Man Is Charged For Disturbance Wellington street man was charged with causing distur zance while being drunk Satur ay Bernard Smith was arrested by constables Earl MnCrona and Barry Bradley lollowlng soul tla at Baylleld and Dunlap streets ciliren reported to be the brother at one the arrcstlng oiilcera assisted the policemen The olilccrs wrastled the man into the car and took him to the station aaiv ma nature namean streams hrsa Food StoresyMonday Approved By some Merchants porno managerial load rtorca in Barrie iavor drugs in pre lent store opening and closing Roy thistle managerpt la IGA Hmwstmt WI Approve stay open all day Wednesday and closed all day Monday This gives un play the weekend to them lla pointed out that glam is ttitruadliy clean up pm on ry any can HI stated that the food in lhntry has always been tamed to work long hours People work log in thelndurtry want Lborier hours and the only way to make this possible would be by loss log on Monday he said this has the employee live more hours Cutlord Hurl manager oi Buohlerr said he was against ny opening oi stores on nesdav alternoon We like day all the aameaa anyone else and during the summer its the only hall day we get its got to the point where people know wem closed We have stayed open Wednesdays when weve had to and wedldnt do thing Dominion Stores View at expressed by Joe lir man er ol the Barrie Store He says that he is in iavor oi closing all day Monday apart tram July and August it we were closed all day Monday than wed be open the rent at the week mm am to arm with the ex ccpllon at Fri ay when we would be open from am to pm Such plan had been dbl used on occasion at local Chamber oi Commerce meeta CUSTOM lS COMMON Sharing nod and drink with triends alter wedding cere money is the most widespread at all marriage customs among loud Well Ind and In port or such move colour trnm many food stun march ants in themnrnunltyv hiring manager at iewr said hell not inkialvor nt making poops Ivor ongl hours then they already do Wednesday is hlll holiday in Barrie and it has been tor years think most people are accus tomed to this it would be dill erent it we were closed all day Monday Adjourn Case Of Negligence Judge Carter adjourn ed damages or negligent in motor accident use yesterday altar crlllclciring counsel or not having suiilclant evidence The iirrt witness James Nichol testiï¬ed that his car was Involved in an accident in oril He ldcntllicd pictures ol the suilairen shortly alter the accl en Heaald the apprakcd value ol the car was $1150 Judge Caner told counsel Mr Cameron at Marshall Russell and Cameron nlat not the way to prove dam ea You need some other ev ence be sides the plaintitt At this point counsel asked or postponement Judge Carter replied lll al low ynu to do that in this car Mr Cameron but not in tan other Mr Nichol said motor com partys estimate at repairing the car was more than 81000 The car was sold his 0165 ha said The case was adlourned all races nd culture 1034 June to holds that banquet permits are the main issue in this pimiscite in statement the committee said local associations will be able to obtain banquet permits tor special events The main reason the sponsors of the Yes Committee are asking ior an alilnnative vote is so that You may be able to obtain ntut permits in the township At present anyone wishing to termplan loan puts the mo it gives you greater bargaining nu havemore to spend on them itselt Borrow this businesslike way Noextrar No wlrmcrnt this years teenage sale driv ing roadeoo will represent Bar rie June at in the AilOntario Driving Roaden to ba held in Kitchener this is sponsored by imperial Oil The laycees sponsored the roadeo in Barrie have spirits at banquet must do so illegally by carrying it on their person speaker at the 7th annual Lud ies Night to be held today at 630 pm in Central United Church hall by the Christian Business Mens committee of Barrie Miss Scott is the author of the book Adventures with God and other publications The guest soloist will be Mrs Paris of Maple Farm Eradlard Everyone is welcome to attend First saw Royalb Bank termplan shoppedaround for out loan then carbargain power And den charges Fast neyyonneedmtoyonrpooketbrhrtynn sonarhinting keep your ï¬nancing costs down so that New Howdo you shave ontop of Mt Everest Gammforethebatbermopcloses Gatherwood build tire melt snow thawsoap and nsoa blade lose regular shaver witha 37621 toot extension cord time you want money for new carer any trig pnrchasc on Royal Bonkrï¬mnbont lowcoat lifeinsured loan THE co Lime DUDE PLAN aprondaHEAtlNGOil payments uniformly warrencontemplan loans Yourch son 32000 Yorrmyam llorrthlypnymnl unionth 4393 Financern advanc ROYAL BAN P1FltA5ERManagar wrcta may Spread your tool oilpnymenlr edeniy over loony months Avoid heavy mid alter btilr when too consumption is high and other expenses are generally heov Coll us tocioyi